Handling D3v3 Labels Overlapping - javascript

I'm developing a visual like a scatter plot using D3.js it has around 20k points without labels. I want to show the labels for the filtered data. I modified a function to avoid labels overlapping. It works but if I have a large number of points after applying the filter it cause crush the browser !!
Any ideas to improve the algorithm ? or to use the force function in D3v3 to do the job ?
function arrangeLabels(svg) {
var move = 1;
while(move > 0) {
move = 0;
.each(function() {
var that = this,
a = this.getBoundingClientRect();
.each(function() {
if (this != that) {
var b = this.getBoundingClientRect();
if ((Math.abs(a.left - b.left) * 2 < (a.width + b.width)) &&
(Math.abs(a.top - b.top) * 2 < (a.height + b.height))) {
var dy = (a.bottom + b.height)+2,
move += Math.abs(dy);
d3.select(this).attr("y", dy);
a = this.getBoundingClientRect();
I found this method to solve the overlapping issue using D3v4 https://walkingtree.tech/d3-quadrant-chart-collision-in-angular2-application/ any idea how to do the same in D3v3 ?!

So the problem is with the if logic:
if (
(Math.abs(a.left - b.left) * 2 < (a.width + b.width)) &&
(Math.abs(a.top - b.top) < a.height + b.height)
) {
var dy = (a.bottom + b.height)+2,
move += Math.abs(dy);
d3.select(this).attr("y", dy);
a = this.getBoundingClientRect();


polygon weird redrawing by adding & dragging dynamic points (flickering)

I have co-ordinates for the points by taking which I draw a polygon. I can add points dynamically on the edges of the polygon and when I drag any point it should drag only the connected lines. As points can be added later on the edges so the point co-ordinates need to be ordered/sorted and the polygon should be redrawn by taking the ordered/sorted points so that on dragging any point the lines connected to the dragged point only should be dragged/updated. So to order/sort the points I am sorting the co-ordinates(2D-points) clockwise using Graham Scan/ sorting by polar angle.
My sorting code is
I find the center of the polygon like
function findCenter(points) {
let x = 0,
y = 0,
len = points.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
x += Number(points[i][0]);
y += Number(points[i][1]);
return { x: x / len, y: y / len }; // return average position
Then I sort the points by finding angles of each point from the center like
function findAngle(points) {
const center = findCenter(points);
// find angle
points.forEach((point) => {
point.angle = Math.atan2(point[1] - center.y, point[0] - center.x);
//arrVertexes is the array of points
arrVertexes.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.angle >= b.angle ? 1 : -1;
But the problem I am facing is if I drag any point more towards opposite side and add a new point on the edges afterward and drag the newly added point the sorting of co-ordinates is not ordered exactly because of which there is a flickering while dragging.
Here is a pictorial view of the problem I am facing for quick understanding.
Initially my svg looks like
After this I add a point and dragged like
Then I added one more point like
once I drag the added point towards down, it redraws the polygon something like (is not it weird ?)
Actually It should be like
NOTE: I really don't know what logic should I apply to get the desire functionality. Seeking help from the community leads.
Demo App
So I am looking for a solution that won't give me weird redrawing of the lines. Only the connected lines to the dragged point should be dragged.
I came up with MUCH BETTER solution. The only problem with this approach is, When I try to add a new point on left-vertical line and If I try to move it, that newly added point moves to top-horizontal line
I've fixed this bug with left line. Take a look: codepen.
I changed getClosestPointOnLines function (actually refactored a little):
as I understood, the result here is to get i - the index for the new point in array, so I moved the algorithm to new function getI
I changed getI to use not only n (current index), but just 2 any indexes: n1 and n2: const getI = (n1, n2) => {
So all your aXys[n] is now a1 and aXys[n - 1] is now a2.
the result of getI is return i; - this is what we want from this function
I added new function-helper updateI. It calls getI and check if there any positive result.
const updateI = (n1, n2) => {
const newI = getI(n1, n2);
if (newI !== undefined) {
i = newI;
return true;
So your loop over points is now:
for (let n = 1; n < aXys.length; n++) {
updateI(n, n - 1);
But we need to check "left" line separately (because it connects begin and end of the array):
if (updateI(aXys.length - 1, 0)) i = aXys.length;
Sorry, but I disabled part of your code. I did not check where do you use it:
if (i < aXys.length) {
let dx = aXys[i - 1][0] - aXys[i][0];
let dy = aXys[i - 1][1] - aXys[i][1];
x = aXys[i - 1][0] - dx * fTo;
y = aXys[i - 1][1] - dy * fTo;
So the final version of getClosestPointOnLines now looks like this:
function getClosestPointOnLines(pXy, aXys) {
var minDist;
var fTo;
var fFrom;
var x;
var y;
var i;
var dist;
if (aXys.length > 1) {
const getI = (n1, n2) => {
let i;
const a1 = aXys[n1];
const a2 = aXys[n2];
if (a1[0] != a2[0]) {
let a = (a1[1] - a2[1]) / (a1[0] - a2[0]);
let b = a1[1] - a * a1[0];
dist = Math.abs(a * pXy[0] + b - pXy[1]) / Math.sqrt(a * a + 1);
} else dist = Math.abs(pXy[0] - a1[0]);
// length^2 of line segment
let rl2 = Math.pow(a1[1] - a2[1], 2) + Math.pow(a1[0] - a2[0], 2);
// distance^2 of pt to end line segment
let ln2 = Math.pow(a1[1] - pXy[1], 2) + Math.pow(a1[0] - pXy[0], 2);
// distance^2 of pt to begin line segment
let lnm12 = Math.pow(a2[1] - pXy[1], 2) + Math.pow(a2[0] - pXy[0], 2);
// minimum distance^2 of pt to infinite line
let dist2 = Math.pow(dist, 2);
// calculated length^2 of line segment
let calcrl2 = ln2 - dist2 + lnm12 - dist2;
// redefine minimum distance to line segment (not infinite line) if necessary
if (calcrl2 > rl2) dist = Math.sqrt(Math.min(ln2, lnm12));
if (minDist == null || minDist > dist) {
if (calcrl2 > rl2) {
if (lnm12 < ln2) {
fTo = 0; //nearer to previous point
fFrom = 1;
} else {
fFrom = 0; //nearer to current point
fTo = 1;
} else {
// perpendicular from point intersects line segment
fTo = Math.sqrt(lnm12 - dist2) / Math.sqrt(rl2);
fFrom = Math.sqrt(ln2 - dist2) / Math.sqrt(rl2);
minDist = dist;
i = n1;
return i;
const updateI = (n1, n2) => {
const newI = getI(n1, n2);
if (newI !== undefined) {
i = newI;
return true;
for (let n = 1; n < aXys.length; n++) {
updateI(n, n - 1);
if (updateI(aXys.length - 1, 0)) i = aXys.length;
if (i < aXys.length) {
let dx = aXys[i - 1][0] - aXys[i][0];
let dy = aXys[i - 1][1] - aXys[i][1];
x = aXys[i - 1][0] - dx * fTo;
y = aXys[i - 1][1] - dy * fTo;
console.log(aXys[i - 1]);
return { x: x, y: y, i: i, fTo: fTo, fFrom: fFrom };
Working example on codepen.
You should not allow any point to be added that is not close to a line.
When the user clicks, use the distance from a point to a line algorithm to check each line to see if the click is within an acceptable distance of the line. Perhaps a few pixels. If more than one line is within an acceptable distance, perhaps choose the one that is closest.
You now know where in the array to insert the new point. It will be between the first and second points of the line that just matched.
If you do that, the shape drawing should just work.

Make Chart.js Radar labels clickable

Has anyone managed to make the labels around the Chart.js Radar perimeter clickable?
There doesn't seem to be an immediately obvious solution.
I came up with a solution for this for version 2.8.0 by copying the label position calculations from the RadialLinear scale into an event handler.
document.getElementById("myChart").onclick = function (e) {
var helpers = Chart.helpers;
var scale = myRadarChart.scale;
var opts = scale.options;
var tickOpts = opts.ticks;
// Position of click relative to canvas.
var mouseX = e.offsetX;
var mouseY = e.offsetY;
var labelPadding = 5; // number pixels to expand label bounding box by
// get the label render position
// calcs taken from drawPointLabels() in scale.radialLinear.js
var tickBackdropHeight = (tickOpts.display && opts.display) ?
helpers.valueOrDefault(tickOpts.fontSize, Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontSize)
+ 5: 0;
var outerDistance = scale.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(opts.ticks.reverse ? scale.min : scale.max);
for (var i = 0; i < scale.pointLabels.length; i++) {
// Extra spacing for top value due to axis labels
var extra = (i === 0 ? tickBackdropHeight / 2 : 0);
var pointLabelPosition = scale.getPointPosition(i, outerDistance + extra + 5);
// get label size info.
// TODO fix width=0 calc in Brave?
// https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/1738
var plSize = scale._pointLabelSizes[i];
// get label textAlign info
var angleRadians = scale.getIndexAngle(i);
var angle = helpers.toDegrees(angleRadians);
var textAlign = 'right';
if (angle == 0 || angle == 180) {
textAlign = 'center';
} else if (angle < 180) {
textAlign = 'left';
// get label vertical offset info
// also from drawPointLabels() calcs
var verticalTextOffset = 0;
if (angle === 90 || angle === 270) {
verticalTextOffset = plSize.h / 2;
} else if (angle > 270 || angle < 90) {
verticalTextOffset = plSize.h;
// Calculate bounding box based on textAlign
var labelTop = pointLabelPosition.y - verticalTextOffset - labelPadding;
var labelHeight = 2*labelPadding + plSize.h;
var labelBottom = labelTop + labelHeight;
var labelWidth = plSize.w + 2*labelPadding;
var labelLeft;
switch (textAlign) {
case 'center':
var labelLeft = pointLabelPosition.x - labelWidth/2;
case 'left':
var labelLeft = pointLabelPosition.x - labelPadding;
case 'right':
var labelLeft = pointLabelPosition.x - labelWidth + labelPadding;
console.log('ERROR: unknown textAlign '+textAlign);
var labelRight = labelLeft + labelWidth;
// Render a rectangle for testing purposes
ctx.strokeStyle = 'red';
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.strokeRect(labelLeft, labelTop, labelWidth, labelHeight);
// compare to the current click
if (mouseX >= labelLeft && mouseX <= labelRight && mouseY <= labelBottom && mouseY >= labelTop) {
alert(scale.pointLabels[i]+' clicked');
// Break loop to prevent multiple clicks, if they overlap we take the first one.
JSFiddle here:
The downside of this approach is it that it will break if the core labelling implementation changes in the future. It would be better if the library separated the calculation of label position from its rendering and started exposing the position info via the API. Then this solution could be greatly simplified and would be more robust to library changes.
I've opened a ticket offering to make that change here:
Please comment on that issue if it would be useful to you.
Thanks Pogrindis. Answer here works for Chart.js v2.1: Chart.js click on labels, using bar chart
To make that work for Chart.js v5.0+, add the following function back into the Chart.js code.
LinearRadialScale = Chart.LinearScaleBase.extend({...})
getValueCount: function() {
return this.chart.data.labels.length;

PIXIJS detect overlapping between two DisplayObjectContainer

I need to detect wether two objects collide / overlap with each other,
for achieving this purpose I stumbled upon the collision algorithm used in the "run pixie run" game, that didn't work, so I passed to this other function I found on the pixijs forum ( code follows below ), but even this works only in some cases.
The objects involved in the hit test are two DisplayObjectContainer containing a Sprite and a Graphics element (namely a rectangle that used for showing the boundingBox of the sprite).
The sprite has the anchor point set to 0.5 ( for that reason the x/y values in the function are inited like this )
var hitTest = function(s2, s1)
var x1 = s1.position.x - (s1.width/2),
y1 = s1.position.y - (s1.height/2),
w1 = s1.width,
h1 = s1.height,
x2 = s2.position.x - ( s2.width / 2 ),
y2 = s2.position.y - ( s2.height / 2 ),
w2 = s2.width,
h2 = s2.height;
if (x1 + w1 > x2)
if (x1 < x2 + w2)
if (y1 + h1 > y2)
if (y1 < y2 + h2)
return true;
return false;
I also read that it might be possible to use the box2d engine to perform such a task, but I find this solution a little bit overwhelming.
I was looking for a simple as convenient way to do so.
In the end I came up with this solution, that I found on mdn and changed in order to fit my scenario.
var isColliding = function(el) {
el.children[0].position, el.children[1].position, el.position);
rect1 = {
for(i=0; i<stage.children.length;i++)
if(stage.children[i] != el) {
el2 = stage.children[i]
rect2 = {
if (rect1.x < rect2.x + rect2.w &&
rect1.x + rect1.w > rect2.x &&
rect1.y < rect2.y + rect2.h &&
rect1.h + rect1.y > rect2.y) {
return true;
return false;

Algorithm to find space for an object within a 2d area

I'm building a website which uses jQuery to allow users to add widgets to a page, drag them around and resize them (the page is fixed width and infinite height.) The issue that I'm having is that when adding a new widget to the page I have to find a free space for it (the widgets cannot overlap and I'd like to favour spaces at the top of the page.)
I've been looking at various packing algorithms and none of them seem to be suitable. The reason why is that they are designed for packing all of the objects in to the container, this means that all of the previous rectangles are laid out in a uniform way. They often line up an edge of the rectangle so that they form rows/columns, this simplifies working out what will fit where in the next row/column. When the user can move/resize widgets at will these algorithms don't work well.
I thought that I had a partial solution but after writing some pseudo code in here I’ve realized that it won’t work. A brute force based approach would work, but I'd prefer something more efficient if possible. Can anyone suggest a suitable algorithm? Is it a packing algorithm that I'm looking for or would something else work better?
Ok, I've worked out a solution. I didn't like the idea of a brute force based approach because I thought it would be inefficient, what I realized though is if you can look at which existing widgets are in the way of placing the widget then you can skip large portions of the grid.
Here is an example: (the widget being placed is 20x20 and page width is 100px in this example.)
This diagram is 0.1 scale and got messed up so I've had to add an extra column
1+---+ +--+1
2| | | |2
3| | +--+3
4| | 4
5+---+ 5
We attempt to place a widget at 0x0 but it doesn't fit because there is a 50x50 widget at that coordinate.
So we then advance the current x coordinate being scanned to 51 and check again.
We then find a 40x30 widget at 0x61.
So we then advance the x coordinate to 90 but this doesn't leave enough room for the widget being placed so we increment the y coordinate and reset x back to 0.
We know from the previous attempts that the widgets on the previous line are at least 30px high so we increase the y coordinate to 31.
We encounter the same 50x50 widget at 0x31.
So we increase x to 51 and find that we can place a widget at 51x31
Here is the javascript:
function findSpace(width, height) {
var $ul = $('.snap-layout>ul');
var widthOfContainer = $ul.width();
var heightOfContainer = $ul.height();
var $lis = $ul.children('.setup-widget'); // The li is on the page and we dont want it to collide with itself
for (var y = 0; y < heightOfContainer - height + 1; y++) {
var heightOfShortestInRow = 1;
for (var x = 0; x < widthOfContainer - width + 1; x++) {
console.log(x + '/' + y);
var pos = { 'left': x, 'top': y };
var $collider = $(isOverlapping($lis, pos, width, height));
if ($collider.length == 0) {
// Found a space
return pos;
var colliderPos = $collider.position();
// We have collided with something, there is no point testing the points within this widget so lets skip them
var newX = colliderPos.left + $collider.width() - 1; // -1 to account for the ++ in the for loop
x = newX > x ? newX : x; // Make sure that we are not some how going backwards and looping forever
var colliderBottom = colliderPos.top + $collider.height();
if (heightOfShortestInRow == 1 || colliderBottom - y < heightOfShortestInRow) {
heightOfShortestInRow = colliderBottom - y; // This isn't actually the height its just the distance from y to the bottom of the widget, y is normally at the top of the widget tho
y += heightOfShortestInRow - 1;
//TODO: Add the widget to the bottom
Here is the longer and more less elegant version that also adjusts the height of the container (I've just hacked it together for now but will clean it up later and edit)
function findSpace(width, height,
yStart, avoidIds // These are used if the function calls itself - see bellow
) {
var $ul = $('.snap-layout>ul');
var widthOfContainer = $ul.width();
var heightOfContainer = $ul.height();
var $lis = $ul.children('.setup-widget'); // The li is on the page and we dont want it to collide with itself
var bottomOfShortestInRow;
var idOfShortestInRow;
for (var y = yStart ? yStart : 0; y <= heightOfContainer - height + 1; y++) {
var heightOfShortestInRow = 1;
for (var x = 0; x <= widthOfContainer - width + 1; x++) {
console.log(x + '/' + y);
var pos = { 'left': x, 'top': y };
var $collider = $(isOverlapping($lis, pos, width, height));
if ($collider.length == 0) {
// Found a space
return pos;
var colliderPos = $collider.position();
// We have collided with something, there is no point testing the points within this widget so lets skip them
var newX = colliderPos.left + $collider.width() - 1; // -1 to account for the ++ in the for loop
x = newX > x ? newX : x; // Make sure that we are not some how going backwards and looping forever
colliderBottom = colliderPos.top + $collider.height();
if (heightOfShortestInRow == 1 || colliderBottom - y < heightOfShortestInRow) {
heightOfShortestInRow = colliderBottom - y; // This isn't actually the height its just the distance from y to the bottom of the widget, y is normally at the top of the widget tho
var widgetId = $collider.attr('data-widget-id');
if (!avoidIds || !$.inArray(widgetId, avoidIds)) { // If this is true then we are calling ourselves and we used this as the shortest widget before and it didnt work
bottomOfShortestInRow = colliderBottom;
idOfShortestInRow = widgetId;
y += heightOfShortestInRow - 1;
if (!yStart) {
// No space was found so create some
var idsToAvoid = [];
for (var attempts = 0; attempts < widthOfContainer; attempts++) { // As a worse case scenario we have lots of 1px wide colliders
heightOfContainer = $ul.height();
var maxAvailableRoom = heightOfContainer - bottomOfShortestInRow;
var extraHeightRequired = height - maxAvailableRoom;
if (extraHeightRequired < 0) { extraHeightRequired = 0;}
$ul.height(heightOfContainer + extraHeightRequired);
var result = findSpace(width, height, bottomOfShortestInRow, idsToAvoid);
if (result.top) {
// Found a space
return result;
// Got a different collider so lets try that next time
bottomOfShortestInRow = result.bottom;
idOfShortestInRow = result.id;
if (!bottomOfShortestInRow) {
// If this is undefined then its broken (because the widgets are bigger then their contianer which is hardcoded atm and resets on f5)
// Something has gone wrong so we just stick it on the bottom left
$ul.height($ul.height() + height);
return { 'left': 0, 'top': $ul.height() - height };
} else {
// The function is calling itself and we shouldnt recurse any further, just return the data required to continue searching
return { 'bottom': bottomOfShortestInRow, 'id': idOfShortestInRow };
function isOverlapping($obsticles, tAxis, width, height) {
var t_x, t_y;
if (typeof (width) == 'undefined') {
// Existing element passed in
var $target = $(tAxis);
tAxis = $target.position();
t_x = [tAxis.left, tAxis.left + $target.outerWidth()];
t_y = [tAxis.top, tAxis.top + $target.outerHeight()];
} else {
// Coordinates and dimensions passed in
t_x = [tAxis.left, tAxis.left + width];
t_y = [tAxis.top, tAxis.top + height];
var overlap = false;
$obsticles.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var thisPos = $this.position();
var i_x = [thisPos.left, thisPos.left + $this.outerWidth()]
var i_y = [thisPos.top, thisPos.top + $this.outerHeight()];
if (t_x[0] < i_x[1] && t_x[1] > i_x[0] &&
t_y[0] < i_y[1] && t_y[1] > i_y[0]) {
overlap = this;
return false;
return overlap;

Separating Rects Javascript

Essentially, what I'm doing is placing a bunch of random width/height rects onto a grid (near the center of it), then pushing them all away from each other until none of them overlap. I have another version where I check for collisions before I place them on the grid, but that's not what I'm going for in this build.
I'm wondering if someone can explain a better way to go about this?
What I've tried so far is something similar to:
let r1/r2 = rect1/rect2
do {
var ox = Math.max(0, Math.min(r1.x + r1.w, r2.x + r2.w) - Math.max(r1.x, r2.x)),
oy = Math.max(0, Math.min(r1.y + r1.h, r2.y + r2.h) - Math.max(r1.y, r2.y)),
dx = r2.x - r1.x,
dy = r2.y - r1.y;
if (ox > 0 && oy > 0) {
if (ox >= oy) {
if (r1.x >= r2.x && Math.random() > .1) {
r1.x += ox;
spaced = true;
} else {
r1.x -= ox;
spaced = true;
} else {
if (r1.y >= r2.y && Math.random() > .1) {
r1.y += oy;
spaced = true;
} else {
r1.y -= oy;
spaced = true;
} while ( /* stuff */ )
the random is only there because I will run into times when a certain rect gets pushed back and forth and never gets free and causes an infinite loop. This way is horribly inefficient however.
I believe what your trying to accomplish is known as a packing problem http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Packing_problem. If you just search stack overflow for "2d bin packing" you should be able to find all you need to roll a much more efficient algorithm.
