Make a canvas object stop inside the canvas area? - javascript

Basically I've made a little game, but what I'm wondering is how do I make my created object not go outside the lines of the canvas. When he reaches a border I want him to stop. Any help is appreciated

Hi there i made a little demo game my self. In that game there is what you are looking for. Working demo you can find it here
So what i did was to
1) track user keyboard press
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
e = e || window.event;
if(e.keyCode == "37") player.move("left");
else if(e.keyCode == "38") player.move("up");
else if(e.keyCode == "39") player.move("right");
else if(e.keyCode == "40") player.move("down");
2) getting a basic config of the player position (middle in my case)
var player = {
x: Math.round((w/2)/objectSizes),
y: Math.round((h/2)/objectSizes)
3) then on the function play.move i track the direction and do all the restrictions
player.move = function(direction) {
* A temporary object to hold the current x, y so if there is a collision with the new coordinates to fallback here
var hold_player = {
x: player.x,
y: player.y
* Decide here the direction of the user and do the neccessary changes on the directions
switch(direction) {
case "left":
player.x -= speed / modifier;
if(player.currentDirection == "stand") {
player.currentDirection = "left-1";
} else if(player.currentDirection == "left-1") {
player.currentDirection = "left-2";
} else if(player.currentDirection == "left-2") {
player.currentDirection = "left-1";
} else {
player.currentDirection = "left-1";
case "right":
player.x += speed / modifier;
if(player.currentDirection == "stand") {
player.currentDirection = "right-1";
} else if(player.currentDirection == "right-1") {
player.currentDirection = "right-2";
} else if(player.currentDirection == "right-2") {
player.currentDirection = "right-1";
} else {
player.currentDirection = "right-1";
case "up":
player.y -= speed / modifier;
if(player.currentDirection == "stand") {
player.currentDirection = "up-1";
} else if(player.currentDirection == "up-1") {
player.currentDirection = "up-2";
} else if(player.currentDirection == "up-2") {
player.currentDirection = "up-1";
} else {
player.currentDirection = "up-1";
case "down":
player.y += speed / modifier;
if(player.currentDirection == "stand") {
player.currentDirection = "down-1";
} else if(player.currentDirection == "down-1") {
player.currentDirection = "down-2";
} else if(player.currentDirection == "down-2") {
player.currentDirection = "down-1";
} else {
player.currentDirection = "down-1";
* if there is a collision just fallback to the temp object i build before while not change back the direction so we can have a movement
if(check_collision(player.x, player.y)) {
player.x = hold_player.x;
player.y = hold_player.y;
* If player finds the coordinates of pokeball the generate new one, play the sound and update the score
if(player.x == pokeball.x && player.y == pokeball.y) { // found a pokeball !! create a new one
console.log("found a pokeball of "+pokeball.spritePosition+"! Bravo! ");
pokePick.currentTime = 0;;
score += 1;
Then at last i have this function to check any collision
* Our function that decides if there is a collision on the objects or not
* #function
* #name check_collision
* #param {Integer} x - The x axis
* #param {Integer} y - The y axis
function check_collision(x, y) {
var foundCollision = false;
if(((x > 3 && x < 9) && y == 6) || ((x > 4 && x < 9) && (y == 5 || y == 4 || y == 3))) { //collision on house
console.log("on house");
foundCollision = true;
if((x<1 || x>20) ||
(y<2 || y>20) ||
((y > 0 && y < 4) && (x == 20 || x == 19)) || //right corner
((y > 0 && y < 4) && (x == 2 || x == 3)) || //left corner
((y > 18) && (x == 2 || x == 3)) || //left corner
((x > 17) && (y == 19 || y == 20)) || //left corner
((x > 19) && (y == 17 || y == 18)) //left corner 2
) {
console.log("lost on the woods");
foundCollision = true
return foundCollision;


Function used for calculating not functioning, and a snake that can't be longer than 2?

I'm making a snake clone, and I've got the head to the second segment working. The rest of the body checks should run through automatically, but it cuts off the body at the second segment without going through the rest of the segments, despite the fact that it should. My code is as follows:
var pixels = document.getElementsByClassName('pixel'); // 0 to 95
var dir = 'right';
var foodEat = true;
var dead = true;
var snakeLong = 1;
var headPos;
var foodPix;
var foodMake = function(){ // Create Food pixel (Not On Snake)
var tempnum = Math.ceil(Math.random() * (95 - 5) + 5);
var pixstate = window.getComputedStyle(pixels[tempnum]).getPropertyValue('--state');
if (pixstate == 'snake' || pixstate == 'snakeHead' || pixstate == 'snakeEnd'){
} else {
console.log('Food Made!');
var directSend = function(reference,direction){
if (direction == 'left'){
reference -=1;
return reference;
} else if (direction == 'up'){
reference -=12;
return reference;
} else if (direction == 'right'){
reference +=1;
return reference;
} else if (direction == 'down'){
reference +=12;
return reference;
var snakeMake = function(refer,tsnakel){ // Continue To Form Snake
if (tsnakel > 0){
var tempdir = $(pixels[refer]).css('--goFrom');
if (tsnakel = 1){
} else {
refer = directSend(refer,tempdir);
tsnakel -= 1;
var snakeHEF = function(){ // Form First Sections of Snake
var Pheadpos;
var tdir;
if (dir == 'left'){ // Previous Segment Position
Pheadpos = 1;
tdir = 'right';
} else if (dir == 'up'){
Pheadpos = 12;
tdir = 'down';
} else if (dir == 'right'){
Pheadpos = -1;
tdir = 'left';
} else if (dir == 'down'){
Pheadpos = -12;
tdir = 'up';
if (snakeLong == 1){ // No Food Eaten
if (snakeLong >= 2){ // One Food Eaten
var send;
var temppos = $(pixels[headPos+Pheadpos]).css('--goFrom');
if (temppos == 'left'){
send = headPos+Pheadpos-1;
} else if (temppos == 'up'){
send = headPos+Pheadpos-12;
} else if (temppos == 'right'){
send = headPos+Pheadpos+1;
} else if (temppos == 'down'){
send = headPos+Pheadpos+12;
if (snakeLong > 2){ // More Than 1 Food Eaten
var Game = setInterval(function(){
if (keyPressed.keyCode == 88){ // Reset Game [x]
for (s = 0; s < 96; s++){
var pixstate = $(pixels[s]).css('--state');
if (pixstate == 'food'){
if (pixstate == 'snake' || pixstate == 'snakeHead' || pixstate == 'snakeEnd'){
foodEat = true;
dead = false;
snakeLong = 1;
headPos = 0;
dir = 'right';
} // Movement Set
if (keyPressed.keyCode == 37 && dir !== 'right'){ // [<-]
dir = 'left';
} else if (keyPressed.keyCode == 38 && dir !== 'down'){ // [^^]
dir = 'up';
} else if (keyPressed.keyCode == 39 && dir !== 'left'){ // [->]
dir = 'right';
} else if (keyPressed.keyCode == 40 && dir !== 'up'){ // [vv]
dir = 'down';
if (dead == false){ //Dead Check Then Do Game Calculations
if (dir == 'left'){ // Move Head
for (s = 0; s < 8; s++){
if (headPos == 0+(12*s)){
dead = true;
if (dead == false){
headPos -= 1;
if (foodPix == headPos){
snakeLong += 1;
foodEat = true;
} else if (dir == 'up'){
if (headPos < 12){
dead = true;
if (dead == false){
headPos -= 12;
if (foodPix == headPos){
snakeLong += 1;
foodEat = true;
} else if (dir == 'right'){
for (s = 0; s < 8; s++){
if (headPos == 11+(12*s)){
dead = true;
if (dead == false){
headPos += 1;
if (foodPix == headPos){
snakeLong += 1;
foodEat = true;
} else if (dir == 'down'){
if (headPos > 83){
dead = true;
if (dead == false){
headPos += 12;
if (foodPix == headPos){
snakeLong += 1;
foodEat = true;
if (foodEat == true){ // Food generator
foodEat = false;
for (s = 0; s < 96; s++){
var tpixstate = $(pixels[s]).css('--state');
if (tpixstate == 'food'){
foodPix = s;
for (s = 0; s < 96; s++){ // Pixel Update
var pixstate = $(pixels[s]).css('--state');
if (pixstate == 'snake' || pixstate == 'snakeHead' || pixstate == 'snakeEnd'){
} else if (pixstate == 'food'){
} else if (pixstate == 'empty'){
Edit: To reduce confusion, I have now given the entire code.
As it turns out, I was calling the code to remove the third body segment every time, (lines 76 thru 88) even when the body was supposed to be longer.(I changed it to one '--state' changer, in an if statement checking for a body length of 2) Additionally, an if statement (line 40) was using = instead of ==, causing it to count as true each time, cutting off the fourth body segment.

having problems understanding a tutorial on one page scroll-vanilla JS- no libraries

I was looking into one of the only few full page scroll codes which I have found so far, and wanted to somehow get the idea of what I should do by reversing the engineering but I'm noob and not good at understanding it pretty well, I don't understand it well and I get stock at every line, can you please explain to me what the guy has done? Whats the basics of what he is doing ..variables and functions and what they are in this case and why we need them? A summary on what is going on.
this is the link to the code
this is the JS code
(function() {
"use strict";
/*[pan and well CSS scrolls]*/
var pnls = document.querySelectorAll('.panel').length,
scdir, hold = false;
function _scrollY(obj) {
var slength, plength, pan, step = 100,
vh = window.innerHeight / 100,
vmin = Math.min(window.innerHeight, window.innerWidth) / 100;
if ((this !== undefined && === 'well') || (obj !== undefined && === 'well')) {
pan = this || obj;
plength = parseInt(pan.offsetHeight / vh);
if (pan === undefined) {
plength = plength || parseInt(pan.offsetHeight / vmin);
slength = parseInt('translateY(', ''));
if (scdir === 'up' && Math.abs(slength) < (plength - plength / pnls)) {
slength = slength - step;
} else if (scdir === 'down' && slength < 0) {
slength = slength + step;
} else if (scdir === 'top') {
slength = 0;
if (hold === false) {
hold = true; = 'translateY(' + slength + 'vh)';
setTimeout(function() {
hold = false;
}, 1000);
console.log(scdir + ':' + slength + ':' + plength + ':' + (plength - plength / pnls));
/*[swipe detection on touchscreen devices]*/
function _swipe(obj) {
var swdir,
threshold = 100,
/*[min distance traveled to be considered swipe]*/
slack = 50,
/*[max distance allowed at the same time in perpendicular direction]*/
alT = 500,
/*[max time allowed to travel that distance]*/
elT, /*[elapsed time]*/
stT; /*[start time]*/
obj.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) {
var tchs = e.changedTouches[0];
swdir = 'none';
sX = tchs.pageX;
sY = tchs.pageY;
stT = new Date().getTime();
}, false);
obj.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); /*[prevent scrolling when inside DIV]*/
}, false);
obj.addEventListener('touchend', function(e) {
var tchs = e.changedTouches[0];
dX = tchs.pageX - sX;
dY = tchs.pageY - sY;
elT = new Date().getTime() - stT;
if (elT <= alT) {
if (Math.abs(dX) >= threshold && Math.abs(dY) <= slack) {
swdir = (dX < 0) ? 'left' : 'right';
} else if (Math.abs(dY) >= threshold && Math.abs(dX) <= slack) {
swdir = (dY < 0) ? 'up' : 'down';
if ( === 'well') {
if (swdir === 'up') {
scdir = swdir;
} else if (swdir === 'down' && !== 'translateY(0)') {
scdir = swdir;
}, false);
var well = document.getElementById('well'); = 'translateY(0)';
well.addEventListener('wheel', function(e) {
if (e.deltaY < 0) {
scdir = 'down';
if (e.deltaY > 0) {
scdir = 'up';
well.addEventListener('wheel', _scrollY);
var tops = document.querySelectorAll('.top');
for (var i = 0; i < tops.length; i++) {
tops[i].addEventListener('click', function() {
scdir = 'top';

fullpage.js not working properly with anchor links

I was trying to do a full page scroll while using anchor links throughout the page but sometimes it won't scroll up anymore or the links stop working or go to the wrong places. It gets pushed down leaving strange white space after I scroll around an press on the links.
Link to code:
I appreciate it if anyone can look into this for me.
(function() {
"use strict";
/*[pan and well CSS scrolls]*/
var pnls = document.querySelectorAll('.panel').length,
scdir, hold = false;
function _scrollY(obj) {
var slength, plength, pan, step = 100,
vh = window.innerHeight / 100,
vmin = Math.min(window.innerHeight, window.innerWidth) / 100;
if ((this !== undefined && === 'well') || (obj !== undefined && === 'well')) {
pan = this || obj;
plength = parseInt(pan.offsetHeight / vh);
if (pan === undefined) {
plength = plength || parseInt(pan.offsetHeight / vmin);
slength = parseInt('translateY(', ''));
if (scdir === 'up' && Math.abs(slength) < (plength - plength / pnls)) {
slength = slength - step;
} else if (scdir === 'down' && slength < 0) {
slength = slength + step;
} else if (scdir === 'top') {
slength = 0;
if (hold === false) {
hold = true; = 'translateY(' + slength + 'vh)';
setTimeout(function() {
hold = false;
}, 500);
console.log(scdir + ':' + slength + ':' + plength + ':' + (plength - plength / pnls));
/*[swipe detection on touchscreen devices]*/
function _swipe(obj) {
var swdir,
threshold = 100,
/*[min distance traveled to be considered swipe]*/
slack = 50,
/*[max distance allowed at the same time in perpendicular direction]*/
alT = 300,
/*[max time allowed to travel that distance]*/
elT, /*[elapsed time]*/
stT; /*[start time]*/
obj.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) {
var tchs = e.changedTouches[0];
swdir = 'none';
sX = tchs.pageX;
sY = tchs.pageY;
stT = new Date().getTime();
}, false);
obj.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); /*[prevent scrolling when inside DIV]*/
}, false);
obj.addEventListener('touchend', function(e) {
var tchs = e.changedTouches[0];
dX = tchs.pageX - sX;
dY = tchs.pageY - sY;
elT = new Date().getTime() - stT;
if (elT <= alT) {
if (Math.abs(dX) >= threshold && Math.abs(dY) <= slack) {
swdir = (dX < 0) ? 'left' : 'right';
} else if (Math.abs(dY) >= threshold && Math.abs(dX) <= slack) {
swdir = (dY < 0) ? 'up' : 'down';
if ( === 'well') {
if (swdir === 'up') {
scdir = swdir;
} else if (swdir === 'down' && !== 'translateY(0)') {
scdir = swdir;
}, false);
var well = document.getElementById('well'); = 'translateY(0)';
well.addEventListener('wheel', function(e) {
if (e.deltaY < 0) {
scdir = 'down';
if (e.deltaY > 0) {
scdir = 'up';
well.addEventListener('wheel', _scrollY);
var tops = document.querySelectorAll('.top');
for (var i = 0; i < tops.length; i++) {
tops[i].addEventListener('click', function() {
scdir = 'top';

Multiple instance of object interfering

So, I'm creating a game in HTML/JS (Mostly Jquery).
I got an array of objects initialized at the beginning of the game (when user press P to play).Each object is a falling object (I know it's failing with a boolean named "working"), with "move" method setting a position going from 1 to 22. Each time it move, it show the current div with a number as ID (representing the position), and hide the previous div.
The problem is that, the game work perfectly with only one instance of the Object (so only one cell in the array), but when I try to put few other object, they don't move.
Here is the object constructor :
function flyers(){
this.pos = 0;
this.working = false;
this.jump = 0;
this.move = function(){
if (this.working == true){
if (this.pos == 22)
this.pos = 0;
if (this.jump == 0)
{ if ((this.pos == 5 && playerPos != 1) || (this.pos == 13 && playerPos != 2) || (this.pos == 19 && playerPos != 3))
if ((this.pos == 4 && playerPos == 1) || (this.pos == 12 && playerPos == 2) || (this.pos == 18 && playerPos == 3))
this.jump = 1;
if (this.pos == 5 || this.pos == 13 || this.pos == 19)
this.jump = 0;
$(".score").html("" + score + "");
$("#perso" + (this.pos - 1) + "").hide();
$("#perso" + this.pos + "").show(); this.pos++;
this.startWork = function()
this.working = true;
this.interval = setInterval(this.move, 1000 - (score / 10 * 100));
this.die = function(){
this.working = false;
this.pos = 0;
this.jump = 0;
if (miss < 2)
return this;}
And the array initialization :
flyerstab[0] = new flyers();
flyerstab[1] = new flyers();
flyerstab[2] = new flyers();
flyerstab[3] = new flyers();
The spawner (only possible to have 4 objects falling at the same time)
spawn = setInterval(function()
var i;
for (var i = flyerstab.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (flyerstab[i].working == false)
console.log(i + " is working");
}, 5000 - (score / 10 * 100));
I tried to find why all the day, but I didn't manage to.. Am I constructing them bad ?
Inside of this.interval = setInterval(this.move, 1000 - (score / 10 * 100));, this.move is called with this as the global context. Instead, use
this.interval = setInterval(this.move.bind(this), 1000 - (score / 10 * 100));

Moving right immediately pushes div far off screen region

When I attempt to move the div (tank) to the right ONLY in the first "movement command", and only in that direction, I come across in issue whereby my div shoots off a few thousand pixels to the right, way off of the screen region. Was hoping someone would assist me to see why this is.
function animate() {
var tank = document.getElementById("tank");"360px";"440px";
window.xpos =;
window.ypos =;
window.x = xpos.replace("px","");
window.y = ypos.replace("px","");
document.onkeydown = checkKey;
function checkKey(e) {
e = e || window.event;
if (e.keyCode == '37') {
if (x > 0) {
x = x - 20; = x + "px";
} else if (e.keyCode == '39') {
if (x < 70) {
x = x + 20; = x + "px";
} else if (e.keyCode == '38') {
if (y > 0) {
y = y - 20; = y + "px";
} else if (e.keyCode == '40') {
if (y < 440) {
y = y + 20; = y + "px";
window.lives = 3;
function destroy() {
if (lives != 0) {
alert("Life Lost!");
window.collision == false;
} else {
alert("Try Again!");
window.collision = true;
function state() {
if (collision == false) {
window.state = 1;
} else if (collision == true) {
window.state = 0;
return state;
if (state == 1) {
} else {
You think you are doing a math operation but what you really are doing a string concatenation. In Javascript "360"-20 equals 340 because in this case the string is converted to a number and then an arithmetic subtraction is performed with both numeric values, however a different set of rules apply for the plus operator: in this case "360"+20 yields "36020" because the number is converted to a string and then both strings are concatenated.
Do this:
window.x = Number(xpos.replace("px",""));
window.y = Number(ypos.replace("px",""));
