How to re-order Firestore 'modified' changes using DocumentChange.newIndex? - javascript

I'm using the web API for Firestore to perform a simple query ordered on a date property formatted as a string ('2017-12-30'). I use the onSnapshot() method to subscribe as a listener to document changes. The initial population of list of results works as expected - the order is correct.
As I make changes to the data, the callback then gets called with a change type of 'modified'. If any of the changes affects the date property, then I have no way of re-ordering the item in the list of results - unlike the old Realtime Database. That is, until I saw the newIndex and oldIndex properties of DocumentChange. They are undocumented for the Web API (, but are documented as part of the Node.js API (
So, my problem seemed to be solved - except that in practice the values in newIndex and oldIndex seem to be largely random and bear no relation to the actual order if I refresh the query. I can't make out any pattern that would explain the index values I get back.
Has anyone used DocumentChange.newIndex and DocumentChange.oldIndex successfully? If not, how would you reorder results in subscribers as a result of changes?
const query = firestore.collection(`users/${uid}/things`).
orderBy('sortDate', 'desc').limit(1000)
query.onSnapshot(snapshot => {
snapshot.docChanges.forEach(change => {
if (change.type === "added") {
}, change.newIndex)
if (change.type === "modified") {
}, change.oldIndex, change.newIndex))
if (change.type === "removed") {
dispatch(removeThing(, change.oldIndex))

The original problem I had with the DocumentChange indexes was due to a couple of bugs elsewhere in my code. As I didn't find any examples of this in use outside of the Node.js Firestore docs, here's the test code I used to verify its correct behaviour (ES6). It assumes firebase has been initialized.
cleanTestData = (firestore, path) => {
console.log("Cleaning-up old test data")
var query = firestore.collection(path)
return query.get().then(snapshot => {
const deletePromises = []
if (snapshot.size > 0) { {
deletePromises.push(doc.ref.delete().then(() => {
console.log("Deleted ",
return Promise.all(deletePromises)
}).then(() => {
console.log("Old test data cleaned-up")
createTestData = (firestore, path) => {
console.log("Creating test data")
const batch = firestore.batch()
const data = {
a: '2017-09-02',
b: '2017-12-25',
c: '2017-10-06',
d: '2017-08-02',
e: '2017-09-20',
f: '2017-11-17'
for (const id in data) {
batch.set(firestore.collection(path).doc(id), { date: data[id] })
return batch.commit().then(() => {
console.log("Test data created");
}).catch(error => {
console.error("Failed to create test data: ", error);
subscribe = (firestore, path) => {
const datesArray = []
return firestore.collection(path).orderBy('date', 'asc').onSnapshot(snapshot => {
snapshot.docChanges.forEach(change => {
console.log(change.type, "id:",,
"; date:",,
"; oldIndex:", change.oldIndex, "; newIndex:", change.newIndex,
"; metadata: ", change.doc.metadata)
if (change.oldIndex !== -1) {
datesArray.splice(change.oldIndex, 1);
if (change.newIndex !== -1) {
datesArray.splice(change.newIndex, 0,;
console.log(" -->", JSON.stringify(datesArray))
update = (firestore, path) => {
console.log("Updating test data")
return firestore.collection(path).doc('d').set({date: '2018-01-02'}).then(() => {
console.log("Test doc 'd' updated from '2017-08-02' to '2018-01-02'")
query = (firestore, path) => {
var query = firestore.collection(path).orderBy('date', 'asc')
return query.get().then(snapshot => {
const dates = []
if (snapshot.size > 0) { {
console.log("Fresh query of data: \n -->", JSON.stringify(dates))
handleStartTest = e => {
console.log("Starting test")
const firestore = firebase.firestore()
const path = `things`
let unsubscribeFn = null
unsubscribeFn = this.subscribe(firestore, path)
this.cleanTestData(firestore, path).then(() => {
return this.createTestData(firestore, path)
}).then(() => {
return this.update(firestore, path)
}).then(() => {
return this.query(firestore, path)
}).then(() => {
console.log("Test complete")
}).catch((error) => {
console.error("Test failed: ", error)

This is the way it worked for me:
onSnapshot((ref) => {
ref.docChanges().forEach((change) => {
const { newIndex, oldIndex, doc, type } = change;
if (type === 'added') {
this.todos.splice(newIndex, 0,;
// if we want to handle references we would do it here
} else if (type === 'modified') {
// remove the old one first
this.todos.splice(oldIndex, 1);
// if we want to handle references we would have to unsubscribe
// from old references' listeners and subscribe to the new ones
this.todos.splice(newIndex, 0,;
} else if (type === 'removed') {
this.todos.splice(oldIndex, 1);
// if we want to handle references we need to unsubscribe
// from old references


Advice on refactoring lots of consecutive if checks

I have some code like so:
export async function handleRefresh() {
if (!existsSync('postr.toml')) fail('not a postr directory');
const posts = expandGlob('posts/*');
for await (const post of posts) {
if (!post.isDirectory) {
console.warn('warning: non-folder found in posts directory');
let {parsedFrontMatter, contents} = extractFrontMatter(await read(post.path + '/'));
const adapters = parsedFrontMatter.adapters ?? [];
if (!parsedFrontMatter) {
fail('no frontmatter for ' + post.path);
if (!Array.isArray(adapters)) {
fail('adapters is not an array');
if (isValidFrontMatter(parsedFrontMatter)) {
fail('frontmatter is not valid');
adapters.forEach(async (adapter: string) => {
const adapterPlugins = parseToml(await read('postr.toml')).adapterPlugins ?? {};
if (!isObject(adapterPlugins)) {
fail('adapterPlugins in the configuration is not an object');
const adapterPath = adapterPlugins[adapter];
if (!adapterPath) {
console.warn('warn: an adapter was set' +
'but the corresponding plugin was not configured in `postr.toml`. Skipping');
if (!('path' in <any>adapterPath)) {
fail(`adapter ${adapter} does not have a path`);
.then(async module => {
const action = getActionForPost(parsedFrontMatter);
if (module[action]) {
await module[action](contents, parsedFrontMatter, (<any>adapterPath).config, {
updateFrontMatter(newData: {[x: string]: any}) {
parsedFrontMatter = Object.assign(parsedFrontMatter, newData);
mapID(remote: string | number) {
addMapping( as string, remote.toString(), adapter);
} else {
console.warn(`Adapter ${adapter} does not support action \`${action}\``);
writeFinalContents(parsedFrontMatter, contents, post.path)
.catch(error => fail(`could not run adapter because of ${}: ${error.message}`));
Huge function.
There are a lot of these necessary if checks. 3/4 of the function is if checks, you could say. I want some advice on how I could refactor these statements.
As you can see the checks are not always the same, there are some different checks going on there.
EDIT: I've added real code.

How to move the code to set ut DB and collection out from my file and just requre it?

So, let's say I have this code that works perfectly.
const {
} = require("arangojs");
var db = new Database({
url: "http://localhost:8529"
const database_name = "cool_database";
db.useBasicAuth("username", "password123");
.then(names => {
if (names.indexOf(database_name) > -1) {
} else {
.then(() => {
const collection = db.collection("my-collection");
const getJobFromQueue = () => {
return db.query({
query: "FOR el IN ##collection FILTER DATE_TIMESTAMP( < DATE_NOW() AND el.status != 'processed' AND el.status != 'failed' SORT LIMIT 1 RETURN el",
bindVars: {
"#collection": "my-collection"
.then(cursor => cursor.all());
But I want to move the top code out to another file and just require db and collection, how do I make that work? Have been struggling to make it work for too long now.
const {
} = require("./db");
const getJobFromQueue = () => {
return db.query({
query: "FOR el IN ##collection FILTER DATE_TIMESTAMP( < DATE_NOW() AND el.status != 'processed' AND el.status != 'failed' SORT LIMIT 1 RETURN el",
bindVars: {
"#collection": "my-collection"
.then(cursor => cursor.all());
just do exactly what you proposed. move the upper part of your code to db.js and expose dband collection using exports:
const {
} = require("arangojs");
var db = new Database({
url: "http://localhost:8529"
const database_name = "cool_database";
db.useBasicAuth("username", "password123");
.then(names => {
if (names.indexOf(database_name) > -1) {
} else {
.then(() => {
exports.collection = db.collection("my-collection");
exports.db = db;
const {
} = require("./db");
const getJobFromQueue = () => {
return db.query({
query: "FOR el IN ##collection FILTER DATE_TIMESTAMP( < DATE_NOW() AND el.status != 'processed' AND el.status != 'failed' SORT LIMIT 1 RETURN el",
bindVars: {
"#collection": "my-collection"
.then(cursor => cursor.all());
keep in mind, there is a potential race condition in your code. you may end up using db and collection, before they hat been initialized.

override existing objects when push into an array - replace or add

suppose we try to connect web socket. web socket server sends some data for fetching client status which represents the online or offline. I tried to store these data into redux (works fine), but I need to change these statuses instantly with overriding the existing objects. I need some functionality for override my redux store. I get so far with the snippet below.
this code push objects to my redux store not overriding
const [status, set_status] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const socket = io(ws_api, {
query: `token=${localStorage.getItem("token")}`,
socket.on("message", (data) => { => {
if (item.application === data.application) {
item["status"] = data.status;
} else {
set_status((status) => [...status, data]);
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
get_client_status(status); // redux action
}, [status]);
the data structure which is coming from the socket on message
application: "5ede25f4d3fde1c8a70f0a38"
client: "5ede25f4d3fde1c8a70f0a36"
status: "offline"
First search current state for any existing data elements, if found then update it, otherwise add to the array.
Using array::findIndex
const messageHandler = data => {
const dataIndex = status.findIndex(
item => item.application === data.application
if (dataIndex !== -1) {
set_status(status => => {
return item.application === data.application
? { ...item, status: data.status }
: item;
} else {
set_status(status => [...status, data]);
Using array::find
const messageHandler = data => {
const found = status.find(item => item.application === data.application);
if (found) {
set_status(status => => {
return item.application === data.application
? { ...item, status: data.status }
: item;
} else {
set_status(status => [...status, data]);
Edit: define this callback outside the effect
useEffect(() => {
socket.on("message", messageHandler);
}, []);

Check Box Update Request,ReactJS

I'm making simple To Do List app,Everything is working.I just want to make sure I'm doing it right without any mistakes.
I'm concerned about Check box update part,Please check the code and tell me if I'm doing anything wrong.
Here is the put method for Checkboxes
checkBoxRouteUpdate = () => {
let {todos} = this.state
let newArray = [...todos]
.put(`http://localhost:8080/checkEdit/`, {
checked: newArray.every(todo => todo.checked)
}).then((res) => {
console.log("res", res);
.catch((err) => {
console.log("err", err);
checking all of them
checkAllCheckBox = () => {
let {todos} = this.state
let newArray = [...todos]
if (newArray.length !==0) { => {
if (item.checked === true) {
return item.checked = false
} else {
return item.checked = true
this.setState({todos: newArray})
Checking single Check Box
checkSingleCheckBox = (id) => {
let {todos} = this.state
let newArray = [...todos]
newArray.forEach(item => {
if (item._id === id) {
item.checked = !item.checked
.then(res => {
this.setState({todos: newArray})
.catch((err) => {
console.log("err", err);
} else {
Deleting Only Checked Items
deleteAllChecked = () => {
const todos = this.state.todos.filter((item => item.checked !== true))
.then((res) => {
this.setState({ todos,
pageCount: Math.ceil(todos.length / 10)})
console.log("res", res);
.catch((err) => {
console.log("err", err);
You can check/uncheck them another way
this.setState(state => ({
todos: => ({
checked: !item.checked
I think you should delete after api returns ok status
.then((res) => {
this.setState(state => {
const todos = state.todos.filter((item => item.checked !== true));
return {
pageCount: Math.ceil(todos.length / 10)
I add a lot of comments, some of these some just another way to do what you do and others are personal preferences, but the most important is that you can see alternatives ways to do things :).
checkBoxRouteUpdate = () => {
const todos = [...this.state.todos] // Better use const and initialize the array of objects directly
/*since you will use this array just in one place, is better if you iterate in
the [...todos] directly without save it in a variable
let newArray = [...todos]
.put(`http://localhost:8080/checkEdit/`, {
checked: todos.every(({checked}) => checked) // here you can use destructuring to get checked
}).then((res) => {
console.log("res", res);
.catch((err) => {
console.log("err", err);
checking all of them
checkAllCheckBox = () => {
const todos = [...this.state.todos] // Better use const and initialize the array of objects directly
// let newArray = [...todos] same as in the first function,
// isn't neccesary this if because if the array is empty, the map doesn't will iterate
// if (newArray.length !==0) {
/* this is optional, but you can write this like
const modifiedTodos = [...todos].map(({checked}) => checked = !checked)
/* In general, is better use const when possible because in this way
you will reassign a variable just when is necessary, and this is related with
avoid mutate values. */
const modifiedTodos = => {
if (item.checked === true) {
return item.checked = false
} else {
return item.checked = true
this.setState({ todos: modifiedTodos })
// Checking single Check Box
checkSingleCheckBox = (id) => {
// since you need be secure that the todos is an array, you can do this instead of the destructuring
const todos = [...this.state.todos]
// same as in the above function
// let newArray = [...todos]
// Here is better to use destructuring to get the _id and checked
[...todos].forEach(({checked, _id}) => {
/* this is totally personal preference but I try to avoid put a lot of code inside an if,
to do this, you can do something like:
if(_id !== id) return
and your code doesn't need to be inside the if
if (_id === id) {
/* this mutation is a little difficult to follow in large codebase, so,
is better if you modified the value in the place you will use it*/
// checked = !item.checked
.put(`http://localhost:8080/edit/${id}`, {
checked: !checked
.then(res => {
this.setState({ todos: todos }) // or just {todos} if you use the object shorthand notation
console.log('res', res)
.catch((err) => {
console.log("err", err);
// this else isn't necessary
// else {
// }
// Deleting Only Checked Items
deleteAllChecked = () => {
const todos = this.state.todos.filter((item => item.checked !== true))
/* Another way to do the above filtering is:
const todos = this.state.todos.filter((item => !item.checked))
.then((res) => {
pageCount: Math.ceil(todos.length / 10)
console.log("res", res);
.catch((err) => {
console.log("err", err);

Vuelidate isUnique causing infinite loop

i have a problem in vuelidate that causing infinite loop. Here's a brief process of my project. I have a datatable, I used Firebase OnSnapShot function to paginate the table. The table have action column that will show a modal when clicked. When i'm updating the value came from the table, vuelidate isUnique functions fires an infinite loop.
P.S I'm detaching the listener before viewing the modal
Output of infinite loop :
Here's my function to load the datatable:
async loadData(firebasePagination) {
// query reference for the messages we want
let ref = firebasePagination.db;
// single query to get startAt snapshot
ref.orderBy(firebasePagination.orderColumn, 'asc')
.then((snapshots) => {
// save startAt snapshot
firebasePagination.start =[ - 1]
// create listener using endAt snapshot (starting boundary)
let listener = ref.orderBy(firebasePagination.orderColumn)
.onSnapshot((datas) => {
if(!datas.empty){, index) => {
//remove duplicates
console.log("here") = => !==
//push to the data{id : },
if( === index){
//sort, b) => (a[firebasePagination.orderColumn] > b[firebasePagination.orderColumn]) ? 1 : -1)
//get the current data
firebasePagination.currentData = this.getCurrentData(firebasePagination)
// push listener
return firebasePagination;
Here's my function when clicking the action (Modal):
switch(items.action) {
case 'edit':
//detaching listener
this.firebasePagination.listeners.forEach(d => {
}); = true;
Here's my isUnique function:
validations: {
department: {
name: {
async isUnique(value){
if(value.trim() === ''){
return false;
if(strictCompareStrings(this.departmentName, value)){
this.departmentError.isActive = true;
this.departmentError.isValid = true;
return true;
const result = await checkIfUnique(DB_DEPARTMENTS, {nameToLower :});
console.log("GOES HERE")
result.errorMessage = result.isActive ?
'Department already exists.' : 'Department has been archived.';
this.departmentError = Object.assign({}, result);
return this.departmentError.isValid;
Here's my checkUnique function :
export const checkIfUnique = (db, nameObj, isTrim = true) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const nameObjKey = Object.keys(nameObj)[0];
const name = isTrim ? nameObj[nameObjKey].replace(/\s+/g,' ').trim().toLowerCase() : nameObj[nameObjKey].trim();
db().where(nameObjKey, '==', name).get()
.then((doc) => {
let result = {isActive: false, isValid: true, errorMessage: ''};
result.isActive =[0].data().isActive;
result.isValid = false;
Looked into another example of using isUnique from here and considered that you might have to return the Promise itself from the isUnique itself.
isUnique(value) {
if (value === '') return true
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(result => resolve(result))
.catch(e => reject(false));
But then again, we still have an open issue regarding Infinite loop when using a promise-based validate #350.
