In JavaScript/Node.js, how to use Async/Await - javascript

In JavaScript/Node.js, how to use Async/Await for the below code to return placeName with a,b,c & d.
test.csv is having c,d
var placeName = ["a","b"];
var csvFile = 'test.csv';
fs.readFile(csvFile, 'UTF-8', function(err, csv) {
$.csv.toArrays(csv, {}, function(err, data) {
for(var i=0, len=data.length; i<len; i++) {
console.log(data[i]); //Will print every csv line as a newline
console.log(placeName); //Inside the function the array show a,b,c,d
// Prints only a and b. Did not add c & d from the csv.

Create a function returning a promise
The await operator waits for a promise to be fulfilled and can only be used within async functions - which return a promise when called. So updating place names will need to be written as a function that returns a promise. Using a single promise for all operations is possible but not recommended:
function addNames(placeName, csvFile) {
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile(csvFile, 'UTF-8', function(err, csv) {
if(err) {
else {
$.csv.toArrays(csv, {}, function(err, data) {
if( err) {
reject( err);
else {
for(var i=0, len=data.length; i<len; i++) {
console.log(data[i]); //print supplied data elements
resolve( placeName);
Although untested, this is based on the posted code: the input placeName array is modified in place. If fulfilled, the promise value is set to the modified array. However ....
Reducing indented code
Notice the code becomes more indented the more node style callback operations are added? Taken to extreme this can result in a condition known as "call back hell" - difficult to write, compile without error or maintain.
Removing nested callbacks is one of the design aims of promises and can be achieved by promisifying operations separately. The following example separates not just reading and decoding, but transforming the decoded data and adding it to an existing array:
function readCsvFile( csvFile) {
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile(csvFile, 'UTF-8',
(err, csv) => err ? reject(err) : resolve( csv)
function decodeCsv( csv) {
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
$.csv.toArrays(csv, {},
(err, data) => err ? reject( err) : resolve( data)
function extractNames( data) {
return item => item[0].toString());
function addNames( placeName, csvFile) {
return readCsvFile( csvFile)
.then( // push new names to placeName and return placeName
names => names.reduce( (a,name) => {a.push(name);return a}, placeName)
Calling as part of a promise chain
Usage without using async/await requires adding promise handlers for fulfillment and rejection to be called asynchronously after data becomes available or an error occurs:
var placeName = ["a","b"];
var csvFile = 'test.csv';
addNames( placeName, csvFile)
.then( placeName => console.log(placeName)) // log updated places
.catch( err => console.log( err)); // or log the error.
Usage of await
As mentioned, the await operator can only be used inside async functions. It waits for fulfilled promise data so that it can be processed further inside the same function.
async function example() {
var placeName = ["a","b"];
var csvFile = 'test.csv';
await addNames( placeName, csvFile);
// do something with placeName
return somethingElse;
Adding fulfillment and rejection handlers to the promise returned by calling example has not been shown.
About return await ...
Note that a promise returned from an async function resolves the promise returned by calling the function. Hence the coding pattern of
return await operand
contains an unnecessary await operator.
Writing async functions instead of ordinary ones (TLDR)
Using async functions in node still requires converting operations which use error/success callbacks into requests that returns a promise ("promisifying" the operation), but syntactically allows writing code processing the request to be written immediately following await operations. Code produced is similar in style to procedural code. For example:
function readCsvFile( csvFile) {
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile(csvFile, 'UTF-8',
(err, csv) => err ? reject(err) : resolve( csv)
function decodeCsv( csv) {
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
$.csv.toArrays(csv, {},
(err, data) => err ? reject( err) : resolve( data)
async function addNames( placeName, csvFile) {
let csv = await readCsvFile( csvFile);
let arrays = await decodeCsv( csv);
let names = item => item[0].toString());
placeName.push.apply( placeName, names);
return placeName;


Multiple awaits in an async function does not return [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I convert an existing callback API to promises?
(24 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have the following code on a server:
let tmpFileName;
// GET
app.get('/clicked', async (req, res) => {
let nullOutput = writeTmpFile("hello, world!");
await deleteTmpFile();
console.log("Hurray, finished!");
function writeTmpFile(content){
tmpFileName = "tmp" + Math.random().toString() + "tsl";
return new Promise(resolve => {
fs.writeFile(tmpFileName, content, function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('Temp file creation successful.');
function deleteTmpFile(spec){
return new Promise(resolve => {
fs.unlink(tmpFileName, function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('Temp file deletion successful.');
However, in my console output, I only get
Temp file creation successful.
Temp file deletion successful.
However, if I delete await deleteTempFile(), then Hurray, finished! shows up on the console.
And more generally, how do I debug these patterns of problems?
Why is this happening?
I have rewritten your code, to showcase how to use promises.
Promise callback gets two functions as arguments: resolve and reject.
You should call resolve when operation finishes with success, and reject when it fails.
// I moved `tmpFileName` variable from here into the request handler,
// because it was "global" and would be shared between requests.
app.get('/clicked', async (req, res) => {
let tmpFileName = "tmp" + Math.random().toString() + "tsl"
let writingResult = await writeTmpFile(tmpFileName, "hello, world!")
let deletionResult = await deleteTmpFile(tmpFileName)
res.send({ writingResult, deletionResult })
console.log("Hurray, finished!")
function writeTmpFile (filename, content) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.writeFile(filename, content, function (err) {
// on error reject promise with value of your choice
if (err) reject(err)
// on success resolve promise with value of your choice
resolve('Temp file creation successful.')
function deleteTmpFile (filename) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.unlink(filename, function (err) {
if (err) reject(err)
resolve('Temp file deletion successful.')
For working with the file you can use writeFileSync instead writeFile. (Reference).
For multiple Promise you can use the Promise.all method.
const promise1 = Promise.resolve(3);
const promise2 = 42;
const promise3 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 100, 'foo');
Promise.all([promise1, promise2, promise3]).then((values) => {
from MDN

Iterate over array of queries and append results to object in JavaScript

I want to return results from two database queries in one object.
function route(start, end) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const queries = routeQuery(start, end);
var empty_obj = new Array();
for (i=0; i<queries.length; i++) {
query(queries[i], (err, res) => {
if (err) {
reject('query error', err);
} else {
resolve({coords: empty_obj});
This is my code right now, the queries are working fine but for some reason, pushing each result into an empty array does not work. When I console log that empty object, it stays empty. The goal is to resolve the promise with the generated object containing the two query results. I'm using node-postgres for the queries.
Output of res is an object:
command: 'SELECT',
rowCount: 18,
oid: null,
rows: [
{ ...
I suggest you turn your query function into a Promise so that you can use Promise.all:
// turn the callback-style asynchronous function into a `Promise`
function queryAsPromise(arg) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
query(arg, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
Then, you could do the following in your route function:
function route(start, end) {
const queries = routeQuery(start, end);
// use `Promise.all` to resolve with
// an array of results from queries
return Promise.all( => queryAsPromise(query))
// use `Array.reduce` w/ destructing assignment
// to combine results from queries into a single array
.then(results => results.reduce(
(acc, item) => [...acc, ...item.rows],
// return an object with the `coords` property
// that contains the final array
.then(coords => {
return { coords };
route(1, 10)
.then(result => {
// { coords: [...] }
.catch(error => {
// handle errors appropriately
Promise.all - MDN
Array.reduce - MDN
Destructing assignment - MDN
Hope this helps.
The issue you currently face is due to the fact that:
resolve({coords: empty_obj});
Is not inside the callback. So the promise resolves before the query callbacks are called and the rows are pushed to empty_obj. You could move this into the query callback in the following manner:
empty_obj.push(res.rows); // already present
if (empty_obj.length == queries.length) resolve({coords: empty_obj});
This would resolve the promises when all rows are pushed, but leaves you with another issue. Callbacks might not be called in order. Meaning that the resulting order might not match the queries order.
The easiest way to solve this issue is to convert each individual callback to a promise. Then use Promise.all to wait until all promises are resolved. The resulting array will have the data in the same order.
function route(start, end)
const toPromise = queryText => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
query(queryText, (error, response) => error ? reject(error) : resolve(response));
return Promise.all(routeQuery(start, end).map(toPromise))
.then(responses => ({coords: => response.rows)}))
.catch(error => {
throw error;

Calling async function inside a loop

I have the following function:
function ipfsRetrieve( ipfsHash ){
return new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) {
ipfs.catJSON( ipfsHash, (err, result) => {
if (err){
resolve( result);
Now, when I call this function inside a loop as below:
var hashArray = [ "QmTgsbm...nqswTvS7Db",
var dataArray = [];
ipfsRetrieve( hash ).then(function(data){
return dataArray
The "return dataArray' line returns an empty array. How should I change this code to have the "dataArray" filled with the data retrived from IPFS?
You should use Promise.all.
Construct an Array of Promises and then use the method to wait for all promises to fulfill, after that you can use the array in the correct order:
let hashArray = ["QmTgsbm...nqswTvS7Db",
// construct Array of promises
let hashes = => ipfsRetrieve(hash));
Promise.all(hashes).then(dataArray => {
// work with the data
For starters, you need to return after rejecting, or else your resolve will get called too.
function ipfsRetrieve( ipfsHash ){
return new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) {
ipfs.catJSON( ipfsHash, (err, result) => {
if (err){
resolve( result);
Now for the loop, use map instead of forEach, and return the promise.
Then wait on the promises.
let promises => return new Promise(resolve,reject) { // your code here handling hash, updating theData, and then resolving })
return Promise.all(promises).then( ()=> return theData)
In your case, the promise is provided by ipfsRetrieve, so you would call
let promises =
return Promise.all(promises)
The caller of your functions will do this:
ipfsRetrieve().then(data=>{ // process data here } )
If you are cool with async await, do this. (marking containing function as async)
let data = await ipfsRetrieve()

Node.js: Unable to return new array from

I am using a package called Okrabyte to extract words from each image file in a folder. The result should be a new array containing the extracted text that I can use in other functions.
When I run this:
var fs = require("fs");
var okrabyte = require("okrabyte");
fs.readdir("imgs/", function(err, files){>{
okrabyte.decodeBuffer(fs.readFileSync("imgs/"+ file), (err, data)=>{
let splitWords = data.split(" ");
let word = splitWords[0].substr(1);
the console logs each word. To return an array with those words I've tried the following:
async function words() {
await fs.readdir("imgs/", function (err, files) {
return (file) => {
await okrabyte.decodeBuffer(fs.readFileSync("imgs/" + file), async (err, data) => {
let splitWords = data.split(" ");
let word = splitWords[0].substr(1);
return word
var testing = await words();
This gives undefined I've tried turning everything into a promise, I've tried async-await, I've tried pushing each word into a new array and returning that array in closure but nothing works - what am I doing wrong??
If your map function is async then it's returning a promise, so your mapped array is in fact an array of promises. But you can then use a Promise.all to get the resolved values of that array.
Additionally, you're trying to await the call to fs.readdir and okrabyte.decodeBuffer, which both accept a callback and do not return a promise. So if you want to use a promise there you'll have to wrap them in a promise constructor manually.
Here's how I would do it:
async function words() {
// Wrap `fs` call into a promise, so we can await it:
const files = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readdir("imgs/", (err, files) => { err ? reject(err) : resolve(files); });
// Since map function returns a promise, we wrap into a Promise.all:
const mapped = await Promise.all( => {
// Wrap okrabyte.decodeBuffer into promise, and return it:
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
okrabyte.decodeBuffer(fs.readFileSync("imgs/" + file), (err, data) => {
if (err) return reject(err);
const splitWords = data.split(" ");
const word = splitWords[0].substr(1);
// Mapped is now an array containing each "word".
return mapped;
var testing = await words();
// Should now log your array of words correctly.
You should not be using async-await that way. That should be used when you are dealing with promises. The library okrabyte uses the concept of callbacks.
I suggest you follow this approach:
(1) Enclose the okrabyte.decodeBuffer part in a function that returns a promise that resolves in the callback.
(2) Use to generate an array of promises calling the function you defined in (1)
(3) Use Promise.all to wait for all promises to execute and finish before moving on to dealing with all the words.
Part 1
const processWord = (file) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
okrabyte.decodeBuffer(fs.readFileSync("imgs/"+ file), (err, data)=>{
if (err) {
reject(err); // <--- reject the promise if there was an error
let splitWords = data.split(" ");
let word = splitWords[0].substr(1);
resolve(word); // <--- resolve the promise with the word
You make a function that wraps the decoding part into a promise that eventually resolves with the word (or is rejected with an error).
Part 2
const promises =>{
return processWord(file);
The above will generate an array of promises.
Part 3
fs.readdir("imgs/", function(err, files){
const promises =>{
return processWord(file);
.then(responses => {
// responses holds a list of words
// You will get each word accessing responses[0], responses[1], responses[2], ...
.catch(error => {
console.log(error); // Deal with the error in some way
The above uses Promise.all to wait for all promises to resolve before going to the then() block, assuming no errors occurred.
You can further isolate the construct above in a method that will return a promise with a list of all the words, much in the same fashion that was done in the processWord function from Part 1. That way, you can finally use async-await if you wish, instead of handling things in the then() block:
const processEverything = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readdir("imgs/", function(err, files){
const promises =>{
return processWord(file);
.then(responses => {
.catch(error => {
const words = await processEverything();
You're returning word value to the enclosed function but not map() function.
Hope this code help you.
async function words() {
global.words = [];
await fs.readdir("imgs/", function(err, files){
return async(file)=>{
await okrabyte.decodeBuffer(fs.readFileSync("imgs/"+ file), async (err, data)=>{
let splitWords = data.split(" ");
let word = splitWords[0].substr(1);
var testing = await words();
testing = global.words;

how to pass parameters in promise chain

I am really stuck with passing values between promises, I wonder if I can get a help here.
I have a CustomerController calling methods in CustomerRepo
let getCustomers = customerRepo.getCustomers(req.query.offset, req.query.return);
let getProfiles = customerRepo.getProfiles(rows);
.then(function (rows) {
I do not know how to pass rows (array of customers) to getProfiles so I can populate the customers object with profiles.
Here is the code in CustomerRepo -
var getCustomers = function (offset, _return) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var sqlString = 'call qsel_customers' + '(' + offset + ',' + _return + ')';
pool.getConnection(function (err, connection) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
connection.query(sqlString, function (err, rows) {
if (err) {
connection.on('error', function (err) {
res.json({"code": 100, "status": "Error in connection database"});
and for getProfiles
var getProfiles = function (rows) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
I get rows undefined. Also please could someone suggest how can I extract the db mysql connection code into a dbConnect.js, to avoid code repetition.
Promise denotes the computation that may fail or not at some point in time. Therefore, in order to create a Promise you do:
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// here you decide when the computation fails and when succeeds
resolve(1) // success
reject('error') // failed
Promise has a method (a swiss-knife, indeed) called then. It takes a function ƒ of one argument. Now, the magic of ƒ looks like this:
if ƒ returns simple value (string, number, array, etc) then it will wrap it in a new Promise and return it. The signature is then : Promise[a] -> (a -> b) -> Promise[b]. Therefore, say you have a function ∂ that returns a Promise of a number and ƒ takes a number and adds "!" to it, you and get this number, pass it to ƒ using then and end up with a new Promise:
ƒ.then(n => n + '!') // Promise[String]
if ƒ returns a Promise, then then will "extract" the value if this Promise, pass it to ∂ and return a new Promise with the result. In pseudocode:
ƒ.then(n => Promise(n + '!')) // Promise[String]
Okay, then returns a Promise. Well, let's design the code:
let getCustomers = () => Promise.resolve([ {}, {}, {} ])
// assume myApi.getProfile takes a Customer and returns a Profile
let getProfiles = (customers) =>
I'm no expert in Promises but i don't think that it is good idea to put pool.getConnection inside your getCustomers promise.
It looks like another promise and should be chained rather then combined.
Getting back to your main quersion. You can do this
.then(function (rows) {
return getProfiles(rows);
.then(function() {
console.log('get profiles resolved');
var getProfiles = function (rows) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
console.log('other log of rows:' + rows);
let getCustomers = customerRepo.getCustomers(req.query.offset, req.query.return);
let getProfiles = customerRepo.getProfiles;
.then(function (rows) {
return getProfiles(rows);
.then(function(rows) {
console.log('rows number ' + rows);
console.log('get profiles resolved');
When chaining Promises, you have to return a Promise resolved with the value you're passing from the upstream function in order to use it in the downstream function.
.then(function (rows) {
return Promise.resolve(rows[0]);
.then(function(firstRow) {
console.log("The first row's id is " +;
return Promise.resolve(firstRow);
If you need to do asynchronous work in one of the functions, return a new Promise and invoke the resolve/reject functions as appropriate in the asynchronous callback. Promise.resolve() is a shortcut you can use if you're not doing anything asynchronously; it simply returns a Promise object resolved with the value it's passed.
