RequestAnimationFrame - should I use the DOMHighResTimeStamp parameter? - javascript

I've been trying to research how to use requestAnimationFrame and I've ended up very confused.
According to Mozilla, if you have an animation function called 'step' that you call with requestAnimationFrame(step), step accepts an argument that is a number of milliseconds, a DOMHighResTimeStamp argument.
And yet every single example I've seen online of how to use requestAnimationFrame does not use this argument. Some examples insist that you can assume the step function will run 60 times a second, and so they don't use any time concepts at all. Others get their own "number of milliseconds" separate from the argument, by using new Date(); - I suppose it's easy enough to modify these examples to use the argument instead.
Is it ok to assume the function will run 60 times a second? Seems...unwise to me. Mozilla says "The number of callbacks is usually 60 times per second, but will generally match the display refresh rate in most web browsers as per W3C recommendation", which doesn't make me comfortable with that assumption. Is there a reason why people are using their own new Date() way of getting milliseconds rather than using the argument?

Well, there were some other answers and comments before but for some reason people removed them. I ended up figuring out how to use the timestamp appropriately and posted an answer here
I'll copy the answer over:
I think I've found an answer for you. It's based on this library
First, I would just grab a function from that site
function inOutQuad(n){
n *= 2;
if (n < 1) return 0.5 * n * n;
return - 0.5 * (--n * (n - 2) - 1);
Then, I would use a modified form of the example code, something like this
function startAnimation(domEl){
var stop = false;
// animating x (margin-left) from 20 to 300, for example
var startx = 20;
var destx = 300;
var duration = 1000;
var start = null;
var end = null;
function startAnim(timeStamp) {
start = timeStamp;
end = start + duration;
function draw(now) {
if (stop) return;
if (now - start >= duration) stop = true;
var p = (now - start) / duration;
val = inOutQuad(p);
var x = startx + (destx - startx) * val;
$(domEl).css('margin-left', `${x}px`);
I might change how 'stop' is calculated, I might write something to ensure that it ends on destx, etc, but that's the basic format
Showing it in this jsfiddle
I'm actually kinda proud of this one. I've been wanting to figure this out for a while. Glad I had a reason to.


Performence: When animating using requestAnimationFrame, is an interval better than manually calculating the ellasped time?

In examples I see two different ways how to handle animations using requestAnimationFrame():
The first one using setTimeout()
const e = document.getElementById('e');
let count = 0;
function move(timestamp) { = ++count + 'px';
}, 200);
Try it in this jsfiddle.
The second one by calulating the ellapsed time yourself
const e = document.getElementById('e');
let count = 0;
let past = null;
function move(timestamp) {
if (past !== null && timestamp - past < 200) {
past = timestamp; = ++count + 'px';
Try it in this jsfiddle.
Now my question is: Which one performs better?
My guess is, that if an interval is applicable, it will perform better. There aren't so many logical expressions to evaluate and so many calculations to do. But that's just a guess. So, are their any benefits of one way over the other?
You should do the first one. However you shouldn't assume it will be exactly 200ms. If you need to know exactly how many milliseconds it's been, you must calculate it every time like in your second example, but keep using the structure of your first example.
The problem with the second example is that it calculates the new frames just as often as the first example, but it runs the function just to check that it doesn't need to run the function every other time it runs. Lots of wasted computation there.
You need to calculate the time elapsed (if you need accuracy) because the setTimeout combined with the requestAnimationFrame will not be guaranteed to run in 200ms. The requestAnimationFrame in particular will add time onto that if it feels it needs to before it's ready to give you permission to animate (which is basically what requestAnimationFrame is -- it's giving you permission to animate, saying 'I'm ready now').

How do you know the value of the parameter in this javascript function ?

I have this function :
d3.timer(function(elapsed) {
//console.log('change mod pos ...');
// Because the node should remain fixed, the previous position (.px, .py)
// needs to be set to the same value as the new position (.x, .y). This way
// the node will not have any inherent movement.
move.x = move.px = interpolateX(elapsed / duration);
move.y = = interpolateY(elapsed / duration);
// Re-calculate the force layout. This will also invoke tick()
// which will take care of the rendering.
// Terminate the timer when the desired duration has elapsed.
return elapsed >= duration;
It can be found in this fiddle :
Notice the parameter 'elapsed'. Where does this function get that value from ? Does it get it from the 'd3.timer' ?
Obviously I don't know the ins and outs of javascript so i think im missing something totally obvious here.
Yes you're correct in that assumption. When the d3.timer function calls the anonymous function (function(elapsed) {...}), it will pass something to that function as the first parameter. I'm not exactly sure what d3.timer does without digging into the code but it does something like this:
d3.timer = function(anonFunc) {
var elapsed = 0;
// Some code that does something to elapsed
You can find out what is being passed back to the anonymous function by using console.log(elapsed); at the beginning of the function. You can see what d3.timer does by typing in d3.timer in your browser's Javascript console.
timer(callback[, delay[, time]])
The callback is passed two arguments each time it is invoked: the elapsed time since the timer became active, and the current time. The latter is useful for precise scheduling of secondary timers.
D3 basically uses setInterval and setTimeout to call your callback after the delay ms with the following signature:
timer(function(elapsed, time) {
console.log(elapsed, time);
return elapsed > 200;
}, 150);
You can also use the Arguments object to see what parameters a function has been passed.
var x = function(){ console.log(arguments) };
> [1, 2]

JavaScript anti-flood spam protection?

I was wondering if it were possible to implement some kind of crude JavaScript anti-flood protection.
My code receives events from a server through AJAX, but sometimes these events can be quite frequent (they're not governed by me).
I have attempted to come up with a method of combating this, and I've written a small script:
var puts = {};
function receiverFunction(id, text) {
if ( !puts[id] ) {
puts = {};
puts[id] = {};
puts[id].start = puts[id].start || new Date();
var count = puts[id].count = puts[id].count + 1 || 0;
var time = (new Date() - puts[id].start) * 0.001;
$("text").set("text", (count / time.toFixed()).toString() + " lines/second");
which I think could prove effective against these kinds of attacks, but I'm wondering if it can be improved or perhaps rewritten?
So far, I think everything more than 3 or 2.5 lines per second seems like spam, but as time progresses forward (because start mark was set... well... at the start), an offender could simply idle for a while and then commence the flood, effectively never passing 1 line per minute.
Also, I would like to add that I use Mootools and Lo-Dash libraries (maybe they provide some interesting methods), but it would be preferable if this can be done using native JS.
Any insight is greatly appreciated!
If you are concerned about the frequency a particular javascript function fires, you could debounce the function.
In your example, I guess it would be something like:
onSuccess: function(){ _.debounce(someOtherFunction, timeOut)};
where timeout is the maximum frequency you want someOtherFunction to be called.
I know you asked about native JavaScript, but maybe take a look at RxJS.
RxJS or Reactive Extensions for JavaScript is a library for
transforming, composing, and querying streams of data. We mean all
kinds of data too, from simple arrays of values, to series of events
(unfortunate or otherwise), to complex flows of data.
There is an example on that page which uses the throttle method to "Ignores values from an observable sequence which are followed by another value before dueTime" (see source).
keyup = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(input, 'keyup').select(function(ev) {
}).where(function(text) {
return text.length > 2;
There might be a similar way to get your 2.5-3 per second and ignore the rest of the events until the next second.
I've spent many days pondering on effective measures to forbid message-flooding, until I came across the solution implemented somewhere else.
First, we need three things, penalty and score variables, and a point in time where last action occured:
var score = 0;
var penalty = 200; // Penalty can be fine-tuned.
var lastact = new Date();
Next, we decrease score by the distance between the previous message and current in time.
/* The smaller the distance, more time has to pass in order
* to negate the score penalty cause{d,s}.
score -= (new Date() - lastact) * 0.05;
// Score shouldn't be less than zero.
score = (score < 0) ? 0 : score;
Then we add the message penalty and check if it crosses the threshold:
if ( (score += penalty) > 1000 ) {
// Do things.
Shouldn't forget to update last action afterwards:
lastact = new Date();

How to get a microtime in Node.js?

How can I get the most accurate time stamp in Node.js?
ps My version of Node.js is 0.8.X and the node-microtime extension doesn't work for me (crash on install)
In Node.js, "high resolution time" is made available via process.hrtime. It returns a array with first element the time in seconds, and second element the remaining nanoseconds.
To get current time in microseconds, do the following:
var hrTime = process.hrtime()
console.log(hrTime[0] * 1000000 + hrTime[1] / 1000)
(Thanks to itaifrenkel for pointing out an error in the conversion above.)
In modern browsers, time with microsecond precision is available as See for documentation.
I've made an implementation of this function for Node.js, based on process.hrtime, which is relatively difficult to use if your solely want to compute time differential between two points in a program. See . Per the spec, this function reports time in milliseconds, but it's a float with sub-millisecond precision.
In Version 2.0 of this module, the reported milliseconds are relative to when the node process was started ( - (process.uptime() * 1000)). You need to add that to the result if you want a timestamp similar to Also note that you should bever recompute - (process.uptime() * 1000). Both and process.uptime are highly unreliable for precise measurements.
To get current time in microseconds, you can use something like this.
var loadTimeInMS =
var performanceNow = require("performance-now")
console.log((loadTimeInMS + performanceNow()) * 1000)
See also: Does JavaScript provide a high resolution timer?
node v10 and later: you should be using process.hrtime.bigint(), which yields a single BigInt number rather than an array. process.hrtime() has been marked "legacy"
Older than node v10: As stated by vaughan, process.hrtime() is available within Node.js - its resolution are nanoseconds and therefore its much higher. This function returns an array [seconds, nanoseconds] containing the current real-time high-resolution value, but note that it is not tied to any specific clock, meaning the difference in two successive values tells you how much time passed, but individual values tell you nothing meaningful.
Other JS environments: new Date().getTime()? This gives you a timestamp in milliseconds.
now('milli'); // 120335360.999686
now('micro') ; // 120335360966.583
now('nano') ; // 120335360904333
Known that now is :
const now = (unit) => {
const hrTime = process.hrtime();
switch (unit) {
case 'milli':
return hrTime[0] * 1000 + hrTime[1] / 1000000;
case 'micro':
return hrTime[0] * 1000000 + hrTime[1] / 1000;
case 'nano':
return hrTime[0] * 1000000000 + hrTime[1];
The BigInt data type is supported since Node.js 10.7.0. (see also the blog post announcement). For these supported versions of Node.js, the process.hrtime([time]) method is now regarded as 'legacy', replaced by the process.hrtime.bigint() method.
The bigint version of the process.hrtime() method returning the current high-resolution real time in a bigint.
const start = process.hrtime.bigint();
// 191051479007711n
setTimeout(() => {
const end = process.hrtime.bigint();
// 191052633396993n
console.log(`Benchmark took ${end - start} nanoseconds`);
// Benchmark took 1154389282 nanoseconds
}, 1000);
Node.js 10.7.0+ - Use process.hrtime.bigint()
Otherwise - Use process.hrtime()
There's also
> var microtime = require('microtime')
You can also use performance API that works both in NodeJS and Browser:
var start = performance.timing ?
performance.timing.navigationStart :
var time = ( + start) * 1000;
The Performance API stores value in floating-point number and the fraction is microseconds.
Node.js nanotimer
I wrote a wrapper library/object for node.js on top of the process.hrtime function call. It has useful functions, like timing synchronous and asynchronous tasks, specified in seconds, milliseconds, micro, or even nano, and follows the syntax of the built in javascript timer so as to be familiar.
Timer objects are also discrete, so you can have as many as you'd like, each with their own setTimeout or setInterval process running.
It's called nanotimer. Check it out!
To work with more precision than, but with milliseconds in float precision:
function getTimeMSFloat() {
var hrtime = process.hrtime();
return ( hrtime[0] * 1000000 + hrtime[1] / 1000 ) / 1000;
The only way nowdays is call some 3rd party.
A lib with compiled function written on C (does't matter language, the point is OS syscall). Write your own or use for example (src
Spawn a process with date +%s%N, works on Linux out of box. Possible by using require('child_process').exec. I have no idea how accurate time would be because of performance of this solution
Note: process.hrtime is not about current time,
These times are relative to an arbitrary time in the past, and not related to the time of day.
Use jcubic's or Alexandr's answers below :
I'm not so proud about this solution but you can have timestamp in microsecond or nanosecond in this way:
const microsecond = () => Number( + String(process.hrtime()[1]).slice(3,6))
const nanosecond = () => Number( + String(process.hrtime()[1]).slice(3))
// usage
microsecond() // return 1586878008997591
nanosecond() // return 1586878009000645600
// Benchmark with 100 000 iterations
// 7.758ms
// microsecond: 33.382ms
// nanosecond: 31.252ms
Know that:
This solution works exclusively with node.js,
This is about 3 to 10 times slower than
Weirdly, it seems very accurate, hrTime seems to follow exactly js timestamp ticks.
You can replace by Number(new Date()) to get timestamp in milliseconds
Here a solution to have microsecond with comma, however, the number version will be rounded natively by javascript. So if you want the same format every time, you should use the String version of it.
const microsecondWithCommaString = () => ( + '.' + String(process.hrtime()[1]).slice(3,7))
const microsecondWithComma = () => Number( + '.' + String(process.hrtime()[1]).slice(3,7))
microsecondWithCommaString() // return "1586883629984.8997"
microsecondWithComma() // return 1586883629985.966
A rewrite to help quick understanding:
const hrtime = process.hrtime(); // [0] is seconds, [1] is nanoseconds
let nanoSeconds = (hrtime[0] * 1e9) + hrtime[1]; // 1 second is 1e9 nano seconds
console.log('nanoSeconds: ' + nanoSeconds);
//nanoSeconds: 97760957504895
let microSeconds = parseInt(((hrtime[0] * 1e6) + (hrtime[1]) * 1e-3));
console.log('microSeconds: ' + microSeconds);
//microSeconds: 97760957504
let milliSeconds = parseInt(((hrtime[0] * 1e3) + (hrtime[1]) * 1e-6));
console.log('milliSeconds: ' + milliSeconds);
//milliSeconds: 97760957
Get hrtime as single number in one line:
const begin = process.hrtime();
// ... Do the thing you want to measure
const nanoSeconds = process.hrtime(begin).reduce((sec, nano) => sec * 1e9 + nano)
Array.reduce, when given a single argument, will use the array's first element as the initial accumulator value. One could use 0 as the initial value and this would work as well, but why do the extra * 0.
there are npm packages that bind to the system gettimeofday() function,
which returns a microsecond precision timestamp on Linux. Search for
npm gettimeofday. Calling C is faster than process.hrtime()
process.hrtime() not give current ts.
This should work.
const loadNs = process.hrtime(),
loadMs = new Date().getTime(),
diffNs = process.hrtime(loadNs),
microSeconds = (loadMs * 1e6) + (diffNs[0] * 1e9) + diffNs[1]
console.log(microSeconds / 1e3)

JavaScript Duration of animation isn't exact

First of all I want to mention two things,
One: My code isn't perfect (esspechially the eval parts) - but I wanted to try something for my self, and see if I could duplicate the jQuery Animation function, so please forgive my "bad" practices, and please don't suggest that I'll use jQuery, I wanted to experiment.
Two: This code isn't done yet, and I just wanted to figure out what makes it work badly.
So the animation runs for about 12 seconds while the duration parameter I entered was 15 seconds, What am I doing wrong?
function animate(elem, attr, duration){
if(attr.constructor === Object){//check for object literal
var i = 0;
var cssProp = [];
var cssValue = [];
for(key in attr) {
cssProp[i] = key;
cssValue[i] = attr[key];
var fps = (1000 / 60);
var t = setInterval(function(){
for(var j=0;j<cssProp.length;j++){
if(document.getElementById(elem).style[cssProp[j]].length == 0){
//asign basic value in css if the object dosn't have one.
document.getElementById(elem).style[cssProp[j]]= 0;
var c = document.getElementById(elem).style[cssProp[j]];
//console.log(str +" | "+c+"|"+cssValue[j]);
if(c > cssValue[j]){
document.getElementById(elem).style[cssProp[j]] -= 1/((duration/fps)*(c-cssValue[j]));
}else if(c < cssValue[j]){
document.getElementById(elem).style[cssProp[j]] += 1/((duration/fps)*(c-cssValue[j]));
}else if(c == cssValue[j]){
<p id="hello" style="opacity:1;">Hello World</p>
Note: I guess there is a problem with the
Part or/and the interval of the setInterval (fps variable).
Thanks in advance.
I'm not gonna try and refactor that and figure it out, cause it's pretty wonky. That said... a few things.
Don't rely on the value you are animating to let you know animation progress
In general your approach is unsound. You are better off keeping track of progress yourself. Also, as a result of your approach your math seems like it's trying too hard, and should be much simpler.
Think of it like this: your animation is complete when the time has elapsed, not when the animated value seems to indicate that it's at the final position.
Don't increment, set
Floating point math is inexact, and repeated addition cumulation like this is going accumulate floating point errors as well. And it's far more readable to make some variables to keep track of progress for you, which you can use in calculations.
animatedValue += changeOnThisFrame // BAD!
animatedValue = valueOnThisFrame // GOOD!
Don't do the positive/negative conditional dance
It turns out that 10 + 10 and 10 - (-10) is really the same thing. Which means you can always add the values, but the rate of change can be negative or positive, and the value will animate in the appropriate direction.
timeouts and intervals aren't exact
Turns out setTimeout(fn, 50) actually means to schedule the fn to be call at least 50ms later. The next JS run loop to execute after those 50ms will run the function, so you can't rely on it to be perfectly accurate.
That said it's usually within a few milliseconds. But 60fps is about 16ms for frame, and that timer may actually fire in a variable amount of time from 16-22ms. So when you do calculations based on frame rate, it's not matching the actual time elapsed closely at all.
Refactor complex math
Deconstructing this line here is gonna be hard.
document.getElementById(elem).style[cssProp[j]] -= 1/((duration/fps)*(c-cssValue[j]));
Why for more complex break it up so you can easily understand what's going on here. refactoring this line alone, I might do this:
var style = document.getElementById(elem).style;
var changeThisFrame = duration/fps;
var someOddCalculatedValue = c-cssValue[j];
style[cssProp[j]] -= 1 / (changeThisFrame * someOddCalculatedValue);
Doing this makes it clearer what each expression in your math means and what it's for. And because you didn't do it here, I had a very hard time wondering why c-cssValue[j] was in there and what it represents.
Simple Example
This is less capable than what you have, but it shows the approach you should be taking. It uses the animation start time to create the perfect value, depending on how complete the animation should be, where it started, and where it's going. It doesn't use the current animated value to determine anything, and is guaranteed to run the full length of the animation.
var anim = function(elem, duration) {
// save when we started for calculating progress
var startedAt =;
// set animation bounds
var startValue = 10;
var endValue = 200;
// figure out how much change we have over the whole animation
var delta = endValue - startValue;
// Animation function, to run at 60 fps.
var t = setInterval(function(){
// How far are we into the animation, on a scale of 0 to 1.
var progress = ( - startedAt) / duration;
// If we passed 1, the animation is over so clean up.
if (progress > 1) {
alert('DONE! Elapsed: ' + ( - startedAt) + 'ms');
// Set the real value. = startValue + (progress * delta) + "px";
}, 1000 / 60);
anim(document.getElementById('foo'), 5000);
You cannot use setInterval for accurate total timing. Because JS is single threaded and multiple things compete for cycles on the one thread, there is no guarantee that the next interval call will be exactly on time or that N intervals will consume the exact duration of time.
Instead, pretty much all animation routines get the current time and use the system clock to measure time for the total duration. The general algorithm is to get the start time, calculate a desired finish time (starttime + duration). Then, as you've done, calculate the expected step value and number of iterations. Then, upon each step, you recalculate the remaining time left and the remaining step value. In this way, you ensure that the animation always finishes exactly (or nearly exactly) on time and that you always get exactly to the final position. If the animation gets behind the ideal trajectory, then it will self correct and move slightly more for the remaining steps. If it gets ahead for any reason (rounding errors, etc...), it will dial back the step size and likewise arrive at the final position on time.
You may also need to know that browsers don't always support very small timing amounts. Each browser has some sort of minimum time that they will allow for a timer operation. Here's an article on minimum timer levels.
Here's an article on tweening (the process of continually recalculating the step to fit the duration exactly).
I'd also suggest that you look at the code for doing animation in some libraries (jQuery, YUI or any other one you find) as they can all show you how this is done in a very general purpose way, including tweening, easing functions, etc...
