else statement not getting executed? - javascript

I want to reload my page if the page is not fully loaded. I am using the below if-else loop. If part is working properly but the else part is not getting executed. I have no idea why is this happening???
Can someone help me to overcome this problem??
function loadCensusData(obj) {
var vals = objXHR1.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("val");
var noOfCols = 4;
var noOfRows = vals.length / noOfCols;
var row = 0;
while (row < noOfRows) {
var Did = vals[row * noOfCols + 0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
var DRevenue = vals[row * noOfCols + 2].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
var censusVariable = DRevenue;
var div = Did;
if (censusVariable < censusMin) {
censusMin = censusVariable;
if (censusVariable > censusMax) {
censusMax = censusVariable;
map.data.getFeatureById(div).setProperty('census_variable', censusVariable);
document.getElementById('census-min').textContent = censusMin.toLocaleString();
document.getElementById('census-max').textContent = censusMax.toLocaleString();
if (document.readyState == 'interactive' || document.readyState == 'complete') {
} else {
loadCensusData loads the data from my report.
census_variable is used to apply color style
I have used the ready state conditions.
Can someone help me to overcome this problem??


Onclick event in JS shows results for a second before automatically resetting form

This is a simple quiz/questionnaire, that'll display results of the quiz on submission. It shows the results, but only for about half a second before resetting the page. I would also like for the page to show an alert if the user says they're under 18 when the quiz is submitted; it wouldn't keep them from seeing the answers, but just giving them a message.
function checkAge() {
if(age<18) {
alert("Always make sure you have adult supervision while caring for and handling any venomous arachnid.");
} }
function generateAnswers() {
var choice1score = 0;
var choice2score = 0;
var choice3score = 0;
var choice4score = 0;
var chosenAnswers = document.getElementsByTagName('result');
for (i=0; i<chosenAnswers.length; i++) {
if (chosenAnswers[i].checked) {
// add 1 to that choice's score
if (chosenAnswers[i].value == 'choice1') {
choice1score = choice1score + 1;
if (chosenAnswers[i].value == 'choice2') {
choice2score = choice2score + 1;
if (chosenAnswers[i].value == 'choice3') {
choice3score = choice3score + 1;
if (chosenAnswers[i].value == 'choice4') {
choice4score = choice4score + 1;
var maxscore = Math.max(choice1score,choice2score,choice3score,choice4score);
var resultBox = document.getElementById('result');
if (choice1score == maxscore) {
resultBox.innerHTML = "Asian Forest Scorpion"
if (choice2score == maxscore) {
resultBox.innerHTML = "Deathstalker Scorpion"
if (choice3score == maxscore) {
resultBox.innerHTML = "Desert Hairy Scorpion"
if (choice4score == maxscore) {
resultBox.innerHTML = "Emperor Scorpion"
This is where I put the code:
This prevents the webpage from reloading and therefore clearing form data

Unable to auto refresh content

I tried setinterval and settimeout to callback validate() function,but I don't know why it just won't work. Now I try another type of calling method and still not working. Any fix?
Below is the code:
function validate(){
var code = document.getElementById("BScode").value ;
var msg = "<p>ERROR : Please select the option. </p>";
var error = document.getElementById("valError");
error.innerHTML = ""; //clear error-span
document.getElementById("divResult").innerHTML = ""; //clear resutl-div
** document.getElementById("map_title").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("map_canvas").style.display = "none"; **
if( code == "" || code == "none" || code == null ){
error.innerHTML = msg;
//get result
/* The whole stupid function to call back refresh validate() which failed :)*/
function auto_refresh_countdown(seconds) {
var time = seconds;
var myTimer = setInterval(function() {
if(time === 0){
}, 1000);
function getETA() {
var seconds = 5;
var id = document.getElementById("BScode").value;
var url = "http://www.cybertowers.net/jsonp/?a=eta.aspx?bid=";
loadData(url, getETACallback);//real
Last line, you've got a function getETACallback that is not defined.
I just tried to run auto_refresh_countdown, it works. validate is only called if seconds is different from 1 though.
Plus you have a typo: uto_refresh_countdown --> auto_refresh_countdown

Illustrator JavaScript only works once - won't toggle

I'm writing a script which changes the colours of a stick-man's arms and legs. Once "he" is selected, it effectively just mirrors the colours:
//Declare and initialize variables
var msgType = "";
var app;
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
var testColor = docRef.swatches.getByName("CMYK Green");
var leftColor = docRef.swatches.getByName("LeftColor");
var rightColor = docRef.swatches.getByName("RightColor");
function sameColor(CMYKColor1, CMYKColor2) {
"use strict";
var isTheSameColor;
if ((CMYKColor1.cyan === CMYKColor2.cyan) && (CMYKColor1.magenta === CMYKColor2.magenta) && (CMYKColor1.yellow === CMYKColor2.yellow) && (CMYKColor1.black === CMYKColor2.black)) {
isTheSameColor = true;
} else {
isTheSameColor = false;
return isTheSameColor;
// check if a document is open in Illustrator.
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
var mySelection = app.activeDocument.selection;
var index;
// Loop through all selected objects
for (index = 0; index < mySelection.length; index += 1) {
// Switch left and right colours
if (sameColor(mySelection[index].strokeColor, leftColor.color)) {
mySelection[index].strokeColor = rightColor.color;
if (sameColor(mySelection[index].strokeColor, rightColor.color)) {
mySelection[index].strokeColor = leftColor.color;
if (sameColor(mySelection[index].fillColor, leftColor.color)) {
mySelection[index].fillColor = rightColor.color;
if (sameColor(mySelection[index].fillColor, rightColor.color)) {
mySelection[index].fillColor = leftColor.color;
It works, but it only works once (i.e. I can't toggle the change again). If I undo the change and try again it works again. Why is this?
After a lot of head-scratching / debugging it turns out that it was changing the CMYK values to be not quite the same (by a tiny fraction).
Changed the following:
if ((CMYKColor1.cyan === CMYKColor2.cyan) ...
if ((Math.round(CMYKColor1.cyan) === Math.round(CMYKColor2.cyan)) ...
and it works fine now.

elementFromPoint() full document alternative

I am trying to recover a value from a cookie, which is somewhere on the Y-axis where the user clicked. I then want to find the parent <h2> from that click (if it helps, all the <h2>s are the first child of a <div class="_bdnable_">). Here is what I have so far:
var bookmarkLocation;
function getBookmarkPos() {
if ($.cookie("bookmark-position") !== null) {
$(".bdnable").each(function(i) {
var scrollTopTop = $(this).offset.top;
var scrollTopBottom = $(this).offset.top + $(this).height();
// var screenWidth = parseInt(screen.width/2);
// alert(screenWidth);
// var bookmarkPosition = parseInt($.cookie("bookmark-position"));
// alert(bookmarkPosition);
// var query = document.elementFromPoint(screenWidth, 50).nodeName;
// alert(query);
if ($.cookie("bookmark-position")>=scrollTopTop && $.cookie("bookmark-position")<=scrollTopBottom) {
bookmarkLocation = $(this).closest("div").children(":nth-child(1)").text();
if (bookmarkLocation == null) {
bookmarkLocation = "Unknown";
} else {
bookmarkLocation = "No bookmark set";
In the commented out section is where I tried to use getElementFromPoint and then realized that it only checks the visible area. Not good, because the scrollable Y-axis on the page is 1000s of pixels tall.
Any ideas are greatly appreciated!!!
If you already have the y-coordinate of the click from the cookie, why not simply compare all H2's y-position and pick the one which is the next "higher" one? Your approach looks like it's compares whether the user has clicked directly on the H2 instead of the article/button below it?
Just an idea - don't rate it's style, think its prettey messy:
var $myH2 = $('h2');
var clickY = <COOKIE_VALUE>;
var currentY = 0;
var foundH2ID = '';
for (var i = 0; i < $myH2.length; i++) {
var h2Y = $($myH2[i]).position().top;
if (h2Y <= clickY && h2Y > currentY) {
currentY = h2Y;
foundH2ID = $myH2[i].id;
Or maybe I got you wrong?

javascript countdown with showing milliseconds

I want to do a count down and want to show like format as Minutes:Seconds:Milliseconds. I made a count down with jquery plug-in countdown but it shows just Minutes:Seconds format.
Is there any way to make it right?
Many Thanks!
Hi guys I have developed a code for my self use the following code
counter for 20 seconds
var _STOP =0;
var value=1999;
function settimer()
var svalue = value.toString();
if(svalue.length == 3)
svalue = '0'+svalue;
else if(svalue.length == 2)
svalue = '00'+svalue;
else if(svalue.length == 1)
svalue = '000'+svalue;
else if(value == 0)
svalue = '0000';
document.getElementById('cn1').innerHTML = svalue[0];
document.getElementById('cn2').innerHTML = svalue[1];
document.getElementById('cn3').innerHTML = svalue[2];
document.getElementById('cn4').innerHTML = svalue[3];
if (_STOP==0 && value>=0) setTimeout("settimer();", 10);
setTimeout("settimer()", 10);
Try this: http://jsfiddle.net/aamir/TaHtz/76/
<div id="timer"></div>
var el = document.getElementById('timer');
var milliSecondsTime = 10000;
var timer;
el.innerHTML = milliSecondsTime/1000;
timer = setInterval(function(){
milliSecondsTime = milliSecondsTime - 1000;
if(milliSecondsTime/1000 == 0) {
el.innerHTML = 'BOOOOM';
else {
el.innerHTML = milliSecondsTime/1000;
If you want to make your own timer.
read this earlier question
How to create a JQuery Clock / Timer
Try setting the format parameter - http://keith-wood.name/countdownRef.html#format
On further reading, this plugin doesn't do milliseconds. At this point, you either have to edit the actual plugin code or find a new plugin.
I completely agree with #Matt Ball's comment.It may also cause the browser to crash.
Why don't you try this solution instead
jQuery 1 minute countdown with milliseconds and callback
I did it like this (generic counter from N to X (X > N)):
var dynamicCounterAddNewValue = 20;
var currentDynamicUpdater;
function dynamicCounterForValueForControlUpdater(_updaterData) {
_updaterData.from += dynamicCounterAddNewValue;
if (_updaterData.from > _updaterData.to) {
_updaterData.from = _updaterData.to;
if (_updaterData.from < _updaterData.to) {
currentDynamicUpdater = setTimeout(
c: _updaterData.c,
from: _updaterData.from,
to: _updaterData.to
else {
// _c -> jQuery object (div,span)
// _from -> starting number
// _to -> ending number
function dynamicCounterForValueForControl(_c, _from, _to) {
c: _c,
from: _from,
to: _to
EDIT: Updated version (more flexible - for N elements one after another):
(input element is Array of elements for making them dynamic-counts)
var dynamicCounterTimeout = 10;
var currentDynamicUpdater;
function odcArray(_odca) {
this.odca = _odca;
function odc(_c, _from, _to) {
this.c = _c; // $('#control_id')
this.from = _from; // e.g. N
this.to = _to; // e.g. M => (M >= N)
var di = parseInt(_to / 45, 10);
if (di < 1) {
di = 1;
this.dynamicInc = di;
function dynamicCounterForValueForControlUpdater(_odca) {
if (
_odca.odca === null
) {
var o = _odca.odca[0];
o.from += o.dynamicInc;
if (o.from > o.to) {
o.from = o.to;
_odca.odca.shift(); // Remove first element
currentDynamicUpdater = setTimeout(
function dynamicCounterForValueForControl(_odca) {
// SETUP all counters to default
for (var i = 0; i < _odca.odca.length; i++) {
