I have a problem here: I want to get the ID of commentUserId in the hidden input into the javascript file to put into an ajax. But all I got was the value of the first row.
This is the design code
<c:forEach items="${commentList}" var="items">
<div class="media" style="padding: 10px 0">
<div class="media-body">
<input type="hidden" id="commentUserId" name="commentUserId" value="${items.accountId.accountId}"/>
<a id="${items.commentId}" name="btnReportComment" class="btn btn-report">\Report</a>
and this is code in javascript
$('a[name=btnReportComment]').click(function() {
var commentUserId = $('#commentUserId').val();
Try to update your click event like:
$('a[name=btnReportComment]').click(function() {
var commentUserId = $(this).closest('.media-body').find('[name="commentUserId"]').val();
Here, we are using this to get the reference of click btnReportComment.
Then we find the commentUserId input w.r.t to it using closest & find.
I want to send a value from html to javascript using javascript variable.
I've created a div from javascript like this:
<div id="row" class="category-cards">
// creates from js
var d1 = document.getElementById("row");
for (let i=5; i>0; i--) {
<div class="card card-small card-category">
<div class="card-del-btn">
<button id="btnDel" onclick="deleteCategory(i)"> <b> × </b> </button>
<!-- displays the record --!>
function deleteCategory(index){
// takes the index and searches the mysql database for match, and deletes the record
Each iteration of the for loop inserts a card of a record from the database, and I wish to delete that record from the document, as well as the database, when the button is clicked.
Is there a way to associate a unique id or value to each card and send it through the onclick?
I have tried sending the value of i but it is always the last index, which in this case was 0.
There many ways to achieve what you looking for but simplest one would be to use custom html attributes and provide element that triggered event as argument to your callback.
This could be achieved like this
function handleClick(element) {
const elementData = element.getAttribute('data-my-data')
// do some stuff here with element data
Using your code:
d1.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `
<div class="card card-small card-category">
<div class="card-del-btn">
<button data-my-data="here goes your data" onclick="handleClick(element)"> <b> × </b> </button>
How can I get through javascript all the elements of the same id and apply the same value to all of them?
Below is my form. It's a loop that creates 71 subdivs and every one of them contain a specific button image and hidden inputs. Every one of the inputs it's supposed to have the same name and id as the other 70.
If I make the input visible and put $i as a value , when page loads it shows everything correct. 71 images with 71 different values. Although if I submit that way I alwats get the same value on my controller no matter the image I choose to click on.
So I want to add to my onMouseOver function a way to set the current value of the hovered image to all the inputs. That way if I click on image to submit the value would have been set correct.
My form:
<form action="/searches/se_racestandingsround" method="post">#csrf
<div class="row mt-5 mr-5 ml-5">
<?php for($i=2021; $i>=1950; $i--){ ?>
<div class="col-3 d-flex flex-column align-items-center mb-3 mt-5">
<div class="w-50 mb-5 rounded-circle" style="height: 150px;">
<div class="bg-dark w-100 h-100 mb-5 border rounded-circle toClick" id="<?php echo $i ?>" onmouseover="onMouseOver(this)" onmouseout="onMouseOut(this)">
<input type="hidden" name="round" id="round">
<input type="hidden" name="rnd" id="rnd">
<button style="object-fit:cover" class="w-100 h-100 border rounded-circle"><img src='/imgs/jpg/years/<?php echo $i ?>.jpg' style="object-fit:cover" class="w-100 h-100 border rounded-circle"></button>
<?php } ?>
My onMouseOver function:
function onMouseOver(year){
// alert("Hello! I am an alert box!!");
var curYear = year.id;
// document.getElementById('rnd').value = currentNumOfRounds; //NOT WORKING
// document.getElementById('round').value = curYear; //NOT WORKING
If you insist on using one id for multiple elements, then your only option is to use querySelectorAll:
setTimeout(() => {
document.querySelectorAll("#a").forEach(v => {
v.innerText = "what";
}, 3000);
<p id="a">one</p>
<p id="a">two</p>
<p id="a">three</p>
<p id="a">four</p>
But you really should be using classes instead.
all the elements of the same id an ID has to be unique within the document.
Having that said you theoretically could query for all elements with the same value for the id attribute using the attribute selector.
function setAllElementsTo(value) {
document.querySelectorAll('[id="a"]').forEach(element => {
element.value = value
<input id="a">
<input id="a">
<input id="a">
<input id="a">
<input id="a">
This works but does not change the fact that the document is semantically incorrect.
Instead, you should use different IDs and use something else that those elements have in common. Like a class, a data- attribute or what ever else makes sense.
To further the explanations, IDs are meant to be unique and only appear once on a page. This helps people who use screen readers and keeps your javascript clean. JS assumes you only have one instance of an ID on a page, so it will only return the first instance of it, which is likely why you always get the same value in your controller.
However, you should be able to use a Class instead to achieve what you're trying to do.
When a user creates a product, I want that product to be broadcasted to all other users and dynamically added to their screens. So far the broadcast aspect works amazingly.
But how can I dynamically add in this '.product' class, as well as all of a nested divs in an easy way? At the moment the only thing I can think of is copying and pasting all of it's divs in a jquery variable and adding it that way- there must be an easier way.
Here is where products are first loaded in when the page loads
<div class="product" id="{{$product->id}}">
<div class="product-image"><img src="/imgs/products/{{$product->type_id}}.png"></div>
<div class="product-content">
<div class="product-title" id="product-title">
{{ strtoupper(\App\ProductType::where('id', $product->type_id)->first()->name)}}
<div class="product-price">PRICE PER UNIT: <div class="price-value" id="price">{{$product->price}}</div> EXENS</div>
QUANTITY: <div class="quantity-value" id="quantity">{{$product->quantity_available}}</div>
#if(strpos(\App\Group::where('id', $player->group_id)->first()->options, "\"showName\":true") !== false)
SELLER: <div class="seller" id="seller">{{\App\User::where('id',$product->seller_id)->first()->name}}</div>
PRICE: <div class="total-price" id="total-price">{{$product->price * $product->quantity_available}}</div>
<form class="buy-product-form" action="/UoE/buy-product/{{$product->id}}" method="POST">
<button class="pull-right btn btn-primary">BUY NOW</button>
When the event is received the only way I can think of doing it as:
var productToAdd="<div class='buy-product-form'><div id='price'></div> " +
"" +
"" + //insert a massive string here containing all the other aforementioned sub-divs
"" + //And populate with json data
"" +
My solution was to take the entire code posted in the question and do make it as a one big HTML tag. That way my JS function can append the page with a HTML product div and it will already be bound with the necessary event listeners.
This application have 2 components, a HTML page which contain some element and a JavaScript to generate buttons.
I will try to give out a simplify example in the question for now, but if there's something unclear then i would upload the full code later.
I am using HandleBar.js to generate different contents in the html but don't worry if you don't have any idea about this plugin i will make another non-handlebar.js version.
Consider the Html part looks like below:
HandleBar.js version
//{{feedId}} = 0t454g465754754h456
//{{url}} = www.jegdo.co.uk
<div class="feedIdChecker">{{feedId}}</div>
<div class="{{feedId}}-EditRegionUrl" >{{url}}</div>
<button class="output-{{feedId}}">Output</button>
Then i have a JQuery function which would output the url
var feedId = $(".feedIdChecker").html();
var postUrl = $('".'+feedId+'-EditRegionUrl"').html();
console.log(postUrl );
I found there's no way to identify which button is which. Since i need to declare the var feedID outside the button, it would always get the first feedID it founds and append to all buttons, how may i solve it? Please tell me if this question is confuse, i will try to explain it in a better way.
There's lots of people trying to help me but it seem i need to give out some more details in order for better understanding:
var initRegionEdit = function(){
var feedId = $(".feedIdChecker").html();
var postUrl = ($(this).prev('div').html());
<div class="EditRegionUrl" >{{url}}</div>
<div class="feedIdChecker">{{feedId}}</div>
{{#if region}}
<span class="dropdown"><i class="fa fa-map-marker" aria-hidden="true" style="color:gray;"></i>
<span class="result-date result-date-region" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown">{{region}}
<span class="caret"></span></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" style="min-width:100px;text-align:center;">
<li class="CTHK" data-url="{{url}}" style=" margin-top: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;">Hong Kong</li><div class="divider"></div>
<li class="CTTW" style=" margin-top: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;">Taiwan</li><div class="divider"></div>
I wish above information can help
So when you select $(".feedIdChecker") you actually get an array of all matching elements, but as soon as you call .html it only gets you the first. So to solve your issue we need to loop over all the $(".feedIdChecker")s like so:
$(".feedIdChecker").each(function(i, e) {
var feedID = $(e).html();
var postUrl = $("." + feedID + "-EditRegionUrl").html();
This will attach the click handler to each of the buttons.
You could use the handlebars.js each/index feature to do this:
<button id="whatever-{{#index}}"
I'm assuming you need an answer on how to apply a unique id to each button, not how to bind click handlers to them (which other people have answered anyway)
May this version be quicker and with less code.
$('[class*=output-]').click(function() {
var feedId = this.className.split("-")[1];
var postUrl = $('.EditRegionUrl-' + feedId).html();
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="feedIdChecker">1</div>
<div class="EditRegionUrl-1" >URL1</div>
<button class="output-1">Output1</button>
<div class="feedIdChecker">2</div>
<div class="EditRegionUrl-2" >URL2</div>
<button class="output-2">Output2</button>
Can you just put url in the button and a generic class:
<button class="output-{{feedId}} btn-class" data-url="{{url}}">Output</button>
and then
console.log($(this).data('url') );
Or even just without changing your markup at all
In my use case, I am trying to get value from dynamically generated hidden field in JQuery. When I click the button for that iteration I should get the value for the hidden field belongs to that iteration. But I am not able to get it. It is giving the value as 'undefined'
<div class="comment-list-new" style= "max-height: 660px !important;overflow-y: scroll;">
<h5>Discussion Board</h5>
{{ if .ViewData.Questions }}
{{ range .ViewData.Questions }}
<p id="question_id" class="question_id_val" hidden>{{.QuestionId}}</p>
<div class="q-comment">
<div class="qanda questiondiv" id="questionarea" name="questionarea">
<div id="topic" class="upvote pull-left">
<a class="upvote"></a>
<span class="count">3</span>
<a class="downvote"></a>
<div >
<div class="qanda-info">
<h6><p id="quest_title">{{.QuestionTitle}}</p></h6>
<p id="quest_text">{{.QuestionText}}</p>
</div >
<div class="qanda-info">
<div class="user-info">
<img src="/resources/img/team-small-2.png" />
<span class="date alt-font sub">{{.DateCreated}}</span>
<a id="answertext" name ="answertext" type="submit" class="link-text answerbutton">Answer</a>
</li><!--end of individual question-->
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
</div><!--end of comments list-->
$('.questiondiv').on('click', '.submitanswerbutton', function() {
console.log("In submit button");
var question_id = $(this).closest('.question_id_val').val();
var answer_text = $('.answertext_val').val();
$.getJSON("/submitanswer?question_id="+question_id+"&answer="+answer_text, function(data) {
console.log("answer Response"+data);
newQuestion = "<li><div class='q-comment'><div class='qanda' id='questionarea' name='questionarea'><div><div id='topic' class='upvote pull-left'><a class='upvote'></a><span class='count'>0</span><a class='downvote'></a></div><div ><div class='qanda-info'><h6><p id='quest_title'>"+title+"</p></h6></div><p id='quest_text'>"+desc+"</p></div></div ><div class='qanda-info'><div class='user-info'><img src='/resources/img/team-small-2.png' /></div><h6>Chip Mayer</h6><span class='date alt-font sub'>September 17 2014</span><a id='answertext' name ='answertext' type='submit' class='link-text'>Answer</a></div></div></div></li>";
In the above code I am trying to get the value for the hidden field question_id_val.
Could anyone help me with this?
Use closest() to get a reference to the outer container (li) and then use find() method to get the hidden field.
var question_id = $(this).closest('li').find('.question_id_val').val();
val() method works for usually input form fields(textbox,hidden fields etc..) .So you need to make sure your element is a valid form field in your page.
<input type="hidden" id="question_id" class="question_id_val" />
Or if you want to keep your p tag as it is, Use the html() or text() method to get the content of the p tag.
var question_id = $(this).closest('li').find('.question_id_val').text();
Remember, these method returns the text/html of all child content as well. So make sure to use it wisely.
val() should be used primarily in select, textarea and input elements.
For getting the inner text use html() or text()
var question_id = $(this).closest('.question_id_val').html();
var question_id = $(this).closest('.question_id_val').text();
If you know a css selector id or class I don't see problem why you can't do something like this:
var question_id = $('#question_id').text();
var question_id = $('.question_id_val').text();