VS 2017 basic web project template - javascript

I am currently struggling to find a basic project template for a simple angular app that I am building in VS 2017. This app will consist of only html/js/typescript files, npm's package.json file and a gulpfile. All templates I'm finding are for class libraries or include other aspects of server side based projects that I don't want or need in my project.
Is there a way to make a basic web project in VS 2017? I'd like to stick with Visual Studio since it is the IDE we use for our other projects.
All help is appreciated.

If you are going to work on Angular I will suggest you to use visual studio code. To create a basic structure of an angular app use angular-cli.
First you need to install angular cli. Follow this link to install cli : https://github.com/angular/angular-cli
Hope it will help

The easiest way to create a new Angular project is to use Angular CLI it builds the skeleton of the project including build/ transpilation tools. It will create a lot of the boiler-plate code for you too, e.g. adding a new module can be done from the cli.
I'd suggest looking at other IDEs such as Sublime Text, VS code etc. but if you must integrate with VS 2017, there are resources available, such as angular cli and vs2017.


How do you use a modern version of Vue (Vue CLI3) with Electron?

The most popular boilerplate for vue/electron usage, seen here: https://github.com/SimulatedGREG/electron-vue
Is outdated, and only uses vue cli2.
The quickest, and easiest way I've found to get Vue and Electron playing nice together is vue electron-builder.
To use, set up a project with Vue CLI3 using
vue create my-project
then CD into that directory, in this case "my-project", and run
vue add electron-builder
This sets up barebones scaffolding that allows vue and electron to play nicely from the get go. You can test your work by launching an unbuilt test version using
npm run electron:serve
and, when you are ready for deployment, may use
npm run electron:build
to build. This vastly simplifies the process, seen elsewhere, of dealing with a giant over engineered boilerplate or trying to write out relative pathing so your builds and dev environments both work identically.
This repository contains the starter template for using vue-next with the latest electron.
I started to learn electron & vue by the great project electron-vue. This project is also inspired from it.

Vanilla JavaScript NPM web project starter

I'm looking for NPM toolset to help me to create baseline for Web projects with vanilla JS. So, as we set up Angular projects with angular-cli ng init command, React projects with create-react-app, is there any recommended NPM global tooling to set up all common toolchain (mainly Webpack, Babel and some development server with hot reloading/change detection) for non framework based projects?
Thank you for any suggestinos
I'd look at yeoman and available generators to pick one that suits your needs the most.
Here's a couple that might fit you:
webapp generator
babel boilerplate
grunt provides scaffolding. There are templates available, or it's fairly easy to create your own.

Simple universal Visual Studio 2017 project template for Web

I'm developing simple websites in Visual Studio with external tools like angular cli or webpack.
It doesn't seem as if there is an appropriate project template for that. I don't need special things like the nodejs or asp .net project provides. I just want to be able to define my own actions, nothing else.
What I want:
Simple project structure showing files (just like normal but without listing npm packages)
Configurations such as Debug/Release
Run own scripts on build/rebuild/start etc. (depending on configurations)
I know that this could be accomplished using vs code. But vs2017 offers much functionality that I need.
Is there a way i can accomplish this in VS2017?
If not, would it be possible to write an own project template for that?

How to use semantic-ui-react in visual studio ASP.NET Core project?

Say we have followed this ReactJS.Net tutorial Now we want to add semantic-ui-react to our React components so that they will look good. Yet there is no Bower or NuGet semantic-ui-react package, just Semantic-UI which does not help. So how to use semantic-ui-react on VS2017 with ASP.NET Core?
I have never used ReactJS.NET and not an expert on .NET but as I can understand from the docs you pointed out you can use Webpack.
Webpack is a popular module bundling system built on top of Node.js.
It can handle not only combination and minification of JavaScript and
CSS files, but also other assets such as image files (spriting)
through the use of plugins. Webpack can be used as an alternative to
Cassette or ASP.NET Combination and Minification. This guide assumes
you have already installed Webpack.
With this explanation we can assume that you can install semantic-ui-react with npm and configure Webpack so you can use components as described there.
#Html.React("Components.CommentsBox", new {
initialComments = Model.Comments

VS Web Application project with no framework/DLL?

I want to create a JavaScript API project in Visual Studio 2013/2015/etc. I don't want any bin/obj/dll/framework as it will be pure JS. Actually, it will be using Typescript, so I do need it to be in a web project so I can get Typescript compilation, etc.
Is there any existing project template which would give me just a plain old web application with no framework attached?
Yes, at least in VS 2013 there is. New Project->Templates->TypeScript->HTML Application with TypeScript. Then, in order to avoid generating a useless dll, you have to turn off the build of the project - go to the solution Configuration Manager and uncheck Build for the project.
