I'm running into this weird and wonderful issue with the xAxis.labels.formatter function within highcharts JS.
I wanted to add a lightbox icon to the xAxis labels of the chart as following:
return '<div class="label">'
+'<a class="lightbox" href="http://www.google.com" data-lightbox="iframe" data-plugin-options=\'{"type":"iframe"}\'>ICON</a>'
However when rendering this chart the html code shows me the following output:
<div class="label">
<a class="lightbox" href="http://www.google.com" data-lightbox="iframe" data-plugin-options="{"type":"iframe"}">ICON</a>
The problem is with the single quotes being rendered into double quotes
instead of
No matter what I try, I can't seem to prevent this from happening.
Things I have tried:
use simple escaping with \'
created a var and passing it into the return string
used .replace(/['"]+/g, '')
Could someone please point me in the right direction as it's driving me slowly crazy, thanks all
thank you for your reply, the problem is not the actually single quotes inside of the data-plugin-options attribute but around it, so for example it renders: data-plugin-options="{"type":"iframe"}" instead of data-plugin-options='{"type":"iframe"}', I have found out that even if I would add a fake html element e.g foo=bar, it will render this as foo="bar", so it automatically adds the double quotes, within the xAxis label formatter.
Please see my modified JSFiddle (http://jsfiddle.net/g6yehxeo/1/), and inspect the element of the icon label on the xAxis, you will find that it renders with quotes, even while there are none in the original code ? Any idea of how to prevent this, as the lightbox does not seem to work without these.
Thanks all
You need to properly escape the string that goes into the data-plugin-options attribute. More info: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9189067/1869660
formatter: function () {
function escapeAttr(str) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.setAttribute('data-dummy', str);
return /\"(.*)\"/.exec(div.outerHTML)[1];
var options = { type: 'iframe'},
optionsAttr = escapeAttr(JSON.stringify(options));
return '<div class="label">'
+ '<a class="lightbox" href="http://www.google.com" data-lightbox="iframe" data-plugin-options="' + optionsAttr + '">ICON</a>'
+ '</div>';
You can also use the built-in escape() method instead of our homemade escapeAttr(), but then whoever reads the attribute later needs to unescape() the value first to get valid JSON.
I want to use the currently selected text in the office document to be replaced by the same selected text but surrounded with html. Effectively adding a hyperlink to the current selection.
I first read the text property of the selection
var objRange = objContext.document.getSelection();
followed by
return objContext.sync().then(function(){
var strSelection = objRange.text;
"<a href='" + decodeURIComponent(strHyperlink) + "'>" + strSelection + "</a>",
return objContext.sync().then(function(){
I need a sync to read the text and then another one to write the updated text back into the document after that I close a dialog. But this sometimes causes the html to get written into the document twice. Is there a better way of doing this instead of with double context syncs?
To answer your question, if you need to read the text and then write into a different context, you'll need two syncs.
But you might take a look at the Range.hyperlink property, which is writeable. I don't know if it'll give you a way to avoid two syncs, but is intended for what you seem to be using insertHtml to do.
I am using the plugin rowexpander (grid) with the following template.
rowBodyTpl: new Ext.XTemplate('<div>'+
Displays vegetables types.
Items are sent to the server with a textarea field with each value separated by paragraph, creating a sort of list.
If I edit these values with a textarea, they are displayed in the textarea with the same format they were sent to the server (like a list).
However, with the XTemplate I just can display them on a single line.
potatos carrots pumpkins
I would appreciate suggestions to solve
FIDDLE: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/14se
FIDDLE (solved): https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/14sf
The XTemplate creates HTML, while the text area uses formatted plain text.
HTML does show line breaks from the code as a single space only. HTML line breaks are made using <br> tag.
So you have to replace \n with <br> in your template for the line breaks to show up:
var rowBodyTpl = new Ext.XTemplate([
'<div style = "white-space: pre-wrap;">',
replaceBR:function(text) {
return text.replace(/\n/g,'<br>');
I see two ways:
You can use tag <pre>. This tag shows preformatted text as is, with all spaces and new lines. (more see here: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_pre.asp ). Here sample: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/14il
You can make string array from vegetables_types string. It's best way I think. After it, you could use <tpl for="vegetables_type"> statement (look here: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/5.1/5.1.1-apidocs/#!/api/Ext.XTemplate ). Here sample: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/14sa
trying to escape and html for appending in jquery with adding a dynamic variable that i am bringing in with ajax and I seem to not be able to get the escaping correct. Here is what I have -
$("<div><div class='presiImg' style='background: url(/\'/gleam\/public\/images\/itPrecedents\/" + keep.logo + "');'></div></div>").appendTo(".myDiv');
I am unsure how to escape this correctly so I can use the variable. Thanks.
You've got a couple issues here:
You're escaping the forward slashes in your URL and that is not necessary
You are using inconsistent quotes in your .appendTo()
As a suggestion, when I append raw HTML using JS/jQuery I try to use the single-quote and the JavaScript quote, and then use the double-quotes in the HTML. For me it is just easier to see that way. Also, the single-quote in the CSS url is not required, and is perhaps confusing the matter.
Anyway, if you change your line to the following it will work:
$('<div><div class="presiImg" style="background: url(\'/gleam/public/images/itPrecedents/' + keep.logo + '\');"></div></div>').appendTo('.myDiv');
There is a runnable example below if you want to see it in action:
$(function() {
var keep = { logo : "test.jpg" };
$('<div><div class="presiImg" style="background: url(\'/gleam/public/images/itPrecedents/' + keep.logo + '\');"></div></div>').appendTo('.myDiv');
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="myDiv"></div>
$("<div />",{
"style":"background: url(/gleam/public/images/itPrecedents/"+keep.logo+")"
I have this code:
<span onmouseout="tooltip.hide();" onmouseover="tooltip.show('Hello. This is a simple tooltip, I'm here if you need me, we've been away for some time.');" class="hotspot">test link</span>
the thing is that the SINGLE quote ' is causing the tooltip not to show... so I mean IF the text contains ' the tooltip will not show... because all the text is already inside single quotes...
Can someone please help me to fix this?
Try setting the tooltip text to a var and then doing a replace on the single quote with '
var tooltip = tooltip.replace(/'/g, "'");
Fixed this myself.
So I just replaced every instance of ' to \' in str_replace function :)
$desc = str_replace('"', "", preg_replace('/(\s\s+|\t|\n)/', ' ', JFilterOutput::cleanText($regs[0])));
$desc = str_replace("'", "\\'", preg_replace('/(\s\s+|\t|\n)/', ' ', JFilterOutput::cleanText($regs[0])));
Use ’ for Special Characters in HTML.
<span onmouseout="tooltip.hide();" onmouseover="tooltip.show('Hello. This is a simple tooltip, I’m here if you need me, we’ve been away for some time.');" class="hotspot">test link</span>
I created Working Demo with alert() you can run this code snippet :)
<span onmouseover="alert('Hello. This is a simple tooltip, I’m here if you need me, we’ve been away for some time.');"
class="hotspot">test link</span>
I am struggling with javascript these days, I want to create dynamic add/remove element using java script and i came across following site, but following example doesn't working for me do you know what is wrong in example?
Adding and Removing Elements on the Fly Using JavaScript
I am having issue in following line, which i found using chrome developer tool
var html = '<input type="file" name="uploaded_files[]" /> ' +
Here is the screenshot of google chrome developer tool
You need to escape your quotes.
var html = '<input type="file" name="uploaded_files[]" /> ' +
You might need to escape those single quotes.
onclick="javascript:removeElement(\'file-\' + fileId + ''); return false;">Remove</a>';
That is what I would try.
You want the quotes to be there when you add the text.
You will also have a have files that are named like this
Did you add addElement('files', 'p', 'file-' + fileId, html);
At the end of addFile()?
We can't do anything for you if we don't have more information about your 'problem'
Be more explicit in your description.