Running javascript e2e tests on a local appium server - javascript

I'm wanting to run e2e tests written in javascript with mocha on an Appium server instance running a local android emulator. The app on test is an apk originally written in react-native.
On Windows I have the server up and running with an Android Studio emulator through using the Appium desktop app. The server all looks good and has the apk of the native app I want to test working fine. I also have a basic describe/assert test written in mocha that I want to apply to the app.
My question is what do I need to include (presumably in the test file) to make the tests actually test the emulator application? I'm finding the documentation pretty confusing and the sample code seems pretty specific to a different use case.
Many thanks for your help!

There are at least 2 good js client libraries to use for Appium based project: webdriverio and wd. Personally, I'm using the second one so I can advice you how write tests with it and mocha:
my test file looks like this:
'use strict'
require(path.resolve('hooks', 'hooks'))
describe('Suite name', function () {
before('Start new auction', async function () {
//do before all the tests in this file, e.g. generate test data
after('Cancel auction', async function () {
//do after all the tests in this file, e.g. remove test data
it('test1', async () => {
// test steps and checks are here
it('test2', async () => {
// test steps and checks are here
it('test3', async () => {
// test steps and checks are here
where hooks.js contains global before/after for all the tests:
const hooks = {}
before(async () => {
// before all the tests, e.g. start Appium session
after(async () => {
// after all the tests, e.g. close session
beforeEach(async () => {
// before each test, e.g. restart app
afterEach(async function () {
// e.g. take screenshot if test failed
module.exports = hooks
I'm not saying its the best practice of designing tests, but its one of multiple ways.

Cool so I managed to get it working to a degree. I was checking through the Appium console logs as I was trying to run stuff and noticed that the session id was missing from my requests. All that was needed was to attach the driver using the session id. My code looks a bit like this:
"use strict";
var wd = require("wd")
var assert = require("assert")
var serverConfig = {
host: "localhost",
port: 4723,
var driver = wd.remote(serverConfig)
driver.attach("0864a299-dd7a-4b2d-b3a0-e66226817761", function() {
it("should be true", function() {
const action = new wd.TouchAction()
.press({x: 210, y: 130})
assert.equal(true, true)
The equals true assert is just there as a placeholder sanity check. The only problem with this currently is that I'm copy-pasting the alpha-numeric session id inside the attach method each time I restart the Appium server so I need to find a way to automate that.


Running a test with Mocha also launches the main program

I'm trying to use Mocha to test a CLI app. The tests are running fine but, when I launch the testing procedure, it also launches the main app:
$ npm run test
> standardize-js#0.2.2 test C:\Users\Gaspard\Documents\Code\standardize-js
> mocha "./source/**/*.spec.js"
? Choose your project language or framework (Use arrow keys) //<-- THIS IS THE PROGRAM
> Javascript
Main function //<-- THIS IS THE TEST
ask if the configuration is valid
Configuration is not valid, terminating program.
√ should return false if the configuration is not accepted
1 passing (29ms)
I'm kind of new to the testing world and I'm really struggling to understand what I'm doing wrong.
Here is the NPM script used to launch mocha :
"test": "mocha \"./source/**/*.spec.js\""
Here is my testing method:
/* eslint-disable func-names */
const { expect } = require("chai");
const main = require("./index").test;
describe("Main function", function() {
describe("ask if the configuration is valid", function() {
it("should return false if the configuration is not accepted", function() {
const fakeAnswer = false;
And here is my index.js file:
function validateConfiguration(answer) {
if (answer === false) {
console.log("Configuration is not valid, terminating program."));
return false;
return true;
const run = async () => {
// Export functions and variables to be able to test
exports.test = {
It's not a problem with mocha. It is simply now node.js modules work.
When you do this:
const main = require("./index").test;
Node.js will execute index.js and then check the value of module.exports. If the module (index.js) sets or modifies module.exports then node will export it for use by require(). But note, in order for node to know that the module has exported anything it must execute the javascript file.
Node.js does not have any ability to parse and analyze javascript syntax (that's V8's job). Unlike other languages such as C or Java, modules in node.js are not implemented at the syntax level. Therefore the javascript language does not need to be modified (eg. ES6 modules) for node.js to support modules. Modules are simply implemented as a design pattern.
In your index.js file you call run:
When require() loads index.js it will therefore also cause run() to be called.
Test libraries, not main
The solution to this is to implement your own logic as modules and test that, not test index.js:
function validateConfiguration(answer) {
if (answer === false) {
console.log("Configuration is not valid, terminating program."));
return false;
return true;
// Export functions and variables to be able to test
exports.test = { validateConfiguration };
const validateConfiguration = require("./mylib").test;
const run = async () => {
You can now use your test script as written.
How can you not test code??
The strategy to keep index.js bug free without testing is to remove all logic from it except for the minimum amount of code to wire all your other code up together to run the app. The code should be as simple as "Hello World". That way, the code in main is so small and so simple that you can test it for bugs using your eyeballs.
Any code in index.js that causes a bug should be refactored into its own library so that it can be tested separately. There are a small handful of corner cases, such as loading environment variables or opening port 80 where you can't really separate into a library because they literally are wiring logic. For such cases you just have to be really careful.
It's calling run because you are telling it to right after defining the method.

Testing Visual Studio Code Extension with Spectron - How to determine when VSCode is ready?

Goal: Perfom real end-to-end tests for a VSCode extension using Spectron.
As an example I installed the vim extension.
I adapted the usage example from Spectron's README like this:
var Application = require('spectron').Application
var assert = require('assert')
describe('VSCode extension', function () {
beforeEach(function () { = new Application({
path: '.vscode-test/VSCode-linux-x64/bin/code',
args: [
'--extensionDevelopmentPath=' + process.cwd(),
requireName: 'nodeRequire',
afterEach(function () {
if ( && {
it('suggest commands', function () {
//.waitUntilTextExists('span', 'OPEN EDITORS', 10000)
.waitForVisible('.quick-open-entry*=Vim: Show Command Line')
Problem: How to exactly determine if VSCode is ready.
Calling client.waitUntilWindowLoaded() is not sufficient. In some test runs entering text via client.keys(...) into the Command Palette (F1) does not suggest any commands.
I don't want to use pause(...) after waitUntilWindowLoaded() as it wastes useful time and may still not be sufficient when the system is under heavy load.
For the moment I just came up with .waitUntilTextExists('span', 'OPEN EDITORS', 10000) which seems to work most of the time. Sometimes it runs into the timeout.
Is there anything more reliable (in the DOM) that is set by VSCode and can be checked by Spectron that states that VSCode is really ready?

'window is not defined' when testing Paho MQTT Client with mocha and typescript

I googled for days but can't find anything about how to test the Paho MQTT Client. I tried it in a sort of naive way, like that:
import { suite, test, slow, timeout, skip, only } from 'mocha-typescript';
import chai = require('chai');
var jsdom = require('jsdom');
var Paho: any;
const expect: any = chai.expect;
const host: string = '';
const port: number = 1384;
const clientId1: string = 'testid1';
const clientId2: string = 'testid2';
let client1;
let client2;
describe('test', function () {
it('should', function (done) {
// emulate browser window, which is required by Paho
jsdom.env("<html><body></body></html>", [],
function (err: any, window: any) {
// when window is ready, require Paho and
// initialize with built window
Paho = require('ng2-mqtt/mqttws31').jsdom(window);
// This does not work -> exception in mqttws31.js: window is not defined
client1 = new Paho.MQTT.Client(host, port, clientId1);
client1.connect({ onSuccess: () => { expect(true); done(); }, onFailure: () => { expect(false); } })
However the Paho = require(...)-Part inside the callback function of jsdom.env(...) throws the exception in mqttws31.js: "window is not defined". Has anyone an idea how to solve that, in order to get the Paho Client running in a non-browser environment?
Thanks in advance! You could be using similiar NPM module like this. Like you might expect Node.js environment dosen't have browser globals itself so use some library which can integrate these globals to your testing environment.
I am not very familiar with mocha but here's one more library I have played around in Karma as reference
Or simply using some external service like BrowserStack crashes with NoSessionIdError

I'm trying to get and Jasmine working.
Following their example, my script is at test/specs/first/test2.js (in accordance with the configuration) and contains:
var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');
describe('my webdriverio tests', function() {
var client = {};
beforeEach(function() {
client = webdriverio.remote({ desiredCapabilities: {browserName: 'firefox'} });
it('test it', function(done) {
afterEach(function(done) {
I'm using wdio as the test runner, and set it up using the interactive setup. That config is automatically-generated and all pretty straightforward, so I don't see a need to post it.
In another terminal window, I am running selenium-server-andalone-2.47.1.jar with Java 7. I do have Firefox installed on my computer (it blankly starts when the test is run), and my computer is running OS 10.10.5.
This is what happens when I start the test runner:
$ wdio wdio.conf.js
Selenium 2.0/webdriver protocol bindings implementation with helper commands in nodejs.
For a complete list of commands, visit
[18:17:22]: SET SESSION ID 46731149-79aa-412e-b9b5-3d32e75dbc8d
[18:17:22]: RESULT {"platform":"MAC","javascriptEnabled":true,"acceptSslCerts":true,"browserName":"firefox","rotatable":false,"locationContextEnabled":true,"webdriver.remote.sessionid":"46731149-79aa-412e-b9b5-3d32e75dbc8d","version":"40.0.3","databaseEnabled":true,"cssSelectorsEnabled":true,"handlesAlerts":true,"webStorageEnabled":true,"nativeEvents":false,"applicationCacheEnabled":true,"takesScreenshot":true}
NoSessionIdError: A session id is required for this command but wasn't found in the response payload
at waitForVisible("h2.btn.btn-primary") - test2.js:21:14
throw e;
NoSessionIdError: A session id is required for this command but wasn't found in the response payload
0 passing (3.90s)
I find this very strange and inexplicable, especially considering that it even prints the session ID.
Any ideas?
Please check out the docs on the wdio test runner. You don't need to create an instance using init on your own. The wdio test runner takes care on creating and ending the session for you.
Your example covers the standalone WebdriverIO usage (without testrunner). You can find examples which use wdio here.
To clarify that: there are two ways of using WebdriverIO. You can embed it in your test system by yourself (using it as standalone / or as a scraper ). Then you need to take care of things like create and end an instance or run those in parallel. The other way to use WebdriverIO is using its test runner called wdio. The testrunner takes a config file with a bunch of information on your test setup and spawns instances updates job information on Sauce Labs and so on.
Every Webdriver command gets executed asynchronously.
You properly called the done callback in afterEach and in your test it test, but forgot to do it in beforeEach:
beforeEach(function(done) {
client = webdriverio.remote({ desiredCapabilities: {browserName: 'firefox'} });

How to reuse code in Protractor / AngularJS Testing

We have several Protractor end to end tests for our AngularJS app in several JS files and they work great. But, there is a lot of duplicated code throughout the tests and we would like to DRY that up.
For instance, every time we log in, we have to click on the text elements, type in the username and password, and then click enter. And right now every single JS file has its own copy of the login function which is called before every test.
It would be nice to refactor those out into modules that we can then import. I have been searching for hours, but not found a good solution.
How should we do this?
You can create nodejs modules and include them in protractor configuration
exports.loginToPage = function () {
//nodejs code to login
exports.config = {
onPrepare: function () {
protractor.loginHelpers = require('./helpers/login-helpers.js');
it('should do smth', () => {
Our team uses Orchid-js with Jasmine and Protractor, it's designed to do exactly this.
Your test
Describe('Login user',require('../login.js'))("username","password");
module.exports = function(username,password){
describe('login the user',function(){
it('should login the user',function(){
