function usePotion(){
for (var i = 0; i < inventoryItemNumber.length; i++){
if (inventoryItemNumber [count] == 5){
player.hp += 5;
document.getElementById("HP").innerHTML = "HP: " + player.hp;
let inventoryList = document.getElementById("inventory");
inventoryList.removeChild (inventoryList.childNodes[count]);
When I use my button to call the function everything except the removeChild command works, but if I go into console and copy/paste my 2 lines of code and execute it works fine.
There's a lot more code obviously and my count variable is a global variable = 0;
This is Javascript code for some quiz i am making.
In my case table.length = 2, and function is repeating 2 times with parameter for first table and second.
But why command shows 4 times in console?
function start(){
var brojac =0;
var table = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
for (i =0; i<table.length ; i++){
brojac += parseInt(jednoPitanje(i))
console.log("Sakupili ste ukupno " + brojac + " bodova");
function jednoPitanje(x) {
var odgovori ="";
var table = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
var tableN = table[x];
var input = tableN.getElementsByTagName("input")
var brojInputa = tableN.getElementsByTagName("input").length;
//Uzima bodove,kategoriju i index tocnih odgovora
var bodovi =tableN.classList[2];
var kategorija =tableN.classList[1];
var tocni = tableN.classList[0];
//Iteracija kroz sve checkboxsove u tablici
for (j =0; j<brojInputa ; j++){
odgovori += tableN.getElementsByTagName("input")[j].value;
if(odgovori == tocni){
else{bodovi = 0;}
return bodovi;
You are calling console.log("Hello"); in the function jednoPitanje(). You call this function twice inside your loop:
jednoPitanje(i); // <-- this cause console.log() to run
brojac += parseInt(jednoPitanje(i)) // <-- this also causes the console.log()
and since your loop runs twice it prints four times.
It's not immediately clear if you need that function to run twice, but if you don't, you can just remove the first call:
for (i =0; i<table.length ; i++){
brojac += parseInt(jednoPitanje(i))
or if you prefer the extra clarity:
for (i =0; i<table.length ; i++){
var bodovi = jednoPitanje(i);
brojac += parseInt(bodovi)
Why isn't this working?
var i = 0;
for (i < 1) {
if ($(".button[name=commit]").val() == "remove"){
i = 1;
I get this error message saying: unexpcted token ) at line 2.
Here you go with a solution using while loop
var i = 0;
while (i < 1) {
if ($(".button[name=commit]").val() == "remove"){
i = 1;
Here you go with a solution using for loop
for (var i=0; i<1;) {
if ($(".button[name=commit]").val() == "remove"){
i = 1;
Hope this will help you.
while(!$(".button[name=commit]").val() == "remove");
it was not working since for() needs 3 commands: Initialization, guard and last action: for(init;guard;action)
I'm looking for simple solution for a loop where I have to confirm each element. I was looking at pausing and resuming, but it's quite a hassle. Is there any other way to make it easy? I'm sure that this problem is not so rare and many people have stuck upon it.
What I want to achieve is this - I'm looping through the list and if I don't find item by its EAN code then it opens search function to find this and after the item is found (or not) user clicks Next and resume with looping until same situation occurs.
Some code that I have for now:
for(var f = 0; f < biLen; f++){
var ean_parsed = parsedList[i][1];
if(beerList[f].get("ean") === ean_parsed){
console.log("Beer found: " + beerList[f].get("beer_name"));
} else {
if(f === biLen - 1){
//open modal, search for item and then continue looping
console.log("B'r not found: " + parsedList[i][0]);
edit (whole function code instead of piece of it):
function parserCompareList(){
var parsedList = parseResult;
var piLen = parsedList.length;
var beerList = listaPiwArr;
var biLen = beerList.length;
var new_offer = [];
var counter = document.getElementById('imHeader');
for(var i = 0; i < piLen; i++){
counter.innerHTML = i + "/" + piLen; //plain text that's keeping where we actually are with this
for(var f = 0; f < biLen; f++){
var ean_parsed = parsedList[i][1];
if(beerList[f].get("ean") === ean_parsed){
console.log("Beer found: " + beerList[f].get("beer_name"));
} else {
if(f === biLen - 1){
console.log("B'r not found: " + parsedList[i][0]);
var indexCache;
function loop() {
var index = indexCache || 0;
for (var f = index; f < biLen; f++) {
var ean_parsed = parsedList[i][1];
if (beerList[f].get("ean") === ean_parsed) {
console.log("Beer found: " + beerList[f].get("beer_name"));
} else {
if (f === biLen - 1) {
// Assuming $modal is the bootstrap modal
indexCache = f;
//$modal.modal().one('', loop);
$('#importModal').modal('show').one('', loop) // <-- this one works like a charm
var indexCache;
function loop() {
var index = indexCache || 0;
for (var f = index; f < biLen; f++) {
var ean_parsed = parsedList[i][1];
if (beerList[f].get("ean") === ean_parsed) {
console.log("Beer found: " + beerList[f].get("beer_name"));
} else {
if (f === biLen - 1) {
// Assuming $modal is the bootstrap modal
indexCache = f;
$modal.modal().one('', loop);
We have an indexCache variable that holds the index of the beer that is being handled.
If EAN is found, great! we handle it and move on to the next beer.
If not, we store the current beer index in the cache and show the modal and quit the loop immediately. When the modal is hidden, the loop resumes from the cached index.
PS. I am assuming you are using Twitter Bootstrap modal. And therefore, adding a handler to the event ''. But similar thing could be done with your own modal implementation if that is the case.
Good! I have a problem and you do not run my code at the end of the loop, the above and what is inside the loop works fine, the problem is that after the loop is still not executing the code. Any idea why it can be?
This is my code:
var arrayp = new Array();
function botonAdelante(tabl, pasos)
var padreTabla = document.getElementById(tabl).rows;
var cont = 0;
for(var j = 0; j < padreTabla.length; j++)
var hijoTd = document.getElementById(pasos+ "-producto-" +j);
var childArray = hijoTd.children;
for(var i = 0; i < childArray.length; i++)
var check = document.getElementById(pasos+ "-CheckBox-" +j);
if(check.type == 'checkbox' && check.checked==true)
arrayp[cont] = check.value;
var algo = arrayp[cont];
alert("It is in this part of the code does not work");
Clarification: "continue" found at the end of long and if it will not work either.
The continue is confusing used like this, but I have a feeling your code is probably throwing an error because the cont might exceed the array length. Regardless of whether this fixes it or not I'd at least add a check to ensure that it doesn't throw an exception.
Please check for exceptions being thrown through web dev tools (F12 in Chrome).
for(var i = 0; i < childArray.length; i++)
var check = document.getElementById(pasos+ "-CheckBox-" +j);
if(check.type == 'checkbox' && check.checked==true && arrayp.length <= cont)
arrayp[cont] = check.value;
var algo = arrayp[cont];
I'm trying to write a simple function that will make it appear as though someone is typing in a textarea
-- This is my function (forgive me if its atrocious, but I don't normally use javascript) ---
The console.log() part works fine, but for some reason I cannot get this script to update the dom the way I would expect...
function type(string) {
value = "";
el = document.getElementById("typeArea");
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
value += string[i];
//$("#fbw > textarea").val(value);
el.textContent = value;
I appreciate any insight you can give me.
jsFiddle Demo
All you were missing was a construct instead of Sleep. The js approach for accomplishing this is to use a timeout and a recursive call in order to iterate through your string
function type(string,element){
(function writer(i){
if(string.length <= i++){
element.value = string;
element.value = string.substring(0,i);
if( element.value[element.value.length-1] != " " )element.focus();
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * (100)) + 140;
You can do something like this using setTimeout function.
simulateTyping('looks like someone is typing...', '#txt')
function simulateTyping(str, textAreaId) {
var textArea = $(textAreaId);
var currentCharIndex = 0;
function typeChar(){
if (currentCharIndex >= str.length)
var char = str[currentCharIndex];
textArea.val(textArea.val() + char);
currentCharIndex ++;
setTimeout(typeChar, 500);