Prepend fails on x-editable values of 0 - javascript

I have a bootstrapTable that is utilizing the x-editable plugin for dropdowns.
There is a method per the documentation to prepend values to a dropdown with a value of '' and text of Not Defined. This works just fine, except when another option in my dropdown has a value of 0. If that is the case, that value shows as the prepended value of Not Defined, when it should show as False.
My Code:
var data = [{"Bool": 1},{"Bool": 0}];
columns: [
field: 'Bool',
title: 'Bool',
editable: {
type: 'select',
'prepend': 'Not defined',
'source': [{'value': 1,
'text': 'True'},
{'value': 0,
'text': 'False'}]
data: data


ExtJS combobox filter

I have two comboboxes. The first one is for selecting a region, and the second one is for selecting a province. The values that should appear in the province combobox will be based on the value selected in the region combobox.
Region combobox code:
xtype: 'combobox',
label: 'Region ID',
margin: '10 20',
flex: 1,
valueField: 'regionid',
displayField: 'regionname',
store: 'RegionStore',
minLength: 1,
id: 'region_id',
reference: 'region_id',
name: 'region_id',
listeners: {
select: function(combo, value) {
var id = Ext.getCmp('province'),
store = id.getStore();
if (!value) {
else {
store.filter('regionid', val)
Province combobox code:
label: 'Province',
margin: '10 20',
flex: 1,
queryMode: 'remote',
store: 'ProvinceStore',
valueField: 'provinceid',
displayField: 'provincename',
minLength: 1,
id: 'province',
name: 'province',
reference: 'province'
I'm not getting any errors but when I click the province combobox(assuming that I have already selected a value for the region combobox), the values displayed in the province combobox are not filtered, instead, all of the results are displayed. I have been on this for days. Is there someone who can help?
You are using queryMode: 'remote', so that your server returns the data.
The frontend has no control, what is returned.
Plus in your example val should be value.
I would go with a chained store, that has a filter based on the selection.
Here is a fiddle to show this:
This is duplicate to your other question

selectize.js and vue.js 2 ajax loaded optons

I'm using vuejs#2.3.3, selectize#0.12.4, vue2-selectize.
I have a pretty big form with a few select inputs.
All options are loaded by ajax into a one property, which is initialized with a demo data before being replaced by ajax data:
addTrackData : {
styles : [
{ id: 1, title: 'style 1' },
{ id: 2, title: 'style 3' },
{ id: 3, title: 'style 2' },
authors: [
{inn: '111', name: 'demo 1'},
{inn: '222', name: 'demo 2'},
{inn: '333', name: 'demo 3'}
And I've got 2 problems:
1) If I use settings in this way, options doesn't loads at all:
<selectize v-model="[i]['id']" :settings="selectize.authors"></selectize>
selectize: {
authors: {
valueField: 'inn',
labelField: 'name',
searchField: ['name', 'inn'],
options: this.addTrackData.authors // that doesn't works, but hard coded array works
Because of error Error in data(): "TypeError: Cannot read property 'authors' of undefined".
Both this.addTrackData.authors and addTrackData.authors makes this error.
But this way works:
<selectize v-model="[i]['id']"
:settings=" {
valueField: 'inn',
labelField: 'name',
searchField: ['name', 'inn'],
options: addTrackData.authors, // It works, but looks too ugly!
}" >
2) Options are not reactive - when ajax data comes, all selects elements still shows a demo data. And I have no idea how to update them all...
Second problem could be fixed with If Conditional and empty initial array:
<selectize v-if="addTrackData.authors.length" v-model="[i]['id']"
:settings=" {
valueField: 'inn',
labelField: 'name',
searchField: ['name', 'inn'],
options: addTrackData.authors, // It works, but looks too ugly!
}" >
addTrackData : {
styles : [],
authors: []
But the first problem still makes me cry
I just read the source code of vue2-selectize and noticed that it's watch code for options key is incorrect.
his code is this way:
watch: {
value() {
options (value, old) {
if (this.$el.selectize && !equal(value, old)) {
while it should be this way to work:
watch: {
value() {
options (value, old) {
if (this.$el.selectize && !equal(value, old)) {
var vm = this;
this.$el.selectize.load(function(callback) {
I just prepared a hacky way to make it working but I dont encourage you using it in production.
Here is the fiddle's link:
I'll try to send a pull request to his creator as soon as possible but until that time, your solution is already the only possible solution.

How to give two indentical combo one on grid headr and one as grid column widget for store filter

I have one widget column header by which I am selecting the value and filtering the grid store. I want exact the same on grid header as well. There for I am giving one combo with same values.
Here is my code for column header
header: {
items: [{
xtype: 'combo',
displayField: "displayName",
fieldLabel: 'Some Label',
valueField: 'title',
displayField: 'title',
hidden : true,
queryMode: 'local',
value : 1,
autoSelect : true,
store: {
fields: ["id", "displayName"],
data: [
{ "id": "1", "title": "Test1" },
{ "id": "2", "title": "Test2" },
{ "id": "3", "title": "Test3" }
listeners : {
select : function(combo , record , eOpts){
var sg = this.up("MyGrid");
var col = sg.getColumns()[0]; // Getting Header column
var flit =sg.getColumns()[0].filter // Here I am getting object instead of constructor
//this.focus = sg.onComboFilterFocus(combo);
I am creating widget type in column
MyColumn: function(headersXmlDoc) {
var me = this,
gridConfig = {};
gridConfig.columns = [];
Ext.each(headersXmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("HEADER"), function(header) {
var column = {
text: header.getAttribute("L"),
dataIndex: header.getAttribute("DATAINDEX"),
sortable: (header.getAttribute("ISSORTABLE").toLowerCase()=="true"),
widgetType: header.getAttribute("WIDGET"),
filterType: Ext.isEmpty(header.getAttribute("FILTER"))? undefined: header.getAttribute("FILTER"),
switch (header.getAttribute("WIDGET")) {
case 'textbox':
if(column.filterType == 'TagData'){
column.filter = {
xtype: 'tagfield',
growMax : 10,
valueField: 'title',
displayField: 'title',
parentGrid : me,
queryMode: 'local',
multiSelect: true,
isFilterDataLoaded: false,
disabled: true,
focus: me.SomeMethod, //
}, gridConfig);
return gridConfig.columns;
I want if I select in header combo, it will directly select in widget combo as well. Can anyone explain how to get this. Thanks in advance
So you basically need a combo box in your header, that changes record values - the fact that you have a widget column displaying a combo within the grid cells doesn't really matter here.
I think you were fairly close - but you were trying to define a "header" config and add the combo to its items - instead you just define items directly on the column:
columns: [{
text: 'Combo Test',
dataIndex: 'title',
items: [{
xtype: 'combobox',
width: '100%',
editable: false,
valueField: 'title',
displayField: 'title',
queryMode: 'local',
autoSelect: true,
store: {
data: [{
"id": "1",
"title": "Test1"
}, {
"id": "2",
"title": "Test2"
}, {
"id": "3",
"title": "Test3"
listeners: {
select: function (combo, selectedRecord) {
//we could just get the value from the combo
var value = combo.getValue();
//or we could use the selectedRecord
//var value = selectedRecord.get('id');
//find the grid and get its store
var store = combo.up('grid').getStore();
//we are going to change many records, we dont want to fire off events for each one
store.each(function (rec) {
rec.set('title', value);
//finish "mass update" - this will now trigger any listeners for saving etc.
//reset the combobox
The actual setting of values happens in the select listener as you were trying - the key is to loop through the records and call set on each one:
//find the grid and get its store
var store = combo.up('grid').getStore();
//we are going to change many records, we dont want to fire off events for each one
store.each(function (rec) {
rec.set('title', value);
//finish "mass update" - this will now trigger any listeners for saving etc.
I have created a fiddle to show this working:

Interaction with gridData on ui-grid edit events

I am using Angular ui-grid and am pretty new at it. I receive an array of objects to render data for each row. Each object, hence each row , has a field change:false which marks whether any field on that row has been edited or not. I have kept this field visible : false on screen.
However, whenever any change is made to any column of any row, I want to set this field as change:true.
How can this be achieved on the change of a ui-dropdown field or any other field for that matter.
I have this as my changing column:
{ name: "carrier_influence_group", displayName: "Carrier influence group", enableCellEdit: true,
editableCellTemplate: 'ui-grid/dropdownEditor', type:'object', cellFilter: 'cigFilter', editDropdownValueLabel: 'name',
editDropownOptionsArray: [{ id: 10, name: 'Small' }, { id: 11, name: 'Medium' }, { id: 12, name: 'Large' }]
I tried looking for any options available. But couldn't find any way in official docs. Kindly suggest a way or some relevant links
You can use the afterCellEdit event for this.
$scope.gridOptions.onRegisterApi = function (gridApi) {
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;
gridApi.edit.on.afterCellEdit($scope, function (rowEntity, colDef, newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
rowEntity['change'] = true;

combobox doesn't return value in EXTJS

I have the following combobox element:
editType = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
fieldLabel: 'Type',
name: 'Type',
queryMode: 'local',
displayField: 'name',
valueField: 'id',
store: {
fields: ['id', 'name'],
data: [
{id: '1', name: 'View'},
{id: '2', name: 'Edit'},
{id: '3', name: 'Admin'}
when I try to submit my form I submit its value like this:
userType: editType.getValue()
The Problem is that if I don't choose anything from it, then it returns displayField value, i.e. View. If I choose something then it returns the valueField, i.e. 1, 2 or 3. If the user don't choose anything I want to return number value like I have set, not the label.
I have search about this but couldn't find where my problem is. I read the specification and it states that:
comboboxElement.getValue() returns valueField
comboboxElement.getRawValue() returns displayField
I am loading combobox as a part of a panel form, i.e. when I click on a row form a grid I load that particular row in a form with method myForm.loadRecord(clickedRow)
Thanks in advance
