I am trying to get a large dataset in Firebase database to Algolia for search indexing and every time I get a timeout error, what does that mean and how can I solve it?
I have created a node.js application to copy the data over and is as below. I can copy small data, say 10 contacts just fine, the problem is 3,000 contacts.
const algoliasearch = require('algoliasearch');
const dotenv = require('dotenv');
const firebase = require('firebase');
// load values from the .env file in this directory into process.env
// configure firebase
databaseURL: process.env.FIREBASE_DATABASE_URL,
const database = firebase.database();
// configure algolia
const algolia = algoliasearch(
const index = algolia.initIndex(process.env.ALGOLIA_INDEX_NAME);
// Get all contacts from Firebase
database.ref('/contactDetail/brazil').once('value', contacts => {
// Build an array of all records to push to Algolia
const records = [];
contacts.forEach(contact => {
// get the key and data from the snapshot
const childKey = contact.key;
const childData = contact.val();
// We set the Algolia objectID as the Firebase .key
childData.objectID = childKey;
// Add object for indexing
// Add or update new objects
.then(() => {
console.log('Contacts imported into Algolia');
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error when importing contact into Algolia', error);
I get a snippet of the contacts json and the following message:
contentLength: 854068,
method: 'POST',
timeouts: [Object],
url: '/1/indexes/app_NAME/batch',
startTime: 2018-01-17T20:35:27.239Z,
endTime: 2018-01-17T20:35:39.242Z,
duration: 12003 } ] }
ERROR TypeError: (0, _database.where) is not a function. (In '(0, _database.where)('email', '==', email)', '(0, _database.where)' is undefined)
In here I am generating a uniqe perant in the database using uid and update some values in it, I am trying to do some filitration based on the email to know if users exist then update the values if not then generate a new user
import { ref, get, set, query, where} from 'firebase/database';
useEffect(() => {
const writeToDatabase = () => {
if (location && location.coords && UserDataFromGoogleAuth) {
const usersRef = ref(database, 'users');
const email = UserDataFromGoogleAuth.email;
if (email) {
const query = query(usersRef, where('email', '==', email));
get(query).then((snapshot) => {
const uuid = snapshot.exists() ? Object.keys(snapshot.val())[0] : uid();
const userRef = ref(database, `/users/${uuid}`);
const userData = {
id: uuid,
name: UserDataFromGoogleAuth.displayName,
email: email,
includedKids: 0,
isSubscribed: false,
long: location.coords.longitude,
lat: location.coords.latitude,
online: props.online,
profilePicture: UserDataFromGoogleAuth.photoURL,
set(userRef, userData);
}).catch(error => {
}, [UserDataFromGoogleAuth, location, props.online]);
database structure:
Database> users> {uid foreach user}> {email}
The where method is part of the Cloud Firestore API (firebase/firestore).
There is no direct equivalent in the Realtime Database API (firebase/database) that allows using a similar shorthand.
Instead, you invoke one of the many QueryConstraint returning methods:
endAt(), endBefore(), startAt(), startAfter(), limitToFirst(), limitToLast(), orderByChild(), orderByChild(), orderByKey(), orderByPriority(), orderByValue() or equalTo(). Take a look at QueryConstraint for links to the API reference for these methods and read over the documentation for Realtime Database: Sorting and filtering data.
The equivalent of
// firestore
const query = query(usersColRef, where('email', '==', email));
// database
const query = query(usersRef, orderByChild('email'), equalTo(email));
I am trying so hard to upload one image from cloud functions
I am sending an image from the web to the cloud function using onRequest. I am sending a base64 string and the fileName. Now I was following different tutorials on the internet and couldn't seem to solve my problem.
Here is my code. I think I am doing something wrong with the service account json. Although i generated the json file and used it but still it didn't work.
I get the error of The caller does not have permission at Gaxios._request when i don't use service account json
And when i do use serviceAccount.json then i get this error The "path" argument must be of type string. Received an instance of Object which is from file.createWriteStream() i think
Anyway here is the code can anyone please help me with this
The projectId that I am using is shown in the picture below
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
const projectId = functions.config().apikeys.projectid; // In the picture below
const stream = require("stream");
const cors = require("cors")({ origin: true });
const { Storage } = require("#google-cloud/storage");
// Enable Storage
const storage = new Storage({
projectId: projectId, // I did use serviceAccount json here but that wasn't working
// With serviceAccount.json code
// const storage = new Storage({
// projectId: projectId,
// keyFilename: serviceAccount,
// });
// This is giving the error of: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received an instance of Object
exports.storeUserProfileImage = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
cors(req, res, async () => {
try {
const bucket = storage.bucket(`gs://${projectId}.appspot.com`);
let pictureURL;
const image = req.body.image;
const userId = req.body.userId;
const fileName = req.body.fileName;
const mimeType = image.match(
//trim off the part of the payload that is not part of the base64 string
const base64EncodedImageString = image.replace(
const imageBuffer = Buffer.from(base64EncodedImageString, "base64");
const bufferStream = new stream.PassThrough();
// Define file and fileName
const file = bucket.file("images/" + fileName);
metadata: {
contentType: mimeType,
public: true,
validation: "md5",
.on("error", function (err) {
console.log("error from image upload", err.message);
.on("finish", function () {
// The file upload is complete.
console.log("Image uploaded");
action: "read",
expires: "03-09-2491",
.then((signedUrls) => {
// signedUrls[0] contains the file's public URL
console.log("Signed urls", signedUrls[0]);
pictureURL = signedUrls[0];
console.log("image url", pictureURL);
} catch (e) {
return { success: false, error: e };
const storage = new Storage({
projectId: projectId
keyFilename: "" // <-- Path to a .json, .pem, or .p12 key file
keyFilename accepts path to where your service account is stored and the credentials themselves.
If your directory structure looks like about then the path should be like this:
const storage = new Storage({
projectId: projectId
keyFilename: "./credentials/serviceAccountKey.json"
Do note that if you are using Cloud functions then the SDK will use Application Default Credentials so you don't have to pass those params. Simply initialize as shown below:
const storage = new Storage()
So first of all I didn't give any serviceaccounts because I am using the firebase cloud functions as #Dharmaraj said in his answer
Secondly, this was a permission problem in the google cloud platform which can be solved by going through the following steps
Go to your project's Cloud Console (https://console.cloud.google.com/) > IAM & admin > IAM, Find the App Engine default service account then click on the pencil at far left > Click on add role > In the filter field enter Service Account Token Creator and click on it save and you are good to go
Found this solution from here
I am trying to deploy my firebase cloud functions. When I run firebase deploy --only functions after adding my functions to the index.js file it gives me the error mentioned above.
here is my firebase.json file:
"functions": {
"predeploy": [
"npm --prefix \"$RESOURCE_DIR\" run lint"
"source": "functions"
"database": {
"rules": "database.rules.json"
"firestore": {
"rules": "firestore.rules",
"indexes": "firestore.indexes.json"
here is my index.js file:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const algoliasearch = require('algoliasearch');
// get api keys for the algolia from the env variable of cloud functions
const APP_ID = functions.config().algolia.app;
const ADMIN_KEY = functions.config().algolia.key;
// algolia client
const client = algoliasearch(APP_ID, ADMIN_KEY);
const index = client.initIndex('pals');
// ADD algolia index from firestore database when a document is created in firestore:
exports.addToIndex = functions.firestore.document('users/{userId}').onCreate(snapshot=>{
const data = snapshot.data();
const objectID = snapshot.id;
// add objectID to algolia index
return index.addObject({...data, objectID});
// UPDATE algolia index from firestore database when a document is updated in firestore
exports.updateIndex = functions.firestore.document().onUpdate(change =>{
// change.after gives the document after the change
const newData = change.after.data();
const objectID = change.id;
// update objectID to algolia index
return index.saveObject({...newData, objectID});
// DELETE algolia index from firestore database when a document is deleted in firestore
exports.updateIndex = functions.firestore.document().onDelete(snapshot =>{
// delete objectID to algolia index
return index.deleteObject(snapshot.id);
I tried running firebase deploy --only functions with the hello world snippet they provide. It worked fine with that.
As the error message says, you need to always pass a path to the functions.firestore.document(...) function, to determine on which document paths the function triggers.
You do this correctly here:
exports.addToIndex = functions.firestore.document('users/{userId}').onCreate(snapshot=>{
But you are not passing a path in these two cases:
exports.updateIndex = functions.firestore.document().onUpdate(change =>{
exports.updateIndex = functions.firestore.document().onDelete(snapshot =>{
If you also want them to trigger on user documents, just like with onCreate, they'd be:
exports.updateIndex = functions.firestore.document('users/{userId}').onUpdate(change =>{
exports.updateIndex = functions.firestore.document('users/{userId}').onDelete(snapshot =>{
I would like to retrieve the subcollections by making my request with geofirestore, like so:
The id of each PRODUCTS corresponds to that of the user who created new products (for the moment there is only one).
That's my code right now:
import firestore from '#react-native-firebase/firestore';
import * as geofirestore from 'geofirestore';
const firestoreApp = firestore();
const GeoFirestore = geofirestore.initializeApp(firestoreApp);
const geocollection = GeoFirestore.collection('PRODUCTS');
const query = geocollection.limit(30).near({
center: new firestore.GeoPoint(coords.latitude, coords.longitude),
radius: 1000,
try {
query.onSnapshot((querySnapshot) => {
const productsQueried = querySnapshot.docs.reduce(
(result, documentSnapshot) => {
if (documentSnapshot.id !== user.uid) {
return result;
} catch (error) {
Of course, I can only find the geocollection, but cannot access the 'USER_PRODUCTS' collection inside.
{exists: true, id: "OUJ6r3aF9nVfgtfkQRES7kpYCko1", distance: 0, data: ƒ}
The final goal is to retrieve a list of products for each close customer and then sort so as not to retrieve that of the current user.
Do I necessarily have to make a second request (can I do it in one?) Or do I have to change the way I save the product lists of different users in firestore?
My Firestore sub collection names are of the format 'subcollection_name_yyyymmdd'. Whenever new documents are added, they are identified through the 'yyyymmdd' part of the subcollection name. I need to take Firestore exports for these subcollections incrementally on the 'yyyymmdd' values. Below is my cloud function taking full firestore export at the moment. Is there a way I can parameterize the 'collectionIds:' to take the subcollection names by passing the yyyymmdd part as a variable/parameter?
eg: something like collectionIds: ['subcollection_name_{$date}']?
const firestore = require('#google-cloud/firestore');
const client = new firestore.v1.FirestoreAdminClient();
const bucket = 'gs://BUCKET_NAME'
exports.scheduledFirestoreBackup = (event, context) => {
const databaseName = client.databasePath(
// process.env.GCLOUD_PROJECT,
return client
name: databaseName,
outputUriPrefix: bucket,
collectionIds: ['subcollection_name'],
.then(responses => {
const response = responses[0];
console.log(`Operation Name: ${response['name']}`);
return response;
.catch(err => {