I need help to improve the number of points displayed on the chart line.
With the current code, for 100000 points, only 20 drawn in the graph line.
var elements = new Array(100000);
for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
elements[i] = i;
var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main'));
var option = {
title: {
text: 'ECharts entry example'
tooltip: {},
legend: {
xAxis: {
data: elements
yAxis: {},
series: [{
name: 'Sales',
type: 'line',
data: elements
You have to modify the xAxis for this. You should take a look at the axisTicks, and play around with the interval option. It either supports auto, a number or a function.
Alternatively, you can also manually show/hide the datapoints, by telling the data elements to display them, but maybe this only works when there's an axis tick available.
For displaying every datapoint, set showAllSymbol to true in the series data.
series: [{
name: 'Sales',
type: 'line',
showAllSymbol: true,
data: elements
However, 20.000 datapoints may be a lot, so you can also create an interval by setting showSymbol within the data elements
for(i = 0; i < elements.length; i++){
elements[i] = {
value: i,
symbol: (i % 100 === 0) ? 'circle' : 'none'
This will set showSymbol to true for every 100th iteration. You may have to combine this with showAllSymbol: true in the series data to work properly.
Note: % is the modulus operator
I already know how to draw a vertical line in the chart but it's a static value and I want to be dynamic. So what I want is to get the Index of the current month and year is there a function?.
Imagine that the current date is now = '27-03-2021'
I need a function that retrieves the current month and year
Note: this.value, this.category, this.point always show undefined why can't I use it in the potLines area?
xAxis: {
categories: ['01-08-2018', '01-10-2019', '31-02-2020', '27-03-2021', '01-01-1900'],
plotLines: [{
color: '#FF0000',
width: 1,
value: index = (function() {
var value;
if (this.category == '03-2021') { //Compare only the month and year
value = //I want the Index of this position date
} else {
value = //the length of the list
return value;
Here is a dynamic way to set the plotLine
let data = () => {
let data = []
let start = 1609455600000
for(let i = 0; i < 12; i++){
data.push([start + i * 2592000000, Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(30))])
return data
Highcharts.chart('container', {
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime',
plotLines: [{
color: '#FF0000',
width: 2,
value: Date.now()
series: [{
name: 'Installation',
data: data(),
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>
<div id="container"></div>
I believe as per the API documentation that value only takes a value not a function. If you wish to use a function to you can do so in chart.events.load for example. Then you could try to get the value, category, point from the chart object using this keyword.
I am working on a project and want to dynamically create highchart by assigning series arrays to the highchart. I use some dummy data to generate the array, however, in the example I provided below, the two columns are excatly the same which is not expected.
$(function () {
var field_result = new Object();
var series = [];
var result_array = [];
var fields = [32, 22]
for (var i=0; i<fields.length; i++)
field_result.name = fields[i];
for (var m=0; m<4; m ++) {
result_array[m] = Math.random()*10;
field_result.data = result_array;
chart: {
type: 'column'
title: {
text: 'Column chart with negative values'
xAxis: {
categories: ['Apples', 'Oranges', 'Pears', 'Grapes', 'Bananas']
credits: {
enabled: false
series: series
Thank you very much.
You intent to create two distinct series-objects with separate data-arrays and put these in the series-array. But you are initializing these objects outside the loop for each individual series, so you end up overwriting the first data object with the second data.
You just have to move the initialization inside the loop:
$(function () {
var series = [];
var fields = [32, 22];
for (var i=0; i<fields.length; i++)
var field_result = new Object(); // <---- moved here
var result_array = []; // <---- moved here
field_result.name = fields[i];
for (var m=0; m<4; m ++){
result_array[m] = Math.random()*10;
field_result.data = result_array;
Then in each loop iteration a new object and array will be created and filled with random data.
Highcharts is an amazing library, however I need to programatically scroll through the chart as if the cursor itself was hovering across the x-axis. The only way I can think of doing this is by selecting points, unfortunately I could not find options in highcharts api documentation that allows me to put crosshairs/ playheader on selected points.
How can I do this?
This is not part of the API, but you can use point.onMouseOver() to fire mouseover event: http://jsfiddle.net/15dzo23n/1/
var index = 0;
chart: {
events: {
load: hoverAnim
tooltip: {
crosshairs: true
series: [{
name: 'AAPL',
data: [5, 10, 15, 12, 13, 14, 12, 1, 12, 1, 12, 12, 12, 1]
function hoverAnim(e) {
var chart = this,
points = chart.series[0].points,
len = points.length;
if (index < len) {
chart.hoverSeries = chart.series[0];
chart.hoverPoint = points[index];
chart.pointer.runPointActions(e); //display crosshair
points[index].onMouseOver(e); // display tooltip and set hover state
setTimeout(function () {
hoverAnim.call(chart, e);
}, 100);
Pawel Fus had a good answer, however I found an even better solution which doesn't have the buggy lag behavior when switching to different time points. Also events are not needed in this solution.
var chart = myElement.highcharts();
function select(value) {
// Scroll to some time.
var axes = chart.axes;
for (var i = 0; i < axes.length; i ++) {
var axis = axes[i];
axis.drawCrosshair(null, chart.series[0].points[value])
for (i = 0; i < chart.series.length; i++) {
var series = chart.series[i];
// Unset last value
// Set new value
oldValue = value;
I am working in representing data in Highcharts. I have got a task like representing sales of every company for every year, where x axis has categories from jan to dec and y axis has data in which each year's data should be shown in different series, for example, if year is 2010, then jan to dec of 2010's data should be displayed as one series and remaining years.
For that I have googled all over the StackOverflow but I have not succeeded yet.
Here is my code:
$.post('./reportdata/salesbyyear.php', { reportid: value }, function(data) {
//incoming data from php echo statement
var year_data = data;
//replacing all special characters with space, except :
year_data = year_data.replace(/[()""/>{}<]/g, '');
//replacing : with ,
year_data = year_data.replace(/:/g, ',');
//splitting the input data into array
var total_data = new Array();
total_data = year_data.split(',');
//creted two new arrays and stroing alternate elements of previous array into two different arrays
var month_data = new Array();
var year_name = new Array();
var y = 0;
for (i = 0; i < total_data.length; i++) {
month_data[y] = total_data[i];
year_name[y] = total_data[i + 1];
series = [];
series = generatedata(month_data);
function generatedata(data_array) {
// finding total number of arrays by divding the elements by 12
//so that if I get 44 elements, the total arrays will be 4 , i.e each array
// has sequential 12 elements that represents 1 year (12 months)data
var total = Math.ceil(data_array.length / 12);
var values = [];
var l = 0;
for (i = 0; i < total; i++) {
values[i] = [];
for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
values[i][j] = parseFloat(data_array[l]);
//adding data to series and using this series in highcharts code
data: values[i]
chart: {
type: 'line',
backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)',
lineColor: 'orange'
title: {
text: 'Customer Details',
style: {
fontFamily: 'monospace',
color: 'orange'
xAxis: {
lineColor: 'orange',
labels: {
style: {
fontFamily: 'monospace',
color: 'orange'
series: [{
data: series
I'm using the pie chart and just have a question. I'm filling a couple of arrays with json data like this...
for (var i = 0; i < json.results.length; i++) {
r = json.results[i];
In the series: data: property of the chart (I'm assuming this is where it would go??) when I just do this...
data: a_dataPerct
the percentages show up fine on the chart and the chart displays, but it says "Slice" for each section.
I want the a_dataOptionName values to be the names there instead of "Slice". How do I do that? I thought it might be like this...
data: a_dataOptionName,a_dataPerct
but it didn't like that.
The pie charts data is a twodimentional array with [name, number], like this:
for (var i = 0; i < json.results.length; i++) {
r = json.results[i];
a_dataPerct.push([r.OptionName, r.Percentage]);
series: [{
type: 'pie',
name: '',
data:<?php echo $jastudentcount; ?>
formatter: function() {
return ''+ this.point.name +': '+'('+ this.y +')'+ Highcharts.numberFormat(this.percentage, 2)+' %';