I want to fire a function when the innerHTML of a div element changes.
Been testing with element.addEventListener('DOMCharacterDataModified', myFunction()); but it does not seem to work properly. It fires once when the page is loaded but never again after? See example code below.
Anyone have a solution to my task? Any help is greatly appreciated!
The task:
I have an empty div.
At random it will be fed with data from an external source (that I do not have control of).
Everytime when the innerHTML changes, I want to fire myFunction().
My current example code:
var element = document.getElementById('div');
element.addEventListener('DOMCharacterDataModified', myFunction());
function myFunction() {
element.innerHTML = 'Hello World!';
}, 1000);
element.innerHTML = 'Hello Space!';
}, 2000);
The setTimeouts visualize the data feeding from an external source.
If possible it needs to be JS only, but jQuery could be used if really needed.
Thanks in advance!
// wirrew
Use DOMSubtreeModified event:
var element = document.getElementById('div');
element.addEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', myFunction);
function myFunction(e) {
element.innerHTML = 'Hello World!';
}, 1000);
element.innerHTML = 'Hello Space!';
}, 2000);
<div id="div"></div>
BTW, DOM mutation events were deprecated. Use MutationObserver:
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
var element = document.getElementById('div');
var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver;
var observer = new MutationObserver(myFunction);
observer.observe(element, {
childList: true
function myFunction() {
element.innerHTML = 'Hello World!';
}, 1000);
element.innerHTML = 'Hello Space!';
}, 2000);
<div id="div">
Raw snippet on GitHub
NOTE: May not be the best of explanations, please add your knowledge to make it more clear.
If you are willing to use element attributes then there is a way to create custom elements and add Observers as you please to the attributes. attributeChangedCallback is where you can add your custom code for listener.
Custom Elements is of the Web Components with support on Chrome, Opera and Safari. Here is the link which explains everything about them. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components/Custom_Elements
There is a chance you can modify observers for your div elements but I am not aware of such, you probably need to dig a little deeper should you choose to do it this way.
Since you are trying to listen to a single element's innerHTML, it might be better to just create a custom element like the one in the code snippet.
class ObservableDiv extends HTMLElement {
// Monitor the 'name' attribute for changes.
static get observedAttributes() {return ['name']; }
// Respond to attribute changes.
attributeChangedCallback(attr, oldValue, newValue) {
if (attr == 'name') {
this.textContent = `HELLO, ${newValue}`;
// Define the new element
customElements.define('observable-div', ObservableDiv);
setTimeout(() => { document.getElementById("change").setAttribute("name", "I CHANGED A LOTTTTTTTTTTT") }, 1000)
<observable-div id="change" name="BEFORE CHANGING"></observable-div>
PS :
This may not be a proper answer at all but I am posting this because this strategy served me better, than relying on the sub tree listeners which used to work sporadically but never consistently. The only down fall to this is that this does not have good browser support. There might be some good polyfills available already.
I'm trying to create a simple click catcher where if you click .image-class the javascript will take the href from another element with a class name of .btn and send you to it's destination. Though I keep getting errors on lines 7 & 10 saying that undefined is not a function. How do I make this work?
var ClickCatcher=
var link = jQuery('.btn')[1].href;
var imgCatch = jQuery('.image-class');
imgCatch.addEventListener("click", ClickCatcher.clickListener, false);
window.location = link;
You can do this with jquery with a simple click event
jQuery('.image-class').on('click', function (){
window.location = jQuery('.btn').eq(1).attr('href');
But if you still want to write in the way you have you can do:
var ClickCatcher = {
init: function () {
jQuery('.image-class').on('click', function (){
window.location = jQuery('.btn').eq(1).attr('href');
Just make sure to fire the init method after dom load.
update: One issue with it is that you have coded your target etc in the code rather then pass it, so its going to be hard to reuse, you'd be better off doing:
var ClickCatcher = {
init: function ($button, loc) {
$button.on('click', function (){
window.location = loc;
ClickCatcher.init(jQuery('.image-class'), jQuery('.btn').eq(1).attr('href'));
That way the internal working is seperate from the dom (as you are passing the dom dependencies to the function.
#atmd showed a very good way of doing this. If you just want to know what your mistake was though. It is wa an error in your jQuery stament to get the btn href
you need to call the attr function and then get the href attr. and use .eq(1) to reduce the set to the first btn
I have a single-page html application. There is only one thml file that has multiple DIVs, that are displayed/hidden when the relevant button is clicked.
I use some animation on one of this DIVs (not on the "first page DIV"). The problem is that the animation starts directly when the html document is loaded and vhen i go to that div with the animation, the animation is already ended.
My question is: How to make the animation start just at the moment when it's DIV is displayed?
here is the code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
function show(shown, hidden) {
return false;
function myFunction()
var o, qt=[
for(var i=1;i<4;i++)
o.innerHTML+="<p id=\"quote1_"+i+"\" style=\"font-size: 28pt;\"> </p>";
var q=qt[Math.floor(Math.random() * qt.length)];
setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById("quote1_2").innerHTML=q[1]; }, 2000);
setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById("quote1_3").innerHTML=q[2]; }, 3000);
window.onload = function(){
<div id="Page1">
<div data-role="page">
<div data-role="content">
<div id="Page2" style="display:none">
<div data-role="page" id="main">
<div data-role="content">
<div id="quote1"></div>
Adding to Kcent's post, there is also a plugin for jQuery called "ScrollMagic":
It activates animations depending on scroll speed/placement on the page.
You can find the documentation here:
Using pure javascript, you can use the MutationObserver. Yet using libraries like angularjs or knockoutjs should be much simpler. The MutationObserver is quite complicated in my opinion. One way to do that when the MutationObserver didn't exist yet was to track object creation. When you create an object in the dom, you can trigger the callback. The only big problem with this method is that it wouldn't work for changes to the dom that aren't explicitly tracked. The MutationObserver will catch any change to the DOM by user interaction or not.
In your case, a simple solution would be to execute something right after you added it to the dom.
Something like that:
function changeElement(target, source, callback) {
target.innerHTML = source;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
setTimeout(function() {
changeElement(document.getElementById("quote1_2"), q[1], function (parent) {
// code here
}, 2000);
You could also change the function above to already include the setTimeout to make it cleaner.
function changeElement(target, source, callback, wait) {
setTimeout(function() {
target.innerHTML = source;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
}, wait);
changeElement(document.getElementById("quote1_2"), q[1], function (parent) {
// code here
}, 2000);
The setTimeout with 0 is to make sure the code is executed after the innerHTML gets updated. It's possible that if you execute directly the callback, the dom won't be already available in the callback.
As for animation, you should have a look to css3 transitions. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/CSS/Using_CSS_transitions The animations can be done by making opacity modified itself slowly for example. It really depends on what you want to do.
This is a way to do what you're trying to do. MutationObserver isn't that easy to setup. I did a small example:
var target = window.container;
function changeOpacity(target) {
target.style.opacity = 1;
}, 100);
// create an observer instance
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if (mutation.type == "childList") {
for(var i=0; i<mutation.addedNodes.length; i++) {
// configuration of the observer:
var config = {
attributes: true,
childList: true,
characterData: true
// pass in the target node, as well as the observer options
observer.observe(target, config);
setTimeout(function () {
target.innerHTML = "<div class='elem'>Some text</div>";
}, 2000);
And a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/8zmc8/
If you are able to use jQuery, there's a library called waypoints that handles this very problem: http://imakewebthings.com/jquery-waypoints/
The core of what you are looking for is:
- adding an event listener to the window scroll
- listening for the offsetTop of the target div to come into view
- and then trigger the animation at the desired offsetTop value
I need to be able to dynamically create <select> element and turn it into jQuery .combobox(). This should be element creation event, as opposed to some "click" event in which case I could just use jQuery .on().
So does something like this exist?
$(document).on("create", "select", function() {
I'm reluctant to use livequery, because it's very outdated.
UPDATE The mentioned select/combobox is loaded via ajax into a jQuery colorbox (modal window), thus the problem - I can only initiate combobox using colorbox onComplete, however on change of one combobox another select/combobox must be dynamically created, therefor I need a more generic way to detect creation of an element (selectin this case).
UPDATE2 To try and explain the problem further - I have select/combobox elements created recursively, there is also a lot of initiating code inside .combobox(), therefore if I used a classic approach, like in #bipen's answer, my code would inflate to insane levels. Hope this explains the problem better.
UPDATE3 Thanks everyone, I now understand that since deprecation of DOMNodeInserted there is a void left in DOM mutation and there is no solution to this problem. I'll just have to rethink my application.
You can on the DOMNodeInserted event to get an event for when it's added to the document by your code.
$('body').on('DOMNodeInserted', 'select', function () {
Fiddled here: http://jsfiddle.net/Codesleuth/qLAB2/3/
EDIT: after reading around I just need to double check DOMNodeInserted won't cause problems across browsers. This question from 2010 suggests IE doesn't support the event, so test it if you can.
See here: [link] Warning! the DOMNodeInserted event type is defined in this specification for reference and completeness, but this specification deprecates the use of this event type.
As mentioned in several other answers, mutation events have been deprecated, so you should use MutationObserver instead. Since nobody has given any details on that yet, here it goes...
Basic JavaScript API
The API for MutationObserver is fairly simple. It's not quite as simple as the mutation events, but it's still okay.
function callback(records) {
records.forEach(function (record) {
var list = record.addedNodes;
var i = list.length - 1;
for ( ; i > -1; i-- ) {
if (list[i].nodeName === 'SELECT') {
// Insert code here...
var observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
var targetNode = document.body;
observer.observe(targetNode, { childList: true, subtree: true });
// For testing
setTimeout(function() {
var $el = document.createElement('select');
}, 500);
Let's break that down.
var observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
This creates the observer. The observer isn't watching anything yet; this is just where the event listener gets attached.
observer.observe(targetNode, { childList: true, subtree: true });
This makes the observer start up. The first argument is the node that the observer will watch for changes on. The second argument is the options for what to watch for.
childList means I want to watch for child elements being added or removed.
subtree is a modifier that extends childList to watch for changes anywhere in this element's subtree (otherwise, it would just look at changes directly within targetNode).
The other two main options besides childList are attributes and characterData, which mean about what they sound like. You must use one of those three.
function callback(records) {
records.forEach(function (record) {
Things get a little tricky inside the callback. The callback receives an array of MutationRecords. Each MutationRecord can describe several changes of one type (childList, attributes, or characterData). Since I only told the observer to watch for childList, I won't bother checking the type.
var list = record.addedNodes;
Right here I grab a NodeList of all the child nodes that were added. This will be empty for all the records where nodes aren't added (and there may be many such records).
From there on, I loop through the added nodes and find any that are <select> elements.
Nothing really complex here.
...but you asked for jQuery. Fine.
(function($) {
var observers = [];
$.event.special.domNodeInserted = {
setup: function setup(data, namespaces) {
var observer = new MutationObserver(checkObservers);
observers.push([this, observer, []]);
teardown: function teardown(namespaces) {
var obs = getObserverData(this);
observers = $.grep(observers, function(item) {
return item !== obs;
remove: function remove(handleObj) {
var obs = getObserverData(this);
obs[2] = obs[2].filter(function(event) {
return event[0] !== handleObj.selector && event[1] !== handleObj.handler;
add: function add(handleObj) {
var obs = getObserverData(this);
var opts = $.extend({}, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
}, handleObj.data);
obs[1].observe(this, opts);
obs[2].push([handleObj.selector, handleObj.handler]);
function getObserverData(element) {
var $el = $(element);
return $.grep(observers, function(item) {
return $el.is(item[0]);
function checkObservers(records, observer) {
var obs = $.grep(observers, function(item) {
return item[1] === observer;
var triggers = obs[2];
var changes = [];
records.forEach(function(record) {
if (record.type === 'attributes') {
if (changes.indexOf(record.target) === -1) {
$(record.addedNodes).toArray().forEach(function(el) {
if (changes.indexOf(el) === -1) {
triggers.forEach(function checkTrigger(item) {
changes.forEach(function(el) {
var $el = $(el);
if ($el.is(item[0])) {
This creates a new event called domNodeInserted, using the jQuery special events API. You can use it like so:
$(document).on("domNodeInserted", "select", function () {
I would personally suggest looking for a class because some libraries will create select elements for testing purposes.
Naturally, you can also use .off("domNodeInserted", ...) or fine-tune the watching by passing in data like this:
$(document.body).on("domNodeInserted", "select.test", {
attributes: true,
subtree: false
}, function () {
This would trigger checking for the appearance of a select.test element whenever attributes changed for elements directly inside the body.
You can see it live below or on jsFiddle.
(function($) {
$(document).on("domNodeInserted", "select", function() {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
// For testing
setTimeout(function() {
var $el = document.createElement('select');
}, 500);
(function($) {
var observers = [];
$.event.special.domNodeInserted = {
setup: function setup(data, namespaces) {
var observer = new MutationObserver(checkObservers);
observers.push([this, observer, []]);
teardown: function teardown(namespaces) {
var obs = getObserverData(this);
observers = $.grep(observers, function(item) {
return item !== obs;
remove: function remove(handleObj) {
var obs = getObserverData(this);
obs[2] = obs[2].filter(function(event) {
return event[0] !== handleObj.selector && event[1] !== handleObj.handler;
add: function add(handleObj) {
var obs = getObserverData(this);
var opts = $.extend({}, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
}, handleObj.data);
obs[1].observe(this, opts);
obs[2].push([handleObj.selector, handleObj.handler]);
function getObserverData(element) {
var $el = $(element);
return $.grep(observers, function(item) {
return $el.is(item[0]);
function checkObservers(records, observer) {
var obs = $.grep(observers, function(item) {
return item[1] === observer;
var triggers = obs[2];
var changes = [];
records.forEach(function(record) {
if (record.type === 'attributes') {
if (changes.indexOf(record.target) === -1) {
$(record.addedNodes).toArray().forEach(function(el) {
if (changes.indexOf(el) === -1) {
triggers.forEach(function checkTrigger(item) {
changes.forEach(function(el) {
var $el = $(el);
if ($el.is(item[0])) {
This jQuery code is a fairly basic implementation. It does not trigger in cases where modifications elsewhere make your selector valid.
For example, suppose your selector is .test select and the document already has a <select>. Adding the class test to <body> will make the selector valid, but because I only check record.target and record.addedNodes, the event would not fire. The change has to happen to the element you wish to select itself.
This could be avoided by querying for the selector whenever mutations happen. I chose not to do that to avoid causing duplicate events for elements that had already been handled. Properly dealing with adjacent or general sibling combinators would make things even trickier.
For a more comprehensive solution, see https://github.com/pie6k/jquery.initialize, as mentioned in Damien Ó Ceallaigh's answer. However, the author of that library has announced that the library is old and suggests that you shouldn't use jQuery for this.
You can use DOMNodeInserted mutation event (no need delegation):
$('body').on('DOMNodeInserted', function(e) {
var target = e.target; //inserted element;
EDIT: Mutation events are deprecated, use mutation observer instead
Just came up with this solution that seems to solve all my ajax problems.
For on ready events I now use this:
function loaded(selector, callback){
//trigger after page load.
$(function () {
//trigger after page update eg ajax event or jquery insert.
$(document).on('DOMNodeInserted', selector, function () {
loaded('.foo', function(el){
//some action
el.css('background', 'black');
And for normal trigger events I now use this:
$(document).on('click', '.foo', function () {
//some action
$(this).css('background', 'pink');
There is a plugin, adampietrasiak/jquery.initialize, which is based on MutationObserver that achieves this simply.
$.initialize(".some-element", function() {
$(this).css("color", "blue");
This could be done with DOM4 MutationObservers but will only work in Firefox 14+/Chrome 18+ (for now).
However there is an "epic hack" (author's words not mine!) that works in all browsers that support CSS3 animations which are: IE10, Firefox 5+, Chrome 3+, Opera 12, Android 2.0+, Safari 4+. See the demo from the blog. The hack is to use a CSS3 animation event with a given name that is observed and acted upon in JavaScript.
One way, which seems reliable (though tested only in Firefox and Chrome) is to use JavaScript to listen for the animationend (or its camelCased, and prefixed, sibling animationEnd) event, and apply a short-lived (in the demo 0.01 second) animation to the element-type you plan to add. This, of course, is not an onCreate event, but approximates (in compliant browsers) an onInsertion type of event; the following is a proof-of-concept:
$(document).on('webkitAnimationEnd animationend MSAnimationEnd oanimationend', function(e){
var eTarget = e.target;
console.log(eTarget.tagName.toLowerCase() + ' added to ' + eTarget.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase());
$(eTarget).draggable(); // or whatever other method you'd prefer
With the following HTML:
<div class="wrapper">
<button class="add">add a div element</button>
And (abbreviated, prefixed-versions-removed though present in the Fiddle, below) CSS:
/* vendor-prefixed alternatives removed for brevity */
#keyframes added {
0% {
color: #fff;
div {
color: #000;
/* vendor-prefixed properties removed for brevity */
animation: added 0.01s linear;
animation-iteration-count: 1;
JS Fiddle demo.
Obviously the CSS can be adjusted to suit the placement of the relevant elements, as well as the selector used in the jQuery (it should really be as close to the point of insertion as possible).
Documentation of the event-names:
Mozilla | animationend
Microsoft | MSAnimationEnd
Opera | oanimationend
Webkit | webkitAnimationEnd
W3C | animationend
caniuse.com summary of compatibility of CSS Animations.
CSS AnimationEvent Interface (W3C).
JavaScript animationend vendor-support.
For me binding to the body does not work. Binding to the document using jQuery.bind() does.
var target = e.target;
instead of...
$(".class").click( function() {
// do something
You can write...
$('body').on('click', '.class', function() {
// do something
I Think it's worth mentioning that in some cases, this would work:
$( document ).ajaxComplete(function() {
// Do Stuff
create a <select> with id , append it to document.. and call .combobox
var dynamicScript='<select id="selectid"><option value="1">...</option>.....</select>'
$('body').append(dynamicScript); //append this to the place your wanted.
$('#selectid').combobox(); //get the id and add .combobox();
this should do the trick.. you can hide the select if you want and after .combobox show it..or else use find..
$(document).find('select').combobox() //though this is not good performancewise
if you are using angularjs you can write your own directive. I had the same problem whith bootstrapSwitch. I have to call
in javascript but my html input object was not created at that time. So I write an own directive and create the input element with
<input type="checkbox" checkbox-switch>
In the directive I compile the element to get access via javascript an execute the jquery command (like your .combobox() command). Very important is to remove the attribute. Otherwise this directive will call itself and you have build a loop
app.directive("checkboxSwitch", function($compile) {
return {
link: function($scope, element) {
var input = element[0];
var inputCompiled = $compile(input)($scope.$parent);
I'm using object literals on my project. I'm targeting selecting with jquery. It works fine the first time but when the part I'm targeting is reloaded with AJAX I can't target those element anymore. But I look into firebug they're there...
I'm even doing console.log() to test if my code works and it works but it just doesn't want to pick those. So in order for it to work, I have to refresh the entire browser.
Do you know what's the deal with AJAX dom reload and selectors.
I think it's something to do with the DOM reloading and redrawing itself or something along those lines...
Here is my code:
Module.editWishlistTitle = {
wishListContent: $('.mod-wish-list-content'),
title: $('.title').find('h2'),
titleTextField: $('#wishlist-title-field'),
titleInnerContainer: $('.title-inner'),
editTitleForm: $('.edit-title-form'),
submitCancelContainer: $('.submit-cancel'),
notIE9: $.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 9,
edit: function () {
var fieldTxt = this.titleTextField.val(),
editForm = this.editTitleForm,
titleParent = this.titleInnerContainer,
fieldCurrentTitle = this.title.text();
if (!this.notIE9) {
editForm.css('opacity', 0).animate({ opacity: 1 }).removeClass('hidden');
titleParent.addClass('hidden').animate({ opacity: 0 });
} else {
init: function () {
var self = this;
this.wishListContent.delegate('.edit-title a', 'click', function (e) {
If you are replacing an element on the page, you are destroying the original reference to the element. You need to redo the reference to point to the new element.
Create a new method in your code that (re)initializes the references you need. Instead of adding them in the odject, set them in the method.
Basic idea:
Module.editWishlistTitle = {
wishListContent: $('.mod-wish-list-content'),
title: $('.title').find('h2'),
//titleTextField: $('#wishlist-title-field'),
initReferences : function(){
this.titleTextField = $('#wishlist-title-field');
init: function () {
And when your Ajax call comes back you just need to call initReferences again.
After DOM ready, if you inject any data / class / id will not be available in DOM, so better you use live or delegate to get your new data access.
Best to use delegate, that will take care your new data loaded after dom ready, that way you can avoid to refresh /reload your page.
How i can make some thing like this?
<div id='myDiv' onload='fnName()'></div>
can't use
window.onload = function () {
$(document).ready(function () {fnName();});
the div element is dynamic. The div content is generated by xml xsl.
Any ideas?
You can use DOM Mutation Observers
It will notify you every time the dom changes, e.g. when a new div is inserted into the target div or page.
I'm copy/pasting the exmple code
// select the target node
var target = document.querySelector('#some-id');
// create an observer instance
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
// configuration of the observer:
var config = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true }
// pass in the target node, as well as the observer options
observer.observe(target, config);
// later, you can stop observing
The onload attribute probably wouldn't fire on the <div> if you're injecting it dynamically (as the document is likely already loaded, but maybe it'd still work...?). However you could either poll for the element by simply doing something like this (similar to YUI's onContentAvailable):
// when the document has loaded, start polling
window.onload = function () {
(function () {
var a = document.getElementById('myDiv');
if (a) {
// do something with a, you found the div
else {
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 50); // call myself again in 50 msecs
Or you could change the markup (I know nothing about XSL) to be something like this:
Earlier on in the page:
<script type="text/javascript">
function myDivInserted() {
// you're probably safe to use document.getElementById('myDiv') now
The markup you generate with XSL:
<div id="myDiv"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
It's a bit hacky but it should work.
If you're not already using jQuery there's no reason to start using it just for this, you can write:
window.onload = function () {
You could use jQuery. The following code would be place in your <head> tags.
$(document).ready(function() {
// Your fnNamt function here
Kobi makes a good point
You could also write
or more simply,
$(document).ready(fnNamt);, or even
Without jQuery with plain JS eg:
<script type="text/javascript">
function bodyOnLoad() {
var div = document.getElementById('myDiv');
// something with myDiv
<body onload="bodyOnLoad()">
<div id='myDiv'></div>
I had the same Issue, and after searching I found this.
In my case, the javascript appends the head of the index html to load a tab content html file, and onload I want to add that tab to the dom, display it and make other js stuff to change the tabs style.
I added the line with .onload = function(event) {...}
var link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'import';
link.href = 'doc.html'
link.onload = function(event) {...};
link.onerror = function(event) {...};
This worked like a charm, and maybe it helps some other researcher :)
I found it on HTML5 Imports: Embedding an HTML File Inside Another HTML File
How about using jQuery/ready(..) for this?
Like here: http://api.jquery.com/ready#fn
In the context of your question,
$(document).ready(function () {fnNamt();});
I would suggest you to use jQuery.
1. Download Jquery library from here http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.5.min.js .
2. in your HTML, head section create a script tag and use this code below.
$(document).ready(function() {
// write your code here..
I'd suggest circle-style func:
SwitchFUnc = false;
function FuncName(div_id) {
var doc = window!=null ? window.document : document;
var DivExists = doc.getElementById(div_id);
if (DivExists) {
SwitchFunc = true; //stop the circle
while (SwitchFunc!=true) {