Firebase get all usernames & user Id starting with user entered character - javascript

I am trying to only fetch username and user IDs that only start with the User entered text.
Below is my firebase database:
As you can see the database contains a list of user Ids which contains the username.
For Example: If the user enters M in the search box, Query should
return Mr Jois and it's the corresponding user ID.
I am trying to do this using javascript. Below is my code:
function* searchUsers(action) {
const database = firebase.database();
const ref = database.ref('users');
try {
console.log('about to fetch filters users');
const query = ref.orderByChild('username').startAt(action.searchText);
const snapshot = yield call([query, query.once], 'value');
console.log('done fetching users');
But I am not getting the expected results. Can someone please tell me how to query the result to get the expected result?

Firebase Database queries do a prefix match, not a contains. But since you only specify startAt(...) the query matches all users from the ones whose name starts with the prefix, including all names after it. If you only want results that start with the prefix string, you'll want to also use endAt(...):
const query = ref.orderByChild('username').startAt(action.searchText)endA‌t(action.searchText+‌​"\uf8ff");
const snapshot = yield call([query, query.once], 'value');
snapshot.forEach(function(child) {
console.log(child.key, child.val().username);

Initially, I was thinking the equalTo() query along with Firebase .indexOn the username.
However, what we really need is a substring like ECMAScript 6's String.prototype.startsWith() method:
So, The only way I see to do it with realtime DB is to get/fetch/.once it then process client side where you have more robust string matching capability. I guess the next question is how to pull/fetch only the username property of each user key.

To query based on the first character, you should get that character and pass it to the startAt() function:
const query = ref.orderByChild('username').startAt(action.searchText.charAt(0));


How can I access a specific attribute of a specific document in a mongoDB collection?

To summarize, I am working with 2 collections - 'usercollection' and 'groupcollection' and I would like to associate users with groups. I don't want to have 2 copies of all the user documents so I have a unique ID attribute for each user that I want to use to associate specific users with specific groups. This is all running on a localhost webserver so I'm getting the input from an html page with a form in it where you enter 'username' and 'groupname'. I tried using the .distinct() function with query as 'username' and the target field/attribute as 'uid'.
// Set our internal DB variable
var db = req.db;
// Get our form values. These rely on the "name" attributes
var userName = req.body.username;
// Set query and options for searching usercollection
var query = {"username" : userName};
const fieldName = "uid";
// Set our collections
var users = db.get('usercollection');
// Get UID corresponding to username
var uidToAdd = users.distinct(fieldName, query);
This is what I attempted (with some other lines that aren't relevant taken out) but it just returned a null object so I'm at a bit of a loss. Also, I'm still a beginner with nodejs/javascript/mongoDB so the more informative the answer the better! When I do the same code in the mongo shell I can get the actual value of the 'uid' attribute so I really don't know what's going wrong
I am not sure I am following you. But if I understood correctly, if you want to make a relationship between 'usercollection' and 'groupcolletion', you can simply create those 2 collections and each user in 'usercollection' should have a field with 'groupid' as a reference. In this way, you can access 'groupcollection' easily.
Here is an example with using mongoose.
In User model
groupId: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectID
ref: "Group"
Later you can also use 'populate' to fetch 'Group' information.
let data = await User.findById(id).populate('groupId');

Is there a way to shorten the code of getting one user from postgres DB in node.js?

I use node.js and pg library (node-postgres) to interact with database.
This is the code I use to retrieve one user of specific ID:
const { rows: users } = await db.query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $1", [id]);
const user = users[0];
Even if there is only one record postgres always returns an array, so I retrieve this first item in the second line.
Is there a way to shorten this code if there is only one user? Like make it one line instead of two.
You can directly get the first user object by destructuring the rows array
const { rows: [user] } = await db.query(...)

Parse - limit result of a Query in Cloud Code

Hello is this code in the comment possible with Parse Cloud Code?
Parse.Cloud.beforeFind('Note', function(req) {
var query = req.query;
var user = req.user;
// if a given 'Note' visibility is set to 'Unlisted'
// return only the Notes with 'user' field that the calling _User
The documentation only shows how to filter fields that are returned but not exactly remove items from the query result in the Cloud Code.
This can be done through ACL, I know, but the caveat is that if the request is a retrieve function and not query the Note should still return.
Assuming you've saved the user as an object relationship (not a string id). Just add the qualification you need, such as:
query.equalTo("your_user_pointer_col_on_Note", user)

How do I read a username from the firebase realtime database in javascript?

Here is the structure of my database, where the long string of characters is the user id.
How do I read the username of the user if I know the user id is set to the variable uid?
This is a pretty basic firebase operation and if you haven't already, you should read their documentation.
But, if you have the user ID stored in a variable named uid, eg:
const uid = "14hxjh...";
Then you can read that data by doing (assuming users is a top level node):
firebase.database().ref(`users/${uid}/username`).once("value").then(snap => {
const username = snap.val();
// Do things with username.

How do I get the same format for a javascript array and django set on the backend?

I have code that, when a user is logged in, selects recipes that apply to him based on the ingredients (items) he has previously identified identified as possessions.
This code gets the id's of the items the user already has:
if request.user.is_authenticated():
user_items = [possession.item for possession in request.user.possession_set.all()]
user_items_ids = [ for item in user_items]
uids = set(user_items_ids)
The following code, which already existed, is where I run into problems...
recipes = [(recipe, len(set([ for item in recipe.items.all()]) & uids), recipe.votes) for recipe in recipes]
I created another part of the site that allows people who have not yet signed up to just pick a few ingredients. I do this with some jQuery on the front end, then send the results to the backend:
var ingredient_set = [];
ingredient_set[index] = $(this).attr('id').substr(4);
$.get('/recipes/discover', { 'ingredients': ingredient_set },
The problem is when I receive them on the Django side, with this code:
uids = request.GET['ingredients']
I get the following error:
unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'set' and 'unicode'
Basically, I know they aren't in the same format, but I don't know how to get them to be compatible.
You are sending a JavaScript array in the query string of your GET request. Therefore you should use request.GET.getlist. Just using request.GET[key] gives you the last value for that key.
>> request.GET['foo[]']
>> request.GET.getlist('foo[]')
[u'1', u'2', u'4', u'5']
Note that the values are unicode, but you probably need them as integers, so be sure to convert them.
uids = request.GET.getlist('foo[]')
uids = set([int(x) for x in uids])
I'm not sure why my key is actually foo[] and not just foo, but as you get no KeyError, request.GET.getlist('ingredients') should work.
