I am new to okta, javascript. I am trying to add OktaAuth to existing Jquery/javascript + Flask app.
I have configured the following in my Javascript. The redirect calls to server-side callback works. But don't pass code, state values for it to proceed. Can you please let me know what is wrong here? Any help is appreciated.
var authClient = new OktaAuth({
url: 'https://{okta-url}.com',
clientId: 'xxxxxx',
clientSecret: 'yyyyyyyyyy',
issuer: 'https://{okta-url}.com',
redirectUri: 'http://{redirect-url}/login'
//scopes: ['openid', 'email', 'profile']
var idToken = authClient.tokenManager.get('idToken');
if (idToken) {
console.log('hi ${idToken.claims.email}!');
else if (location.hash) {
.then(function (idToken) {
console.log('hi ${idToken.claims.email}!');
authClient.tokenManager.add('idToken', idToken);
else {
responseType: ['id_token', 'code', 'token']
Warning: It's dangerous to have your client secret in JavaScript code! Exposing a client secret is like revealing your password. You should remove it and consider generating a new client ID/secret just to be safe.
There's two main ways you can use OpenID Connect, which is what OktaAuth uses: with a server-side callback (the code flow), or entirely on the client-side (the implicit flow). You're trying to do both here, which is probably why it's acting weird.
Instead, do this:
var authClient = new OktaAuth({
url: 'https://{okta-url}.com',
clientId: 'xxxxxx',
issuer: 'default', // Use the default Authorization Server
var idToken = authClient.tokenManager.get('idToken');
if (idToken) {
console.log('hi ${idToken.claims.email}!');
else if (location.hash) {
.then(function (idToken) {
authClient.tokenManager.add('idToken', idToken);
else {
responseType: 'id_token'
// Use ['id_token', 'token'] if you also need an access token
This will get you an ID token that you can use on the client side. Watch the console and network panels for any errors that occur.
I have followed the example in Display the Sign In With Google button to get a Google sign in button working in my Angular application:
<div id="g_id_onload"
<div class="g_id_signin"
Once the user signs in, I verify and decode the JWT token provided by Google in my Express server using jsonwebtoken:
app.post('/login/google', express.urlencoded(), async(request, response, next) => {
try {
console.log(`${request.method} ${request.url} was called.`);
let token: string = request.body.credential;
let body: Response = await fetch('https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs', { method: 'GET', headers: { Accept: 'application/json' }});
let json: any = await body.json();
let certificates: string[] = Object.keys(json).map(key => json[key]);
let decoded: any;
let lastError: any;
certificates.every(certificate => {
try {
decoded = jwt.verify(token, certificate, { algorithms: ['RS256'], ignoreExpiration: false });
catch (error) {
lastError = error;
return !decoded;
if (!decoded)
throw lastError;
catch (error) {
The problem is that the decoded token does not contain the user's gender or birthday information. How can I obtain this data?
I have just recently tried manually appending the https://www.googleapis.com/auth/user.birthday.read and https://www.googleapis.com/auth/user.gender.read scopes to my application's OAuth Consent Screen found at https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/consent/edit, but I don't see the user being prompted to provide this data to my application when it runs. I tried deleting permissions to my application from my account at accounts.google.com (under the Third-Party Access section) as well in hopes that it might prompt for these extra pieces of data. I am not sure at this point how to go about getting this extra data because I can't seem to find a good documentation piece on how to achieve this. Also, I wanted to add that my test account's Gender and Birthday information is set to be Private in https://myaccount.google.com/personal-info. I was wondering if its possible to fetch these private scopes somehow.
So, just to be clear, when I try to sign in I still only get the following prompt, which makes me believe that something is wrong and its not actually requesting the scope for birthday and gender from the user:
Confirm you want to sign in to [Application Name] with [User's Name].
To create your account, Google will share your name, email address,
and profile picture with [Application Name].
I also tried going on https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/ and I pasted this in for Input your own scopes: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/user.birthday.read,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/user.gender.read. I then hit the Authorize API button, logged in, granted access to these scopes (was prompted correctly on the playground), performed the token exchange, then I tried to List possible operations and under the People API, I called the get people endpoint, and modified the URI to https://people.googleapis.com/v1/people/me as per the documentation. This endpoint seems to work to fetch the data I need, but now I can't seem to wrap my head around what authorization parameters to use for this endpoint from the data I get back from the POST to my Express server. I have also tried enabling the People API from Enabled APIs & services.
You are using signin. Signin is open id connect and returns an id token. Id tokes contain very few claims. Gender is not one of them.
The only way to get access to the full user profile info is to go though the people api as you have mentioned.
You can use the try me to see it working and generate the sample for you.
<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/api.js"></script>
* Sample JavaScript code for people.people.get
* See instructions for running APIs Explorer code samples locally:
* https://developers.google.com/explorer-help/code-samples#javascript
function authenticate() {
return gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance()
.signIn({scope: "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/contacts https://www.googleapis.com/auth/contacts.readonly https://www.googleapis.com/auth/directory.readonly https://www.googleapis.com/auth/user.addresses.read https://www.googleapis.com/auth/user.birthday.read https://www.googleapis.com/auth/user.emails.read https://www.googleapis.com/auth/user.gender.read https://www.googleapis.com/auth/user.organization.read https://www.googleapis.com/auth/user.phonenumbers.read https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile"})
.then(function() { console.log("Sign-in successful"); },
function(err) { console.error("Error signing in", err); });
function loadClient() {
return gapi.client.load("https://people.googleapis.com/$discovery/rest?version=v1")
.then(function() { console.log("GAPI client loaded for API"); },
function(err) { console.error("Error loading GAPI client for API", err); });
// Make sure the client is loaded and sign-in is complete before calling this method.
function execute() {
return gapi.client.people.people.get({
"resourceName": "people/me",
"personFields": "genders"
.then(function(response) {
// Handle the results here (response.result has the parsed body).
console.log("Response", response);
function(err) { console.error("Execute error", err); });
gapi.load("client:auth2", function() {
gapi.auth2.init({client_id: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID"});
<button onclick="authenticate().then(loadClient)">authorize and load</button>
<button onclick="execute()">execute</button>
The issue that you are then going to have is the above sample uses Oauth2 and not open id connect (signin) It needs an access token to work. If you check your code I belive that the signin does return an access token. Your job then is to feed the access token to the code above so that you dont have to go though the authorization process again.
So far i have not found anyone able to link the new signin system with the old oauth2 system. If you get it to work i would love to see it.
To call this api you need an access_token. a google access token is not a jwt. it is not the id_token
GET https://people.googleapis.com/v1/people/me?personFields=genders&key=[YOUR_API_KEY] HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]
Accept: application/json
I finally managed to get it working with the help of this guide.
I had to scrap the idea of using the Google sign in button because it does not seem to allow extended scopes such as birthday and gender (well, not if they're private anyways - if anyone finds a way of doing it with the sign in button, please post an answer). Luckily, their OAuth API does support extended scopes. As such, I've implemented my own Google sign in button using the googleapis package.
There are a few steps to this:
Use the googleapis package to generate a URI to present to the user that will ask them to consent to gender and birthday access.
For example:
app.get('/login/google/uri', async(request, response, next) => {
try {
console.log(`${request.method} ${request.url} was called.`);
let client = new google.auth.OAuth2(
const scopes = [
const authorizationUrl: string = client.generateAuthUrl({
access_type: 'offline',
scope: scopes,
include_granted_scopes: false
response.status(200).send({ uri: authorizationUrl });
catch (error) {
Ensure that http://localhost:4200/login/google/redirect (or whatever redirect URI you use) is part of your OAuth 2.0 Client ID Credential's Authorized redirect URIs in the console.
Google will redirect to your redirect URI (http://localhost:4200/login/google/redirect) with a query parameter named code. For example: http://localhost:4200/login/google/redirect?code=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&scope=email%20profile%20https:%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fuser.gender.read%20https:%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fuser.birthday.read%20https:%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fuserinfo.email%20https:%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fuserinfo.profile%20openid&authuser=0&prompt=consent
For example:
let client = new google.auth.OAuth2(
let code: string = request.params.code;
let { tokens } = await client.getToken(code);
For example:
key is your API key from the console (you can create one and restrict it to the People API - if you don't see the People API as a restriction option you might need to enable it from the Enabled APIs and services tab). I'm sure there is a more API friendly way of making this request in the googleapis package that you can explore, but I just wanted to highlight how it works with curl.
The response you will see should be like this:
"resourceName": "people/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"genders": [
"metadata": {
"primary": true,
"source": {
"type": "PROFILE",
"value": "male",
"formattedValue": "Male"
"birthdays": [
"metadata": {
"primary": true,
"source": {
"type": "ACCOUNT",
"date": {
"year": 1901,
"month": 1,
"day": 1
Edit: Just for completion, here is the API friendly way to do all of this.
First, generate this URI and redirect the user to it:
app.get('/login/google/uri', async(request, response, next) => {
try {
console.log(`${request.method} ${request.url} was called.`);
let client = new googleapis.Auth.OAuth2Client(
const scopes = [
const authorizationUrl: string = client.generateAuthUrl({
access_type: 'offline',
scope: scopes,
include_granted_scopes: false
response.status(200).send({ uri: authorizationUrl });
catch (error) {
Second, after the user has signed in and you get a code posted back to your redirect URI, parse the query param for the code and use it like how I am doing so in the following POST method on my server to get these extra user details for birthdays, genders, and emails:
app.post('/login/google', express.json(), async(request, response, next) => {
try {
console.log(`${request.method} ${request.url} was called.`);
let client = new googleapis.Auth.OAuth2Client(
let code: string = request.body.code;
let { tokens } = await client.getToken(code);
let accessToken: string = tokens.access_token;
client.setCredentials({ access_token: accessToken });
let people = new googleapis.people_v1.People({});
let result = await people.people.get({
resourceName: 'people/me',
personFields: 'emailAddresses,birthdays,genders',
auth: client
catch (error) {
result.data should contain the information.
If you are using NestJS with typescript, this worked for me
export class GoogleStrategy extends PassportStrategy(Strategy, 'google') {
constructor(configService: ConfigService) {
clientID: configService.get('GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID'),
clientSecret: configService.get('GOOGLE_SECRET'),
callbackURL: configService.get('GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URL'),
scope: [
async validate(
accessToken: string,
refreshToken: string,
profile: any,
done: VerifyCallback,
): Promise<any> {
const { name, emails, photos, sub, birthday, phoneNumber, gender } =
const user = {
email: emails[0].value,
firstName: name.givenName,
lastName: name.familyName,
picture: photos[0].value,
dob: birthday,
done(null, user);
Then add GoogleStrategy to your provider. Of course, don't forget your keys in your .env file.
I have a paid developer account with Google. I have verified my People API is enabled and that I am using the correct API Key and Client ID. When I try the Google Login Start, I get this error in the console for reason.result.error...
code: 401,
message: "The request does not have valid authentication credentials.",
I verified that the API key and ClientID are correct. I start off with a method like this for the login button...
didClickGoogleLogin = () => {
// 1. Load the JavaScript client library.
gapi.load('client', this.googleLoginStart);
Then it calls the googleLoginStart method...
googleLoginStart = () => {
// 2. Initialize the JavaScript client library.
'apiKey': <API KEY HERE>,
// clientId and scope are optional if auth is not required.
'clientId': <CLIENT ID HERE>,
'scope': 'profile',
}).then(function() {
// 3. Initialize and make the API request.
return gapi.client.request({
'path': 'https://people.googleapis.com/v1/people/me?personFields=metadata,names,emailAddresses',
}).then((response) => {
const googleID = response.result.metadata.sources[0].id;
const googleEmail = response.result.emailAddresses[0].value;
this.updateUser(googleID, googleEmail);
}, function(reason) {
console.log("reason: ", reason);
This was working for me in another web app I wrote a few months ago, but it's not working there now either.
Any ideas why I'm getting an invalid creds error when the API is enabled, the API Key & Client ID are correct?
I am using nuxt and would like to use this library: https://github.com/nuxt-community/recaptcha-module. But I don't understand how to verify that the user has passed the check. The example doesn't tell me too much (https://github.com/nuxt-community/recaptcha-module/blob/master/example/v3/pages/index.vue). Could someone show me how to do it correctly?
This example is only half the story. It returns a Recaptcha V3 token on the client-side.
This must then be sent to the serverside and verified using your secret key.
This is done by sending a post to this URL:
const url = `https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret=${secretKey}&response=${token}`;
You do not want to allow this secret key on the client side.
To achieve this in Nuxt, assuming version 2.13+, you can utilise privateRuntimeConfig in your nuxt config.
This will allow you to link a .env file to be injected only on the server side.
For this use case, a privateRuntimeConfig like this should suffice:
privateRuntimeConfig: {
secretKey: process.env.GOOGLE_SECRET
Once you have done this, you will be able to access these variables as part of this.$config within your Nuxt application - in this case this.$config.secretKey when calling the Recaptcha verify endpoint.
For more information check out the Nuxt blog
Use https://github.com/nuxt-community/recaptcha-module, in your nuxt.config.js
modules: [
recaptcha: {
hideBadge: true,
siteKey: "ABC...", // Better would be from 'process.env.API_KEY' and with '.env' file
version: 2, // Or 3
Keep in mind that modules, that's not the same as buildModules (sometimes it might confuse due to similar naming).
Here is a working implementation for ReCaptcha V3:
"dependencies": {
"#nuxtjs/axios": "^5.13.6",
"#nuxtjs/recaptcha": "^1.0.4",
"h3": "^0.3.9",
Note the h3 version. I wasn't able to get it working with a newer version of that because the library is converted to EJS/mjs and TypeScript, which conflicts with Nuxt. Transpiling h3 didn't fix it. It may work with Nuxt V3+.
modules: [
['#nuxtjs/recaptcha', {
siteKey: process.env.RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY,
version: 3,
serverMiddleware: [
{ path: '/api/check-token', handler: '~/middleware/recaptcha' },
import { useBody } from 'h3';
import axios from 'axios';
export default async (req, res) => {
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
try {
const { token } = await useBody(req);
if (!token) {
success: false,
message: 'Invalid token'
axios.get(`https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret=${process.env.RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY}&response=${token}`).then((answer) => {
if (answer.status) {
success: true,
message: 'Token verified'
} else {
success: false,
message: 'Invalid token'
} catch (e) {
console.log('ReCaptcha error:', e);
success: false,
message: 'Internal error'
async mounted() {
try {
await this.$recaptcha.init();
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`index# Problem initializing ReCaptcha: ${err}.`);
beforeDestroy() {
methods: {
async submitContactForm() {
try {
const token = await this.$recaptcha.execute('contact')
const formData = {
email: this.contactForm.email,
firstname: name.firstName,
lastname: name.lastName,
phone: this.contactForm.phone,
band_name: this.contactForm.band_name,
initial_message: this.contactForm.message,
// note: use POST request
const recaptcha = await this.$axios.post('/api/check-token', { token });
console.log('recaptcha', recaptcha.data);
if (recaptcha.data.success) {
const result = await this.$axios.post(process.env.CONTACT_FORM_API, formData);
// cleanup logic
} else {
// handle error case
} catch (err) {
// handle errors
You can read more here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/#nuxtjs/recaptcha
Note the section where it says
Server Side
When you send data + token to the server, you should verify the token on the server side to make sure it does not requested from a bot. You can find out how to verify token on the server side by looking at the server middleware inside v2 example. (The server side is same for both versions)
The above server-side middleware comes from there. It is important to use the version of h3 that I suggest because you need it to access useBody(req). I tried for several hours to find another way to read the request body but it proved too difficult. Your results may vary in a newer version of Nuxt. I suggest trying the newest version of h3 and if that fails with errors when building the application, try the older version.
It is critically important to not expose the ReCaptcha secret key, and this solution keeps it secret in the server-side.
A more optimal solution might be to use your actual server and make an endpoint for validating ReCaptcha tokens. This above solution allows you to do it purely client-side, assuming you are using SSR.
I'm still pretty new to web development, so I apologize in advance if the solution is obvious or my question is asked poorly.
So: I would like to use JWT to authenticate my users. I use axios, vue.js and of course JWT. I would like to access a secure route:
router.post('/secureroute', checkAuth, (req, res) => {
message: 'all ok'
In order to do so, I use this check-auth.js:
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
module.exports = (req, res, next) => {
try {
const token = req.headers.authorization.split(" ")[1];
const decoded = jwt.verify(token, process.env.SECRET_KEY);
} catch (error) {
return res.status(401).json({
message: 'Auth failed'
part of my Login.vue:
methods: {
login() {
if (!this.username) this.alertUsername = true;
if (!this.password) this.alertPassword = true;
.post("/user/login", {
username: this.username,
password: this.password
.then(res => {
localStorage.setItem("usertoken", res.data.token);
if (res.data.token) {
router.push({ name: "start" });
} else {
this.alertWrong = true;
this.username = "";
this.password = "";
.catch(err => {
Using postman with an authorization header, everything seems to work fine. But after hours of searching the Internet and trying things out, I simply do not know how to make it work with the real website. I would like to pass the JWT as an authorization-header. I know that it is possible with axios, but I really don't know how I can do so in my example here.
You've got your login flow, and you are storing the usertoken in localStorage as the usertoken key. You also verified that your requests are processed correctly if the authorization header is set.
The easiest way to work with api requests is by abstracting axios a bit more, to automatically add the authorization token, and maybe pre-process the response you get back. For example, you may want to handle some errors globally instead of on a case-by-case basis, or want to transform the request into something that is always the same.
You first want to make some abstraction that calls axios.request. You can pass it a configuration object as described here. What's most important for you right now is the headers key-value pair, but you may want to expand this in the future.
export default request (config) {
const userToken = window.localStorage.getItem('usertoken');
const requestConfig = { ...config };
if (!requestConfig.headers) {
requestConfig.headers = {};
if (userToken) {
requestConfig.headers.authorization = `Bearer ${userToken}`;
return axios.request(requestConfig);
Now we can expand on that:
export default post (url, data = {}, config = {}) {
return request({
method: 'POST'
When inspecting the request in your developer console you should now see that, if the user token is correctly set in localStorage, you have an extra header in your request that is sent to the server.
I'm trying doing the following: I have a local database (using PouchDB), I check if user is logged in (with pouchdb-authentication login function) and if true I sync the locale db with the remote one.
Unfortunately, when I try to create a new database on CouchDB (I want one db for every user) I always get the error {"error":"not_found","reason":"no_db_file"}. I saw this is a common error described in PouchDB documentation (https://pouchdb.com/guides/databases.html#remote-databases) but CORS is enabled and I can't figure out where is the problem.
My couchdb configuration is:
I do the login as follow:
var user = {
name: 'name',
password: 'password'
var url = "http://ip/";
var pouchOpts = {
skipSetup: true
var ajaxOpts = {
ajax: {
headers: {
Authorization: 'Basic ' + window.btoa(user.name + ':' + user.password)
var db = new PouchDB(url+'auth', pouchOpts);
db.login(user.name, user.password, ajaxOpts).then(function() {
return db.allDocs();
}).then(function(docs) {
pouchDBService.sync(url+"newDatabase", user);
}).catch(function(error) {
And, in my pouchDBService I have:
var database;
//I call this function as app starts
this.setDatabase = function(databaseName) {
database = new PouchDB(databaseName, {
adapter: 'websql'
this.sync = function(remoteDatabase, user) {
var remoteDB = new PouchDB(remoteDatabase, {
auth: {
username: user.name,
password: user.password
skip_setup: true //without this I get the login popup! Why if I'm passing the auth params???
remoteDB.info().then(function (info) {
database.sync(remoteDB, {live:true, retry: true})
Is there something wrong? Any help is appreciated.
To create databases on the CouchDB server, you need to be an admin. You could create a small custom API on the server for this (e.g. with a small node http server), or use the couchperuser plugin for CouchDB.