Babel for of loop transpilation performance - javascript

I use the for of loop often for readability and ease of writing code, but after transpiling with babel, i found it bloats up code and am now worried about performance.
Here is what I mean
Input Code
const obj = {
a: 2,
bar: 'baz',
identity: x => x
for (const [ key, val ] of Object.entries(obj)) {
console.log(key, val);
Output Code
'use strict';
var _slicedToArray = function () { function sliceIterator(arr, i) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"]) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; } return function (arr, i) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { return arr; } else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) { return sliceIterator(arr, i); } else { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); } }; }();
var obj = {
a: 2,
bar: 'baz',
identity: function identity(x) {
return x;
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator = Object.entries(obj)[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var _step$value = _slicedToArray(_step.value, 2),
key = _step$value[0],
val = _step$value[1];
console.log(key, val);
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
obviously, the transpiled for of loop has much more code...
But my question is, should i stop using the for of loop because of possible "performance issues" with transpiled code (babel using iterators, etc.. to do a simple loop), and if so, what should I use instead?

This sounds like a generic 'should I stop using X because of possible performance issues?'
If X isn't causing performance issues now, and you don't have any evidence to show it'll cause performance issues in future, keep using it.
If it is or will cause performance issues, look for alternatives.
In this case of X being for..of then your alternatives are based on writing more code with the same behaviour.
Your example specifically iterates over an Object, so ignoring the fact for..of also supports iterating over sets and arrays, you only need to write slightly more code to iterate over the object properties:
for (const [ key, val ] of Object.entries(obj)) {
console.log(key, val);
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
const val = obj[key];
console.log(key, val);
// You could also stick with a `for` loop (but note this isn't restricted to
// the object's 'own' properties in the same way as values() and entries()
for (const key in obj) {
const val = obj[key];
console.log(key, val);


How to make lazy Set?

new Set(getObjects())
getObjects returns an iterable object. Every iteration a new object is created. But Set gets and adds all of new objects immediately.
How to make it so only when a new object is needed, a new object is gotten and added?
I tried Proxy but no handler fires when calling a function with receiver as this.
const getEntitySet = (nativeEntityCollection) => {
const cache = new Set;
let src = {
[Symbol.iterator]: ((itr) => {
return () => itr;
ref: nativeEntityCollection
let addAll = () => {
for (const entity of src) {
let generate = function*() {
yield* cache;
for (const entity of src) {
yield entity;
const done = () => {
src = null;
addAll = null;
generate = Reflect.get(cache, Symbol.iterator).bind(cache)
const generateRef = () => generate();
return new Proxy(cache, {
get(set, prop) {
if (prop === Symbol.iterator) {
return generateRef;
return Reflect.get(cache, prop);
The receiver issue you mention can be reproduced when using other methods on the proxy object than Symbol.iterator, like has.
This can be fixed by using bind (as you already did elsewhere):
return Reflect.get(cache, prop).bind(cache);
This will fix that issue.
Other remarks
An access to a method will trigger addAll, which is a pity, as it is not certain that this access will really need that to happen. For instance, if we just did const f = myproxy.has, then there is actually no need to greedily consume the iterable.
With the proxy pattern you would have to return a replacing function for such method access, and only have addAll called within that returned function. I would suggest to use an inheritance pattern instead of the proxy pattern. This seems more suitable for implementing the desired behaviour.
In the case of the has method, we could even consider to partially consume the iterable up to the point that the target element is found, as any further consumption of that iterable could never change the outcome of this method call.
Here is an alternative "subclassing" implementation you could consider:
class LazySet extends Set {
constructor(iterable) {
this.#iterator = iterable[Symbol.iterator]();
this.#iterator.return = () => ({}); // Disable undesired return behaviour
* values() {
yield* super.values();
if (!this.#iterator) return;
let size = super.size;
for (const value of this.#iterator) {
super.add(value); // lazy
if (size === super.size) continue; // duplicate
yield value;
this.#iterator = null; // release reference
* entries() {
for (const value of this.values()) yield [value, value];
* keys() {
yield* this.values();
* [Symbol.iterator]() {
yield* this.values();
forEach(cb, thisArg) {
for (const value of this.values()) {, value, this);
has(needle) {
if (super.has(needle)) return true;
if (!this.#iterator) return false;
for (const value of this.#iterator) {
super.add(value); // lazy
if (value === needle) return true;
this.#iterator = null;
return false;
delete(needle) {
for (const _ of this.values()) {}; // consume iterator
return super.delete(needle);
get size() {
for (const _ of this.values()) {}; // consume iterator
return super.size;
// Demo
function* generator() {
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
console.log(` (about to yield ${i})`);
yield i;
let set = new LazySet(generator());
console.log("Does set have 3?:");
console.log("first 5 values in set:");
let i = 0;
for (const value of set) {
if (++i === 5) break;
console.log("All values in set:");
console.log("size:", set.size);

Using the spread operator to copy an object with nested objects [duplicate]

I am trying to create a deep copy map method for my Redux project that will work with objects rather than arrays. I read that in Redux each state should not change anything in the previous states.
export const mapCopy = (object, callback) => {
return Object.keys(object).reduce(function (output, key) {
output[key] =, {...object[key]});
return output;
It works:
return mapCopy(state, e => {
if ( === {
e.title = 'new item';
return e;
However it does not deep copy inner items so I need to tweak it to:
export const mapCopy = (object, callback) => {
return Object.keys(object).reduce(function (output, key) {
let newObject = {...object[key]}; = {}; = {};
output[key] =, newObject);
return output;
}, {});
This is less elegant as it requires to know which objects are passed.
Is there a way in ES6 to use the spread syntax to deep copy an object?
Use JSON for deep copy
var newObject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oldObject))
var oldObject = {
name: 'A',
address: {
street: 'Station Road',
city: 'Pune'
var newObject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oldObject)); = 'Delhi';
No such functionality is built-in to ES6. I think you have a couple of options depending on what you want to do.
If you really want to deep copy:
Use a library. For example, lodash has a cloneDeep method.
Implement your own cloning function.
Alternative Solution To Your Specific Problem (No Deep Copy)
However, I think, if you're willing to change a couple things, you can save yourself some work. I'm assuming you control all call sites to your function.
Specify that all callbacks passed to mapCopy must return new objects instead of mutating the existing object. For example:
mapCopy(state, e => {
if ( === {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
title: 'new item'
} else {
return e;
This makes use of Object.assign to create a new object, sets properties of e on that new object, then sets a new title on that new object. This means you never mutate existing objects and only create new ones when necessary.
mapCopy can be really simple now:
export const mapCopy = (object, callback) => {
return Object.keys(object).reduce(function (output, key) {
output[key] =, object[key]);
return output;
}, {});
Essentially, mapCopy is trusting its callers to do the right thing. This is why I said this assumes you control all call sites.
From MDN
Note: Spread syntax effectively goes one level deep while copying an array. Therefore, it may be unsuitable for copying multidimensional arrays as the following example shows (it's the same with Object.assign() and spread syntax).
Personally, I suggest using Lodash's cloneDeep function for multi-level object/array cloning.
Here is a working example:
const arr1 = [{ 'a': 1 }];
const arr2 = [...arr1];
const arr3 = _.clone(arr1);
const arr4 = arr1.slice();
const arr5 = _.cloneDeep(arr1);
const arr6 = [...{...arr1}]; // a bit ugly syntax but it is working!
// first level
console.log(arr1 === arr2); // false
console.log(arr1 === arr3); // false
console.log(arr1 === arr4); // false
console.log(arr1 === arr5); // false
console.log(arr1 === arr6); // false
// second level
console.log(arr1[0] === arr2[0]); // true
console.log(arr1[0] === arr3[0]); // true
console.log(arr1[0] === arr4[0]); // true
console.log(arr1[0] === arr5[0]); // false
console.log(arr1[0] === arr6[0]); // false
<script src=""></script>
I often use this:
function deepCopy(obj) {
if(typeof obj !== 'object' || obj === null) {
return obj;
if(obj instanceof Date) {
return new Date(obj.getTime());
if(obj instanceof Array) {
return obj.reduce((arr, item, i) => {
arr[i] = deepCopy(item);
return arr;
}, []);
if(obj instanceof Object) {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((newObj, key) => {
newObj[key] = deepCopy(obj[key]);
return newObj;
}, {})
You can use structuredClone() like the following:
const myOriginal = {
title: "Full Stack JavaScript Developer",
info: {
firstname: "Abolfazl",
surname: "Roshanzamir",
age: 34
const myDeepCopy = structuredClone(myOriginal);
You can use structuredClone() that is a built-in function for deep-copying.
Structured cloning addresses many (although not all) shortcomings of the JSON.stringify() technique.
Structured cloning can handle cyclical data structures,
support many built-in data types, and is generally more robust and often faster.
However, it still has some limitations that may catch you off-guard:
1-Prototypes : If you use structuredClone() with a class instance,
you’ll get a plain object as the return value, as structured cloning discards the object’s prototype chain.
2-Functions: If your object contains functions, they will be quietly discarded.
3- Non-cloneables: Some values are not structured cloneable, most notably Error and DOM nodes. It will cause structuredClone() to throw.
const myDeepCopy = structuredClone(myOriginal);
If you simply want to deep copy the object to another object,
all you will need to do is JSON.stringify the object and parse it using JSON.parse afterward.
This will essentially perform deep copying of the object.
let user1 = {
name: 'Abolfazl Roshanzamir',
age: 34,
university: {
name: 'Shiraz Bahonar University'
let user2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(user1)); = 'Andy Madadian'; = 'Kerman Bahonar University'
// { name: 'Andy Madadian', age: 33, university: { name: 'Kerman Bahonar University' } }
// { name: 'Abolfazl Roshanzamir', age: 33, university: { name: 'Shiraz Bahonar University' } }
Spread operator / Object.assign()
One way to create a shallow copy in JavaScript using the object spread operator ... or Object.assign() like the following:
const myShallowCopySpread = {...myOriginal};
const myShallowCopyObjectAssign=Object.assign({},obj)
When it comes to performance the creator Surma has pointed out that JSON.Parse() can be a bit faster for small objects. But when you have a large object, complex object
structuredClone() starts to get significantly faster.
Browser support is pretty fantastic And even is supported by Node.js.
const a = {
foods: {
dinner: 'Pasta'
let b = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a))
b.foods.dinner = 'Soup'
console.log(b.foods.dinner) // Soup
console.log(a.foods.dinner) // Pasta
Using JSON.stringify and JSON.parse is the best way. Because by using the spread operator we will not get the efficient answer when the json object contains another object inside it. we need to manually specify that.
Here's my deep copy algorithm.
const DeepClone = (obj) => {
if(obj===null||typeof(obj)!=='object')return null;
let newObj = { ...obj };
for (let prop in obj) {
if (
typeof obj[prop] === "object" ||
typeof obj[prop] === "function"
) {
newObj[prop] = DeepClone(obj[prop]);
return newObj;
// use: clone( <thing to copy> ) returns <new copy>
// untested use at own risk
function clone(o, m){
// return non object values
if('object' !==typeof o) return o
// m: a map of old refs to new object refs to stop recursion
if('object' !==typeof m || null ===m) m =new WeakMap()
var n =m.get(o)
if('undefined' !==typeof n) return n
// shallow/leaf clone object
var c =Object.getPrototypeOf(o).constructor
// TODO: specialize copies for expected built in types i.e. Date etc
switch(c) {
// shouldn't be copied, keep reference
case Boolean:
case Error:
case Function:
case Number:
case Promise:
case String:
case Symbol:
case WeakMap:
case WeakSet:
n =o
// array like/collection objects
case Array:
m.set(o, n =o.slice(0))
// recursive copy for child objects
if('object' ===typeof v) n[i] =clone(v, m)
case ArrayBuffer:
m.set(o, n =o.slice(0))
case DataView:
m.set(o, n =new (c)(clone(o.buffer, m), o.byteOffset, o.byteLength))
case Map:
case Set:
m.set(o, n =new (c)(clone(Array.from(o.entries()), m)))
case Int8Array:
case Uint8Array:
case Uint8ClampedArray:
case Int16Array:
case Uint16Array:
case Int32Array:
case Uint32Array:
case Float32Array:
case Float64Array:
m.set(o, n =new (c)(clone(o.buffer, m), o.byteOffset, o.length))
// use built in copy constructor
case Date:
case RegExp:
m.set(o, n =new (c)(o))
// fallback generic object copy
m.set(o, n =Object.assign(new (c)(), o))
// recursive copy for child objects
for(c in n) if('object' ===typeof n[c]) n[c] =clone(n[c], m)
return n
Here is the deepClone function which handles all primitive, array, object, function data types
function deepClone(obj){
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
arr[i] = deepClone(obj[i]);
return arr;
if(typeof(obj) == "object"){
var cloned = {};
for(let key in obj){
cloned[key] = deepClone(obj[key])
return cloned;
return obj;
console.log( deepClone(1) )
console.log( deepClone('abc') )
console.log( deepClone([1,2]) )
console.log( deepClone({a: 'abc', b: 'def'}) )
console.log( deepClone({
a: 'a',
num: 123,
func: function(){'hello'},
arr: [[1,2,3,[4,5]], 'def'],
obj: {
one: {
two: {
three: 3
}) )
function deepclone(obj) {
let newObj = {};
if (typeof obj === 'object') {
for (let key in obj) {
let property = obj[key],
type = typeof property;
switch (type) {
case 'object':
if( property ) === '[object Array]' ) {
newObj[key] = [];
for (let item of property) {
} else {
newObj[key] = deepclone(property);
newObj[key] = property;
return newObj
} else {
return obj;
const cloneData = (dataArray) => {
newData= []
dataArray.forEach((value) => {
return newData
a = [{name:"siva"}, {name:"siva1"}] ;
b = myCopy(a)
b === a // false`
I myself landed on these answers last day, trying to find a way to deep copy complex structures, which may include recursive links. As I wasn't satisfied with anything being suggested before, I implemented this wheel myself. And it works quite well. Hope it helps someone.
Example usage:
OriginalStruct.deep_copy = deep_copy; // attach the function as a method
TheClone = OriginalStruct.deep_copy();
Please look at for live examples how to use it, and also deep_print() is there.
If you need it quick, right here's the source of deep_copy() function:
function deep_copy() {
'use strict'; // required for undef test of 'this' below
// Copyright (c) 2019, Leonid Titov, Mentions Highly Appreciated.
var id_cnt = 1;
var all_old_objects = {};
var all_new_objects = {};
var root_obj = this;
if (root_obj === undefined) {
console.log(`deep_copy() error: wrong call context`);
var new_obj = copy_obj(root_obj);
for (var id in all_old_objects) {
delete all_old_objects[id].__temp_id;
return new_obj;
function copy_obj(o) {
var new_obj = {};
if (o.__temp_id === undefined) {
o.__temp_id = id_cnt;
all_old_objects[id_cnt] = o;
all_new_objects[id_cnt] = new_obj;
id_cnt ++;
for (var prop in o) {
if (o[prop] instanceof Array) {
new_obj[prop] = copy_array(o[prop]);
else if (o[prop] instanceof Object) {
new_obj[prop] = copy_obj(o[prop]);
else if (prop === '__temp_id') {
else {
new_obj[prop] = o[prop];
else {
new_obj = all_new_objects[o.__temp_id];
return new_obj;
function copy_array(a) {
var new_array = [];
if (a.__temp_id === undefined) {
a.__temp_id = id_cnt;
all_old_objects[id_cnt] = a;
all_new_objects[id_cnt] = new_array;
id_cnt ++;
a.forEach((v,i) => {
if (v instanceof Array) {
new_array[i] = copy_array(v);
else if (v instanceof Object) {
new_array[i] = copy_object(v);
else {
new_array[i] = v;
else {
new_array = all_new_objects[a.__temp_id];
return new_array;
I would suggest using the spread operator. You'll need to spread a second time if you need to update the second level. Attempting to update the newObject using something like will throw an error if address did not already exist in oldObject.
const oldObject = {
name: 'A',
address: {
street: 'Station Road',
city: 'Pune'
const newObject = {
address: {
city: 'Delhi'
This is a very old question but I think in 2022 there are many ways to solve this. However, if you want a simple, fast and vanilla JS solution check this out:
const cloner = (o) => {
let idx = 1
const isArray = (a) => a instanceof Array
const isObject = (o) => o instanceof Object
const isUndefined = (a) => a === undefined
const process = v => {
if (isArray(v)) return cloneArray(v)
else if (isObject(v)) return cloneObject(v)
else return v
const register = (old, o) => {
old.__idx = idx
oldObjects[idx] = old
newObjects[idx] = o
const cloneObject = o => {
if (!isUndefined(o.__idx)) return newObjects[o.__idx]
const obj = {}
for (const prop in o) {
if (prop === '__idx') continue
obj[prop] = process(o[prop])
register(o, obj)
return obj
const cloneArray = a => {
if (!isUndefined(a.__idx)) return newObjects[a.__idx]
const arr = => process(v))
register(a, arr)
return arr
const oldObjects = {}
const newObjects = {}
let tmp
if (isArray(o)) tmp = cloneArray(o)
else if (isObject(o)) tmp = cloneObject(o)
else return o
for (const id in oldObjects) delete oldObjects[id].__idx
return tmp
const c = {
id: 123,
label: "Lala",
values: ['char', 1, {flag: true}, [1,2,3,4,5], ['a', 'b']],
name: undefined
const d = cloner(c) = "Super"
d.values[2].flag = false
d.values[3] = [6,7,8]
console.log({ c, d })
It's recursive and self-contained, all the functions needed are defined in the function cloner().
In this snippet we are handling Array and Object types if you want to add more handlers you can add specify handlers like Date and clone it like new Date(v.getTime())
For me Array and Object are the types that I use the most in my implementations.

Deep copy in ES6 using the spread syntax

I am trying to create a deep copy map method for my Redux project that will work with objects rather than arrays. I read that in Redux each state should not change anything in the previous states.
export const mapCopy = (object, callback) => {
return Object.keys(object).reduce(function (output, key) {
output[key] =, {...object[key]});
return output;
It works:
return mapCopy(state, e => {
if ( === {
e.title = 'new item';
return e;
However it does not deep copy inner items so I need to tweak it to:
export const mapCopy = (object, callback) => {
return Object.keys(object).reduce(function (output, key) {
let newObject = {...object[key]}; = {}; = {};
output[key] =, newObject);
return output;
}, {});
This is less elegant as it requires to know which objects are passed.
Is there a way in ES6 to use the spread syntax to deep copy an object?
Use JSON for deep copy
var newObject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oldObject))
var oldObject = {
name: 'A',
address: {
street: 'Station Road',
city: 'Pune'
var newObject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oldObject)); = 'Delhi';
No such functionality is built-in to ES6. I think you have a couple of options depending on what you want to do.
If you really want to deep copy:
Use a library. For example, lodash has a cloneDeep method.
Implement your own cloning function.
Alternative Solution To Your Specific Problem (No Deep Copy)
However, I think, if you're willing to change a couple things, you can save yourself some work. I'm assuming you control all call sites to your function.
Specify that all callbacks passed to mapCopy must return new objects instead of mutating the existing object. For example:
mapCopy(state, e => {
if ( === {
return Object.assign({}, e, {
title: 'new item'
} else {
return e;
This makes use of Object.assign to create a new object, sets properties of e on that new object, then sets a new title on that new object. This means you never mutate existing objects and only create new ones when necessary.
mapCopy can be really simple now:
export const mapCopy = (object, callback) => {
return Object.keys(object).reduce(function (output, key) {
output[key] =, object[key]);
return output;
}, {});
Essentially, mapCopy is trusting its callers to do the right thing. This is why I said this assumes you control all call sites.
From MDN
Note: Spread syntax effectively goes one level deep while copying an array. Therefore, it may be unsuitable for copying multidimensional arrays as the following example shows (it's the same with Object.assign() and spread syntax).
Personally, I suggest using Lodash's cloneDeep function for multi-level object/array cloning.
Here is a working example:
const arr1 = [{ 'a': 1 }];
const arr2 = [...arr1];
const arr3 = _.clone(arr1);
const arr4 = arr1.slice();
const arr5 = _.cloneDeep(arr1);
const arr6 = [...{...arr1}]; // a bit ugly syntax but it is working!
// first level
console.log(arr1 === arr2); // false
console.log(arr1 === arr3); // false
console.log(arr1 === arr4); // false
console.log(arr1 === arr5); // false
console.log(arr1 === arr6); // false
// second level
console.log(arr1[0] === arr2[0]); // true
console.log(arr1[0] === arr3[0]); // true
console.log(arr1[0] === arr4[0]); // true
console.log(arr1[0] === arr5[0]); // false
console.log(arr1[0] === arr6[0]); // false
<script src=""></script>
I often use this:
function deepCopy(obj) {
if(typeof obj !== 'object' || obj === null) {
return obj;
if(obj instanceof Date) {
return new Date(obj.getTime());
if(obj instanceof Array) {
return obj.reduce((arr, item, i) => {
arr[i] = deepCopy(item);
return arr;
}, []);
if(obj instanceof Object) {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((newObj, key) => {
newObj[key] = deepCopy(obj[key]);
return newObj;
}, {})
You can use structuredClone() like the following:
const myOriginal = {
title: "Full Stack JavaScript Developer",
info: {
firstname: "Abolfazl",
surname: "Roshanzamir",
age: 34
const myDeepCopy = structuredClone(myOriginal);
You can use structuredClone() that is a built-in function for deep-copying.
Structured cloning addresses many (although not all) shortcomings of the JSON.stringify() technique.
Structured cloning can handle cyclical data structures,
support many built-in data types, and is generally more robust and often faster.
However, it still has some limitations that may catch you off-guard:
1-Prototypes : If you use structuredClone() with a class instance,
you’ll get a plain object as the return value, as structured cloning discards the object’s prototype chain.
2-Functions: If your object contains functions, they will be quietly discarded.
3- Non-cloneables: Some values are not structured cloneable, most notably Error and DOM nodes. It will cause structuredClone() to throw.
const myDeepCopy = structuredClone(myOriginal);
If you simply want to deep copy the object to another object,
all you will need to do is JSON.stringify the object and parse it using JSON.parse afterward.
This will essentially perform deep copying of the object.
let user1 = {
name: 'Abolfazl Roshanzamir',
age: 34,
university: {
name: 'Shiraz Bahonar University'
let user2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(user1)); = 'Andy Madadian'; = 'Kerman Bahonar University'
// { name: 'Andy Madadian', age: 33, university: { name: 'Kerman Bahonar University' } }
// { name: 'Abolfazl Roshanzamir', age: 33, university: { name: 'Shiraz Bahonar University' } }
Spread operator / Object.assign()
One way to create a shallow copy in JavaScript using the object spread operator ... or Object.assign() like the following:
const myShallowCopySpread = {...myOriginal};
const myShallowCopyObjectAssign=Object.assign({},obj)
When it comes to performance the creator Surma has pointed out that JSON.Parse() can be a bit faster for small objects. But when you have a large object, complex object
structuredClone() starts to get significantly faster.
Browser support is pretty fantastic And even is supported by Node.js.
const a = {
foods: {
dinner: 'Pasta'
let b = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a))
b.foods.dinner = 'Soup'
console.log(b.foods.dinner) // Soup
console.log(a.foods.dinner) // Pasta
Using JSON.stringify and JSON.parse is the best way. Because by using the spread operator we will not get the efficient answer when the json object contains another object inside it. we need to manually specify that.
Here's my deep copy algorithm.
const DeepClone = (obj) => {
if(obj===null||typeof(obj)!=='object')return null;
let newObj = { ...obj };
for (let prop in obj) {
if (
typeof obj[prop] === "object" ||
typeof obj[prop] === "function"
) {
newObj[prop] = DeepClone(obj[prop]);
return newObj;
// use: clone( <thing to copy> ) returns <new copy>
// untested use at own risk
function clone(o, m){
// return non object values
if('object' !==typeof o) return o
// m: a map of old refs to new object refs to stop recursion
if('object' !==typeof m || null ===m) m =new WeakMap()
var n =m.get(o)
if('undefined' !==typeof n) return n
// shallow/leaf clone object
var c =Object.getPrototypeOf(o).constructor
// TODO: specialize copies for expected built in types i.e. Date etc
switch(c) {
// shouldn't be copied, keep reference
case Boolean:
case Error:
case Function:
case Number:
case Promise:
case String:
case Symbol:
case WeakMap:
case WeakSet:
n =o
// array like/collection objects
case Array:
m.set(o, n =o.slice(0))
// recursive copy for child objects
if('object' ===typeof v) n[i] =clone(v, m)
case ArrayBuffer:
m.set(o, n =o.slice(0))
case DataView:
m.set(o, n =new (c)(clone(o.buffer, m), o.byteOffset, o.byteLength))
case Map:
case Set:
m.set(o, n =new (c)(clone(Array.from(o.entries()), m)))
case Int8Array:
case Uint8Array:
case Uint8ClampedArray:
case Int16Array:
case Uint16Array:
case Int32Array:
case Uint32Array:
case Float32Array:
case Float64Array:
m.set(o, n =new (c)(clone(o.buffer, m), o.byteOffset, o.length))
// use built in copy constructor
case Date:
case RegExp:
m.set(o, n =new (c)(o))
// fallback generic object copy
m.set(o, n =Object.assign(new (c)(), o))
// recursive copy for child objects
for(c in n) if('object' ===typeof n[c]) n[c] =clone(n[c], m)
return n
Here is the deepClone function which handles all primitive, array, object, function data types
function deepClone(obj){
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
arr[i] = deepClone(obj[i]);
return arr;
if(typeof(obj) == "object"){
var cloned = {};
for(let key in obj){
cloned[key] = deepClone(obj[key])
return cloned;
return obj;
console.log( deepClone(1) )
console.log( deepClone('abc') )
console.log( deepClone([1,2]) )
console.log( deepClone({a: 'abc', b: 'def'}) )
console.log( deepClone({
a: 'a',
num: 123,
func: function(){'hello'},
arr: [[1,2,3,[4,5]], 'def'],
obj: {
one: {
two: {
three: 3
}) )
function deepclone(obj) {
let newObj = {};
if (typeof obj === 'object') {
for (let key in obj) {
let property = obj[key],
type = typeof property;
switch (type) {
case 'object':
if( property ) === '[object Array]' ) {
newObj[key] = [];
for (let item of property) {
} else {
newObj[key] = deepclone(property);
newObj[key] = property;
return newObj
} else {
return obj;
const cloneData = (dataArray) => {
newData= []
dataArray.forEach((value) => {
return newData
a = [{name:"siva"}, {name:"siva1"}] ;
b = myCopy(a)
b === a // false`
I myself landed on these answers last day, trying to find a way to deep copy complex structures, which may include recursive links. As I wasn't satisfied with anything being suggested before, I implemented this wheel myself. And it works quite well. Hope it helps someone.
Example usage:
OriginalStruct.deep_copy = deep_copy; // attach the function as a method
TheClone = OriginalStruct.deep_copy();
Please look at for live examples how to use it, and also deep_print() is there.
If you need it quick, right here's the source of deep_copy() function:
function deep_copy() {
'use strict'; // required for undef test of 'this' below
// Copyright (c) 2019, Leonid Titov, Mentions Highly Appreciated.
var id_cnt = 1;
var all_old_objects = {};
var all_new_objects = {};
var root_obj = this;
if (root_obj === undefined) {
console.log(`deep_copy() error: wrong call context`);
var new_obj = copy_obj(root_obj);
for (var id in all_old_objects) {
delete all_old_objects[id].__temp_id;
return new_obj;
function copy_obj(o) {
var new_obj = {};
if (o.__temp_id === undefined) {
o.__temp_id = id_cnt;
all_old_objects[id_cnt] = o;
all_new_objects[id_cnt] = new_obj;
id_cnt ++;
for (var prop in o) {
if (o[prop] instanceof Array) {
new_obj[prop] = copy_array(o[prop]);
else if (o[prop] instanceof Object) {
new_obj[prop] = copy_obj(o[prop]);
else if (prop === '__temp_id') {
else {
new_obj[prop] = o[prop];
else {
new_obj = all_new_objects[o.__temp_id];
return new_obj;
function copy_array(a) {
var new_array = [];
if (a.__temp_id === undefined) {
a.__temp_id = id_cnt;
all_old_objects[id_cnt] = a;
all_new_objects[id_cnt] = new_array;
id_cnt ++;
a.forEach((v,i) => {
if (v instanceof Array) {
new_array[i] = copy_array(v);
else if (v instanceof Object) {
new_array[i] = copy_object(v);
else {
new_array[i] = v;
else {
new_array = all_new_objects[a.__temp_id];
return new_array;
I would suggest using the spread operator. You'll need to spread a second time if you need to update the second level. Attempting to update the newObject using something like will throw an error if address did not already exist in oldObject.
const oldObject = {
name: 'A',
address: {
street: 'Station Road',
city: 'Pune'
const newObject = {
address: {
city: 'Delhi'
This is a very old question but I think in 2022 there are many ways to solve this. However, if you want a simple, fast and vanilla JS solution check this out:
const cloner = (o) => {
let idx = 1
const isArray = (a) => a instanceof Array
const isObject = (o) => o instanceof Object
const isUndefined = (a) => a === undefined
const process = v => {
if (isArray(v)) return cloneArray(v)
else if (isObject(v)) return cloneObject(v)
else return v
const register = (old, o) => {
old.__idx = idx
oldObjects[idx] = old
newObjects[idx] = o
const cloneObject = o => {
if (!isUndefined(o.__idx)) return newObjects[o.__idx]
const obj = {}
for (const prop in o) {
if (prop === '__idx') continue
obj[prop] = process(o[prop])
register(o, obj)
return obj
const cloneArray = a => {
if (!isUndefined(a.__idx)) return newObjects[a.__idx]
const arr = => process(v))
register(a, arr)
return arr
const oldObjects = {}
const newObjects = {}
let tmp
if (isArray(o)) tmp = cloneArray(o)
else if (isObject(o)) tmp = cloneObject(o)
else return o
for (const id in oldObjects) delete oldObjects[id].__idx
return tmp
const c = {
id: 123,
label: "Lala",
values: ['char', 1, {flag: true}, [1,2,3,4,5], ['a', 'b']],
name: undefined
const d = cloner(c) = "Super"
d.values[2].flag = false
d.values[3] = [6,7,8]
console.log({ c, d })
It's recursive and self-contained, all the functions needed are defined in the function cloner().
In this snippet we are handling Array and Object types if you want to add more handlers you can add specify handlers like Date and clone it like new Date(v.getTime())
For me Array and Object are the types that I use the most in my implementations.

Javascript if else alternatives

I have following code
function MyFunc() {
var add = function (props) {
if (props.hasOwnProperty('a') && props.hasOwnProperty('b')) {
return 'ab';
} else if (props.hasOwnProperty('c')) {
return 'c';
} else if (props.hasOwnProperty('d')) {
return 'd';
} else {
throw new Error("Doomed!!!");
var div = function () {
return "Hello from div";
var methods = {
add: add,
div: div
var funcCall = function (obj) {
if (!obj) {
throw new Error("no Objects are passed");
return methods[obj.fName](obj.props);
return {
func: function (obj) {
return funcCall(obj);
var lol = new MyFunc();
When lol.func({fName: 'add', props: {a: 'a', b: 'b'}}); is run it should return the correct response from add functions inner if else statements. But there can be more than 20 else if occurrences. My question is will this be a reason for bad performance, Is there any alternative approch for achieving this
Another question
Could someone please explain me how to implement map based conditioning for this code
You could use a switch statement but more complex logic such as && starts to get more complicated (they are really designed for just quick one to one comparisons). I would stick with what you have if you want that more complex logic. It is technically the slowest but if all the other ways are very complicated to implement the gain in performance will not be worth it.
you can use switch statements
My question is will this be a reason for bad performance
Well in all cases the logic show that you need to do some check before returning the name of these properties.
So If you care about performance you need to decrease the time of each check.
What you could do is retrieve the list of props properties instead of doing hasOwnProperty in each if statements, and use the list to do the check with indexOf.
var propsList = Object.keys(props);
if (propsList.indexOf("a") > 0 && propsList.indexOf("b") > 0){
return "ab";
With this if you want avoid if statements, you could use a for loop and an Array that will contain all the properties
var add = function (props) {
var listKeys = ["ab", "c", "d"]; // List of the properties
var objectKeys = Object.keys(props);
for (var i = 0, len = listKeys.length; i < len ; i++){
var listProps = listKeys[i].split("");
var ok = true;
for (var j = 0, len2 = listProps.length; j < len2 ; j++){
if (objectKeys.indexOf(listProps[j]) < 0){
ok = false;
if (ok){
return listKeys[i];
throw new Error("Doomed!!!");
I have experimented a more generic solution as follows:
function MyFunc() {
// Check if all 'searchedProps[]' properties are contained in 'obj';
// If one property is not found it will return false;
// If all properties are found it will return true;
function hasProperties(obj, searchedProps) {
for (var i = 0; i < searchedProps.length; i++) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(searchedProps[i])) {
return false;
return true;
var add = function (props) {
var options = [
properties: ["a", "b"],
result: "ab"
properties: ["c"],
result: "c"
properties: ["d"],
result: "d"
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
if (hasProperties(props, options[i].properties)) {
return options[i].result;
throw new Error("Doomed!!!");
var div = function () {
return "Hello from div";
var methods = {
add: add,
div: div
var funcCall = function (obj) {
if (!obj) {
throw new Error("no Objects are passed");
return methods[obj.fName](obj.props);
return {
func: function (obj) {
return funcCall(obj);
var lol = new MyFunc();
var result = lol.func({ fName: 'add', props: { a: 'a', b: 'b' } });
Please check the result in console.
You could try to use Swtich case (
Don't know if this will work in your case.
case "(props.hasOwnProperty('c'))"
return 'c';
case "(props.hasOwnProperty('d'))"
return 'd'; }
should look like this at the end

Javascript HashTable use Object key

I want to create a hash table with Object keys that are not converted into String.
Some thing like this:
var object1 = new Object();
var object2 = new Object();
var myHash = new HashTable();
myHash.put(object1, "value1");
myHash.put(object2, "value2");
alert(myHash.get(object1), myHash.get(object2)); // I wish that it will print value1 value2
EDIT: See my answer for full solution
Here is a simple Map implementation that will work with any type of key, including object references, and it will not mutate the key in any way:
function Map() {
var keys = [], values = [];
return {
put: function (key, value) {
var index = keys.indexOf(key);
if(index == -1) {
else {
values[index] = value;
get: function (key) {
return values[keys.indexOf(key)];
While this yields the same functionality as a hash table, it's not actually implemented using a hash function since it iterates over arrays and has a worst case performance of O(n). However, for the vast majority of sensible use cases this shouldn't be a problem at all. The indexOf function is implemented by the JavaScript engine and is highly optimized.
Here is a proposal:
function HashTable() {
this.hashes = {};
HashTable.prototype = {
constructor: HashTable,
put: function( key, value ) {
this.hashes[ JSON.stringify( key ) ] = value;
get: function( key ) {
return this.hashes[ JSON.stringify( key ) ];
The API is exactly as shown in your question.
You can't play with the reference in js however (so two empty objects will look like the same to the hashtable), because you have no way to get it. See this answer for more details: How to get javascript object references or reference count?
Jsfiddle demo:
However, for the unique side of things, you could play with the original objects, like in this way:
function HashTable() {
this.hashes = {}, = 0;
HashTable.prototype = {
constructor: HashTable,
put: function( obj, value ) { =;
this.hashes[ ] = value;;
get: function( obj ) {
return this.hashes[ ];
Jsfiddle demo:
This means that your objects need to have a property named id that you won't use elsewhere. If you want to have this property as non-enumerable, I suggest you take a look at defineProperty (it's not cross-browser however, even with ES5-Shim, it doesn't work in IE7).
It also means you are limited on the number of items you can store in this hashtable. Limited to 253, that is.
And now, the "it's not going to work anywhere" solution: use ES6 WeakMaps. They are done exactly for this purpose: having objects as keys. I suggest you read MDN for more information:
It slightly differs from your API though (it's set and not put):
var myMap = new WeakMap(),
object1 = {},
object2 = {};
myMap.set( object1, 'value1' );
myMap.set( object2, 'value2' );
console.log( myMap.get( object1 ) ); // "value1"
console.log( myMap.get( object2 ) ); // "value2"
Jsfiddle demo with a weakmap shim:
However, weakmaps are implemented in FF and Chrome (only if you enable the "Experimental javascript features" flag in chrome however). There are shims available, like this one: Use at your own risk.
You can also use Maps, they may more suit your needs, since you also need to store primitive values (strings) as keys. Doc, Shim.
I took #Florian Margaine's suggestion to higher level and came up with this:
function HashTable(){
var hash = new Object();
this.put = function(key, value){
if(typeof key === "string"){
hash[key] = value;
if(key._hashtableUniqueId == undefined){
key._hashtableUniqueId = UniqueId.prototype.generateId();
hash[key._hashtableUniqueId] = value;
this.get = function(key){
if(typeof key === "string"){
return hash[key];
if(key._hashtableUniqueId == undefined){
return undefined;
return hash[key._hashtableUniqueId];
function UniqueId(){
UniqueId.prototype._id = 0;
UniqueId.prototype.generateId = function(){
return (++UniqueId.prototype._id).toString();
var map = new HashTable();
var object1 = new Object();
map.put(object1, "Cocakola");
alert(map.get(object1)); // Cocakola
map.put(object1, "Cocakola 2");
alert(map.get(object1)); // Cocakola 2
// String key is used as String
map.put("myKey", "MyValue");
alert(map.get("myKey")); // MyValue
alert(map.get("my".concat("Key"))); // MyValue
// Invalid keys
alert(map.get("unknownKey")); // undefined
alert(map.get(new Object())); // undefined
Here is a proposal, combining #Florian's solution with #Laurent's.
function HashTable() {
this.hashes = [];
HashTable.prototype = {
constructor: HashTable,
put: function( key, value ) {
key: key,
value: value
get: function( key ) {
for( var i = 0; i < this.hashes.length; i++ ){
if(this.hashes[i].key == key){
return this.hashes[i].value;
It wont change your object in any way and it doesn't rely on JSON.stringify.
I know that I am a year late, but for all others who stumble upon this thread, I've written the ordered object stringify to JSON, that solves the above noted dilemma:
Also I was playing with custom hash table implementations which is also related to the topic:
var orderedStringify = function(o, fn) {
var props = [];
var res = '{';
for(var i in o) {
props = props.sort(fn);
for(var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
var val = o[props[i]];
var type = types[whatis(val)];
if(type === 3) {
val = orderedStringify(val, fn);
} else if(type === 2) {
val = arrayStringify(val, fn);
} else if(type === 1) {
val = '"'+val+'"';
if(type !== 4)
res += '"'+props[i]+'":'+ val+',';
return res.substring(res, res.lastIndexOf(','))+'}';
//orderedStringify for array containing objects
var arrayStringify = function(a, fn) {
var res = '[';
for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
var val = a[i];
var type = types[whatis(val)];
if(type === 3) {
val = orderedStringify(val, fn);
} else if(type === 2) {
val = arrayStringify(val);
} else if(type === 1) {
val = '"'+val+'"';
if(type !== 4)
res += ''+ val+',';
return res.substring(res, res.lastIndexOf(','))+']';
Based on Peters answer, but with proper class design (not abusing closures), so the values are debuggable. Renamed from Map to ObjectMap, because Map is a builtin function. Also added the exists method:
ObjectMap = function() {
this.keys = [];
this.values = [];
ObjectMap.prototype.set = function(key, value) {
var index = this.keys.indexOf(key);
if (index == -1) {
} else {
this.values[index] = value;
ObjectMap.prototype.get = function(key) {
return this.values[ this.keys.indexOf(key) ];
ObjectMap.prototype.exists = function(key) {
return this.keys.indexOf(key) != -1;
TestObject = function() {}
testA = new TestObject()
testB = new TestObject()
om = new ObjectMap()
om.set(testA, true)
When you say you don't want your Object keys converted into Strings, I'm going to assume it's because you just don't want the entire code contents of your Objects being used as keys. This, of course, makes perfect sense.
While there is no "hash table" in Javascript per-se, you can accomplish what you're looking for by simply overriding your Object's prototype.toString and returning a valid key value that will be unique to each instance. One way to do this is with Symbol():
function Obj () {
this.symbol = Symbol() // Guaranteed to be unique to each instance
Obj.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.symbol // Return the unique Symbol, instead of Obj's stringified code
let a = new Obj()
let b = new Obj()
let table = {}
table[a] = 'A'
table[b] = 'B'
console.log(table) // {Symbol(): 'A', Symbol(): 'B'}
console.log(table[a]) // A
console.log(table[b]) // B
Using JSON.stringify() is completely awkward to me, and gives the client no real control over how their keys are uniquely identified. The objects that are used as keys should have a hashing function, but my guess is that in most cases overriding the toString() method, so that they will return unique strings, will work fine:
var myMap = {};
var myKey = { toString: function(){ return '12345' }};
var myValue = 6;
// same as myMap['12345']
myMap[myKey] = myValue;
Obviously, toString() should do something meaningful with the object's properties to create a unique string. If you want to enforce that your keys are valid, you can create a wrapper and in the get() and put() methods, add a check like:
throw(new Error('keys must override toString()'));
But if you are going to go thru that much work, you may as well use something other than toString(); something that makes your intent more clear.
So a very simple proposal would be:
function HashTable() {
this.hashes = {};
HashTable.prototype = {
constructor: HashTable,
put: function( key, value ) {
// check that the key is meaningful,
// also will cause an error if primitive type
if( !key.hasOwnProperty( 'hashString' ) ){
throw( new Error( 'keys must implement hashString()' ) );
// use .hashString() because it makes the intent of the code clear
this.hashes[ key.hashString() ] = value;
get: function( key ) {
// check that the key is meaningful,
// also will cause an error if primitive type
if( !key.hasOwnProperty( 'hashString' ) ){
throw( new Error( 'keys must implement hashString()' ) );
// use .hashString() because it make the intent of the code clear
return this.hashes[ key.hashString() ];
Inspired by #florian, here's a way where the id doesn't need JSON.stringify:
'use strict';
module.exports = HashTable;
function HashTable () {
this.index = [];
this.table = [];
HashTable.prototype = {
constructor: HashTable,
set: function (id, key, value) {
var index = this.index.indexOf(id);
if (index === -1) {
index = this.index.length;
this.table[index] = {};
this.table[index][key] = value;
get: function (id, key) {
var index = this.index.indexOf(id);
if (index === -1) {
return undefined;
return this.table[index][key];
I took #Ilya_Gazman solution and improved it by setting '_hashtableUniqueId' as a not enumerable property (it won't appear in JSON requests neither will be listed in for loops). Also removed UniqueId object, since it is enough using only HastTable function closure. For usage details please see Ilya_Gazman post
function HashTable() {
var hash = new Object();
return {
put: function (key, value) {
HashTable.uid = 0;
if (typeof key === "string") {
hash[key] = value;
} else {
if (key._hashtableUniqueId === undefined) {
Object.defineProperty(key, '_hashtableUniqueId', {
enumerable: false,
value: HashTable.uid++
hash[key._hashtableUniqueId] = value;
get: function (key) {
if (typeof key === "string") {
return hash[key];
if (key._hashtableUniqueId === undefined) {
return undefined;
return hash[key._hashtableUniqueId];
The best solution is to use WeakMap when you can (i.e. when you target browsers supporting it)
Otherwise you can use the following workaround (Typescript written and collision safe):
// Run this in the beginning of your app (or put it into a file you just import)
const uniqueId: symbol = Symbol('The unique id of an object');
function enableObjectID(): void {
if (typeof Object['id'] !== 'undefined') {
let id: number = 0;
Object['id'] = (object: any) => {
const hasUniqueId: boolean = !!object[uniqueId];
if (!hasUniqueId) {
object[uniqueId] = ++id;
return object[uniqueId];
Then you can simply get a unique number for any object in your code (like if would have been for pointer address)
let objectA = {};
let objectB = {};
let dico = {};
dico[(<any>Object).id(objectA)] = "value1";
// or
dico[Object['id'](objectA);] = "value1";
// If you are not using typescript you don't need the casting
dico[] = "value1"
I know I'm late, but here's a simple HashMap implementation:
Function.prototype.toJSON = Function.prototype.toString;
//taken from
function getNativeClass(obj) {
if (typeof obj === "undefined") return "undefined";
if (obj === null) return "null";
function globals() {
if (typeof global === "object") //node
return global;
return this;
function lookup(x) {
return globals()[x];
function getAnyClass(obj) {
if (typeof obj === "undefined") return "undefined";
if (obj === null) return "null";
//taken from
var getCircularReplacer = () => {
const seen = new WeakSet();
return (key, value) => {
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) {
if (seen.has(value)) {
return "[Circular]";
return value;
function encode(x) {
if (typeof x === "object" && x !== null) {
var y = myClone(x);
x = Object.getPrototypeOf(x);
for (var i = 0; i < Object.getOwnPropertyNames(y).length; i++) { //Make enumerable
x[Object.getOwnPropertyNames(y)[i]] = y[Object.getOwnPropertyNames(y)[i]];
return getAnyClass(x) + " " + JSON.stringify(x, getCircularReplacer());
function decode(x) {
var a = x.split(" ").slice(1).join(" "); //OBJECT
if (typeof lookup(x.split(" ")[0])) {
return new (lookup(x.split(" ")[0]))(JSON.parse(a))
} else {
return JSON.parse(a);
//taken from
/*! fromentries. MIT License. Feross Aboukhadijeh <> */
function fromEntries(iterable) {
return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {
obj[key] = val
return obj
}, {})
var toEnumerable = (obj) => {
return fromEntries(
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).map(prop => [prop, obj[prop]])
//taken from
function myClone(instanceOfBlah) {
if (typeof instanceOfBlah !== "object" || !instanceOfBlah) { return instanceOfBlah; }
const clone = Object.assign({}, toEnumerable(instanceOfBlah));
const Blah = instanceOfBlah.constructor;
Object.setPrototypeOf(clone, Blah.prototype);
return clone;
function HashMap(a) {
if (typeof a === "undefined") {
a = [];
a = Array.from(a);
a = => [encode(e[0]), e[1]]);
this.a = a;
HashMap.from = function (a) {
var temp = myClone(a);
//convert to array
a = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Object.getOwnPropertyNames(temp).length; i++) {
a.push([Object.getOwnPropertyNames(temp)[i], temp[Object.getOwnPropertyNames(temp)[i]]]);
return new HashMap(a);
HashMap.prototype.put = function (x, y) {
this.a.push([encode(x), y]);
HashMap.prototype.get = function (x) {
var t1 = => e[0]);
return this.a[t1.indexOf(encode(x))][1];
HashMap.prototype.length = function () {
return this.a.length;
HashMap.prototype.toString = function () {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.length(); i++) {
result.push(JSON.stringify(decode(this.a[i][0]), getCircularReplacer()) + " => " + this.a[i][1]);
return "HashMap {" + result + "}";
var foo = new HashMap();
foo.put("SQRT3", Math.sqrt(3));
foo.put({}, "bar");
Note that it is ordered.
put: Adds an item
get: Access an item
from (static): Convert from a JavaScript object
toString: Convert to string
Minified and without the test:
function getNativeClass(t){return void 0===t?"undefined":null===t?"null"^\[object\s(.*)\]$/)[1]}function globals(){return"object"==typeof global?global:this}function lookup(t){return globals()[t]}function getAnyClass(t){return void 0===t?"undefined":null===t?"null"}Function.prototype.toJSON=Function.prototype.toString;var getCircularReplacer=()=>{const t=new WeakSet;return(e,r)=>{if("object"==typeof r&&null!==r){if(t.has(r))return"[Circular]";t.add(r)}return r}};function encode(t){if("object"==typeof t&&null!==t){var e=myClone(t);t=Object.getPrototypeOf(t);for(var r=0;r<Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).length;r++)t[Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e)[r]]=e[Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e)[r]]}return getAnyClass(t)+" "+JSON.stringify(t,getCircularReplacer())}function decode(t){var e=t.split(" ").slice(1).join(" ");return lookup(t.split(" ")[0]),new(lookup(t.split(" ")[0]))(JSON.parse(e))}function fromEntries(t){return[...t].reduce((t,[e,r])=>(t[e]=r,t),{})}var toEnumerable=t=>fromEntries(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t).map(e=>[e,t[e]]));function myClone(t){if("object"!=typeof t||!t)return t;const e=Object.assign({},toEnumerable(t)),r=t.constructor;return Object.setPrototypeOf(e,r.prototype),e}function HashMap(t){void 0===t&&(t=[]),t=(t=Array.from(t)).map(t=>[encode(t[0]),t[1]]),this.a=t}HashMap.from=function(t){var e=myClone(t);t=[];for(var r=0;r<Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).length;r++)t.push([Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e)[r],e[Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e)[r]]]);return new HashMap(t)},HashMap.prototype.put=function(t,e){this.a.push([encode(t),e])},HashMap.prototype.get=function(t){var>t[0]);return this.a[e.indexOf(encode(t))][1]},HashMap.prototype.length=function(){return this.a.length},HashMap.prototype.toString=function(){for(var t=[],e=0;e<this.length();e++)t.push(JSON.stringify(decode(this.a[e][0]),getCircularReplacer())+" => "+this.a[e][1]);return"HashMap {"+t+"}"};
Also, you can customize the encoder and decoder by changing encode and decode functions.
As in florian's answer, you can't play with the reference in js however (so two empty objects will look like the same to the hashtable).
class Dict{
this.keys = [];
this.values = [];
this.set = this.set.bind(this);
set(key, value){
return this.values[this.keys.indexOf(key)];
return, ii)=>[kk, this.values[ii]]);
let d1 = new Dict();
let k1 = {1: 'a'};
d1.set(k1, 2);
console.log(d1.get(k1)); // 2
let k2 = {2: 'b'};
d1.set(k2, 3);
// [ [ { '1': 'a' }, 2 ], [ { '2': 'b' }, 3 ] ]
Just use the strict equality operator when looking up the object: ===
var objects = [];
objects[0] === object1; // true
objects[1] === object1; // false
The implementation will depend on how you store the objects in the HashTable class.
