I am trying to concatenate a string and a Readable stream (the readable stream is pointing to a file which may have data in multiple chunks, i.e. the file may be large) into one writable stream so that the writable stream can finally be written to a destination.
I am encrypting the string and content of the file and then applying zlib compression on them, then finally I want to pipe them to the writable stream.
To achieve this, I can:
a) Convert the file content into a string then concatenate both the string then encrypt, do compression and then finally pipe it into the writable stream. But this is not possible because the file may be big in size, thus I can't convert its content to string.
b) I can first encrypt and compress the string then convert the string into a stream then pipe it into the writable stream after that is done completely, pipe the file contents into the same writable stream.
To do so, I have written this:
var crypto = require('crypto'),
algorithm = 'aes-256-ctr',
password = 'd6FAjkdlfAjk';
var stream = require('stream');
var fs = require('fs');
var zlib = require('zlib');
// input file
var r = fs.createReadStream('file.txt');
// zip content
var zip = zlib.createGzip();
// encrypt content
var encrypt = crypto.createCipheriv(algorithm, password, iv);
var w = fs.createWriteStream('file.out');
// the string contents are being converted into a stream so that they can be piped
var Readable = stream.Readable;
var s = new Readable();
s._read = function noop() {};
// start pipe when 'end' event is encountered
s.on('end', function(){
What I observe is:
Only the first pipe is done successfully, i.e. the string is written to the file.out. The second pipe doesn't make any difference on the output destination. At first, I thought that the reason might be due to asynchronous behavior of pipe. So, for this reason, I am piping the file content after the first piping is closed. But still, I didn't get the desired output.
I want to know why is this happening any the appropriate way for doing this.
Found the reason why was the second piping to the writable stream w wasn't working.
When the first .pipe(w) finishes, the writable at w is also automatically closed.
So instead of using s.pipe(zlib.createGzip()).pipe(w); I should have used:
s.pipe(zlib.createGzip()).pipe(w, {end: false});
Where the {end: false} is passed to pipe() as the second argument, stating that the writable should not get closed when the piping is done.
I have drag&drop event and I would like to hash the filed dragged. I have this:
var file = ev.dataTransfer.items[i].getAsFile();
var hashf = CryptoJS.SHA512(file).toString();
console.log("hashf", hashf)
But when I drag differents files, "hashf" is always the same string.
The issue is that you are attempting to hash the File object. Hash algorithms expect a string to hash.
When passing the File Object to the CryptoJS.SHA512() method, the API attempts to convert the object to a string. That conversion results in CryptoJS.SHA512() receiving the same string not matter what File object you send provide it.
The string is [object File] - you can replace file in your code with that string and discover it is the same hash code you've see all along.
To fix this, retrieve the text from the file first and pass that to the hashing algorithm:
file.text().then((text) => {
const hashf = CryptoJS.SHA512(text).toString();
console.log("hashf", hashf);
If you prefer async/await, you can put it in an IIFE:
(async() => {
const text = await file.text()
const hashf = CryptoJS.SHA512(text).toString();
console.log("hashf", hashf);
I've been having a really hard time figuring out how to store a Secp256k1 privateKey from multiple libraries (currently on this one for ECIES encryption: https://npm.io/package/#toruslabs/eccrypto).
I have tried encoding and decoding with base64, many implementations of functions that copy array buffer for input encoded string to localStoarge and corresponding output Uint8Array from localStorage, I tried it with IndexedDB, JSON.stringify and parse do not work with binary data, and so many more variations.
When I go through the array buffer elements individually to copy it into a new Uint8Array, I get a similar private key, but with two missing key/field's (parent and offset) which I believe is why every library I have tried so far returns something a long the lines of "bad private key" when I try generating the public key from them.
I am exhausted and I would like some professional insight for my lack of skill in this particular subject. So how can I store (in any way as long as it's client/local) a Secp256k1 private key in a way that if I call it from that persistent client sided data base, they can be used to generate the public keys?
Apparently, the library that uses the private/public key (in this case being #toruslabs/eccrypto) requires a buffer parameter for the keys.
A simple solution would be to make the NodeJS Buffer available in the browser, through browserify. You will only need to include the NodeJS Buffer class to the window object when creating the browserify file, as shown:
const eccrypto = require('./index');
window.eccrypto = eccrypto;
window.Buffer = Buffer;
Then, generate the bundle file using browserify: browserify main.js -o bundle.js
After this, you will be able to use the Buffer class in your browser, which will make loading the private/public key possible. Sample code here:
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
const eccrypto = window.eccrypto;
const privateKey = eccrypto.generatePrivate();
const publicKey = eccrypto.getPublic(privateKey);
// hex string output of private key
const hexPrivateKey = privateKey.toString('hex')
console.log(hexPrivateKey); // we can do this as privateKey is a Buffer
// load private key again
const newPrivateKey = Buffer.from(hexPrivateKey, 'hex');
const enc = new TextEncoder();
// code referenced from #toruslabs/eccrypto README
// Encrypting the message.
eccrypto.encrypt(publicKey, enc.encode("my testing msg")).then(function (encrypted) {
// Decrypting the message.
eccrypto.decrypt(newPrivateKey, encrypted).then(function (plaintext) {
console.log("Message:", plaintext.toString());
This should be sufficient to store the hex string of the private key in the localStorage or any client-side database/storage that you will be using.
I am relatively new to JavaScript and I want to get the hash of a file, and would like to better understand the mechanism and code behind the process.
So, what I need: An MD5 or SHA-256 hash of an uploaded file to my website.
My understanding of how this works: A file is uploaded via an HTML input tag of type 'file', after which it is converted to a binary string, which is consequently hashed.
What I have so far: I have managed to get the hash of an input of type 'text', and also, somehow, the hash of an uploaded file, although the hash did not match with websites I looked at online, so I'm guessing it hashed some other details of the file, instead of the binary string.
Question 1: Am I correct in my understanding of how a file is hashed? Meaning, is it the binary string that gets hashed?
Question 2: What should my code look like to upload a file, hash it, and display the output?
Thank you in advance.
Basically yes, that's how it works.
But, to generate such hash, you don't need to do the conversion to string yourself. Instead, let the SubtleCrypto API handle it itself, and just pass an ArrayBuffer of your file.
async function getHash(blob, algo = "SHA-256") {
// convert your Blob to an ArrayBuffer
// could also use a FileRedaer for this for browsers that don't support Response API
const buf = await new Response(blob).arrayBuffer();
const hash = await crypto.subtle.digest(algo, buf);
let result = '';
const view = new DataView(hash);
for (let i = 0; i < hash.byteLength; i += 4) {
result += view.getUint32(i).toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
return result;
inp.onchange = e => {
<input id="inp" type="file">
Over my node.js application I decode base64 encoded images using the following line of code:
const fileDataDecoded = Buffer.from(base64EncodedfileData,'base64');
So far I can write a file with the following piece of code:
const fs = require('fs');
const fileDataDecoded = Buffer.from(base64EncodedfileData,'base64');
fs.writeFile("/tmp/test.png", fileDataDecoded, function(err) {
//Handle Error
Now what I want to achieve is the decoded files via the buffer to get written into a file via streams in order to acheive better efficiency on the executed application.
In other words I want the filedata to get written at the same time that the data is getting base64-decoded, in order to write large files with an efficient way. If is not possible via a Buffer to stream base64 decoded data then I would like to know how is possible to decode base64 data.
You can create a readable stream and push the image buffer. Then pipe it to a writeable stream like this.
var base64 = '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';
var fs = require('fs')
var Readable = require('stream').Readable
const imgBuffer = Buffer.from(base64, 'base64')
var s = new Readable()
Just another solution with base-64 & utf8 in case we're using react-native which doesn't have Buffer global object:
function (base64Str) {
return utf8.decode(base64.decode(base64Str))
I have a SOAP API that is returning me a file divided in chunks encoded in several base64 strings
i'm not being able to save it to the file system without breaking it
This is the pastebin of a whole file encoded, as is, once i download and chain the responses.
What is the way to save it correctly?
i tried in many ways
var f = Ti.FileSystem.getFile(Ti.FileSystem.tempDirectory, 'test.pdf');
var blobStream = Ti.Stream.createStream({ source: fileString, mode: Ti.Stream.MODE_READ });
var newBuffer = Ti.createBuffer({ length: fileString.length });
var data = Ti.Utils.base64decode(fileString);
var blobStream = Ti.Stream.createStream({ source: data, mode: Ti.Stream.MODE_READ });
var newBuffer = Ti.createBuffer({ length: data.length });
var bytes = blobStream.read(newBuffer);
var data = Ti.Utils.base64decode(fileString);
var blobStream = Ti.Stream.createStream({ source: data, mode: Ti.Stream.MODE_READ });
var newBuffer = Ti.createBuffer({ length: data.length });
var bytes = blobStream.read(newBuffer);
but i'm not understanding which one is the right path
Do I have to convert back to byteArray the string on my own?
What is the right way to save it?
Do I have to create a buffer from the string or ...?
I think that the base64enc for the file is not valid or incomplete, I've tested it using bash and base64 utils. You can perform these steps.
Copy and paste the base64 string on a file called pdf.base64 then run this command:
cat pdf.base64 | base64 --decode >> out.pdf
the output file is not a valid pdf.
You can try to encode and decode a valid pdf file to take a look at the generated binary:
cat validfile.pdf | base64 | base64 --decode >> anothervalidfile.pdf
Try to check if you are chainig chunks correctly or simply make a phone call with the guy who build the soap api.
Before you start downloading your file you need to create the file stream to write too, writing to a blob is not the way to go:
// Step 1
var outFileStream = Ti.Filesystem.getFile('outfile.bin').open(Ti.Filesystem.MODE_WRITE);
After creating your HTTPClient or socket stream and when you receive a chunk of Base64 data from the serve, you need to put that decoded data into a Titanium.Buffer. This would probably go into your onload or onstream in an HTPPClient, :
// Step 2
var rawDecodedFileChunk = Ti.Utils.base64decode(fileString);
var outBuffer = Ti.createBuffer({
byteOrder : // May need to set this
type : // May also need to set this to match data
value: rawDecodedFileChunk
Finally you can write the data out to the file stream:
// Step 3
var bytesWritten = outFileStream.write(outBuffer); // writes entire buffer to stream
Ti.API.info("Bytes written:" + bytesWritten); // should match data length
if(outBuffer.length !== bytesWritten) {
Ti.API.error("Not all bytes written!");
Generally errors come from having the wrong byte order or type of data, or writing in the wrong order. Obviously, this all depends on the server sending the data in the correct order and it being valid!
You may also want to consider the pump command version of this, which allows you to transfer from input stream to output file stream, minimizing your load.