Isit possible to pass value into <div data-value="" > by jquery? - javascript

This is my html code
<div data-percent="" ></div>
This is my javascript
function retrieveProgressbar(){
I need the value retrieved by ajax to be displayed in the data-percent="". I am not sure how to do that. I have another javascript that needs to use this value to execute.

Need to use .attr() method.
<div data-percent="" id="datadiv"></div>
function retrieveProgressbar() {
type: "post",
url: "retrieveprogressbar.php",
data: "progressbar",
success: function (data) {
//$("#datadiv").attr("data-percent", data);
// OR
$(this).attr("data-percent", data);

<div data-percent=""></div>
The proper way to assign data on jquery is
var new_data_value = "I will be the new value.";
The .data() method allows us to attach data of any type to DOM elements in a way that is safe from circular references and therefore from memory leaks.
You can retrieve the data by:
var value = $( "div" ).data( "percent" );
.attr() on the other hand set/get the value of an attribute for the first element in the set of matched elements or set one or more attributes for every matched element.
It does not attach data of any type to DOM elements.

Yep, you can use the .attr( function instead.
$(this).attr("data-percent", your_value);


Jquery getting new value after data attribute update

I am updating link attribute values via ajax response.but When i am again clicking the button/link getting old values instead of new value.
Below is my codes;
<div class="calendar-control"><a class="evecal-month-view-control fright next-month" href="#" data-month="2" data-year="2019">Next</a><span class="text-center month-name">January 2019</span><a class="evecal-month-view-control fright prev-month" href="#" data-month="12" data-year="2018">Previous</a></div>
And Jquery code.
jQuery(document).on('click', '.evecal-month-view-control', function(e){
var month = jQuery(this).data('month');
var year = jQuery(this).data('year');
_getMonthCalendar(month, year);
var _getMonthCalendar = function(m, y){
type: 'POST',
url: eventcaldata.ajaxurl,
data: {
action: 'ec_ajax_month_table',
year: y,
month: m,
nonce: eventcaldata.nonce,
beforeSend: function(){
success: function(response){
jQuery('.next-month').attr( 'data-month', response.nextmonth.month );
jQuery('.next-month').attr( 'data-year', response.nextmonth.year );
jQuery('.prev-month').attr( 'data-month', response.prevmonth.month);
jQuery('.prev-month').attr( 'data-year', response.prevmonth.year);
First on .next-month class the data-month attribute value is 2
then it is changed to 3 after response.But When i am again clicking
that button i am getting 2 value when it should be 3
The .data() method on jQuery objects caches the value from the initial read. Subsequent call to .data() will first look in jQuery's data storage and send you that value. .attr() won't update the data storage, but will update the attribute in HTML. Use either .data() or .attr() but avoid mix and match.
Do not intermix this usage of attr() and data(). data() caches the value that it reads from the element, and does not update the attribute. So if you update with data, attr will not see it. Pick one or the other, and stick with it.

load to work as append in jquery

i am creating form using js functions.. i want that when this function is called twice form should be created twice.. i am using jquery load hence it is overwriting again and again...
my jquery code:
function form(module,user) {
$.post("php/test.php",{ module:module , user:user}, function(data, status){
var f= jQuery.parseJSON( data );
$(".cards-container > div").addClass("card card-shadow animated fadeInDown");
$(".form-t").append("<input type='text'"+"placeholder="+f.text+" name='fname' required>");
<div class='w100 large forms'>
<form action='test.php' method='post'>
<div class="form-t"></div>
<input type='submit' value='Submit'></form>
JQuery load() method always replaces content of "element-receiver". Use get() method to request new content with subsequent appending:
var f= jQuery.parseJSON( data );
$.get('modules/ams.html', function(data){
$(".cards-container > div").addClass("card card-shadow animated fadeInDown");
$(".form-t:last").append("<input type='text'"+"placeholder="+f.text+" name='fname' required>");
Load will always overwrite. It is a shortcut function for an Ajax method. So instead, use Ajax so you have control of the result:
url: "modules/ams.html",
type: "GET"
}).done(function (result) {
This will just append the content directly into the container. You will have to apply any other logic you need. Remember that ids should be unique and forms cannot be nested so make sure you avoid loading html with a form when your container is already within a form.

Populate items into SELECT with Jquery

I'm having trouble populating a SELECT with jquery, when the user writes the zipcode or part of it, it searches the database and returns this:
{"success":1,"id":"50","street":"Central One"},{"success":1,"id":"60","street":"Central Two"}
One success for each street it finds. For a single street and using a text input I'm using this
$(document).ready( function() {
url : '../../controller/zip.php',
type : 'POST',
data: 'zip=' + $('#zip').val(),
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data){
if(data.sucesso == 1){
return false;
How can I change this so I can populate a select box.
What is being passed back for a single address is a single object from which you can grab the information. When there are multiple responses you need to go through each of them and handle them.
When we look at MDN's article it shows that we need a parent <select> tag and then we need to populate the children. The process would look like this:
Find / create parent select
[Optional] Remove previous child <option> tags
Loop through responses
Create a new <option> element
Populate the <option> with the appropriate value and content
Append it to the parent <select>
Some things to be aware of, if you're clearing the previous addresses each time you get a response from the database you'll want to remove these previous <option>s. This can be done either by .empty() if there are no other children in the parent or starting with the parent <select> and removing all child <options>.
Use this for adding items to select box dynamically:
var $selectBox = $('#selectboxId');
$.each(data, function (idx, val) {
if (val.success) {
$selectBox.append($('<option>', {
text: val.street
I would not encourage to do so; you're better off using a html-templating engine like mustache or handlebars.
Doing this kind of stuff in plain JS (string concatenation) is gross. It pollutes your sourcecode.
Anyways, this would do the trick to generate the necessary HTML:
function generateHTML(data){
return data.reduce(function(o,n){
return o+"<option value='""'>"+n.street+"</option>";
Here is the Fiddle to play with. If you need to filter for success, you could add a filter()
function generateHTML(data){
return data.filter(function(x){
return !!x.success;
return o+"<option value='""'>"+n.street+"</option>";
You could easily use $("#selectBoxId").html(generateHTML(data)) to insert it to the DOM.
To fit it into your codebase, you should add it in the success handler:
success: function(data){
function generateHTML(data){
return data.reduce(function(o,n){
return o+"<option value='""'>"+n.street+"</option>";
For the inner workings of Array.prototype.reduce() take a look at MDN and for Array.prototype.filter()
If the JSON being returned is a list [{...}, ..., {...}], then you can use Array.forEach. Here is the success callback:
function(data) {
data.forEach(function(item) {
if (item.success) {
// use and item.street
If you have a <select> element, then you will want to be populating it with <options>, by appending an <option> element under each successful "if" branch in the forEach.
Assuming you already have the select element on the page and the data that is coming back from the server is an array of objects, this should work:
url : '../../controller/zip.php',
type : 'POST',
data: 'zip=' + $('#zip').val(),
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
var $items = [];
$.each(data, function(street) {
if(data.success === 1) {
$items.push($('<option />').attr({
Notice this isn't setting the value for one option, it is creating <option> tags for each of the response's streets and appending them to a <select> element.

How can I remove AutoNumeric formatting before submitting form?

I'm using the jQuery plugin AutoNumeric but when I submit a form, I can't remove the formatting on the fields before POST.
I tried to use $('input').autonumeric('destroy') (and other methods) but it leaves the formatting on the text fields.
How can I POST the unformatted data to the server? How can I remove the formatting? Is there an attribute for it in the initial config, or somewhere else?
I don't want to send the serialized form data to the server (with AJAX). I want to submit the form with the unformatted data like a normal HTML action.
I wrote a better, somewhat more general hack for this in jQuery
var form = $(this);
var self = $(this);
var v = self.autoNumeric('get');
console.log("Not an autonumeric field: " + self.attr("name"));
return true;
This code cleans form w/ error handling on not autoNumeric values.
With newer versions you can use the option:
unformatOnSubmit: true
Inside data callback you must call getString method like below:
callbacks: {
data: function (options, $inputs, formData) {
return $("#form").autoNumeric("getString");
trigger: {
method: "interval",
options: {
interval: 300000
save: {
method: "ajax",
options: {
type: "POST",
url: '/Action',
success: function (data) {
Use the get method.
'get' | returns un-formatted object via ".val()" or
".text()" | $(selector).autoNumeric('get');
<script type="text/javascript">
function clean(form) {
form["my_field"].value = "15";
<form method="post" action="submit.php" onsubmit="clean(this)">
<input type="text" name="my_field">
This will always submit "15". Now get creative :)
Mirrored raw value:
<form method="post" action="submit.php">
<input type="text" name="my_field_formatted" id="my_field_formatted">
<input type="hidden" name="my_field" id="my_field_raw">
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#my_field_formatted").change(function () {
The in submit.php ignore the value for my_field_formatted and use my_field instead.
You can always use php str_replace function
it will remove all commas. you can cast the value to integer if necessary.
var form=$(this);
var self=$(this);
var v = self.autoNumeric('get');
// self.autoNumeric('destroy');
classname is your input class that will init as autoNumeric
Sorry for bad English ^_^
There is another solution for integration which doesn't interfere with your client-side validation nor causes the flash of unformatted text before submission:
var input = $(selector);
var proxy = document.createElement('input');
proxy.type = 'text';
proxy = $(proxy);
proxy.autoNumeric('init', options);
proxy.autoNumeric('set', input.val())''
proxy.change(function () {
You could use the getArray method (
$.post("myScript.php", $('#mainFormData').autoNumeric('getArray'));
I came up with this, seems like the cleanest way.
I know it's a pretty old thread but it's the first Google match, so i'll leave it here for future
$('form').on('submit', function(){
$(this).autoNumeric('update', {aSign: '', aDec: '.', aSep: ''});;
Solution for AJAX Use Case
I believe this is better answer among all of those mentioned above, as the person who wrote the question is doing AJAX. So
kindly upvote it, so that people find it easily. For non-ajax form submission, answer given by #jpaoletti is the right one.
// Get a reference to any one of the AutoNumeric element on the form to be submitted
var element = AutoNumeric.getAutoNumericElement('#modifyQuantity');
// Unformat ALL elements belonging to the form that includes above element
// Note: Do not perform following in AJAX beforeSend event, it will not work
url: "<url>",
data : {
ids : ids,
orderType : $('#modifyOrderType').val(),
// Directly use val() for all AutoNumeric fields (they will be unformatted now)
quantity : $('#modifyQuantity').val(),
price : $('#modifyPrice').val(),
triggerPrice : $('#modifyTriggerPrice').val()
.always(function( ) {
// When AJAX is finished, re-apply formatting
autoNumeric("getArray") no longer works.
unformatOnSubmit: true does not seem to work when form is submitted with Ajax using serializeArray().
Instead use formArrayFormatted to get the equivalent serialised data of form.serializeArray()
Just get any AutoNumeric initialised element from the form and call the method. It will serialise the entire form including non-autonumeric inputs.
type: "POST",
url: url,
data: AutoNumeric.getAutoNumericElement("#anyElement").formArrayFormatted(),

append data loaded problem

My html is like this
<div id="rsContainer">
<table id="rsTable"><!-- DATA HERE --></table>
and my javascript is like this
$('#UpdateAll').click(function() {
$('#status').fadeIn('500').text('Loading... This may take a while.');
type: 'post',
url: 'func.php',
data: 'action=updateAll',
success: function(response) {
$('#rsTable').slideUp('1000').load('index.php #rsTable', function() {
This works fine and but after appening the html looks like this
<div id="rsContainer">
<table id="rsTable">
<table id="rsTable"><!--data--></table>
As you can see it actually appends it to rsTable how can i maintain the original structure?
Thank You.
In the tests I've run, doing a .emtpy() before a .prepend() was about 20% faster over 200 iterations than doing a .html(). Strange but true.
If your intent is to have both rsTable's in there, you should add a counter to the id or use a class, since ids must be unique.
It looks like you want to do this though:
$('#rsContainer').slideUp('1000').load('index.php #rsTable', function() {
change the slideUp id to parent id.
