How to get POST raw data on PHP using $_SERVER - javascript

I have a dynamic page using on-page-filter i change the data on the page using AJAX response, my question is how can i get from POST raw data when on the URL is not written..
my link on the page is similar like this ""
and on my AJAX I created the query string like this
function create_qs() {
var qs = '?1=1';
$('.fltlist').each(function (index, item) {
var val = ($(item).hasClass('active')) ? 'Y' : 'N';
qs += '&' + $(item).attr('f') + '=' + val;
qs += '&from=' + $('#startdate').val();
qs += '&to=' + $('#enddate').val();
qs += '&sort=' + $('#sort_sppt_ticket').val();
qs += '&search=' + $('#search').val();
qs += '&developer=' + $('#fltlistdev').val();
return qs;
but on the URL bar it didn't show anything (because the post) I'm using AJAX POST..
i need the raw data and store on the PHP array (maybe in global variable) to pass the raw data to another page..
any help?

Try using this
$rawData = file_get_contents("php://input");


How to pass long data to mySql database at

I am using to host my database and I am doing actions by using their library :
var MySql = {
_internalCallback : function() { console.log("Callback not set")},
Execute: function ( Sql, Callback)
MySql._internalCallback = Callback;
Host = "";
Username = "myUserName";
Password = "MyPassword";
Database = "MyDatabase";
var strSrc = "";
strSrc += "Host=" + Host;
strSrc += "&Username=" + Username;
strSrc += "&Password=" + Password;
strSrc += "&Database=" + Database;
strSrc += "&sql=" + Sql;
strSrc += "&Callback=MySql._internalCallback";
console.log('rabee: '+ strSrc);
var sqlScript = document.createElement('script');
sqlScript.setAttribute('src', strSrc);
Then if I want to insert data into table inside this database, I do it simply by doing this:
var command =
"INSERT INTO myTable(id,name,email,data) VALUES ('2','rabee','','anydata')";
When I insert short data inside the data column I got a successful callback, but when I insert long data nothing happens and no callback.
My questions are :
1- Is there any limitation for long URL request or am I doing something wrong?
2- How to replace their tiny library with AJAX request?
Please check your datatype in the database and whether you are using use "text" datatype it will accept all data.

How to write a small helper function for Ajax Post requests?

such that an object literal contains the parameters you want to send and the result is a string you can send as data.
Here is my first try:
function makeData(obj) {
var data_send = '';
_.each(obj, function (val, key) {
data_send += encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val) + '&';
return data_send;
Is this the correct form for ajax post data?

MVC 4 Pass value from Javascript to Controller

In my view, I have a javascript function to handle a select event on a pie chart. The function is shown below:
function selectHandler() {
var selectedItem = visualization.getSelection()[0];
if (selectedItem) {
var val = data.getFormattedValue(selectedItem.row, 0);
location.href = '/Tickets';
Currently I am on the Home Controller in the Groups View. I want to navigate to the Index View of the Tickets Controller while passing the selected value from the javascript variable "val". How would I go about doing this?
Are you intending to manually navigate the user?
If you're looking for a redirect JavaScript way, then you would do something as simple as...
location.href = '/Tickets?value=' + val;
Now this may not work for everything. For example, if location.href already contains a '?', and you need to maintain that context, then you need to use '&'. Maybe your app lives in a Virtual Directory.
You might do something like...
var newUrl = location.href;
if (newUrl.indexOf('?') > -1)
newUrl += '&';
newUrl += '?';
newUrl += val;
This allows you maintain any existing context as well.
If you expect the ticket to already be defined, you might need to remove that from the query string, if it already exists.
In that case then you might want to do something like...
var params ='&'),
paramToRemove, indexOfValue,
hasSearch = false,
for (var i = 0, len = i; i < len; i++)
param = params[i];
indexOfValue = param.indexOf('value');
hasSearch = param.indexOf('?') === 0;
if (indexOfValue === 0 || (indexOfValue === 1 && hasSearch ))
paramToRemove = params[i];
var newUrl = location.href;
// Remove old value
if (paramToRemove) newUrl = newUrl.replace(paramToRemove, hasSearch ? '?' : '');
// Add proper search char
if (newUrl.indexOf('?') > -1)
newUrl += '&';
newUrl += '?';
// Add new value
newUrl += val;
location.href = '/Tickets?val=' + val;
//On page load the server will generate the URL for you.
var ticketURL = '#Url.Action("Index", "Tickets")';
//Append the value to the URL
ticketURL = ticketURL + '?val=' + val;
//Do your stuff!
Since, you are calling Controller methods from javascript. You should make an POST ajax call to Ticket Controller and passing Action method name also.
Your code would be like this:
return $.post('/Ticket(ControllerName)/Index(method name)/',parameters here);
Inside API Controller, Index method will accept the same param which we are passing from our javascript.
ActionResult Index(parameter){...}

Trying to add variables to twitter json url

I'm trying to create a function which uses a combination of jquery, json and javascript to retrieve a twitter feed using the $.getJSON() method.
I have the function working with a static url like so:
$.getJSON("", function(data) {
What I'm trying to do is replace where you see the username owzzz and count with values passed into the function.
the function looks something like this:
var twitterFeed = function(username, count){
$.getJSON("", function(data) {
$.each(data, function(i) {
var timestamp = new Date(this.created_at);
var text = this.text;
$("#twitter").html(text +'<a href="' + username + '/" class="timestamp">' + username + ' <span>' + timestamp.toDateString() + '<\/span><\/div>' ).click(function(e) {
window.location = '' + username;
}); } twitterFeed('owzzz',1);
I can add the passed value username in the .html() but not inside the getJSON();
Any idea how I would go about this?
Do the same as you do in the html function: String concatenation.
$.getJSON("" + username + ".json?count=" + count + "&callback=?", ...)
string concatenation.
'' + username + '.json' +
'?count=' + count + '&callback=?'

jQuery/Javascript - reload current page with an appended querystring?

I've got a dropdown menu on my form, which when something is selected I need to reload the current page, but with an appended querystring.
How would I go about doing this?
This is an old question but it came up first in google search results.
The solution I went with is similar to jAndy's.
window.location.pathname gives me the page's url without the query string.
I'm then able to build the query string with "?"+$.param({'foo':'bar','base':'ball'}) which I then append to the pathname and set to window.location.href.
window.location.href = window.location.pathname+"?"+$.param({'foo':'bar','base':'ball'})
var params = [
window.location.href =
"http://" + +
window.location.pathname +
'?' + params.join('&');
That code within your change event handler will do the trick.
For instance:
$('#my_dropdown_id').bind('change', function(){
var params = [
"base=" + $(this).val()
window.location.href = "http://" + + window.location.pathname + '?' + params.join('&');
If you go with the top rated answer, you may want to replace
in the code with
so that it works for other protocols, like https or file. So
window.location.href = window.location.protocol + "//" + + window.location.pathname + '?' + params.join('&');
Actually, there a built-in function of location that you can use, the name of the function is assign.
For appending or modifying there is another built-in function of the URL class that you can use too. the name of the function is searchParams.
So for your case you just need below example:
const url = new URL(location.href);
url.searchParams.set('key', 'value');
Update 2022
I create a TypeScript function to apply redirect with params more easier:
const isClient = (): boolean => typeof window !== 'undefined';
type ParamsType = { [key: string]: string | number };
const redirectUrl = (url: string, params?: ParamsType): void => {
if (isClient()) {
try {
const _url = new URL(url);
if (params) {
const keyList = Object.keys(params);
for (let i = 0; i < keyList.length; i += 1) {
const key = keyList[i];
_url.searchParams.set(keyList[i], params[key]?.toString());
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('The URL is not valid');
export default redirectUrl;
If you want a simple way to preserve the query string and possibly append to it, use; here's a snippet:
var search = + ( ? "&" : "?");
search += "param1=foo&param2=bar";
window.location.href = window.location.protocol + "//" + + window.location.pathname + search;
You can, of course, use a more sophisticated way of building the rest of your query string, as found in the other examples, but the key is to leverage
If you have an existing querystring that you'd like to keep then this version does that and adds your new params to any existing ones. The keys are converted to lowercase so that duplicates are not added. Maintaining the quersytring does make the solution more complicated, so I'd only do this if you need to.
$("#sortby").change(function () {
var queryString = getQueryStrings();
// Add new params to the querystring dictionary
queryString["sortby"] = $("#sortby").val();
window.location.href =
window.location.protocol + "//" + +
window.location.pathname +
// Gets Querystring from window.location and converts all keys to lowercase
function getQueryStrings() {
var assoc = {};
var decode = function (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(/\+/g, " ")); };
var queryString =;
var keyValues = queryString.split('&');
for (var i in keyValues) {
var key = keyValues[i].split('=');
if (key.length > 1) {
assoc[decode(key[0]).toLowerCase()] = decode(key[1]);
return assoc;
function createQueryString(queryDict) {
var queryStringBits = [];
for (var key in queryDict) {
if (queryDict.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
queryStringBits.push(key + "=" + queryDict[key]);
return queryStringBits.length > 0
? "?" + queryStringBits.join("&")
: "";
I was having a requirement to open a particular tab after reloading. So I just needed to append the #tabs-4 to the current url. I know its irrelevant to current post but it could help others who come to this just like I did.
Using the code
window.location = window.location.pathname
+ + '#tabs-4';
did'nt work for me but below code did.
location = "#tabs-4";
