Apply toggle function to only clicked element using pure java script - javascript

This is my html code where i'm displaying data
<ul id="menu">
<li *ngFor="let category of componentContents.dashboardMenu;let i = index" >
<p (click)="toggle_visibility()"class="parent-menu">{{category.category}</p>
<ul id="{{(category.category).split(' ').join('-')}}" class="toggled"
*ngIf="category.subCategory.length > 0" style="display:none">
<li *ngFor="let subCat of category.subCategory">
<a routerLink={{subCat.router}} routerLinkActive="active"
This is the function where i'm trying to display sub menus on click but all the sub menus of all p tags are getting displayed.I want to apply toggle function to only clicked p element.
toggle_visibility() {
var pm = document.getElementByClassName('parent-menu');
var e = document.getElementsByClassName('toggled');
for (let i = 0; i < pm.length; i++) {
if (e[i].style.display == 'block' || (e[i].style.display == '') {
e[i].style.display = 'none';
else {
e[i].style.display = 'block';
As i'm new to java script and angular 2. Need help to figure this out.

You should rather use
[style.display]="e[i].style.display == '' ? 'none' : 'block'"
toggle_visibility(i) {
this.e[i] = !this.e[i];
where e is an array with the same number of items as


How can I find a <ul> elements from dropdown in a page using Protractor?

<ul _ngcontent-c9 class="results-dropdown">
<li _ngcontent-c9>
<a _ngcontent-c9>XYZ</a>
I want to find XYZ value from dropdown and click on it.
Please let me know if anyone is having guideline for the same.
var dropdown = element(by.css('ul'));
var dropdownValues = element(by.css('ul > li > a'));
var expectedText = 'XYZ';;
return dropdownValues.filter((eachValue) => {
return eachValue.getText().then((valueText) => {
if (valueText === expectedText) {
var dropdown = element(by.css('ul'));
var expectedText = 'XYZ';;

Using an active 'li' element to determine a video's source file

I tried creating a small video library where one div is split into two parts: 1) a menu on the left with the titles of the movies and 2) the rest of the div on the right being a video window that changes it's video source according to the selected title on the menu. I gave the li elements that housed the titles id's and used jQuery/JavaScript to retrieve the title and to assign a new video source based on that title, but it isn't working and I also can't claim to completely understand what I've done. The code is as follows:
<div class="miyazaki">
<div class="menu">
<li><a id="Gulliver">Gulliver's Travels</a></li>
<li><a id="Howl">Howl's Moving Castle</a></li>
<li><a id="Kiki">Kiki's Delivery Service</a></li>
<li><a id="Castle">Castle of Cagoliostro</a></li>
<li><a id="Totoro">"My Neighbor Totoro</a></li>
<li><a id="Ponyo">Ponyo</a></li>
<li><a id="Mononoke">"Princess Mononoke</a></li>
<li><a id="Spirited">Spirited Away</a></li>
<li><a id="Sky">The Sky's Castle Laputa</a></li>
<li><a id="Nausicaa">Nausicaa Valley of the Wind</a></li>
<li><a id="Cat">"The Cat Returns</a></li>
function Hayato() {
var movie = $(" li");
if ( == Gulliver || == null || == "") {
document.getElementsByClassName('window').video.source.src = Gulliver.mkv
else if ( == Howl) {
document.getElementsByClassName('window').video.source.src = Howl.mkv
else if ( == Kiki) {
document.getElementsByClassName('window').video.source.src = Kiki.mkv
else if ( == Castle) {
document.getElementsByClassName('window').video.source.src = Castle.mkv
else if ( == Totoro) {
document.getElementsByClassName('window').video.source.src = Totoro.mkv
else if ( == Ponyo) {
document.getElementsByClassName('window').video.source.src = Ponyo.mkv
else if ( == Mononoke) {
document.getElementsByClassName('window').video.source.src = Mononoke.mkv
else if ( == Spirited) {
document.getElementsByClassName('window').video.source.src = Spirited.mkv
else if ( == Sky) {
document.getElementsByClassName('window').video.source.src = Sky.mkv
else if ( == Nausicaa) {
document.getElementsByClassName('window').video.source.src = Nausicaa.mkv
else ( == Cat) {
document.getElementsByClassName('window').video.source.src = Cat.mkv
I'm not entirely sure this code is the best way to go about solving my problem, but it's the most logical progression I can think of.
This can all be condensed down considerably since most of the code stays the same in all cases. Also, your closing <ul> isn't a close tag and you are missing a closing <div>.
// Get all the <a> elements
var anchors = document.querySelectorAll(".menu a");
// Get a reference to the video element
var v = document.querySelector("video");
// Set up click event handlers for each{
anchor.addEventListener("click", function(evt){
// default video when no id is present
var d = "Gulliver.mkv";
// Use the default or the id
v.source = (! ? d : + ".mkv";
console.log("video source is: " + v.source);
<div class="miyazaki">
<div class="menu">
<li><a id="Gulliver">Gulliver's Travels</a></li>
<li><a id="Howl">Howl's Moving Castle</a></li>
<li><a id="Kiki">Kiki's Delivery Service</a></li>
<li><a id="Castle">Castle of Cagoliostro</a></li>
<li><a id="Totoro">"My Neighbor Totoro</a></li>
<li><a id="Ponyo">Ponyo</a></li>
<li><a>Porco Rosso</a></li>
<li><a id="Mononoke">"Princess Mononoke</a></li>
<li><a id="Spirited">Spirited Away</a></li>
<li><a id="Sky">The Sky's Castle Laputa</a></li>
<li><a id="Nausicaa">Nausicaa Valley of the Wind</a></li>
<li><a id="Cat">"The Cat Returns</a></li>
As you also tagged jQuery here a working example for that:
$('.menu li a').on('click', function() {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
$('.window video source').attr('src', id + '.mkv');
Note: Your html is invalid too. The ul is never closed
There's no need to use all these if blocks, you can do it in a one line statement.
You could just do it this way:
function Hayato() {
var movie = $(" li").attr("id");
if(movie && movie !== "#")
document.getElementsByClassName('window')[0].video.source.src = movie + ".mkv";
In the code you used all the Strings are inavlid Strings, you should wrap them between two " or '.

If submenu li has more than 5 li's create a new ul and place remaining list items?

I am basically trying to check if my submenu has more than five list items, and if it does grab the remaining list item's and place them inside a new ul that is outside of the current parent ul using jquery. it gets complicated because of the structure of the list.
Here is the DOM structure:
<ul id="nav" class="se test">
<li id="menu1" class="page-1307 parent-menu parent">
<div class="nav-inner">
<a class="menulink" id="menuitem1" onclick="return false" href="#">test<span class="toggle"></span></a>
<ul id="ie1" class="plain">
<li class="parent-menu parent">test<span class="toggle"></span>
<div class="submenu-wrapper">
<ul class="plain">
<li class="parent-menu parent">test<span class="toggle"></span>
<div class="submenu-wrapper">
<ul class="plain">
<li id="menu2" class="menulink page-7">
<div class="nav-inner">
Basically i need to grab those remaining list items and place them in a new li.parent-menu.parent that includes the children div.sub-menu-wrapper and the ul.plain. the actual remaining list items would go inside the ul.plain of the new li.parent-menu. i hope thi makes since. i have been stuck on this for a day or two and unble to figure it out. any help would be greatly apprecitated, thank you.
This is what i am striving for, keep in mind it is dynamic.
you can:
Loop all ul in your document
foreach element count children
if found li number under an ul element is > 5
create a new list with the html of the required list
var count_li=0;
var i=1;
if(count_li>5 && i==1){
$(document.body).append('<ul id="newlist"></ul>');
<script src=""></script>
<ul id="nav" class="se test">
<li id="menu1" class="page-1307 parent-menu parent">
<div class="nav-inner">
<a class="menulink" id="menuitem1" onclick="return false" href="#">test<span class="toggle"></span></a>
<ul id="ie1" class="plain">
<li class="parent-menu parent">test<span class="toggle"></span>
<div class="submenu-wrapper">
<ul class="plain">
<li class="parent-menu parent">test<span class="toggle"></span>
<div class="submenu-wrapper">
<ul class="plain">
<li id="menu2" class="menulink page-7">
<div class="nav-inner">
Here is the final answer I was looking for:
megaMenu: function(){
function addNewList(current, newItems) {
var newList = $('<li class="parent-menu parent newLi">');
var div = $('<div class="submenu-wrapper">');
var ul = $('<ul class="plain">');
for (var i = 0; i < newItems.length; i++) {
return newList;
function splitLists() {
var allLists = $(".plain > li.parent-menu");
for (var i = 0; i < allLists.length; i++) {
var currentList = $(allLists[i]);
var items = currentList.find("li");
if (items.length > 5) {
var temp = [];
for (var j = 5; j < items.length; j++) {
if (temp.length == 5) {
currentList = addNewList(currentList, temp);
temp = [];
if (temp.length > 0) {
currentList = addNewList(currentList, temp);
After some clarification via comments it seems you are looking for something like this. I have commented the code to explain the logic behind the process:
// function for adding a new LI item.
function addNewList(current, newItems) {
// Create the new li node.
var newList = $('<li class="parent-menu parent">');
// Add the initial a link.
newList.append('test<span class="toggle"></span>');
// Create and append the submenu-wrapper div to our new list item.
var div = $('<div class="submenu-wrapper">');
// Create and append the new ul node to our submenu-wrapper div.
var ul = $('<ul class="plain">');
// Loop the 5 (or less) items that have been specified and add them to our new list.
for (var i = 0; i < newItems.length; i++) {
// Using append will move the elements that already exist in the original place.
// Add our new list item to the DOM.
return newList;
// Base function to split the lists as required.
function splitLists() {
// Get all the lists that we want to process.
var allLists = $(".plain > li.parent-menu");
// Loop each list and process.
for (var i = 0; i < allLists.length; i++) {
var currentList = $(allLists[i]);
// Get the sub-items that we need to split.
var items = currentList.find("li");
// We only care about lists that are more than 5 items.
if (items.length > 5) {
// Create array to store the items that we want to move (any after first 5)
var temp = [];
// Start at the 6th item an start moving them in blocks of 5.
for (var j = 5; j < items.length; j++) {
// Add the item to move to our temp array.
// If we have 5 in our temp array then move them to new list.
if (temp.length == 5) {
// Move items with helper function.
currentList = addNewList(currentList, temp);
// Clear the temp array ready for the next set of items.
temp = [];
// If we have any spare ones that didn't get handle in the length == 5 check, then process them now.
if (temp.length > 0) {
currentList = addNewList(currentList, temp);
// Run the process.
Here is a working example

Group list-items into sub-lists based on a data attribute

I want to append the <li> from one <ul> to another <ul> that's created on the fly. I want to group the list-items into new sub-lists based on their data-group attribute.
<ul id="sortable1">
<li data-group="A">test</li>
<li data-group="A">test1</li>
<li data-group="B">test2</li>
<li data-group="B">test3</li>
<li data-group="C">test4</li>
Basically I'm trying to loop through this list and grap all <li> from each group, and then move it to another <ul>.
This is what I have so far, but I'm not getting the expected results. I have done this in Excel in the past but can't get it to work with jQuery.
var listItems = $("#sortable1").children("li");
listItems.each(function (idx, li) {
var product = $(li);
//grab current li
var str = $(this).text();
if (idx > 0) {
//append li
str += str;
if ($(this).data("group") != $(this).prev().data("group")) {
//I should be getting test and test1.
//but alert is only giving test1 test1.
//need to break into groups
//do something with groups
How about something like this:
$(function() {
var sortable = $("#sortable1"),
content = $("#content");
var groups = [];
sortable.find("li").each(function() {
var group = $(this).data("group");
if($.inArray(group, groups) === -1) {
groups.forEach(function(group) {
var liElements = sortable.find("li[data-group='" + group + "']"),
groupUl = $("<ul>").append(liElements);
<script src=""></script>
<ul id="sortable1">
<li data-group="A">test</li>
<li data-group="A">test1</li>
<li data-group="B">test2</li>
<li data-group="B">test3</li>
<li data-group="C">test4</li>
<div id="content">
I hope I didn't misunderstand you.

Jquery click function trigger load more button

below i have 3 links as an tabs:
<li data-tab-id="self" class="tab selected">Near You<span class="unread-count hidden" style="display: none;"></span></li>
<li data-tab-id="friends" class="tab">Following<span class="unread-count hidden" style="display: none;"></span></li>
<li data-tab-id="user" class="tab">Your Activity<span class="unread-count hidden" style="display: none;"></span></li>
when i click the above link Jquery click function are triggered
$(".hd-ui-activity li a").click(function(e) {
var tabid = $(this).parent().attr('data-tab-id');
if(tabid == "self"){
} else if(tabid == "friends") {
} else if(tabid == "user") {
When each of the links/tabs are clicked the function eg getFunc1() are called which append an html to the following div (Each func have its own div)
<li data-section-id="following" data-component-bound="true">
<ul class="module-list">
<a class="ybtn ybtn-primary ybtn-large more-wishlist" href="#" onclick="javascript:getRecentActivityFriends(event)">
<span data-component-bound="true" class="loading-msg following">See more recent activity</span>
Only 4 list results are displayed on the div, when user click see more activity button, more result are loaded into div. The problems now is when the page load it display correctly 4 results but when i click the link again rather than a button all the data are displayed.Its difficult for me to navigate between tabs. How can i avoid this?
var totalFriendsRecords = '<?=$this->followingTotal?>';
function getRecentActivityFriends(event)
if (event != null){
var totalFriendsRecordsView = 0;
function getFriendsActivity(totalFriendsRecords)
var activityHtml = ''
url:baseUrl + "activity/feedfollowing",
for(var i=0; i<data.length; i++){
activityHtml = '<p>'+data[i][name]+'</p>';
$('#activity-feed li[data-section-id=following] .module-list').append(activityHtml);
if( totalFriendsRecords <= totalFriendsRecordsView){
$('.following').text('Nothing beyond here ...');
