I am trying to say that if a URL ends in X, then I want a div to be injected onto the site. However, there are multiple X's.
var adfc = '$0.00';
if (url.indexOf('YHOPT20T', 'YR20B', 'YR20T') > 0) { {
adfc = '$10.00';
if (adfc == '$0.00') {
if (shipsfree == true && returnsfree == true) {
document.write('<div style="padding-top:12px;"><span class="shipNote">FREE SHIPPING & FREE RETURN</span></div>');
sizeadviceshow = true;
else if (shipsfree == true && returnsfree == false) {
document.write('<div style="padding-top:12px;"><span class="shipNote">FREE SHIPPING</span></div>');
else {
document.write('<div style="padding-top:12px;"><span style="font-size:12px; font-weight:normal; color:#AA1E37; cursor:pointer; line-height:18px;">' + adfc + ' Additional Freight Charge</span></div>');
How would I accomplish targeting multiple sections in the code?
anchorArrows is an element that if I click the checkbox it must be shown and if it's not checked it must be hidden. The classList hidden and show are CSS classes with opacity 0 and 1
let q = document.getElementById("Q").value;
let q2 = document.getElementById("q2").value;
const anchorArrows = document.getElementById("anchor");
if((chkQ.checked == true) && (chkQ2.checked == false)){
if(q > 0){
if((chkQ2.checked == true) && (chkQ.checked == false)){
if(q > 0){
opacity: 0;
opacity: 1;
You need to use else if and one else. The issue you have is the first if can be true, but the second else will wipe away the class.
if (chkQ.checked && !chkQ2.checked) {
if (q > 0) {
flechas(0, "x");
} else {
flechas(180, "x");
} else if (chkQ2.checked && !chkQ.checked) {
if (q > 0) {
flechas(0, "y");
} else {
flechas(180, "y");
} else {
And to get rid of repeated code
let isValid = false;
if ((!chkQ.checked && chkQ2.checked) || (chkQ.checked && !chkQ2.checked)) {
isValid = true;
const num = +q > 0 ? 0 : 180;
const code = chkQ.checked ? "x" : "y";
flechas(num, code);
anchorArrows.classList.toggle("show", isValid);
anchorArrows.classList.toggle("hidden", !isValid);
Personally, I wouldn't use classes to change opacity, as multiple variables can affect the outcome of it. Instead, I would put opacity in the original Id/Class in the CSS, and use .style.opacity to change it.
For Example:
#box {
<div id="box"></div>
document.getElementById('box').style.opacity = .5;
In your code, it would be anchorArrows.style.opacity = 1; for show, and anchorArrows.style.opacity = 0; for hidden.
My knowledge is limited, so I'm just praying y'all will enlighten me who knows bare minimum of JS. I want to bypass a timer that makes it unable to go to the next page (I need 35s every single time and that's a lot considering some lessons have over 200 slides). How do I write a script for tampermonkey to make it show the link to the next page instantly?
// Obsługa przycisku Dalej
function goNext(vIsExam) {
// Przycisk nieaktywny - blokada przejścia
if (document.getElementById("pNext").rel != 'enabled') return false;
if (vIsExam==1) {
} else {
} // function
// Aktywacja przycisku Dalej
function waitNextLesson(vTimeLeft, vTimer) {
if (vTimeLeft > 0) {
document.getElementById('pNext').rel = 'disabled';
document.getElementById('pNextDiv').className = 'CourseInactive';
if (vTimer == 0) {
document.getElementById('pNextIcon').className = 'FontAwesome';
document.getElementById('pNextIcon').innerHTML = vTimeLeft;
} else {
document.getElementById('pNextIcon').className = 'FontAwesome';
document.getElementById('pNextIcon').className = 'FontAwesome FontAwesomeArrowRight';
document.getElementById('pNextName').innerHTML = 'CZEKAJ';
vTimeLeft = vTimeLeft - 1;
} else {
document.getElementById('pNext').rel = 'enabled';
document.getElementById('pNextDiv').className = '';
document.getElementById('pNextIcon').className = 'FontAwesome FontAwesomeArrowRight';
document.getElementById('pNextIcon').innerHTML = '';
document.getElementById('pNextName').innerHTML = 'NASTĘPNY SLAJD';
if (document.getElementById('iLessonAutoPlay').checked == true) document.getElementById('pNext').click();
} // function
// Obsługa LessonAutoPlay
function jLessonAutoPlay(e) {
setCookie('LessonAutoPlay', document.getElementById('iLessonAutoPlay').checked);
} // function
//if (getCookie('LessonAutoPlay') == 'true') document.getElementById('iLessonAutoPlay').checked = true;
// Obsługa skrótów klawiaturowych (strzałka [<] i [>])
// Sprawdzenie czy można obsługiwać skróty
if (document.getElementById('DIALOG').style.display == 'none' && document.getElementById('LOADER').style.display == 'none') {
// Klawisz [<]
if (oEvent.keyCode == 37) {
// Klawisz [>]
if (oEvent.keyCode == 39) {
if (document.getElementById("pNext").rel == 'enabled') {
I have an extremely complex page that uses dynamic information to generate a layout with the correct and relevant information.
I am storing the data as an object. I have essentially 15 objects with multiple fields of user-submitted data.
Everything is stored and output correctly on the page, however now I am trying to validate and the information when the user tries to edit it from the edit page. The information is all being generated and laid out correctly, however I keep getting the same errors on the validation of the information.
The validation should go through and determine if a field was filled out correctly, and if it was not record a variable and add it to an alert variable. Then once it i done running the validation function it should pop up an alert with what fields still need to be filled in.
I keep receiving an error when it runs through the for loop toward the bottom. It says 'Uncaught TypeError' Cannot read property 'questionNumber' of undefined.
Above the code below I store the object and the properties, but this function is where everything is going awry. Note that there are also 15 arrays in the qtest object, but for the sake of simplification I removed all but a few.
I have gotten this to work on smaller, simpler forms, however because of the complexity and storage method I think this may be missing something or I might not be accessing something correctly. The code is very long and below, I've scaled back as much as possible. Please, if you have any insight or help you can provide I would be extremely grateful. Thank you!
var validateQ = function(qTextID, qAnswerType, TFID, MCID, MCText1, MCText2, MCText3, MCText4, VisRef, Youtube, Vimeo, ImgID) {
if (document.getElementById('ItemName').value == "") {
var quizName = true;
if (jQuery('select[name="CAT_Custom_14"]').val() == 'Quiz') {
if (jQuery(qTextID).val() == "") {
var qText = true;
if (jQuery('CAT_Custom_249').val() == " ") {
var quizscore1 = true;
if (jQuery(qAnswerType).val() == " ") {
var answertype = true;
} else if (jQuery(qAnswerType).val() == 'True/False') {
if (!jQuery(TFID).is(':checked')) {
var tfanswer = true;
var mcanswer = false;
} else if (jQuery(qAnswerType).val() == 'Multiple Choice') {
if (!jQuery(MCID).is(':checked')) {
var mcanswer = true;
var tfanswer = false;
if (jQuery(MCText1).val() == "" || jQuery(MCText2).val() == "" || jQuery(MCText3).val() == "" || jQuery(MCText4).val() == "") {
var mcTextfields = true;
} else {
mcTextfields = false;
} else if (jQuery('select[name="CAT_Custom_14"]').val() == 'Survey') {
if (jQuery(qTextID).val() == "") {
var qText = true;
if (!jQuery(sAnswers1).is(':checked')) {
var surveyAnswers1 = true;
} else {
surveyAnswers1 = false;
if (jQuery(VisRef).val() != " ") {
if (jQuery(VisRef).val() == "Youtube Video" && jQuery(Youtube).val() == "") {
var youtubeVal = true;
} else if (jQuery(VisRef).val() == "Vimeo Video" && jQuery(Vimeo).val() == "") {
var vimeoVal = true;
} else {
// validateImage(ImgID);
} else {
youtubeVal = false;
vimeoVal = false;
var tempImgCheck = false;
if (numCheck == 15) {
numCheck = 16;
var qName = "- Quiz or Survey Name\n";
var shortDescription = "- A short description of the Quiz/Survey\n";
var scoreMessage = "- A required passing score\n";
var QTextMessage = "- Question text\n";
var answerTMessage = "- An answer type\n";
var mcFields = "- The Multiple Choice answer fields\n";
var mcMessage = "- The correct Multiple Choice Answer\n"
var tfMessage = "- The correct True/False answer\n";
var vimMessage = "- A Vimeo Video code\n";
var ytMessage = "- A Youtube Video code\n";
var imgMessage = "- A reference image\n";
var surveyMessage = "- An answer type\n";
if (quizName == true || quizscore1 == true || qText == true || answertype == true || tfanswer == true || mcanswer == true || mcTextfields == true || youtubeVal == true || vimeoVal == true || tempImgCheck == true || surveyAnswers1 == true) {
var alertText = "It appears that you have not finished completing question" + question[i].questionNumber + ". Please ensure that you have completed the following question fields.\n";
if (quizName == true) {
alertText = alertText + qName;
if (quizscore1 == true) {
alertText = alertText + scoreMessage;
if (qText == true) {
alertText = alertText + QTextMessage;
if (answertype == true) {
alertText = alertText + answerTMessage;
if (tfanswer == true) {
alertText = alertText + tfMessage;
if (mcanswer == true) {
alertText = alertText + mcMessage;
if (mcTextfields == true) {
alertText = alertText + mcFields;
if (youtubeVal == true) {
alertText = alertText + ytMessage;
if (vimeoVal == true) {
alertText = alertText + vimMessage;
if (tempImgCheck == true) {
alertText = alertText + imgMessage;
if (surveyAnswers1 == true) {
alertText = alertText + surveyMessage;
if (quizscore1 == true) {
alertText = alertText + scoreMessage;
var numCheck = 1;
var checkQuizQ = function() {
for (j = 1; j<= qtest.length; j++) {
numCheck = numCheck + 1;
if (qtest[j].questionNumber == "1") {
validateQ("CAT_Custom_3", "CAT_Custom_8", "CAT_Custom_19", "CAT_Custom_18", "CAT_Custom_4", "CAT_Custom_5", "CAT_Custom_6", "CAT_Custom_7", "CAT_Custom_9", "CAT_Custom_10", "CAT_Custom_11", "CAT_Custom_12", "CAT_Custom_230");
} else if (qtest[j].questionNumber == "2") {
validateQ("CAT_Custom_20", "CAT_Custom_21", "CAT_Custom_29", "CAT_Custom_26", "CAT_Custom_22", "CAT_Custom_23", "CAT_Custom_24", "CAT_Custom_25", "CAT_Custom_30", "CAT_Custom_31", "CAT_Custom_32", "CAT_Custom_33", "CAT_Custom_231");
} else if (qtest[j].questionNumber == "3") {
validateQ("CAT_Custom_35", "CAT_Custom_36", "CAT_Custom_37", "CAT_Custom_40", "CAT_Custom_41", "CAT_Custom_42", "CAT_Custom_43", "CAT_Custom_44", "CAT_Custom_45", "CAT_Custom_46", "CAT_Custom_47", "CAT_Custom_48", "CAT_Custom_232");
} else if (qtest[j].questionNumber == "4") {
document.getElementById('catcustomcontentbutton').style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("qsValidate").style.display = "none";
Since qtest looks like an array, its index starts from 0 to length - 1 so when j is length the value of qtest[j] will be undefined.
So change the loop as
for (j = 0; j< qtest.length; j++) {
I am looking to make a checkbox that when unchecked, will turn off a certain function in a .js file. Can someone help me?
HTML Check box:
Turn off this function:
var tweet = new Array();
var tweetName = new Array();
function linkSnipe() {
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
tweetName[i] = document.getElementsByClassName("fullname js-action-profile-name show-popup-with-id")[0].innerHTML;
tweet[i] = document.getElementsByClassName("js-tweet-text")[i].innerHTML;
if (tweet[0].match(shoeName) == shoeName && tweet[0].match(filterer) != filterer && tweet[0].match(filter2) != filter2) {
if(checkon == "Tweets"){
else if (tweet[1].match(shoeName) == shoeName && tweet[1].match(filterer) != filterer && tweet[1].match(filter2) != filter2) {
if(checkon == "Tweets"){
else if (tweet[2].match(shoeName) == shoeName && tweet[2].match(filterer) != filterer && tweet[2].match(filter2) != filter2) {
if(checkon == "Tweets"){
else if (tweet[3].match(shoeName) == shoeName && tweet[3].match(filterer) != filterer && tweet[3].match(filter2) != filter2) {
if(checkon == "Tweets"){
else if (tweet[4].match(shoeName) == shoeName && tweet[4].match(filterer) != filterer && tweet[4].match(filter2) != filter2) {
if(checkon == "Tweets"){
else if(checkon == "Tweets") {
setTimeout("linkSnipe()", 250);
When the checkbox is checked, redefine the function as:
<input type=checkbox ..... onchange="doit()">
function doit() {
window.linkSnipe=function() {}
I've used this too:
function doit() {
window['linkSnipe']=function() {}
If you want to turn the function on and off by the checkbox:
<input type=checkbox ..... onchange="doit(this)">
var linkSnipeSave = linkSnipe;
function doit(ck) {
if (ck.checked)
else {
linkSnipeSave = linkSnipe; //not sure if this line is needed...pls test
window['linkSnipe']=function() {}
You could simply have a Boolean variable that changes with the state of your check box. You could then put an if statement around the function call that will only trigger if the checkbox is checked.
//initialize some variables.
bike_checked = false;
car_checked = false;
//get elements by their ID from html
bike = document.getElementById("bike");
car = document.getElementById("car");
//add event listeners to the html elements we found above
bike.addEventListener("click", toggle_bike, false);
car.addEventListener("click", toggle_car, false);
//toggle bike_checked variable on click
function toggle_bike(){
if(bike_checked == true)
bike_checked = false;
//toggle car_checked variable on click
function toggle_car(){
if(car_checked == true)
car_checked = false;
//output current state.
function current_state(){
if(car_checked == true)
alert('Car checked');
if(bike_checked == true)
alert('Bike checked');
I answered with only javascript and no jQuery, but you could probably make it a bit more concise with jQuery.
I hope this helps.
I'm doing this project trying to reproduce Schelling's Segregation model. I have a function(below) that is testing to see if the four immediate adjacent cells of the array are either the same or different or empty compared to the current cell being tested.
There are four possible spots to be tested for every cell in the array. But on corners and side spots, obviously you cant test spaces that are out of bounds. So in the function, if it finds one of the out of bounds spaces it decrements the number total around the cell. However, it keeps crashing telling me that I have an Uncaught Reference Error: Cannot read property '0' of undefined. I can't tell why its crashing.
The final lines of this code take the number of goods(similar cells) and the total number of cells around it (empty cells do not count) and gets a percentage similar.
Any help would be appreciated into telling me why it might be crashing and giving me an error? Thanks!
model.Test = function( i, j )
var numberToTest= 4;
var goods= 0;
if ((i - 1) >= 0)
if (model.BoardArray[i-1][j] != "E")
if (model.BoardArray[i][j] == model.BoardArray[i-1][j])
if((i + 1) < $("#BoardSizeValue").val())
if (model.BoardArray[i+1][j] != "E")
if (model.BoardArray[i][j] == model.BoardArray[i+1][j])
if ((j - 1) >= 0)
if (model.BoardArray[i][j-1] != "E")
if (model.BoardArray[i][j] == model.BoardArray[i][j-1])
if ((j + 1) < $("#BoardSizeValue").val())
if (model.BoardArray[i][j+1] != "E")
if (model.BoardArray[i][j] == model.BoardArray[i][j+1])
var similar = $("#SimilarSlider").val()/100;
if (numberToTest == 0)
return false;
var needed = goods/numberToTest;
if (needed >= similar)
return false;
return true;
From looking at your code, you would only get a Reference Error: Cannot read property '0' of undefined. if i was out of the bounds of the array.
I think the problem might be in this part of the code:
if ((i - 1) >= 0) {
if (model.BoardArray[i-1][j] != "E") {
if (model.BoardArray[i][j] == model.BoardArray[i-1][j]) {
if i = $("#BoardSizeValue").val() and $("#BoardSizeValue").val() is a one-based index of the array size, then [i-1] would be okay, but not [i]. So try adjusting your code to this:
if ((i - 1) >= 0 && i < $("#BoardSizeValue").val()) {
if (model.BoardArray[i-1][j] != "E") {
if (model.BoardArray[i][j] == model.BoardArray[i-1][j]) {
This would also apply to the j comparisons as well.