Convert a German date to ISO date - javascript

I am developing a Node.js application and I have to convert a German string date like am 13. Dezember 2017 to ISO Date and when I used moment.js library to convert it I got an invalid date, any solutions?

You can parse 13. Dezember 2017 using moment(String, String, String) and then use toISOString().
Since your input is neither in ISO 8601 recognized format, neither in RFC 2822 you have to provide format parameter. DD stands for day of the month, MMMM stands for month's name and YYYY stands for 4 digit year.
The third parameter tells moment to parse input using given locale:
As of version 2.0.0, a locale key can be passed as the third parameter to moment() and moment.utc().
Note that you have to import de locale to make it work (using moment-with-locales.js or /locales/de.js in browser or following Loading locales in NodeJS section for node).
Here a live example:
var m = moment('13. Dezember 2017', 'DD MMMM YYYY', 'de');
console.log( m.toISOString() );
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You can use the toISOString method, it return a Date object as a String, using the ISO standard:
var d = new Date();
var n = d.toISOString();

Have a look here:
Do you need something like that:
moment('13. Dezember 2017', 'DD. MMMM YYYY', 'de').format(moment.ISO_8601);

You can easily format it using:
var now = moment(); // pass your date to moment
var formatedNow = moment().toISOString(now);
var formatedNow = now.toISOString();


Luxon fromFormat pattern ignore time

When I try to create Date object from string format in Luxon I get invalid date.
Hours and minutes are not passed. This gives me an Invalid date
const dateString = '28.09.2022';
DateTime.fromFormat(dateString, 'dd.LL.yyyy HH:mm').toJSDate();
// Invalid date
Using moment library it seems that if hours and minutes are not passed it defaults to 00:00:00
const dateString = '28.09.2022';
moment(date, 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm').toDate();
// Wed Sep 28 2022 00:00:00 GMT+1000 (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
Is there some option to format both formats with hours and without in Luxon using one method as I was using moment in many places and it accepted 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm' format no matter if you pass HH:mm in string?
No, I fear that there is no native way to get moment(String, String) behaviour in Luxon. Moreover, it seems that there is no counterpart of moment(String, String[]) in Luxon.
Please note that, while "Moment's parser is very forgiving", Luxon Parsing section of the docs states that "Luxon is quite strict about the format matching the string exactly."
You can build your own custom method and implement the business logic you need, here a possible example:
const DateTime = luxon.DateTime;
const customParse = (dateString) => {
let dt = DateTime.fromFormat(dateString, 'dd.LL.yyyy');
if (dt.isValid) {
return dt;
return DateTime.fromFormat(dateString, 'dd.LL.yyyy HH:mm');
let dateString = '28.09.2022';
dateString = '28.09.2022 11:46';
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JavaScript input date convertion

Is there any way to convert any date string (not necessarily current date) (could be any format) to specific date format in Javascript. Like converting "MM-DD-YYYY" or "ddMMYYYY" to "DD-MMM-YYYY"?
I know that from current date as var date = new Date(), we can get time and hours but what to do in case of existing date string like "31/01/1999" to "31-JAN-1999".
Given the input date string can be of any format.
This is a common problem.
You should be able to do it with moment.js.
moment("31/01/1999").formatWithJDF("dd - MM - yyyy");
Have a look here, for more details.
Using DateFormatter.js
var date = new Date('2020-03-25 10:30:25');
var formatter = new DateFormatter();
displayFormat = 'D M d Y h:i:s';
var dateString = formatter.formatDate(date, displayFormat); // Wed Mar 25 2020 10:30:25
This can be done by first checking the input date format with the arrays or Map of regex provided, then need to convert that format to JS accepted format ISO format.
Once converted to ISO format this date now can be converted to any form with logic written for it in separate functions.

Convert utc time into local time of specifc format

I have a date string of format dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss but its UTC which I want to convert to local. How can I do it using moment library?
const dateStr = '20.09.2018 16:12:37';
const format = 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss';
// for local time of UTC +3.00 new date Str will be 20.09.2018 19:12:37
You have to use moment.utc(String, String) to parse your string using UTC mode
By default, moment parses and displays in local time.
If you want to parse or display a moment in UTC, you can use moment.utc() instead of moment()
Then you can use local() to convert it to local time:
Sets a flag on the original moment to use local time to display a moment instead of the original moment's time.
Please note that since you input dateStr is not in ISO 8601/RCF 2822 recognized format you have to specify format when parsing it. Morover moment tokens are case sensitive so you have to use uppercase YYYY instead of yyyy to parse years and uppercase DD to parse day of the month since lowercase dd stands for day of the week (Mon, Tue, etc).
Here a live sample:
const dateStr = '20.09.2018 16:12:37';
const format = 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss';
console.log(moment.utc(dateStr, format).local().format(format));
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Have a look at Local vs UTC vs Offset guide to better understand how UTC and locale mode work in momentjs.
To convert from UTC to Local you need to use moment.local() method
const dateStr = '20.09.2018 16:12:37';
const format = 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss';
var newDate = moment.utc().format(format);
var temp= moment.utc(newDate, format);
var local = moment(temp).local().format(format);
More info on the official Documentation

MomentJS: how to parse dates in MM/DD/YYYY & DD/MM/YYYY

How can i use moment.js in both: Australia & USA time formats?
For example:
07/08/2017 - is good for both time formats, but!
30/08/2017 - is invalid for moment.js, but i can have such dateTime
You can check it here:
The parser is assuming that digits of the form XX-XX-XXXX are representing DD-MM-YYYY. If you'd like it to accept MM-DD-YYYY then you need to specify this.
eg var now2 = moment('08/30/2017', 'MM-DD-YYYY').format('MMM DD h:mm A');
You can also specify an array of different formats that you'd like it to accept so that it will recognise both:
var now2 = moment('08/30/2017', ['DD-MM-YYYY', 'MM-DD-YYYY']).format('MMM DD h:mm A');
Specify the format via a second parameter to the moment call
var now2 = moment('30/08/2017', 'DD/MM/YYYY').format('MMM DD h:mm A');
Otherwise there is no way for moment to know
Related docs here:
Corrected fiddle:
In your fiddle you are using a very old version of moment (2.2.1), I suggest to upgrade it to lastest one (2.18.1).
Using a newer version, you will have a Deprecation Warning in your console:
Deprecation warning: value provided is not in a recognized RFC2822 or ISO format. moment construction falls back to js Date(), which is not reliable across all browsers and versions. Non RFC2822/ISO date formats are discouraged and will be removed in an upcoming major release. Please refer to for more info.
Following the link (and moment(String) docs) you will discover that you have to specify format to parse you string correctly.
As Billy Reilly suggested you can use moment(String, String[]) parsing function. Please remeber that:
Starting in version 2.3.0, Moment uses some simple heuristics to determine which format to use. In order:
Prefer formats resulting in valid dates over invalid ones.
Prefer formats that parse more of the string than less and use more of the format than less, i.e. prefer stricter parsing.
Prefer formats earlier in the array than later.
So the way 07/08/2017 will be interpreted depends on the order of the format in array of formats parameter.
Here a snippet with some examples:
var now = moment('30/08/2017', ['MM/DD/YYYY','DD/MM/YYYY']);
var now2 = moment('08/30/2017', ['MM/DD/YYYY','DD/MM/YYYY']);
var now3 = moment('07/08/2017', ['MM/DD/YYYY','DD/MM/YYYY']);
console.log(now.format('MMM DD h:mm A')); // Aug 30 12:00 AM
console.log(now2.format('MMM DD h:mm A'));// Aug 30 12:00 AM
console.log(now3.format('MMM DD h:mm A'));// Jul 08 12:00 AM
var now4 = moment('30/08/2017', ['DD/MM/YYYY','MM/DD/YYYY']);
var now5 = moment('08/30/2017', ['DD/MM/YYYY','MM/DD/YYYY']);
var now6 = moment('07/08/2017', ['DD/MM/YYYY','MM/DD/YYYY']);
console.log(now4.format('MMM DD h:mm A')); // Aug 30 12:00 AM
console.log(now5.format('MMM DD h:mm A')); // Aug 30 12:00 AM
console.log(now6.format('MMM DD h:mm A')); // Aug 07 12:00 AM
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Moment.js with a format zulu and format date javascript

I have this format date:
01 is day, mar or feb is mounth and 0430 is 4 oclock 30 in formater zulu +00.
I would like to use moment for converting this format, I'm trying this:
moment('26Feb-0430').format("DD-MM-YY HH:MM");
but I haven't good format and I have this error :
Deprecation warning: value provided is not in a recognized RFC2822 or ISO format. moment c
onstruction falls back to js Date(), which is not reliable across all browsers and version
s. Non RFC2822/ISO date formats are discouraged and will be removed in an upcoming major r
elease. Please refer to for more info.
Can you help me for have 26/02/2017 06:30 for summer and 5h30 winter?
As suggested in the comments and in the warning message you have to use moment(String, String) parsing function.
In the format string parameter you have to use moment tokens where: DD is day of the month. MMM is month's short name, HH is 0-23 hours and mm (lowercase) is minutes.
Since you have to threat your input as +00:00, you have to use moment.utc.
Use format() to display the parsed moment object passing the tokens you need, always remember that moment tokens are case sensitive.
Here a working sample:
var result = moment.utc('26Feb-0430', 'DDMMM-HH:mm').format("DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm");
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