Bundling Jquery and other modules with webpack - javascript

Noob here (also couldn't find proper documentation).
So I was trying to implement gulp.js with jekyll. In order to do so, I wanted to concat javascript files into a single bundle. Now I can do that by hand, hard-coding every dependency and piping it through gulp-concat. But, I found out webpack does this thing pretty neatly. (PS: I was following https://ixkaito.github.io/frasco/). So now I installed webpack via npm, and tried to run my site, but it threw uncaught expression error. My directory tree is like this:
Now I want to make bundle.js files using this, so that webpack can automatically detect the correct dependency and import it. Am I supposed to require('jquery') and do the same for all dependency in main.js?
My webpack config is
entry: [


How to tell angular cli to stop using minified version of a vendor js file?

I have a build that includes the following scripts in my angular.json file:
"scripts": [
As you can see there, I'm including node_modules/jointjs/dist/joint.js, which is the non-minified version of the jointjs library.
However, when I run ng serve it continues to bundle the joint.min.js file, which resides in the same directory as join.js.
I would like to use the non-minified version while in dev, to help me track issues with params I'm passing to the library.
How can this be accomplished?
To achieve this you can redirect to the correct file in the tsconfig.json file like this.
"paths": {
"jointjs": [
Also I don't think you really need to have anything at all in scripts. What you put here gets included in another output file scripts.js which is separate from vendor.js and is meant if you want to include some scripts like the includes in a webpage. In this case all the related libraries get included by joint.js automatically and go into vendor.js so there is no need to include them again. Here is the documentation about global scripts in angular-cli.
Another option is that you edit the package.json file in the jointjs npm module (npm_modules/jointjs/package.json) directly and change the entry "main": "./dist/joint.min.js", to "main": "./dist/joint.js",. This is a bit of a hack since you are changing the npm package.

Using external js file in vue file with Webpack

I am working on a project which is used typescript, vue and webpack together. I have created some components and i can use them by importing. However i have different js files in another root folder like site.js, ruler.js, color.js, speech.js, drware.js and etc. Schema is like below
webpack config is getting index.ts from src folder which is shown above. When I don't use some functions (like jquery plugins or some special funciton) everything is fine. But when i use a functon from site.js webpack fives error like cannot resolve "ruler" from site.js
I have tried to concat by giving second entry in webpack.config.js but it didn' solve my problem. I wonder how to to resolve external js files in vue or ts files using webpack. I alson tried
but it didn't work too.
Edit : If i concat the js files manually and give it as script source on html it works without problem but i cannot merge all files like or i don't want to use "gulp" to concat them
Have you tried including a script-loader into your webpack's configuration?
Webpack is a bundler, not a script loader itself. I would recommend you to follow webpack's official instructions to add a script loader.
Good luck!

webpack - require script in index.js file without parsing

I'm using webpack with babel-loader to organize my webdriverio scripts. Since I'm writing automated web-site testing scripts, I don't have a production environment per-se, so the point of using webpack is really just to organize my code chunks better and transpile my es6 code to es5 since node does not allow all es6 features.
I have a script: "../../../external/file-search.js" which I am requiring at the top of an index.js file. The point of file-search.js is to search through the directory and require all files in that directory using fs. This is what my index.js file looks like (located in ~/tasks/):
var fileSearch = require("../../../external/file-search.js");
var d = __dirname;
when I run "webpack tasks test.js" webpack compiles file-search.js into my "test.js" file rather than requiring file-search.js and allowing me to use it's exported method in my index.js file. I will use file-search.js in all my index.js files so it's important to include it as a module. I've tried using externals but as far as I know, externals simply exclude certain modules from being compile/transpiled and try to bundle them into the final script. I actually want to require that script and use it right away in my index.js file. How can I require file-search.js and use it right away as part of my index.js file?

Webpack importing video.js returns an empty object

I am trying to use video.js via webpack.
I installed video.js via npm - npm install video.js --save-dev
In webpack I read that video.js should be loaded via script loader else it throws an error.
This is how I am loading video.js through the babel loader
loaders: [
test: /video\.js/,
loader: 'script'
I got this solution from here https://github.com/videojs/video.js/issues/2750
This is my import statement
import videojs from 'video.js';
The issue that I now face is the import is returning an empty object, so when I try to do this:
var vidTag = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.html5Video);
this.videojs = videojs(vidTag);
I get this error:
renderer-0.js:8031 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: (0 , _video2.default) is not a function(…)
Any help will be much appreciated. I am new to ES6 / React / Webpack
Please take a look at the loader's README before copy&pasting some random code. The script-loader is not appropiate here, because it imports scripts into the global scope while skipping the whole module system.
So, if you wanted to use the script-loader, you would just write:
import "script-loader!video.js";
console.log(videojs); // should be an object now
Usually I would not recommend the use of the script-loader because it neglects the whole point of a module system where you import stuff explicitly into the local scope. In the example above, the import happens as a side-effect into the global scope which is effectively the same as just using a <script> tag with all its downsides like name clashes, etc.
There are often better alternatives to it, like the exports-loader, which appends a module.exports at the end of the module, thus turning an old-school global script into a CommonJS module.
In this particular case, however, you don't need a loader at all because video.js is already aware of a CommonJS module system. Just write import videojs from "video.js";.
There is another minor problem, however. If you compile this with webpack, it will print a warning to the console:
WARNING in ../~/video.js/dist/video.js
Critical dependencies:
13:480-487 This seems to be a pre-built javascript file. Though this is possible, it's not recommended. Try to require the original source to get better results.
# ../~/video.js/dist/video.js 13:480-487
This is because webpack detects that this file has already been bundled somehow. Often it's better to include the actual src with all its tiny modules instead of one large dist because this way webpack is able to optimize the bundle in a better way. I've written down an exhaustive explanation about how to import legacy scripts with webpack.
Unfortunately, video.js does not include its src in the version deployed at npm, so you're forced to use the dist. In order to get rid of the error message and to improve webpack's build time, you can instruct webpack to skip video.js when parsing the code for require() statements by setting the module.noParse option in your webpack.config.js:
module: {
noParse: [
Usually it's safe to flag all pre-bundled modules (typically those with a dist folder) as noParse because they are already self-contained.
include SDN
<script src="//vjs.zencdn.net/5.11/video.min.js"></script>
webpack config:
config.externals = {
'video.js': 'videojs'

Make pdf.js 1.5 and require.js play nice together

In my project I have long used require.js together with the pdf.js library. Pdf.js have until recently been putting itself on the global object. I could still use it in my requirejs config by using a shim. The pdfjs library will in turn load another library called pdf.worker. In order to find this module the solution was to add a property to the global PDFJS object called workerSrc and point to the file on disk. This could be done before or after loading the pdfjs library.
The pdfjs library uses the pdf.worker to start a WebWorker and to do so it needs the path to a source file.
When I tried to update the pdfjs library in my project to a new version (1.5.314) the way to load and include the library have changed to use UMD modules and now everything get's a bit tricky.
The pdfjs library checks if the environment is using requirejs and so it defines itself as a module named "pdfjs-dist/build/pdf". When this module loads it checks for a module named "pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker". Since I have another folder structure I have added them to my requirejs config object with a new path:
paths: {
"pdfjs-dist/build/pdf": "vendor/pdfjs/build/pdf",
"pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker": "vendor/pdfjs/build/pdf.worker"
This is to make the module loader to find the modules at all. In development this works great. When I try to use the requirejs optimizer in my grunt build step however, it will put all of my project files into one single file. This step will try to include the pdf.worker module as well and this generates an error:
Error: Cannot uglify2 file: vendor/pdfjs/build/pdf.worker.js. Skipping
it. Error is: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
Since the worker source needs to be in a single file on disk I don't want this module to be included.
So I've tried two different config-settings in the requirejs config.
The first attempt was to override the paths property in my grunt build options:
paths: {
"pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker": "empty:"
The second thing to test is to exclude it from my module:
modules: [{
name: "core/app",
exclude: [
Both techniques should tell the optimizer not to include the module but both attempts ended up with the same error as before. The requirejs optimizer still tries to include the module into the build and the attempt to uglify it ends up with a RangeError.
One could argue that since the uglify step fails it will not be included and I can go about my bussiness, but if the uglify step should happen to start working at a new update of pdfjs - what then?
Can anyone help me figure out why the requirejs config won't just exclude it in the build step and how to make it do so.
I found out what the core of my problem was and now I have a way to solve the problem and make my build process to work. My build step in grunt is using grunt-contrib-requirejs and I needed to override some options in the config for this job.
I didn't want the pdf.worker module to be included in my concatenated and minified production code.
I didn't want r.js to minify it only to later exclude it from the concatenated file.
I tried to solve the first problem thinking that it would mean that the second problem also should be solved. When I figured out the two were separate I finally found a solution.
In the r.js example on github there is a property named fileExclusionRegExp. This is what I now use to tell r.js not to copy the file over to the build folder.
fileExclusionRegExp: /pdf.worker.js/
Second, I need to tell the optimizer to not include this module in the concatenated file. This is done by overriding the paths property for this module to the value of "empty:".
paths: {
"pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker": "empty:"
Now my grunt build step will work without errors and all is well.
Thanks to async5 for informing me about the bug with uglify and the pdf.worker. The workaround is applied in another grunt task that uglify the worker and copies it into the build-folder separately. The options object for the grunt-contrib-uglify task will need this property in order to not break the pdf.worker file:
compress: {
sequences: false
Now my project works great when built for production.
