Ember Computed Property Slow and Inconsistent - javascript

I have an app that displays videos and allows users to rate the videos. An average rating and the number of times the video has been rated are displayed beneath it. To calculate these I have added computed properties to each model. The average property relies on the sum and length computed properties.
/*global Ember */
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
title: DS.attr('string'),
url: DS.attr('string'),
ratings: DS.hasMany('userrating'),
users: DS.hasMany('user'),
rated: DS.attr('boolean'),
// maps through ratings objects and pulls out the rating property
// returns an array of integers that represent all of one videos ratings
numRatings: Ember.computed.mapBy('ratings', 'rating'),
// returns the sum of a videos ratings
sum: Ember.computed.sum('numRatings'),
// returns the number of ratings a video has
length: Ember.computed('numRatings', function () {
return this.get('numRatings').length;
// returns true if the video has only been rated once
// this is used to determine if '1 user' or '2 users' etc.
// should be displayed
one: Ember.computed('length', function () {
if (this.get('length') === 1) {
return true;
// returns the average rating of a video
avg: Ember.computed('length', 'sum', function () {
return Math.round(this.get('sum') / this.get('length'));
I have noticed that sometimes the sum is displayed in place of the average. This usually happens only for a second and then the average correctly displays, but every once in a while the average does not display. Today, all videos except for one were displaying correctly, but that one video was displaying ’33/5’ as the average rating.
Why is this happening?
Should I not build Ember computed properties to rely on each other?
Is this just a problem with the browser being slow? I am loading a bunch of videos and images.
I am pretty new to web development in general and this is my first Ember app.

It's difficult to really know where there may be performance issues without seeing your entire architecture, but I can see the following:
You have a relationship with userrating and user models associated with your video model
Both your sum and length computed properties are based off of another computed value, which itself is performing a map to pull out rating values out of ratings objects
You have another computed watching length, that is purely determining the plurality of the word "user" somewhere else in the code
Lastly, you have an avg computed that is watching those other two computed properties as well
Now, again, I can't really provide an exact answer why, but here are a few suggestions to (maybe) lighten to load on your model here.
Eliminate the one computed altogether. You can perform this calculation on the component/controller side if you really want to know if a single one is selected, but you can do something else like Ember.computed.equal('numRatings', 1)
length property can be eliminated in favour of this.get('numRatings.length')
Have avg watch just numRatings so that it will only recalculate if that particular number changes, because you already know that sum will update as well anyway, so might as well reduce the number of observed properties
That said, if it's still acting wonky, you may want to make sure the data found in userrating entries are correct. If it still feels slow or takes its time calculating, you can also try changing mapBy into a plain vanilla JS for loop, as those are significantly faster (albeit less readable) than using Array methods.
Good luck!

length: Ember.computed('numRatings', needs to be length: Ember.computed('numRatings.[]', -- you need to observe the length of the array, not the array itself (which will only raise a flag if the value changes as a whole)
you can also use the alias property -- Ember.computed.alias('numRatings.length')


undertanding javascript pagination math problem

I am trying to understand how to approach math problems such as the following excerpt, which was demonstrated in a pagination section of a tutorial I was following.
const renderResults = (arrayOfItems, pageNum = 1, resultsPerPage = 10) => {
const start = (pageNum - 1) * resultsPerPage;
const end = pageNum * resultsPerPage;
arrayOfItems.splice(start, end).forEach(renderToScreenFunction);
In the tutorial this solution was just typed out and not explained, which got me thinking, had I not seen the solution, I would not have been able to think of it in such a way.
I understood the goal of the problem, and how splice works to break the array into parts. But it was not obvious to me how to obtain the start and end values for using the splice method on an array of of indefinite length. How should have I gone about thinking to solve this problem?
Please understand, I am learning programming in my spare time and what might seem simple to most, I have always been afraid and struggle with math and I am posting this question in hopes to get better.
I would really appreciate if anyone could explain how does one go about solving such problems in theory. And what area of mathematics/programming should I study to get better at such problems. Any pointers would be a huge help. Many thanks.
OK, so what you're starting with is
a list of things to display that's, well, it's as long as it is.
a page number, such that the first page is page 1
a page size (number of items per page)
So to know which elements in the list to show, you need to think about what the page number and page size say about how many elements you have to skip. If you're on page 1, you don't need to skip any elements. What if you're on page 5?
Well, the first page skips nothing. The second page will have to skip the number of elements per page. The third page will have to skip twice the number of elements per page, and so on. We can generalize that and see that for page p, you need to skip p - 1 times the number of elements per page. Thus for page 5 you need to skip 4 times the number of elements per page.
To show that page after skipping over the previous pages is easy: just show the next elements-per-page elements.
Note that there are two details that the code you posted does not appear to address. These details are:
What if the actual length of the list is not evenly divisible by the page size?
What if a page far beyond the actual length of the list is requested?
For the first detail, you just need to test for that situation after you've figured out how far to skip forward.
Your function has an error, in the Splice method
arrayOfItems.splice(start, end).forEach(renderToScreenFunction);
The second argument must be the length to extract, not the final
index. You don't need to calculate the end index, but use the
resultsPerPage instead.
I've rewrite the code without errors, removing the function wrapper for better understanding, and adding some comments...
// set the initial variables
const arrayOfItems =['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m'];
const pageNum = 2;
const resultsPerPage = 5;
// calculate start index
const start = (pageNum - 1) * resultsPerPage; // (2-1)*5=5
// generate a new array with elements from arrayOfItems from index 5 to 10
const itemsToShow = arrayOfItems.splice(start, resultsPerPage) ;
// done! output the results iterating the resulting array
itemsToShow.forEach( x=> console.log(x) )
Code explanation :
Sets the initial parameters
Calculate the start index of the array, corresponding to the page you try to get. ( (pageNum - 1) * resultsPerPage )
Generates a new array, extracting resultsPerPage items from arrayOfItems , starting in the start index (empty array is returned if the page does not exist)
Iterates the generated array (itemsToShow) to output the results.
The best way to understand code, is sometimes try to run it and observe the behavior and results.

Best ways to get random items from an array in javascript

Considering the performance, what's the best way to get random subset from an array?
Say we get an array with 90000 items, I wanna get 10000 random items from it.
One approach I'm thinking about is to get a random index from 0 to array.length and then remove the selected one from the original array by using Array.prototype.splice. Then get the next random item from the rest.
But the splice method will rearrange the index of all the items after the one we just selected and move them forward on step. Doesn't it affect the performance?
Items may duplicates, but what we select should not. Say we've selected index 0, then we should only look up the rest 1~89999.
If you want a subset of the shuffled array, you do not need to shuffle the whole array. You can stop the classic fisher-yates shuffle when you have drawn your 10000 items, leaving the other 80000 indices untouched.
I would first randomize the whole array then splice of a 10000 items.
How to randomize (shuffle) a JavaScript array?
Explains a good way to randomize a array in javascript
A reservoir sampling algorithm can do this.
Here's an attempt at implementing Knuth's "Algorithm S" from TAOCP Volume 2 Section 3.4.2:
function sample(source, size) {
var chosen = 0,
srcLen = source.length,
result = new Array(size);
for (var seen = 0; chosen < size; seen++) {
var remainingInput = srcLen - seen,
remainingOutput = size - chosen;
if (remainingInput*Math.random() < remainingOutput) {
result[chosen++] = source[seen];
return result;
Basically it makes one pass over the input array, choosing or skipping items based on a function of a random number, the number of items remaining in the input, and the number of items remaining to be required in the output.
There are three potential problems with this code: 1. I may have mucked it up, 2. Knuth calls for a random number "between zero and one" and I'm not sure if this means the [0, 1) interval JavaScript provides or the fully closed or fully open interval, 3. it's vulnerable to PRNG bias.
The performance characteristics should be very good. It's O(srcLen). Most of the time we finish before going through the entire input. The input is accessed in order, which is a good thing if you are running your code on a computer that has a cache. We don't even waste any time reading or writing elements that don't ultimately end up in the output.
This version doesn't modify the input array. It is possible to write an in-place version, which might save some memory, but it probably wouldn't be much faster.

Getting the index of an object in an ordered list in Firebase

I'm building a leaderboard using Firebase. The player's position in the leaderboard is tracked using Firebase's priority system.
At some point in my program's execution, I need to know what position a given user is at in the leaderboard. I might have thousands of users, so iterating through all of them to find an object with the same ID (thus giving me the index) isn't really an option.
Is there a more performant way to determine the index of an object in an ordered list in Firebase?
edit: I'm trying to figure out the following:
---- leaderboard
--------user4 {...}
--------user1 {...}
--------user3 {...} <- what is the index of user3, given a snapshot of user3?
If you are processing tens or hundreds of elements and don't mind taking a bandwidth hit, see Katos answer.
If you're processing thounsands of records, you'll need to follow an approach outlined in principle in pperrin's answer. The following answer details that.
Step 1: setup Flashlight to index your leaderboard with ElasticSearch
Flashlight is a convenient node script that syncs elasticsearch with Firebase data.
Read about how to set it up here.
Step 2: modify Flashlight to allow you to pass query options to ElasticSearch
as of this writing, Flashlight gives you no way to tell ElasticSearch you're only interested in the number of documents matched and not the documents themselves.
I've submitted this pull request which uses a simple one-line fix to add this functionality. If it isn't closed by the time you read this answer, simply make the change in your copy/fork of flashlight manually.
Step 3: Perform the query!
This is the query I sent via Firebase:
index: 'firebase',
type: 'allTime',
query: {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"filter": {
"range": {
"points": {
"gte": minPoints
options: {
"search_type": "count"
Replace points with the name of the field tracking points for your users, and minPoints with the number of points of the user whose rank you are interested in.
The response will look something like:
max_score: 0,
total: 2
total is the number of users who have the same or greater number of points -- in other words, the user's rank!
Since Firebase stores object, not arrays, the elements do not have an "index" in the list--JavaScript and by extension JSON objects are inherently unordered. As explained in Ordered Docs and demonstrated in the leaderboard example, you accomplish ordering by using priorities.
A set operation:
var ref = new Firebase('URL/leaderboard');
ref.child('user1').setPriority( newPosition /*score?*/ );
A read operation:
var ref = new Firebase('URL/leaderboard');
ref.child('user1').once('value', function(snap) {
console.log('user1 is at position', snap.getPriority());
To get the info you want, at some point a process is going to have to enumerate the nodes to count them. So the question is then where/when the couting takes place.
Using .count() in the client will mean it is done every time it is needed, it will be pretty accurate, but procesing/traffic heavy.
If you keep a separate index of the count it will need regular refreshing, or constant updating (each insert causeing a shuffling up of the remaining entries).
Depending on the distribution and volume of your data I would be tempted to go with a background process that just updates(/rebuilds) the index every (say) ten or twenty additions. And indexes every (say) 10 positions.
"Leaderboard",$UserId = priority=$score
"Rank",'10' = $UserId,priority=$score
"Rank",'20' = $UserId,priority=$score
From a score you get the rank within ten and then using a startat/endat/count on your "Leaderboard" get it down to the unit.
If your background process is monitoring the updates to the leaderboard, it could be more inteligent about its updates to the index either updating only as requried.
I know this is an old question, but I just wanted to share my solutions for future reference. First of all, the Firebase ecosystem has changed quite a bit, and I'm assuming the current best practices (i.e. Firestore and serverless functions). I personally considered these solutions while building a real application, and ended up picking the scheduled approximated ranks.
Live ranks (most up-to-date, but expensive)
When preparing a user leaderboard I make a few assumptions:
The leaderboard ranks users based on a number which I'll call 'score' from now on
New users rank lowest on the leaderboard, so upon user creation, their rank is set to the total user count (with a Firebase function, which sets the rank, but also increases the 'total user' counter by 1).
Scores can only increase (with a few adaptations decreasing scores can also be supported).
Deleted users keep a 'ghost' spot on the leaderboard.
Whenever a user gets to increase their score, a Firebase function responds to this change by querying all surpassed users (whose score is >= the user's old score but < the user's new score) and have their rank decreased by 1. The user's own rank is increased by the size of the before-mentioned query.
The rank is now immediately available on client reads. However, the ranking updates inside of the proposed functions are fairly read- and write-heavy. The exact number of operations depends greatly on your application, but for my personal application a great frequency of score changes and relative closeness of scores rendered this approach too inefficient. I'm curious if anyone has found a more efficient (live) alternative.
Scheduled ranks (simplest, but expensive and periodic)
Schedule a Firebase function to simply sort the entire user collection by ascending score and write back the rank for each (in a batch update). This process can be repeated daily, or more frequent/infrequent depending on your application. For N users, the function always makes N reads and N writes.
Scheduled approximated ranks (cheapest, but non-precise and periodic)
As an alternative for the 'Scheduled ranks' option, I would suggest an approximation technique: instead of writing each user's exact rank upon for each scheduled update, the collection of users (still sorted as before) is simply split into M chunks of equal size and the scores that bound these chunks are written to a separate 'stats' collection.
So, for example: if we use M = 3 for simplicity and we read 60 users sorted by ascending score, we have three chunks of 20 users. For each of the (still sorted chunks) we get the score of the last (lowest score of chunk) and the first user (highest score of chunk) (i.e. the range that contains all scores of that chunk). Let's say that the chunk with the lowest scores has scores ranging from 20-120, the second chunk has scores from 130-180 and the chunk with the highest scores has scores 200-350. We now simply write these ranges to a 'stats' collection (the write-count is reduced to 1, no matter how many users!).
Upon rank retrieval, the user simply reads the most recent 'stats' document and approximates their percentile rank by comparing the ranges with their own score. Of course it is possible that a user scores higher than the greatest score or lower than the lowest score from the previous 'stats' update, but I would just consider them belonging to the highest scoring group and the lowest scoring group respectively.
In my own application I used M = 20 and could therefore show the user percentile ranks by 5% accuracy, and estimate even within that range using linear interpolation (for example, if the user score is 450 and falls into the 40%-45%-chunk ranging from 439-474, we estimate the user's percentile rank to be 40 + (450 - 439) / (474 - 439) * 5 = 41.57...%).
If you want to get real fancy you can also estimate exact percentile ranks by fitting your expected score distribution (e.g. normal distribution) to the measured ranges.
Note: all users DO need to read the 'stats' document to approximate their rank. However, in most applications not all users actually view the statistics (as they are either not active daily or just not interested in the stats). Personally, I also used the 'stats' document (named differently) for storing other DB values that are shared among users, so this document is already retrieved anyways. Besides that, reads are 3x cheaper than writes. Worst case scenario is 2N reads and 1 write.

How can I reliably subsort arrays using DOM methods?

UP-FRONT NOTE: I am not using jQuery or another library here because I want to understand what I’ve written and why it works (or doesn’t), so please don’t answer this with libraries or plugins for libraries. I have nothing against libraries, but for this project they’re inimical to my programming goals.
That said…
Over at http://meyerweb.com/eric/css/colors/ I added some column sorting using DOM functions I wrote myself. The problem is that while it works great for, say, the simple case of alphabetizing strings, the results are inconsistent across browsers when I try to sort on multiple numeric terms—in effect, when I try to do a sort with two subsorts.
For example, if you click “Decimal RGB” a few times in Safari or Firefox on OS X, you get the results I intended. Do the same in Chrome or Opera (again, OS X) and you get very different results. Yes, Safari and Chrome diverge here.
Here’s a snippet of the JS I’m using for the RGB sort:
return a.blue - b.blue;
return a.green - b.green;
return a.red - b.red;
(sorter being the array I’m trying to sort.)
The sort is done in the tradition of another StackOverflow question “How does one sort a multi dimensional array by multiple columns in JavaScript?” and its top answer. Yet the results are not what I expected in two of the four browsers I initially tried out.
I sort (ha!) of get that this has to do with array sorts being “unstable”—no argument here!—but what I don’t know is how to overcome it in a consistent, reliable manner. I could really use some help both understanding the problem and seeing the solution, or at least a generic description of the solution.
I realize there are probably six million ways to optimize the rest of the JS (yes, I used a global). I’m still a JS novice and trying to correct that through practice. Right now, it’s array sorting that’s got me confused, and I could use some help with that piece of the script before moving on to cleaning up the code elsewhere. Thanks in advance!
In addition to the great explanations and suggestions below, I got a line on an even more compact solution:
function rgbSort(a,b) {
return (a.red - b.red || a.green - b.green || a.blue - b.blue);
Even though I don’t quite understand it yet, I think I’m beginning to grasp its outlines and it’s what I’m using now. Thanks to everyone for your help!
OK. So, as you've discovered, your problem is that the default JavaScript sort is not guaranteed to be stable. Specifically, I think that in your mind it works like this: I'll sort by blueness, and then when I sort by greenness the sorter will just move entries in my array up and down but keep them ordered by blueness. Sadly, the universe is not so conveniently arranged; the built-in JS sort is allowed to do the sort how it likes. In particular, it's allowed to just throw the contents of the array into a big bucket and then pull them out sorted by what you asked for, completely ignoring how it was arranged before, and it looks like at least some browsers do precisely that.
There are a couple of ways around this, for your particular example. Firstly, you could still do the sort in three separate calls, but make sure those calls do the sort stably: this would mean that after sorting by blueness, you'd stably sort by greenness and that would give you an array sorted by greenness and in blueness order within that (i.e., precisely what you're looking for). My sorttable library does this by implementing a "shaker sort" or "cocktail sort" method (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocktail_sort); essentially, this style of sorting walks through the list a lot and moves items up and down. (In particular, what it does not do is just throw all the list items into a bucket and pull them back out in order.) There's a nice little graphic on the Wikipedia article. This means that "subsorts" stay sorted -- i.e., that the sort is stable, and that will give you what you want.
However, for this use case, I wouldn't worry about doing the sort in three different calls and ensuring that they're stable and all that; instead, I'd do all the sorting in one go. We can think of an rgb colour indicator (255, 192, 80) as actually being a big number in some strange base: to avoid too much math, imagine it's in base 1000 (if that phrase makes no sense, ignore it; just think of this as converting the whole rgb attribute into one number encompassing all of it, a bit like how CSS computes precedences in the cascade). So that number could be thought of as actually 255,192,080. If you compute this number for each of your rows and then sort by this number, it'll all work out, and you'll only have to do the sort once: so instead of doing three sorts, you could do one: sorter.sort(function(a,b) { return (a.red*1000000 + a.green*1000 + a.blue) - (b.red*1000000 + b.green*1000 + b.blue) } and it'll all work out.
Technically, this is slightly inefficient, because you have to compute that "base 1000 number" every time that your sort function is called, which may be (is very likely to be) more than once per row. If that's a big problem (which you can work out by benchmarking it), then you can use a Schwartzian transform (sorry for all the buzzwords here): basically, you work out the base-1000-number for each row once, put them all in a list, sort the list, and then go through the sorted list. So, create a list which looks like [ [255192080, <table row 1>], [255255255, <table row 2>], [192000000, <table row 3>] ], sort that list (with a function like mylist.sort(function(a,b) { return a[0]-b[0]; })), and then walk through that list and appendChild each of the s onto the table, which will sort the whole table in order. You probably don't need this last paragraph for the table you've got, but it may be useful and it certainly doesn't hurt to know about this trick, which sorttable.js also uses.
I would approach this problem in a different manner. It appears you're trying to reconstruct all the data by extracting it from the markup, which can be a perilous task; a more straightforward approach would be to represent all the data you want to render out to the page in a format your programs can understand from the start, and then simply regenerate the markup first on page load and then on each subsequent sort.
For instance:
var colorsData = [
keyword: 'mediumspringgreen',
decimalrgb: {
r: 0,
g: 250,
b: 154
percentrgb: {
r: 0,
g: 98,
b: 60.4
hsl: {
h: 157,
s: 100,
l: 49
hex: '00FA9A',
shorthex: undefined
//next color...
That way, you can run sorts on this array in whatever way you'd like, and you're not trying to rip data out from markup and split it and reassign it and all that.
But really, it seems you're maybe hung up on the sort functions. Running multiple sorts one after the other will get unintended results; you have to run a single sort function that compares the next 'column' in the case the previous one is found to be equal. An RGB sort could look like:
var decimalRgbForwards = function(a,b) {
var a = a.decimalrgb,
b = b.decimalrgb;
if ( a.r === b.r ) {
if ( a.g === b.g ) {
return a.b - b.b;
} else {
return a.g - b.g;
} else {
return a.r - b.r;
So two colors with matching r and g values would return for equality on the b value, which is just what you're looking for.
Then, you can apply the sort:
..and finally iterate through that array to rebuild the markup inside the table.
Hope it helps, sir-

divide one value by another

I have some code from someone but wondering why they might have used a function like this.
this.viewable= 45;
getGroups: function() {
return Math.ceil( this.getList().length / this.viewable );
Why would they divide the list length by a number viewable.
The result is the amount of items that should be rendered on the screen.
Why not just say 45 be the number. Is it meant to be a percentage of the list. Usually I will divide a large value by a smaller value to get the percentage.
Sorry if this seems like a stupid math question but my Math skills are crap :) And just trying to understand and learn some simple Math skills.
It's returning the number of groups (pages) that are required to display the list. The reason it's declared as a variable (vs. using the constant in the formula) is so that it can be modified easily in one place. And likely this is part of a plugin for which the view length can be modified from outside, so this declaration provides a handle to it, with 45 being the default.
That will give the number of pages required to view them all.
I would guess you can fit 45 items on a page and this is calculating the number of pages.
Or something similar to that?
This would return the total number of pages.
Total items = 100 (for example)
Viewable = 45
100 / 45 = 2.22222....
Math.ceil(2.2222) = 3
Therefore 3 pages
judging by the function name "getGroups", viewable is the capacity to show items (probably some interface list size).
By doing that division we know how many pages the data is to be divided (grouped) in order to be viewed on the interface. The ceil functions guarantees that we don't left out partial pages, if we had come records left that don't fill a complete page, we still want to show them and therefor make them count for a page.
