Leap.JS: How can I select items on a webpage using the LeapMotion? - javascript

I am looking to select items in a web page using the LeapMotion and I am struggling with programming this interaction.
Using this code as a base (but updating the link so it connects to the current SDK) I can get my cursor to move around the window based on where my hand is in space. However, I do not know how to make the equivalent of the event listener "click" using the LeapMotion. I am using Leap.js and have built a crude GUI using svg.js.
How do I program an event listener that selects using the LeapMotion in Javascript?

I have working code with Leap motion. I did quize software. Here cursor is a div element which styled as:
#cursor {
width: 60px;
height: 60px;
position: fixed;
margin-left: 20px;
margin-top: 20px;
z-index: 99999;
opacity: 0.9;
background: black;
border-radius: 100%;
background: -webkit-radial-gradient(100px 100px, circle, #f00, #ff6a00);
background: -moz-radial-gradient(100px 100px, circle, #f00, #ff6a00);
background: radial-gradient(100px 100px, circle, #f00, #ff6a00);
and Java script at bottom. What I did, I get HTML element by position and triggering click event on it by tap gestures.
var w = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);
var h = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);
// Setting cursor and output position
window.cursor = $('#cursor');
var controller= Leap.loop(function(frame) {
if (frame.pointables.length > 0) {
var position = frame.pointables[0].stabilizedTipPosition;
var normalized = frame.interactionBox.normalizePoint(position);
var cx = w * normalized[0];
var cy = h * (1 - normalized[1]);
$('#cursor').css('left', cx);
$('#cursor').css('top', cy);
controller.use('screenPosition', {
scale: 1
controller.on('gesture', onGesture);
function onGesture(gesture,frame)
// If gesture type is keyTap
case 'keyTap':
case 'screenTap':
var position = frame.pointables[0].stabilizedTipPosition;
var normalized = frame.interactionBox.normalizePoint(position);
//Hiding cursor for getting background element
// Trying find element by position
var cx = w * normalized[0];
var cy = h * (1 - normalized[1]);
var el = document.elementFromPoint(cx, cy);
if (el) {
catch (e) {


I want to use my equation to scale a div I can't figure out how to use it as a variable

I have this for my js and it returns a modified version of the distance between my element and my cursor... I want to use it to scale a separate element, any ideas as to how I would do that?
var elm = document.getElementById("qrcode");
elm.addEventListener("mousemove",getcordd , false)
function getcordd(ev){
var bdns = ev.target.getBoundingClientRect();
var y = ev.clientY - bdns.left;
var x = ev.clientX - bdns.top;
var d = Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y);
var s = (d*0.1)
console.log (`${s}`);
This is my CSS
.cursor {
position: absolute;
width: 250px;
height: 250px;
top: -50%;
left: -50%;
margin: -125px 0 0 -125px;
border-radius: 50%;
background-color: white;
transition: transform 0.8s ease-out;
mix-blend-mode: difference;
filter: grayscale(2);
pointer-events: none;
.cursor.is-moving {
transform: scale (var(`${s}`));
This is my HTML:
<div class="cursor"></div>
<h1>Find the QR code for the spotify playlist</h1>
<div id="qrcode">
<img id="QRCode" src="img/qr-code.png" alt="">
I basically made a custom curser that I would like to scale as I get closer to the element which is a QRCode
The goal would be to make it so the .cursor class scales up to 1 as it gets closer to the #qrcode. And gets smaller as it goes further away. I would like it to be relative to the window...
I am still very new to coding so I am not sure about how to do it and I have not found any information on the internet
If I correctly understand, you could do it like this
Keep in mind, that elm.addEventListener("mousemove"... would trigger function only if your cursor is already moves over elm (#qrcode), because you attach event listener to elm, not to whole window.
var elm = document.getElementById("qrcode");
var cursor = document.querySelector('.cursor');
elm.addEventListener("mousemove", function(ev) {
var distance = getcordd(ev);
cursor.style=`transform: scale(${s})`;
}, false);
function getcordd(ev) {
var bdns = ev.target.getBoundingClientRect();
var y = ev.clientY - bdns.left;
var x = ev.clientX - bdns.top;
var d = Math.sqrt(x * x - y * y);
var s = d * 0.1;
return s;

JS: draggable object speed

I want to slow down speed of the draggable HTML object to make it kind of lazy dragging.
Is there any way to implement this feature with native HTML/CSS?
Or may be there are some existing JS libraries which have such ability?
Can't find any library with such simple feature..
I've made one possible solution but also not forgot to share ;)
The point is to apply mouse position to the circle on mousemove event to emulate dragging effect.
Also I've added transition CSS property to the circle for smooth movement.
The main thing here is to update circle position not continuously right in the mousemove event listener. But in case with transition property you should update circle position at some intervals to give CSS transition time to animate circle displacement smoothly. Otherwise CSS transition animation will be overloaded by continuous update from mousemeove event and become glitchy.
var cirlce = document.querySelector('.circle');
function getTranslateX(myElement) {
var style = window.getComputedStyle(myElement);
var matrix = new WebKitCSSMatrix(style.webkitTransform);
return matrix.m41; // 'm41' is translateX position
function getTranslateY(myElement) {
var style = window.getComputedStyle(myElement);
var matrix = new WebKitCSSMatrix(style.webkitTransform);
return matrix.m42; // 'm42' is translateY position
var mouseDown = false;
var mousePos = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
var mouseLastPos = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
var circlePos = {
x: getTranslateX(cirlce),
y: getTranslateY(cirlce),
window.addEventListener('mouseup', e => {
mouseDown = false;
circlePos = {
x: getTranslateX(cirlce),
y: getTranslateY(cirlce),
window.addEventListener('mousedown', e => {
mouseDown = true;
mouseLastPos.x = e.clientX;
mouseLastPos.y = e.clientY;
window.addEventListener('mousemove', e => {
mousePos.x = e.clientX;
mousePos.y = e.clientY;
if (mouseDown) {
// cirlce.style.transform = 'translateX('+(mousePos.x-mouseLastPos.x+circlePos.x)+'px) translateY('+(mousePos.y-mouseLastPos.y+circlePos.y)+'px)'; // doesn't work with 'transition' CSS property
// main trick here to make 'transition' work properly
setInterval(() => {
if (mouseDown) {
cirlce.style.transform = 'translateX('+(mousePos.x-mouseLastPos.x+circlePos.x)+'px) translateY('+(mousePos.y-mouseLastPos.y+circlePos.y)+'px)';
}, 50);
.circle {
position: absolute;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
top: 0;
left: 0;
background-color: red;
border: 2px solid black;
border-radius: 50%;
transform: translateX(5px) translateY(5px);
transition: transform 0.3s;
<div class="circle"></div>

Using two mouse events after each other

I am creating a canvas alike without using canvas tag , by creating new div each time mouse is down, i can't figure out how to run a second event.
Like mousedown then mousemove event where the seconed event occur only after the first one is true?
also if you can help with the offset coordinates
var paintbox = document.getElementById("canvas");
var start = function() {
paintbox.addEventListener("mousedown", drawOnCanvas);
var newColor = document.getElementById("colorPick");
var drawOnCanvas = function() {
var newClick = document.createElement("div");
newClick.setAttribute("id", "smallDiv");
newClick.style.backgroundColor = newColor.value;
newClick.style.width = "10px";
newClick.style.height = "10px";
newClick.style.position = "absolute";
Set the handler on the mousemove event instead of mousedown and in the handler check whether the mouse button is down.
It would be better to move the 10px/position style settings in a CSS class. Also, don't generate elements with the same id attribute value: that generates invalid HTML. Use a class instead.
For the positioning you can use the pageX and pageY properties of the event object.
Finally, as the events will be triggered on the small divs when you make small moves, an extra check might be necessary to verify the mouse is still in the paint box.
var paintbox = document.getElementById("canvas");
var start = function() {
paintbox.addEventListener("mousemove", drawOnCanvas);
var newColor = document.getElementById("colorPick");
var drawOnCanvas = function(e) {
if ((e.buttons & 1) === 0) return; // Mouse button is not down
// Extra check to see we are well within the box boundaries:
var box = paintbox.getBoundingClientRect();
if (e.clientX - 5 < box.left || e.clientX + 5 > box.right
|| e.clientY - 5 < box.top || e.clientY + 5 > box.bottom) return;
var newClick = document.createElement("div");
newClick.className = "smallDiv"; // Don't create duplicate ID; put CSS in class
newClick.style.backgroundColor = newColor.value;
newClick.style.left = (e.pageX-5) + "px";
newClick.style.top = (e.pageY-5) + "px";
#canvas {
height: 150px;
width: 300px;
border: 1px solid;
display: inline-block;
margin: 10px;
.smallDiv {
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
position: absolute;
Color: <input id="colorPick" type="color"><br>
<div id="canvas"></div>

How to create a low memory consumption snap to grid canvas system HTML + JS?

What I'm trying to do (which I've been able to accomplish, but with poor performances) is to apply a sort of grid over the canvas, in order to be able to take inputs from the user about the origin point position. Once the input is received, the "draw" coordinates are provided via keyboard.
What I've managed to do in these days, was to calculate the width and height of the canvas, then divide it by the area of a standard 20x20 square (speaking in px). In this way I can loop on the result and create n squares, that I will render in display flex inside the grid element. Then this grid element is applied "over" the canvas.
Everything works, but there's a lot of divs going around, and if the user choses to shrink the div to let's say 10x10, then, that would have a great impact over the performances... So I'm trying to find out a lighter way to do this...
I've thought about using HR elements inside two divs that would be applied over the canvas. One div displays elements in column, and another in row. In this way I should obtain the grid, but what about the snap? How could I detect the intersection on the two HR elements and use that exact spot as position?
The reason of why I cannot directly draw the grid on the canvas is because this should remain as 'pure' as possible. Containing only the final draw of the user.
Here's the 'non optimized' code:
I'm using Angular 5 as framework.
<div class="draw-zone" #drawZone>
<div class="grid" #grid [ngClass]="{'activated': activateDrawZones}">
<div *ngFor="let block of gridBlocks" class="grid-block" [ngClass]="{'show': showGrid, 'ten-x-ten': blockSize === 10, 'twe-x-twe': blockSize === 20, 'thr-x-thr': blockSize === 30, 'fou-x-fou': blockSize === 40}"
#gridBlock (click)="draw($event, gridBlock)"></div>
<canvas #canvas [height]="canvasSize.y" [width]="canvasSize.x"></canvas>
The scss:
flex-grow: 2;
height: 100%;
position: relative;
z-index: 10;
top: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: 11;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
margin-left: -.1rem;
border-radius: .5rem;
align-content: stretch;
border: 1px solid transparent;
border-color: #3f51b5;
opacity: 0;
border-right: 1px solid #3f51b5;
border-bottom: 1px solid #3f51b5;
opacity: .1;
opacity: 1;
border-radius: 50%;
background-color: #3f51b5;
transform: scale(1.2);
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
And the component method to cal:
private calculateGrid() {
this.activateDrawZones = false;
this.canvasSize.x = this._drawZone.nativeElement.clientWidth;
this.canvasSize.y = this._drawZone.nativeElement.clientHeight;
const blocksCount = (this.canvasSize.x * this.canvasSize.y) / (this.blockSize * this.blockSize);
this.gridBlocks = [];
for (let i = 0; i < blocksCount; i++) {
this.gridBlocks.push({ size: this.blockSize });
this.activateDrawZones = true;
And the method that actually draws:
public draw(e: MouseEvent, block: HTMLDivElement, returnOnFail?: boolean) {
const x = block.offsetLeft + (this.blockSize / 2);
const y = block.offsetTop + (this.blockSize / 2);
if (this.firstClick) {
this.ctx.moveTo(x, y);
this.setCrosshair(x, y);
this.firstClick = false;
this.addPathToDrawSequence(x, y);
if (this.isNotOnTheSameAxisAsTheLastInsert(x, y)) {
if (returnOnFail) { return; }
this.draw(e, block, true);
this.ctx.lineTo(x, y);
this.setCrosshair(x, y);
this.addPathToDrawSequence(x, y);
As you can see, I'm applying the '.grid' element over the canvas element. The grid element contains all the blocks that are displayed in flex mode. As you can see the grid container has a display:flex and flex-wrap: wrap properties. In this way, when the user clicks over a block, I can guess the x, y coordinates by getting its position, relative to the parent. Which has the same dimensions as the canvas. Once that I have the x,y coords, i can draw on the canvas.
Yes, creating a multiplicity of DOM elements and trying to dynamically position and size them with javascript will not be particularly performant. I don't think hr elements will solve this problem for you.
First, have you considered drawing your grid directly onto the canvas?
Another option is to have a background image with the grid on it layered behind the canvas. This will automatically resize just as performantly as any other aspect of your webpage.
Now for the 'snapping' part. It looks like you've already figured out how to draw what you need on the canvas once you get the grid information you're looking for. What you need is a method to get which grid a user clicked on. I'm guessing that is why you overlaid all those divs...
Instead, canvas natively tracks mouse clicks. Using some techniques laid out here should be able to get you the grid interaction information you're looking for.
Edit: A method to generate and find grids:
var height = 100;
var width = 200;
var horizontal_grids = 8;
var vertical_grids = 4;
function bounding_grid_1d(length, grids, x) {
var divisions = [];
var grid_width = length / grids;
for ( i = 0; i <= grids; i++ ) {
if (x || x == 0) {
if (i*grid_width > x) {
else if (i*grid_width == x) {
else {
return divisions;
console.log("Get all the x and y grid line locations");
console.log(bounding_grid_1d(width, horizontal_grids));
console.log(bounding_grid_1d(height, vertical_grids));
console.log("Get the x and y grid line locations that surround the coordinates (60,30)");
console.log(bounding_grid_1d(width, horizontal_grids, 60));
console.log(bounding_grid_1d(height, vertical_grids, 30));

How to compare positions of two elements in javascript

I have been trying to make this work since the beginning of this week but couldn't figure it out. I have two elements in my HTML file. They are on the same vertical lane, element1 is moving 60ems to the left horizontally with each button click. I have to compare the positions of these two elements and detect whether element1 has passed the element2 with an if/else statement. When it passes I want to move the element1 to its initial position and start over. But if statement never shoots, it always jumps to else statement.
I have tried comparing following properties:
I tried to compare the positions like below:
$(function () {
$("button").click(function () {
var position1 = $('#element1').css("left");
var position2 = $('#element2').css("left");
if (position1 <= position2) {
$("#element1").animate({left:'+=240em'}, 600);
else {
$("#element1").animate({left:'-=60em'}, 600);
If you can give me an answer or direct me to another post I will appreciate it. Thank you in advance.
EDIT: The style I use is below:
.element2 {
position: relative;
width: 60em;
height: 40em;
bottom: 8em;
background: rgba(242, 210, 139, 0.6);
border-radius: 1.2em;
z-index: 1;
overflow: hidden;
#element1 {
position: absolute;
margin-left: 180em;
width: 60em;
height: 40em;
z-index: 1;
And I should have mentioned this at the beginning: element1 is inside element2:
<div class="element2">
<img id="element1" src="image/bg1.png" />
This will give you the current position of an element:
If you need position relative to the document (instead of relative to a parent element) you can use:
You should just be able to compare the return values of these for the different elements directly. Here's some sample code that works for me, note there is no need to parse since they always return pixel values.
var pos = Math.max($(w).scrollTop(), 38),
top = $(ballon).position().top,
dist = Math.abs(pos-top),
time = dist > 1000 ? 2000 : dist / 0.15;
if (pos + $(w).height() >= pHeight) {
pos = pHeight - bHeight - gHeight;
$(ballon).animate({'top': pos}, time, 'easeInOutSine');
else if (dist > 150 || pos < 100) {
$(ballon).animate({'top': pos}, time, 'easeInOutBack');
