Is there a way to achieve the code bellow with Javascript (ES6)?
If yes, how can I do it? I try this example, but it didn't work.
const funcA = (callback, arg1) => {
console.log("Print arg1: " + arg1); /* Print arg1: argument1 */
let x = 0;
x = callback(x, );
return x;
const funcB = (x, prefix) => {
console.log("Print prefix: " + prefix); /* Print prefix: PREFIX_ */
x = x + 1;
return x;
/* Exec function funcA */
let x = funcA(funcB( ,"PREFIX_"), "argument1");
console.log("Value of x: " + x); /* Value of x: 1 */
This is an approach with a defined placeholder as symbol to identify the parameter which is not yet set.
It features a this object which is bind to the calling function for further check and evaluation.
If the combined array of arguments object and this.arg has no more placeholder items, the function is called with parameters and return the function call.
If not, the new arguments array is bind to the function and returnd.
[?] denotes the placeholder symbol
funcB x prefix this.args args action
------- --- --------- ------------- -------------- ------------------------------
1. call [?] "PREFIX_" [?], "PREFIX_" return calling fn w/ bound args
2. call 0 [?] [?], "PREFIX_" 0, "PREFIX_" return fn call with args
3. call 0 "PREFIX_" return 1
(Of course it could be a bit shorter and delegated to another function, but it's a proof of concept.)
function funcA(callback, arg1) {
console.log('funcA', callback, arg1)
return callback(0, placeholder);
function funcB(x, prefix) {
var args = this && this.args || [],
temp = Array.from(arguments);
console.log('funcB', isPlaceholder(x) ? '[?]' : x, isPlaceholder(prefix) ? '[?]' : prefix);
// placeholder part
if (temp.some(isPlaceholder)) {
temp.forEach((a, i) => isPlaceholder(a) && i in args || (args[i] = a));
return args.some(isPlaceholder)
? funcB.bind({ args })
: funcB(...args);
// origin function body
return x + 1;
placeholder = Symbol('placeholder'),
isPlaceholder = v => v === placeholder;
console.log("Value of x: " + funcA(funcB(placeholder, "PREFIX_"), "argument1"));
Partial application is not yet possible in js. You need another arrow function that acts as a callback:
funcA(x => funcB(x ,"PREFIX_"), "argument1");
To call that you don't need that extra comma:
x = callback(x)
Somewhen this proposal might allow to write this:
funcA( funcB(?, "PREFIX_"), "argument1")
One approach would be to define a default parameter that is a function for the first parameter passed to funcA and use var to define x when funcA is called
const funcA = (callback, arg1) => {
console.log("Print arg1: " + arg1);
let x = 0;
x = callback(x, arg1);
return x;
const funcB = (x, prefix) => {
console.log("Print prefix: " + prefix);
x = x + 1;
return x;
/* Exec function funcA */
var x = funcA(x = () => funcB(x = 0 ,"PREFIX_"), "argument1");
console.log("Value of x: " + x);
I'm trying to create a function that accepts two callbacks and a value that will return a boolean indicating if the passing the value into the first function, and then passing the resulting output into the second function, yields the same output as the same operation in reverse (passing the value into the second function and then passing the output into the first function).
I get the following error and I believe it is probably due to scoping but not sure how to resolve it: Reference Error on line 206: ouput2 is not defined
function commutative(func1, func2, value) {
//check to see if invoking cb1 on value then passing output to cb2 as cb2 => cb1
function func1() {
let output1 = func1(value);
return output1;
function func2() {
let output2 = func2(output1);
return output2;
function reverseOrder() {
let output3 = func2(value);
let output4 = func1(output3);
//return boolean
if (ouput2 === output4) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Test cases:
const multBy3 = n => n * 3;
const divBy4 = n => n / 4;
const subtract5 = n => n - 5;
console.log(commutative(multBy3, divBy4, 11)); // should log: true
console.log(commutative(multBy3, subtract5, 10)); // should log: false
console.log(commutative(divBy4, subtract5, 48)); // should log: false
You are never calling your inner functions, and output1, output2, etc. are defined locally to those inner functions, not accessible in the scope of commutative. Also, you are overwriting the func1 and func2 parameters. Try this:
function commutative(func1, func2, value) {
return func2(func1(value)) === func1(func2(value));
// Test cases:
const multBy3 = n => n * 3;
const divBy4 = n => n / 4;
const subtract5 = n => n - 5;
console.log(commutative(multBy3, divBy4, 11)); // should log: true
console.log(commutative(multBy3, subtract5, 10)); // should log: false
console.log(commutative(divBy4, subtract5, 48)); // should log: false
I am interested in the scenario where we have some function f which is recursive and which we are not provided the source code to.
I would like a function memoizer: Function -> Function which takes in say f and returns a function g such that g = f (in the sense they return the same value given the same arguments) which when called first checks if the called arguments are in its 'cache' (memory of results it has calculated before) and if so returns the result from this, otherwise it should compute f, should f call itself with some arguments, this is tantamount to calling g with those arguments and I would like that f first check if the cache of g contains those arguments and if so return the result from this, otherwise ...
This is easy (in Javascript) to do given the source code of f, I simply define memoize in the obvious way and do something like
let f = memoize((...args) => {/* source code of f */});
But this doesn't appeal to me at all (mainly because I might want a memoized and non memoized version of the same function and then I'd have to write the same function twice) and won't work if I don't know how to implement f.
In case it's not clear what I'm asking,
I would like a function memoize which takes a function such as
fact = n => n === 0 ? 1 : n * fact(n - 1);
And returns some new function g such that fact(n) = g(n) for all n and which for example when g(10) is computed stores the values of fact(0), ..., fact(10) which are computed while computing g(10) and then if I ask for say g(7) it finds the result in the cache and returns it to me.
I've thought that conceptually it's possible to detect when f is called since I have it's address and maybe I could replace all calls to f with a new function where I compute f and store the result and then pass the value on to where it would normally go. But I don't know how to do this (and it sounds unpleasant).
maybe I could replace all calls to f with a new function where I compute f and store the result and then pass the value on to where it would normally go.
This is actually very easy to do, as Bergi referred to in a comment.
function memoize(func) {
var memo = {};
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
return function() {
var args =;
if (args in memo)
return memo[args];
return (memo[args] = func.apply(this, args));
function fib(n) {
if (n <= 1) return 1;
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
fib = memoize(fib);
I might want a memoized and non memoized version of the same function and then I'd have to write the same function twice
Yes, you need to. The recursive call to fact(n - 1) inside the function can only refer to one fact function - either a memoized or an unmemoized one.
So what you need to do to avoid code duplication is define fact with the Y combinator:
const makeFact = rec => n => n === 0 ? 1 : n * rec(n - 1);
// ^^^ ^^^
const factA = Y(makeFact);
const factB = memoizingY(makeFact);
function Y(make) {
const f = make((...args) => f(...args)); // const f = make(f) is easier to understand
return f; // but doesn't work with eager evaluation
I'll leave the definition of memoizingY as an exercise to the reader :-)
Possibly simpler approach:
const makeFact = annotate => {
const f = annotate(n => n === 0 ? 1 : n * f(n - 1));
return f;
const factA = makeFact(identity);
const factB = makeFact(memoize);
In my limited experience, we do have access to JavaScript source code. We could thus attempt to generate new source code for the memoized function.
// Redefine Function.prototype.bind
// to provide access to bound objects.
var _bind = Function.prototype.apply.bind(Function.prototype.bind);
Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'bind', {
value: function(obj) {
var boundFunction = _bind(this, arguments);
boundFunction.boundObject = obj;
return boundFunction;
// Assumes the parameters for the function,
// f, can be consistently mapped.
function memo(f){
if (!(f instanceof Function))
throw TypeError('Argument is not an instance of Function.');
// Generate random variable names
// to avoid conflicts with unknown
// source code
function randomKey(numBytes=8){
let ranges = [[48, 10], [65, 26], [97, 26]];
let key = '_';
for (let i=0; i<numBytes; i++){
let idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * ranges.length);
key += String.fromCharCode(ranges[idx][0] + Math.random() * ranges[idx][1]);
return key;
let fName =;
let boundObject;
let fCode;
const nativeCodeStr = '(){[nativecode]}';
// Possible Proxy
try {
fCode = f.toString();
} catch(error){
if (error.constructor == TypeError){
if (Function(`return ${ fName }.toString()`)() != nativeCodeStr){
throw TypeError(`Possible Proxy detected: function has a name but no accessible source code. Consider memoizing the target function, ${ fName }.`);
} else {
throw TypeError(`Function has a name but no accessible source code. Applying toString() to its name, ${ fName }, returns '[native code]'.`);
} else {
throw Error('Unexpected error calling toString on the argument.');
if (!fName){
throw Error('Function name is falsy.');
// Bound functions
// Assumes we've monkey-patched
// Function.prototype.bind previously
} else if (fCode.replace(/^[^(]+|\s+/g, '') == nativeCodeStr){
if (/^bound /.test(fName)){
fName = fName.substr(6);
boundObject = f.boundObject;
// Bound functions return '[native code]' for
// their toString method call so get the code
// from the original function.
fCode = Function(`return ${ fName }.toString()`)();
} else {
throw Error("Cannot access source code, '[native code]' provided.");
const fNameRegex = new RegExp('(\\W)' + fName + '(\\W)', 'g');
const cacheName = randomKey();
const recursionName = randomKey();
const keyName = randomKey();
fCode = fCode.replace(/[^\(]+/,'')
.replace(fNameRegex, '$1' + recursionName + '$2')
.replace(/return/g, `return ${ cacheName }[${ keyName }] =`)
.replace(/{/, `{\n const ${ keyName } = Array.from(arguments);\n\n if (${ cacheName }[${ keyName }])\n return ${ cacheName }[${ keyName }];\n`);
const code = `function(){\nconst ${ cacheName } = {};\n\nfunction ${ recursionName + fCode }\n\nreturn ${ recursionName }.apply(${ recursionName }, arguments);}`;
let g = Function('"use strict";return ' + code)();
if (boundObject){
let h = (g).bind(boundObject);
h.toString = () => code;
return h;
} else {
return g;
} // End memo function
function fib(n) {
if (n <= 1) return 1;
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
const h = fib.bind({a: 37});
const g = memo(h);
console.log(`g(100): ${ g(100) }`);
console.log(`g.boundObject:`, g.boundObject);
console.log(`g.toString():`, g.toString());
} catch(e){
console.log('Caught error memoizing anonymous function.', e)
const p = new Proxy(fib, {
apply: function(target, that, args){
console.log('Proxied fib called.');
return target.apply(target, args);
console.log('Calling proxied fib.');
console.log(`p(2):`, p(2));
let memoP;
try {
memoP = memo(p);
} catch (e){
console.log('Caught error memoizing proxied function.', e)
Let me propose an example that works, then follow up with what fails, highlighting the point to my question.
Here, we have 3 functions being called (1 named, 2 anonymous):
var add = function(a, b) {return a+b};
var multiply = function(a, b) {return a*b};
function myFunction(fxn) {
return function(x) {
return function(y) {
return fxn(x,y);
Understandably, this call fails:
How would I detect how many functions are being called? In the 2nd call, I'm calling 4 functions (1 named, 3 anonymous).
How would I rewrite the myFunction function in a way that compensated for any given amount of calls? I know we can detect how many arguments a function was given, but is there a way to detect how many functions are being called? I hope I worded this correctly. Thanks.
To find out if a variable contains a reference to a function you can use below code:
if (typeof(v) === "function") alert("This is a function")
Based on above you can find out on how many nested functions there are
function myFunction() {
return function() {
return function() {
return 1 + 2;
var count = 0;
var v = myFunction();
while (typeof(v) === "function") {
v = v();
alert("Nr of nested functions: " + count)
Even if this has no practical use case I can think of, this is a possible solution:
var add = function(a, b) {
return a + b
var multiply = function(a, b) {
return a * b
var counter = 0;
var result = 0;
function myFunction(fxn) {
counter = 1;
result = 0;
return function first(x) {
return function second(y) {
x = result ? result : x;
result = fxn(x, y);
return second;
alert('Result is: ' + result + '; Parentheses count: ' + counter);
This is similar to two other questions I've asked today, but I'm still trying to understand how to assign variables correctly in JavaScript.
The output to my code is this:
x: 3
x: undefined // I was expecting 3 here
And here's my code:
var myApplication = {};
(function() {
function beep(x) {
console.log('x: ' + x);
var closure = {};
return function() {
console.log('return function() {');
if (arguments.length) {
console.log('setter: ' + x);
closure.result = x;
} else {
console.log('getter: ' + closure.result);
return closure.result;
myApplication.beep = beep;
RESULT = myApplication.beep();
I think the problem is where I say: myApplication.beep = beep;
I think that I've got to assign it either via the prototype or some other way.
First of all, functions are first class citizens in javascript.
So when you do
return function() {
console.log('return function() {');
if (arguments.length) {
console.log('setter: ' + x);
closure.result = x;
} else {
console.log('getter: ' + closure.result);
return closure.result;
This function is not executed, you are only returning as the value of your beep function.
So, in our case, the only code that really gets executed is :
var myApplication = {};
(function() {
function beep(x) {
console.log('x: ' + x);
myApplication.beep = beep;
RESULT = myApplication.beep();
In this case you are only logging the first argument passed to beep, so 3 then undefined.
Now for what you want to do here, no need to use closures, or prototypes :
var myApplication = {
x : null,
beep : function (x) {
if (typeof x != 'undefined') {
this.x = x;
} else {
return this.x;
// set x
// get x
var x = myApplication.beep();
console.log('x :', x);
I would avoid messing with closures too early.
When you call beep(3) the first time, it's returning a function - but you aren't actually doing anything with that function. I think you might have meant this on the second-to-last line?...:
myApplication.beep = myApplication.beep(3);
As it is, I think the second call to beep is just returning another function, but with its 'x' argument set to undefined.
Also: To save some code-writing, rather than declaring and then assigning 'beep', you could write this:
myApplication.beep = function(x) { ...
Or, the whole object can be declared at once from the beginning:
myApplication = {
beep: function(x) {
otherFn: function(y) {
In JavaScript, is it possible to insert a line into a function that already exists? I want to create a function that inserts a line at a specific position in a function:
function insertLine(theFunction, lineToInsert, positionToInsert){
//insert a line into the function after the specified line number
For example, would it be possible to programmatically insert the line checkParameterTypes(min, "string", max, "string"); before the first line of this function?
function getRandomInteger(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
If you want something to happen at the beginning of a function, you can use the following. You do have access to this and the arguments from your injected function. So it will still work for functions that require a specific context.
function inject(before, fn) {
return function(){
before.apply(this, arguments);
return fn.apply (this, arguments);
For example
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
function concat(a, b) {
return a + b;
* You can repeat index and type to check multiple arguments
function createArgumentChecker(index, type /**index, type, ... */) {
var originalArgs = arguments;
return function() {
for (var i=0; i < originalArgs.length; i+=2) {
var index = originalArgs[i],
requestedType = originalArgs[i+1],
actualType = typeof arguments[index];
if (typeAtIndex != actualType) {
console.log("Invalid argument passed at index " + index +
". Expected type " + requestedType + "but it's " + actualType );
function logArguments() {
console.log(this, arguments);
// Inject an argument checker
add = inject(add, createArgumentChecker(0,"number", 1, "number"));
concat = inject (concat, createArgumentChecker(0, "string", 1, "string"));
// You can even do it multiple times, inject an argument logger;
add = inject(add, logArguments);
concat = inject(concat, logArguments);
This can be handy when debugging websites that you can't modify the source code, I wouldn't use it do parameter checking unless you can strip it our for the production version.
Yes you can but using eval is always evil ;)
function insertInbetween (arr, value, index) {
var inserted, i, newarr = [];
for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if(i == index && !inserted) {
newarr[i] = value;
inserted = true;
return newarr;
function test (a, b) {
var fstrarr = test.toString().split('\n');
eval(insertInbetween(fstrarr, "console.log('injected!');", 1).join('\n'));
As mentioned in the comments to your question you'll loose scope by doing so.