My bootstrap does not work with new installation - javascript

enter image description here
hi ,my bootstrap doesnot work yet ,because i am new user for bootstrap .
it doesnot work yet . anyone knows why ?
thank you

I'm not sure what you are going to do. The easiest way to make sure you code it right, download the bootstrap template and try to edit an element that you need.I do this when I first try to use Bootstrap as well.

You should post your code here to assist you.
But I can simply suggest you to have a look at boostrap documentation.
Loading CSS, JS problems.
I see your a screenshot. You need to add css file, js file in the folder you indicate.
You can use CDN links instead of them. You can find them in boostrap documentation.
If you add them, It will be working properly.
Good luck to you.


What is the reason that admin panel of wordpress has been broken in such a way?

What is the reason that admin panel of wordpress has been broken in such a way?
Deactivate recently install plugins and check. otherwise dDeacitvate each plugin one by one and check.
I don't understand your question properly but I think the style has broken. One of your Plugin stylesheets might have broken the admin site layout. Deacitvate each plugin one by one and check which plugin causing this issue.
Download source code of wordpress from, drop database and do installation again. It will work.

Keep getting jQuery conflicts, can't resolve

I'm currently updating the website, I updated it from Joomla 3.3.6 to Joomla 3.4.1. Before updating to 3.4.1, a few lightbox thigns wouldn't work. Right now, I've updated Joomla, and the lightboxes work fine, however, now the nivoSlider seems to be broken (and I suppose it's got to do with jQuery errors, .nivoSlider is not a function.
I honestly don't see what is wrong, it's a Joomla module called ARI Image Slider, but I can't find anything related to the issues I run into.
I deleted an (apparently) unused extension and the problem was solved
It seems like the jquery is already included in any of the extension. Try disabling jquery in any one extension then check it. I hope it would work.

JQuery carousel and template doesn't work together

First of all, I'm sorry if this is already asked. I couldn't find a answer.
I have a HTML5 template bought at themeforest and a jQuery carousel. I am not very similar with JavaScript or JQuery.
When I wanted to implement the carousel like it said in the description the JQuery/Javascript didn't work.
I found out that it could be the version of JQuery. The template(cleanstart) uses version 1.11.2 and the carousel uses 1.44.4. When I changed the carousel to that version it didn't work. When I changed the template version to 1.44.4, it didn't work either.
Then I've put the text from the carousel.js in a script tag in the HTML, and that seemed to work but then the templates jQuery didn't work...
Do you have any idea what the problem can be? Maybe a variable with the same name? I really don't know how to solve it.
Help is much appreciated!
With just this Information, It's pretty hard to help you. It could be a problem with your Implementation, a compatibility Issue or many things else.
Do you have a public page where the template and the carousel are implemented? Does the console window give you any error (if you don't have it yet, I recomend you to get Firefox and the addons Firebug and Webdeveloper Toolbar).
I have found my problem. it was a scroll section that causes the other jquery to stop. When I removed that part of the code, nothing bad with the carousel happened and the other parts worked fine!

Best way to create custom html joomla link

I'm new to Joomla , just want to understanding the best way to implement this.
The IDEA is to use that as a link , i click there and lead me to a article or link. (didn't include the javascript in the example)
-I was doing as a custom HTML, but the problem probably have to use javascript for the link but when i save it save without javascript (and probably it a little hardcoded)
- doesnt work for div
LOOKING the best way:
1) Have some ideas , one was to create a module, or something where i just put the image , link of the article and then is always automatically ( but not sure how to import javascript/jquery trough modules ANY HELP? Someone can help me building?)
2) any good module already created for this?
3) Tutorial than can help me understand?
Like a solution where i have possibility to reuse the code not hardcoded.
Thanks in advance.
There are some Joomla extentions which allow to insert into joomla site any code
If you want to include such code into article, you have to publish module in any position and then use this shotrcode {loadposition _any_position_}.
I hope it will be helpfull
Which Joomla Version are you using?
You have to disable the built in filtering of joomla and your editor:
for your eitor, go to plugins -> editor -> options -> filter onload ...
you dont need an extra extension for just a simple javascript link

Anyone know how to use the jQuery Gallery View Plugin?

I found the jQuery Gallery View plugin because I was looking for a good way to cycle through pictures including text and one that was well designed. This plugin does not seem to be updated anymore and does not have much documentation so I am having difficulties implementing it. Does anyone have an idea as to how it works?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
Heres the code I have now (of course with the pictures at the right locations just not possible to attach in jsfiddle):
Here's a start.
I'm taking a total guess at what your markup is supposed to be, because you were missing a bunch of </div> (close div) tags.
Things I had to change to get it this far:
Download, and from that file...
Paste in contents of galleryview.css and jquery.galleryview-2.1.1js into the fiddle (normally you'd do this with proper external scripts and stylesheets)
Fix the markup so that all those <div class="panel"> tags are properly closed
Get a copy of jquery.timers-1.1.2.js onto the page
Step 2: got the loader image working by hosting the loader.gif file on imgur and editing the CSS accordingly.
Themes are tougher, because apparently, this genius™ plugin tries to figure out where your themes are hosted based on the location of the <script> tag which was used to load the galleryview plugin code. Absolute genius... </sarcasm>
Check it out →
no more image 404s. Loaded next.gif, prev.gif, panel-nav-next.gif, and panel-nav-prev.gif onto imgur so that jsfiddle can actually get the images.
I had to actually edit the plugin source for this one; if your server has the directory structure that galleryview expects, this should not be necessary.
Now here's the thing
You could keep wrestling with this plugin.
Or, you could use a different one, like Galleria. As far as I can tell from the example you've been trying to assemble, Galleria does all the same stuff. Since Galleria is actively maintained, you should actually be able to use it with a reasonably recent version of jQuery, as well as actually get support for it from the developer.
Get the latest version of jquery gallery view here:
Then following on from that:
$('#photos .filmstrip').galleryView({
panel_width: 800,
panel_height: 300,
frame_width: 100,
frame_height: 100
