Filter through Angular Collection fast - javascript

I know it's trivial but I have a doubt to be clarified.
I have a collection vm.groups that has almost 1000 objects. Now, each object has name, id, links etc. property fields.
Grid only displays name and id.
Now, there is a text box where we enter some text and we have to filter data, according to whatever we entered but filtering must happen only within name and id fields of the objects not the other fields that are present within the objects.
So, both things can be done,
1) I create a temp collection from the original collection objects with only name and id fields and then bind the collection to view.
// vm.groups.forEach(function(element) {
// vm.displayedFieldGroups.
// push({name:,id:,transformedId: element.transformedId});
// });
2) Or, I create a custom filter vm.customSearch :
vm.customSearch = function(searchVal) {
if(vm.filter.length) {
if(vm.filter.toLowerCase().indexOf( !== -1 ||
vm.filter.toLowerCase().indexOf( !== -1) {
return true;
}else {
return false;
} else {
return true;
And in the view vm.groups | filter: vm.customSearch.
But I think second method is slower because each value in the collection would be passed to the filter which is obviously tedious for huge collection.
Am I right?
Which is the right way to do?
This was for a legacy application. There was a filter already implemented but that just goes through all the fields in the object. I need to only filter for name and id fields of objects.
Hence, I need to either create a custom filter or choose the first approach that I depicted.

You're right in your assumption that the filter would go over every item in the source array and run your filter function each time there's a digest cycle.
You should proceed with the first approach.


How to get checkbox value from localStorage

There is a page with a lot of different checkbox questions which then get submitted and populate the next page, this page however gets refreshed and the already annoyed potential client needs to go back and fill out the form again.
Now I have localstorage set up so he doesn't need to reselect all the checkbox again, he just needs to resubmit the form and his back in action.
How does one keep the values populated on the problem page so this fella doesn't have to go back to resubmit?
function save() {
localStorage.setItem('100', checkbox.checked);
var checkbox = document.getElementById('100');
localStorage.setItem('200', checkbox.checked);
var checkbox = document.getElementById('200');
function load() {
var checked = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('100'));
document.getElementById("100").checked = checked;
var checked = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('200'));
document.getElementById("200").checked = checked;
echo get_site_url().
I think is much simple for now and especially for the feature if you write some code to make the management for all checkboxes form your form.
First of all it will be best if you group all your checkboxes into a single place.
Into a function like this you can declare all your checkbox selectors you want to save into the localStoarge (now you don't need to make variables for each selector into multiple places into your code)
function getCheckboxItems() {
return ['100', '200']
.map(function(selector) {
return {
selector: selector,
element: document.getElementById(selector)
}`enter code here`
Then to make things much simpler you can store all the values from the checkbox into a single object instead of save the result in multiple keys, in this way is much simpler to make management (let's say you want to erase all values or to update only a part)
The following function will take as argument all checkbox items from the function above, the point is the function above will return an array with the checkbox id and the checkbox element, than you just reduce all that array into this function into an single object containing all the ids and values, after this you just store the object into the localStorage
function serializeCheckboxes(elements) {
var container = elements.reduce(function (accumulator, item) {
accumulator[item.selector] = item.element.checked;
return accumulator;
}, {})
localStorage.setItem('container', JSON.stringify(container));
function save() {
var elements = getCheckboxItems();
After this you need another function who will read all the values from the localStorge and place them into your checkbox "checked" state
function readCheckboxes() {
var storage = localStorage.getItem('container'), //Your key
container = (storage) ? JSON.parse(storage) : {};
Object.keys(container).forEach(function(key) {
var element = document.getElementById(key);
if(element) {
element.checked = container[key];
This is just a simple service who can manage your problem but I think, for any additional changes you can customize this solution much simpler instead of keeping all into multiple variables, also if you add more checkbox elements into your application with this solution you just add the corresponding id into the array from the first function.
A live example here:,js,output
localStorage has two main functions, getItem and setItem. For setItem you pass in a key and a value. If you write to that key again, it will rewrite that value. So in your case, if a box is checked you would do
localStorage.setItem("checkbox_value", true)
and when it is unchecked you would pass in false instead. To get the value you can look at using jQuery like so:
and use a simple if-else clause to pass in true or false. then when you reload your page, on $(document).ready() you can get the values using
and use JavaScript to set the check boxes values.
localStorage only allows you to store strings. What you can do is use a loop to create a string that has all the check boxes values separated by some delimiter. So, for example, if there are four check boxes with values true false false true your string would be "true\nfalse\nfalse\ntrue" where \n is the delimiter. then you can store that string in localStorage and when you retrieve it you can put all the values into an array like so:
array = localStorage.getItem(key).split('\n').
Then you can populate your check boxes with that newly retrieved array. Ask if anything needs clarification.

IN CQ, how to set value of all the items in Panel to blank

In ExtJS panel I need to set value of all items (e.g. textfield, pathfield) to blank. I don't want to set value of each individual item to blank but of whole panel in one go.
I am able to get list of items
function getAllChildren (panel) {
/*Get children of passed panel or an empty array if it doesn't have thems.*/
var children = panel.items ? panel.items.items : [];
/*For each child get their children and concatenate to result.*/
CQ.Ext.each(children, function (child) {
children = children.concat(getAllChildren(child));
return children;
but how to set to blank for whole panel? Please suggest what need to be done in this case.
Actually, it's not possible to do it with one liner - all at the same time. What your method returns is purely an array of objects. In fact if such syntax existed, it would iterate over all fields anyway.
Though clearing all fields, having the method you've proposed is very trivial to do. Just iterate over them all and call reset method. Mind some (especially custom) widgets might not handle it.
var fields = getAllChildren(panel);
CQ.Ext.each(fields, function(field) {
if (child.reset) {
You've got similar loop in your getAllChildren code - you might reset field at the same place.
The method is defined in Field type which is usually a supertype of each dialog widget. You can read more here.

How to filter nested object array with dynamic multiple check boxes in AngularJS. OR with and Filter

I trying to build a product list based on multiple filters. I thought this should be very straight forward but it's not for me at least.
Here is the plunkr
Checkboxes are dynamically generated from respective model e.g. sizes, colours, categories. Subcategory checkbozes should perform 'OR' query but cross section it should perform 'AND' query.
basically something like
filter:{categories:selectedcategories1} || {categories:selectedcategories2} | filter:{categories:selectedsizes1} || {categories:selectedsizes2}
problem is generating these filters dynamically. I also tried with filter in controller as-
var tempArr = [{'categories':'selectedvalue1'}, {'categories':'selectedvalue2'}];
var OrFilterObjects = tempArr.join('||');
$scope.products = $filter('filter')($scope.products, OrFilterObjects, true);
But couldn't find a way to assign correct value for OrFilterObjects.
Now as latest attempt (which is in plunkr) I am trying to use a custom filter. It's also not returning OR result.
Right now I am using it as productFilter:search.categories:'categories' if it would have returned OR result then I'd planned to use it as-
`productFilter:search.categories:'categories' | productFilter:search.colours:'colours' | productFilter:search.sizes:'sizes'`
Since I am here seeking help, it would be nice to have like productFilter:search.
I've spent considerable amount of time to find solution of this supposedly simple problem but most of examples use 'non-dynamic' checkboxes or flat objects.
May be I am thinking in wrong direction and there is a more elegant and simple Angular way for such scenarios. I would love to be directed towards any solution to similar solution where nested objects can be filtered with automated dynamically generated filters. Seems to me very generic use case for any shopping application but till now no luck getting there.
First thing you need to understand: this problem is not, by any definition, simple. You want to find a match based on a property of an object in an array which is a property of an object inside an input array you're supplying, not to mention [OR intra group] + [AND inter group] relations, search properties defined by either .title or .name, as well as criteria selection being completely dynamic. It's a complex problem.
Though it's a common scenario for shopping cart websites, I doubt that any web framework will have this kind of functionality built into its API. It's unfortunate but I don't think we can avoid writing the logic ourselves.
At any rate, since ultimately you want to just declare productFilter:search, here it is:
app.filter('productFilter', function($filter) {
var helper = function(checklist, item, listName, search) {
var count = 0;
var result = false;
angular.forEach(checklist, function(checked, checkboxName) {
if (checked) {
var obj = {};
obj[search] = checkboxName;
result = result || ($filter('filter')(item[listName], obj, true).length > 0);
return (count === 0) || result;
return function(input, definition) {
var result = [];
if (angular.isArray(input) && angular.isObject(definition)) {
angular.forEach(input, function(item) {
var matched = null;
angular.forEach(definition, function(checklist, listName) {
var tmp;
if (listName !== 'colours') {
tmp = helper(checklist, item, listName, 'title');
} else{
tmp = helper(checklist, item, listName, 'name');
matched = (matched === null) ? tmp : matched && tmp;
if (matched) result.push(item);
return result;
A couple of notes:
How to use: ng-repeat="product in products | productFilter:search".
The filter only does some basic checks: input must be an array, and definition must be an object. If you need more, you may do so there.
I would say that *.name is an exception to the rule (I assume that most of the criteria is defined by *.title). So, we handle that in if/else.
The count variable in a helper function is used to track how many checked checkbox(es) we went through for a particular criteria group. If we went through none, it means that whole criteria group is inactive, and we just return true.
It's a good design to create a filter that doesn't mutate the states of other objects outside it. That's why using count is better than calling cleanObj(). This is especially crucial when designing common components for other devs to use in a team: you want to minimize the element of surprise as much as possible.

Filtering contacts to display or show only set number of contacts

My app is calling pickMultipleContactAsync method that returns a list of contacts. If I want to filter only particular contats to display or show only a set number of contacts, does WinJS provide any specific methods or patterns to do this? I know since its a list, I probably can use some standard predicate type of thing to do this type of filtering, but I wonder if there is anything specific WinJS API to do this.
The WinJS.Binding.List uses a feature called "projection" to create a second list filtered by a predicate which will automatically update itself as the origin list changes.
Use the createFiltered function, then you can use the resulting list for example in a WinJS.UI.ListView.
Array.filter can be used in this case.
var picker = Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactPicker();
picker.commitButtonText = "Select";
picker.pickMultipleContactsAsync().then(function (contacts)
var contactsStartingWithPrefixPa = contacts.filter(function filterContacts(contact)
if (^Pa/))
return true;
return false;

Checking for equivelance

OK, I'm missing something here and I just can't seem to find it because the logic seems correct to me, but I'm certain I'm not seeing the error.
var VisibleMarkers = function() {
var filtered = _.reject(, function(marker) {
return marker.grade != $('.mapDataGrade').val() && !_.contains(marker.subjects,$('.mapDataSubjects').val())
return filtered
I'm using underscore.js and jQuery to simplify my javascript work.
So right now, I'm checking by means of selects which data gets to be rejected and then I display the filtered markers on the (google) map (if it helps at all, this is using gmaps4rails which is working perfectly fine, its this bit of javascript that's making me lose the last of the hairs on my head).
Currently, the code functions 100% correctly for the ".mapDataGrade" select, but the ".mapDataSubjects" isn't. Now the markers object has a json array of the subjects (this is for students) and each item in the array has its ID. Its this ID that I am supposed to be checking.
Can someone see what I'm doing wrong?
If there's more info that needs to be included, please let me know.
This is on plain javascript on a RoR application using gmaps4rails
Now the markers object has a json array of the subjects (this is for students) and each item in the array has its ID. Its this ID that I am supposed to be checking.
_.contains compares a values, but it sounds like you want your iterator to compare a value to an object's "id" property. For that, _.some would work; it's like contains, except that, instead of comparing values, you can write the comparison as a function:
Returns true if any of the values in the list pass the iterator truth test.
Here's how you'd use it:
!_.some(marker.subjects, function(subject) {
return == $('.mapDataSubjects').val();
If I'm right, the whole line should be like this:
return marker.grade != $('.mapDataGrade').val() &&
// check that none of the subjects is a match
!_.some(marker.subjects, function(subject) {
// the current subject is a match if its ID matches the selected value
return == $('.mapDataSubjects').val();
