I'm writing up some tests for a graphics module and as part of those tests, I need a way to mock the fs module out in such a way that allows me to assert that data has been written to my fake file system and also to allow my fake file system to provide fake data back to test reading from the file system.
I'm aware that jest supports "manual mocks" where you create a static mock object as a file beside your code. Personally I would prefer to avoid this if at all possible and instead define my mock inline in my test files using jest.fn and/or jest.doMock.
Looking at the documentation, I feel like this should be possible and I feel like I'l about 75% there in asserting that my mocked fs.createWriteStream was called with 1 argument. I just can't seem to figure out how to assert that data was written to my mock fs.
I'm also aware that there are various mock-fs or similar modules available on npm. I would prefer to avoid these if possible and solve this entirely using the tools made available by jest.
Here is my test code thus far:
const fs = require('fs');
const pureimage = require('pureimage');
jest.mock('fs', () => ({
createWriteStream: jest.fn((file_name) => {
return file_name;
describe('PNG image', () => {
it('can be encoded to a stream', () => {
const PImage = pureimage.make(200, 200);
const context = PImage.getContext('2d');
context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,0,0, 0.5)';
context.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100);
expect(pureimage.encodePNGToStream(PImage, fs.createWriteStream('myimage.png'))).resolves;
Full project can be found here: http://github.com/robertmain/node-pureimage
Currently, we are using cypress to test our application. We have 2 environments with 2 different api_Servers. I want to define this inside the environment files. I am not sure how to define both the url in same file.
For example,
baseUrl - https://environment-1.me/
Api_Serever - https://api-environment-1.me/v1
baseUrl - https://environment-2.me/
Api_Serever - https://api-environment-2.me/v1
So few test cases depend on the baseUrl and 1 test case to check API depends on Api_Serever.
To resolve this I tried to set the baseUrl and Api_Serever inside the config file inside a plugin following this link https://docs.cypress.io/api/plugins/configuration-api.html#Usage.
I created two config files for 2 environments,
"baseUrl": "https://environment-2.me/",
"env": {
"envname": "environment-1",
"api_server": "https://api-environment-1.me/v1"
Another file similar to this changing the respective endpoints.
plugin file has been modified as,
// promisified fs module
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const path = require('path')
function getConfigurationByFile (file) {
const pathToConfigFile = path.resolve('..', 'cypress', 'config', `${file}.json`)
return fs.readJson(pathToConfigFile)
module.exports = (on, config) => {
// `on` is used to hook into various events Cypress emits
// `config` is the resolved Cypress config
// accept a configFile value or use development by default
const file = config.env.configFile || 'environment-2'
return getConfigurationByFile(file)
inside test cases, whichever refers to the baseUrl we used visit('/')
This works fine when we run a specific file from the command line using the command cypress run --env configFile=environment-2 all the test cases pass, as the visit('/') automatically replaces with the respective environments expect the API test case.
I am not sure how the API test should be modified to call the API endpoint instead of the base URL.
Can somebody help, please?
If I understand your question correctly, you need to run tests with different urls. Urls being set in cypress.json or in env file.
Can you configure the urls in cypress.json file as below. I haven't tried though, can you give it a go.
"baseUrl": "https://environment-2.me/",
"api_server1": "https://api1_url_here",
"api_server2": "https://api2_url_here"
Inside the test call pass the urls as below;
describe('Test for various Urls', () => {
it('Should test the base url', () => {
cy.visit('/') // this point to baseUrl configured in cypress.json file
// some tests to continue based on baseUrl..
it('Should test the api 1 url', () => {
cy.visit(api_server1) // this point to api server 1 configured in cypress.json file
// some tests to continue based on api server1..
it('Should test the api 2 url', () => {
cy.visit(api_server2) // this point to api server 2 configured in cypress.json file
// some tests to continue based on api server2..
This issue has been resolved.
The best way is to do with a plugin as suggested by their docs (https://docs.cypress.io/api/plugins/configuration-api.html#Usage).
I kept the structure same as such in my question and in my test case I called it using, cy.request(Cypress.env('api_server'))
This solved my issue :)
So lets say I have some code in js
const myApiKey = 'id_0001'
But instead of harcoding it I want to put it in some bash script with other env vars and read from it and then replace it in the JS
So lets say for prod I would read from prod-env.sh or for dev I would read them from dev-env.sh and then gulp or some other tool does the magic and replaces MY_API_KEY based on whatever is established inside of prod-env.sh or dev-env.sh.
const myApiKey = MY_API_KEY
Update: I want to add I only care about unix OS, not concerned about windows. In golang there is way to read for example envVars.get('MY_API_KEY'), I'm looking for something similar but for JS in the client side.
If you're using gulp, it sounds like you could use any gulp string replacer, like gulp-replace.
As for writing the gulp task(s). If you are willing to import the environment into your shell first, before running node, you can access the environment via process.env
gulp.task('build', function(){
.pipe(replace('MY_API_KEY', process.env.MY_API_KEY))
If you don't want to import the environment files before running node, you can use a library like env2 to read shell environment files.
Another option would be to use js/json to define those environment files, and load them with require.
"MY_API_KEY": "api_key"
const myEnv = require('./prod-env')
gulp.task('build', function(){
.pipe(replace('MY_API_KEY', myEnv.MY_API_KEY))
Also, for a more generic, loopy version of the replace you can do:
gulp.task('build', function () {
stream = gulp.src(['example.js']);
for (const key in process.env) {
stream.pipe('${' + key + '}', process.env[key]);
In that last example I added ${} around the environment variable name to make it less prone to accidents. So the source file becomes:
const myApiKey = ${MY_API_KEY}
This answer is an easy way to do this for someone who doesn't want to touch the code they are managing. For example you are on the ops team but not the dev team and need to do what you are describing.
The environment variable NODE_OPTIONS can control many things about the node.js runtime - see https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_node_options_options
One such option we can set is --require which allows us to run code before anything else is even loaded.
So using this you can create a overwrite.js file to perform this replacement on any non-node_modules script files:
const fs = require('fs');
const original = fs.readFileSync;
// set some custom env variables
// API_KEY_ENV_VAR - the value to set
// API_KEY_TEMPLATE_TOKEN - the token to replace with the value
if (!process.env.API_KEY_TEMPLATE_TOKEN) {
console.error('Please set API_KEY_TEMPLATE_TOKEN');
if (!process.env.API_KEY_ENV_VAR) {
console.error('Please set API_KEY_ENV_VAR');
fs.readFileSync = (file, ...args) => {
if (file.includes('node_modules')) {
return original(file, ...args);
const fileContents = original(file, ...args).toString(
/* set encoding here, or let it default to utf-8 */
return fileContents
Then use it with a command like this:
export API_KEY_ENV_VAR=123;
NODE_OPTIONS="--require ./overwrite.js" node target.js
Supposing you had a script target.js
It would log 123. You can use this pretty much universally with node, so it should work fine with gulp, grunt, or any others.
I have a javascript file for node.js:
module.exports = {
someString: 'blblalb'
I want to able to read the file as a javascript object, using fs.readFileSync. I can't use require because I am using a variable that may be modified in runtime to load the file.
Is that possible?
You can use eval('JavaScript string') but is highly recommended not to. It is a serious security risk if you cannot 100% trust the source of the text. If a malicious user figures out a way to modify the text they have complete control of your system. It is not a path I would take or recommend.
const text = 'console.log("Hello")';
If I saw that code when I was doing a code review we would definitely be having some words.
it's possible to evaluate a file or string variable as child module in hacky yet valid way.
The problem is that Node.js module environment should be unaware of these operations. Child module may load other modules and contain require(...), it will fail if there is no require function (there is none if it is evaluated with vm) or it uses wrong module relative path (this will happen with eval), also there will be no dedicated module.exports for a module. This can be fixed by wrapping module source with Node.js module wrapper that was rewired to match child module location.
const fs = require('fs');
const Module = require('module');
const path = require('path');
const childModuleAbsPath = path.resolve('./foo/bar.js');
const childModuleBody = fs.readFileSync(childModuleAbsPath);
const childModuleObj = { exports: {} };
const { dir: childModuleDirname, base: childModuleFilename } = path.parse(childModuleAbsPath);
const childRequire = modulePath => module.require(childModuleAbsPath);
In this case childModuleObj.exports.someString === 'blblalb' after bar child module was evaluated.
This is XY problem that should be addressed in another way.
If the intention is to reevaluate a module with new variables, this can be done by invalidating Node module cache by modifying require.cache, e.g. with decache:
const reloadedBar = require('./foo/bar');
I'm currently trying to get some test coverage for a command line tool I built in node with Jest. My code is split up in modles, most of which have asynchronous http requests that I'm trying to mock. I'm wondering if there is a way to mock these requests that exist inside the module functions?
module.exports = function() {
client.apiGet() // How do I mock this?
.then(() => {
// more logic, runs several fs operations
.catch((err) => { console.error(err) });
You will need to mock the client module. I assume you had require or import it further up. Once you have it mocked you can decide to either stub all of it's methods' implementations or just the apiGet.
Finally, you will probably use the .resolves and .rejects to have the proper expectation.
#Koen Van Gilst wrote a great blog about mocking API calls with Jest:
Hope this sends you in the right direction
I am currently using requirejs to manage module js/css dependencies.
I'd like to discover the possibilities of having node do this via a centralized config file.
So instead of manually doing something like
within each module.
I'd have node inject the dependencies ie
Anyway, I'm interested in any projects looking at dependency injection for node.
I've come up with a solution for dependency injection. It's called injectr, and it uses node's vm library and replaces the default functionality of require when including a file.
So in your tests, instead of require('libToTest'), use injectr('libToTest' { 'libToMock' : myMock });. I wanted to make the interface as straightforward as possible, with no need to alter the code being tested. I think it works quite well.
It's just worth noting that injectr files are relative to the working directory, unlike require which is relative to the current file, but that shouldn't matter because it's only used in tests.
I've previously toyed with the idea of providing an alternate require to make a form of dependency injection available in Node.js.
Module code
For example, suppose you have following statements in code.js:
fs = require('fs');
console.log(fs.readFileSync('text.txt', 'utf-8'));
If you run this code with node code.js, then it will print out the contents of text.txt.
Injector code
However, suppose you have a test module that wants to abstract away the file system.
Your test file test.js could then look like this:
var origRequire = global.require;
global.require = dependencyLookup;
function dependencyLookup (file) {
switch (file) {
case 'fs': return { readFileSync: function () { return "test contents"; } };
default: return origRequire(file);
If you now run node test.js, it will print out "test contents", even though it includes code.js.
I've also written a module to accomplish this, it's called rewire. Just use npm install rewire and then:
var rewire = require("rewire"),
myModule = rewire("./path/to/myModule.js"); // exactly like require()
// Your module will now export a special setter and getter for private variables.
myModule.__set__("myPrivateVar", 123);
myModule.__get__("myPrivateVar"); // = 123
// This allows you to mock almost everything within the module e.g. the fs-module.
// Just pass the variable name as first parameter and your mock as second.
myModule.__set__("fs", {
readFile: function (path, encoding, cb) {
cb(null, "Success!");
myModule.readSomethingFromFileSystem(function (err, data) {
console.log(data); // = Success!
I've been inspired by Nathan MacInnes's injectr but used a different approach. I don't use vm to eval the test-module, in fact I use node's own require. This way your module behaves exactly like using require() (except your modifications). Also debugging is fully supported.