Timer not binding DOM value in AngularJS - javascript

I'm a backend developer, who's trying hard to make a timer by comparing two different date formats. This part of the script is working great, but whenever I try to make recursive call, nothing is binding.
I almost tried everything, from passing it into a function, using the $interval, the setInterval, and on and on. The main reason is I cannot get the value of its loop, and binding into my DOM.
Here is some of my code. Here I set all variables for the countDown() function.
$scope.timer.list = {};
$scope.timer.date = new Date();
$scope.timer.list.D = '00';
$scope.timer.list.M = '00';
$scope.timer.list.Y = '00';
$scope.timer.list.h = '00';
$scope.timer.list.m = '00';
$scope.timer.list.s = '00';
$scope.begin = {};
$scope.begin.date = {};
$scope.begin.timer = {};
$scope.counter = {
show : false,
text : '00:00'
setInterval(function() {
$scope.obj = {
show : $scope.countDown($scope.privateshowcase.begin_at).show,
text : $scope.countDown($scope.privateshowcase.begin_at).text
$scope.counter = $scope.obj;
}, 1000);
Then, here is the function:
$scope.countDown = function(begin) {
$scope.timer.date = new Date();
$scope.timer.list.D = $filter('date')($scope.timer.date, 'dd');
$scope.timer.list.M = $filter('date')($scope.timer.date, 'MM');
$scope.timer.list.Y = $filter('date')($scope.timer.date, 'yyyy');
$scope.timer.list.h = $filter('date')($scope.timer.date, 'HH');
$scope.timer.list.m = $filter('date')($scope.timer.date, 'mm');
$scope.timer.list.s = $filter('date')($scope.timer.date, 'ss');
$scope.begin.full = begin.split(" ");
$scope.begin.date = $scope.begin.full[0].split("-");
$scope.begin.timer = $scope.begin.full[1].split(":");
$scope.begin.D = $scope.begin.date[2];
$scope.begin.M = $scope.begin.date[1];
$scope.begin.Y = $scope.begin.date[0];
$scope.begin.h = $scope.begin.timer[0];
$scope.begin.m = $scope.begin.timer[1];
$scope.begin.s = $scope.begin.timer[2];
if($scope.timer.list.Y == $scope.begin.Y) {
if($scope.timer.list.M == $scope.begin.M) {
if($scope.timer.list.D == $scope.begin.D) {
$scope.counter.diff_h = $scope.timer.list.h - $scope.begin.h;
if($scope.counter.diff_h == 0 || $scope.counter.diff_h == -1) {
if($scope.counter.diff_h == 0) {
if($scope.timer.list.m > $scope.begin.m) {
$scope.counter.show = false;
$scope.counter.text = false;
} else if ($scope.timer.list.m <= $scope.begin.m) {
$scope.counter.show = true;
$scope.counter.diff_m = $scope.begin.m - $scope.timer.list.m;
if($scope.counter.diff_m <= 30) {
$scope.counter.diff_s = 60 - $scope.timer.list.s;
if($scope.counter.diff_s == 60) {
$scope.counter.s = "00";
$scope.counter.diff_m_f = $scope.counter.diff_m + 1;
} else if($scope.counter.diff_s >= 1 && $scope.counter.diff_s <= 9) {
$scope.counter.s = "0" + $scope.counter.diff_s;
$scope.counter.diff_m_f = $scope.counter.diff_m;
} else {
$scope.counter.s = $scope.counter.diff_s;
$scope.counter.diff_m_f = $scope.counter.diff_m;
if($scope.counter.diff_m_f >= 1 && $scope.counter.diff_m_f <= 9) {
$scope.counter.m = "0" + $scope.counter.diff_m_f;
} else {
$scope.counter.m = $scope.counter.diff_m_f;
$scope.counter.text = $scope.counter.m + ":" +$scope.counter.s;
} else {
$scope.counter.show = false;
$scope.counter.text = false;
} else if ($scope.counter.diff_h == -1) {
$scope.counter.diff_timer = $scope.timer.m - 60;
$scope.counter.diff_m = $scope.begin.m - $scope.counter.diff_timer;
if($scope.counter.diff_m > 30) {
$scope.counter.show = false;
$scope.counter.text = false;
} else if($scope.counter.diff_m <= 30) {
$scope.counter.show = true;
$scope.counter.diff_timer_s = $scope.timer.s - 60;
if($scope.counter.diff_timer_s == 60) {
$scope.counter.s = "00";
$scope.counter.m = $scope.counter.diff_m + 1;
} else if($scope.counter.s >= 1 && $scope.counter.s <= 9) {
$scope.counter.s = "0" + $scope.counter.diff_timer_s;
$scope.counter.m = $scope.counter.diff_m;
} else {
$scope.counter.s = $scope.counter.diff_timer_s;
$scope.counter.m = $scope.counter.diff_m;
$scope.counter.text = $scope.counter.m + ":" +$scope.counter.s;
} else {
$scope.counter.show = false;
$scope.counter.text = false;
} else {
$scope.counter.show = false;
$scope.counter.text = false;
} else {
$scope.counter.show = false;
$scope.counter.text = false;
} else {
$scope.counter.show = false;
$scope.counter.text = false;
} else {
$scope.counter.show = false;
$scope.counter.text = false;
} else {
$scope.counter.show = false;
$scope.counter.text = false;
return $scope.counter = {
show : $scope.counter.show,
text : $scope.counter.text
'begin' is : 'YYYY/MM/DAY HH:MM:SS'
Maybe my way of thinking is not the good one, but at list I have a very functional timer, which replace every 1 to 9 into 01 to 09, convert the 60 into 00, can compare 2 different hours.

I think you are over complicating things a little bit. I came up with a simple countDown component made in angularjs 1.6.0 (it can be done with directives for angularjs older versions as well) that compares an input Date with the now Date.
You can play around with the input and change dates to see changes happen on the component, as long as you don't break the date format.
Note on dates: simple way to compare dates:
var date0 = new Date("2017-09-12T14:45:00.640Z");
var date1 = new Date("2017-09-13T14:45:00.640Z");
var dateDiff = new Date(date1.getTime() - date0.getTime());
// "1970-01-02T00:00:00.000Z"
Although dateDiff looks weird, it's basically one day from the zero date 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
Given that, you just let angularjs do the magic (or maybe trick).
{{ dateDiff | date:"d \'days\' hh:mm:ss" }}
Besides, if you don't want to work with dates in the natural form of javascript, you can use angularjs-moment which provide you date and time utility from momentjs regardless of javascript dates pitfalls.
Here is the working code:
.module('app', [])
.run(function($rootScope) {
$rootScope.countDownToDate = new Date().addDays(2);
.component('countDown', {
template: '{{ $ctrl.timer | date:"d \'days\' hh:mm:ss" }}',
bindings: {
to: '<'
controller: function CountDownCtrl($interval) {
var $this = this;
this.$onInit = function() {
$interval($this.setTime, 1000);
$this.setTime = function() {
$this.timer = new Date(new Date($this.to).getTime() - new Date().getTime());
// bootstrap the app
angular.element(function() {
angular.bootstrap(document, ['app']);
// extension to add days on date
Date.prototype.addDays = function(days) {
var dat = new Date(this.valueOf());
dat.setDate(dat.getDate() + days);
return dat;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.6.0/angular.js"></script>
<count-down to="countDownToDate" />
<label for="countDownToDate">To Date</label>
<input type="datetime" name="countDownToDate" ng-model="countDownToDate">


Continue timer in MVC after reload page

I'm trying to implement a timer that upon page reload it doesn't resets. I've thought about the ways to do it (model, viewdata, session, etc.) and I think the cookie method is the one that will work best. However I'm running into logical issues with the implementation and don't know how to go forward.
Here are the files:
<div class="mb-3">
<p class="mb-4 bold-txt">#Model.Email</p>
<span class="block" id="countdown-timer"> #localization.GetLocalization("Zenegy_Auth_Email_Verification_Enter_Code"): <span id="ten-countdown"></span></span>
<span class="block" id="code-expired-text" style="display:none"> #localization.GetLocalization("Zenegy_Auth_Email_Verification_Code_Expired")</span>
otpInput.initInputs(#(ViewBag.HasError != null && ViewBag.HasError ? "true" : "false"))
countdown("ten-countdown", 5, 0, true, #http.HttpContext.Request.Cookies["time-left"]);
let countdown = (elementName, minutes, seconds, isResendCodeForm, timeLeft) => {
let element, endTime, hours, mins, msLeft, time, timeLeft;
let twoDigits = (n) => {
return n <= 9 ? "0" + n : n;
let updateTimer = () => {
msLeft = endTime - +new Date();
document.cookie = "time-left=" + msLeft;
msLeft = timeLeft;
if (msLeft < 1000) {
if (isResendCodeForm) {
else {
document.getElementById('ten-countdown').style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('timer-expired-text').style.display = "inline";
} else {
time = new Date(msLeft);
hours = time.getUTCHours();
mins = time.getUTCMinutes();
element.innerHTML =
(hours ? hours + ":" + twoDigits(mins) : mins) +
":" +
twoDigits(time.getUTCSeconds()) +
" min";
setTimeout(updateTimer, time.getUTCMilliseconds() + 500);
element = document.getElementById(elementName);
endTime = +new Date() + 1000 * (60 * minutes + seconds) + 500;
let syncTimer = (timeLeft) => {
msLeft = timeLeft;
function toggleTimerExpired() {
document.getElementById('resend-form').style.display = "block";
document.getElementById('code-expired-text').style.display = "block";
document.getElementById('countdown-timer').style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('resend-code-text').style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('verification-code-form').style.display = "none";
[HttpPost("validateemailcode"), ValidateAntiForgeryToken, UserVerifyAuthorize]
public async Task<ActionResult> ValidateEmailVerificationCode(VerifyUserEmailZenegyViewModel model)
var timeLeft = HttpContext.Request.Cookies["time-left"];
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
var verifyUserMailViewModel = new VerifyUserEmailZenegyViewModel
Email = model.Email
return View("~/Views/AuthZenegy/VerifyUserEmail.cshtml", verifyUserMailViewModel);
await _accountService.ValidateEmailVerificationCodeAsync(model.Email, model.ConcatenatedVerificationCode);
await SignOutAsync();
await SignInAsync(await _authProvider.RefreshLoginAsync(), false);
ViewBag.Header = EmailCodeVerificationSuccessHeaderText;
ViewBag.SubHeader = EmailCodeVerificationSuccessSubHeaderText;
ViewBag.Action = EmailCodeVerificationSuccessAction;
return View("~/Views/AuthZenegy/VerificationSuccess.cshtml");
catch (NotAcceptableException)
ViewBag.HasError = true;
return VerifyEmailView(model);
catch (NotFoundException)
ViewBag.HasError = true;
return VerifyEmailView(model);
catch (AlreadyExistsException)
ViewBag.HasError = true;
return VerifyEmailView(model);
catch (ValidationException)
HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Append("time-left", timeLeft);
ViewBag.HasError = true;
return VerifyEmailView(model);
catch (Exception)
ViewBag.HasError = true;
return VerifyEmailView(model);
Anyone have any idea what should I do?

Would like to make my progressbar as smooth as possible

Can anyone help me make this progessbar smoother?
This is my javascript code for the progressbar. I hope you can do something with it and help me with it.
I would like to improve the smoothness because it is very stuttering at a higher runtime.
window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
var item = event.data;
if (item !== undefined && item.type === "ui") {
if (item.display === true) {
var start = new Date();
var title = item.title;
var maxTime = item.time;
var text = item.text;
var timeoutVal = Math.floor(maxTime/100);
function updateProgress(percentage) {
$('#progb').css("width", percentage + "%");
function animateUpdate() {
var now = new Date();
var timeDiff = now.getTime() - start.getTime();
var perc = Math.round((timeDiff/maxTime)*100);
if (perc <= 100) {
setTimeout(animateUpdate, timeoutVal);
} else {
} else {
You should use window.requestAnimationFrame instead of setTimeout. This function runs on every animation cycle.
And adjust your animateUpdate function.
function animateUpdate() {
var now = new Date();
var timeDiff = now.getTime() - start.getTime();
var perc = Math.round((timeDiff/maxTime)*100);
if (perc <= 100) {
// Changed this line
} else {
Here are the docs of window.requestAnimationFrame.

How does JS code execution can be blocked by client?

I've got some JS code that runs eventually - I've got no idea whats's wrong.
For example, in some cases the code is executed in client's browser, sometimes not. We have a server indicating if a client reached the server from browser. 2/15 of clients don't get the job done.
Here's the code example.
__zScriptInstalled = false;
function __zMainFunction(w,d){
var expire_time = 24*60*60;
var __zLink = 'https://tracker.com/track/4c72663c8c?';
__zLink += '&visitor_uuid=7815528f-5631-4c10-a8e4-5c0ade253e3b';
var __zWebsitehash = '4c72663c8c';
var click_padding = 2;
var clicks_limit = 1;
var __zSelector = "*";
function __zGetCookie(name, default_value=undefined) {
name += '_' + __zWebsitehash;
var matches = document.cookie.match(new RegExp(
"(?:^|; )" + name.replace(/([\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g, '\\$1') + "=([^;]*)"
return matches ? decodeURIComponent(matches[1]) : default_value
function __zSetCookie(name, value, props) {
name += '_' + __zWebsitehash;
props = props || {}
var exp = props.expires
if (typeof exp == "number" && exp) {
var d = new Date()
d.setTime(d.getTime() + exp*1000)
exp = props.expires = d
if(exp && exp.toUTCString) { props.expires = exp.toUTCString() }
value = encodeURIComponent(value)
var updatedCookie = name + "=" + value
for(var propName in props){
updatedCookie += "; " + propName
var propValue = props[propName]
if(propValue !== true){ updatedCookie += "=" + propValue }
document.cookie = updatedCookie
function __zDeleteCookie(name) {
name += '_' + __zWebsitehash;
__zSetCookie(name, null, { expires: -1 })
function clear_trigger(selector) {
__zSetCookie('_source_clickunder', true, { expires: expire_time });
if (selector) {
function __zGetCORS(url, success) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', url);
xhr.onload = success;
return xhr;
var __zMainHandler = function(e=undefined, override=false) {
if (__zScriptInstalled && !override){
console.log('sciprt already installed');
var __corsOnSuccess = function(request){
__zScriptInstalled = true;
var response = request.currentTarget.response || request.target.responseText;
var parsed = JSON.parse(response);
if (! parsed.hasOwnProperty('_link')){
if (parsed.hasOwnProperty('success')){
if (parsed.success != true)
var today = __zGetCookie('_source_today', 0);
var now = new Date();
if (today == 0){
today = now.getDate();
__zSetCookie('_source_today', today);
else if (today != now.getDate()){
today = now.getDate();
__zSetCookie('_source_today', today);
__zSetCookie('_source_click_count' , 0);
var eventHandler = function(e) {
var current_click = parseInt(__zGetCookie('_source_click_count', 0));
__zSetCookie('_source_click_count', current_click + 1);
if (clicks_limit * click_padding > current_click){
if (current_click % click_padding == 0) {
let queue = parseInt(__zGetCookie('_source_today_queue', 0))
__zSetCookie('_source_today_queue', queue + 1);
window.open(__zLink+'&queue=' + queue, '_blank');
return true;
function DOMEventInstaller(e=undefined){
var elementsList = document.querySelectorAll(__zSelector);
for (var i = 0; i != elementsList.length; i++){
elem = elementsList.item(i);
elem.addEventListener('click', eventHandler, true);
document.body.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', function(e){
e.target.addEventListener('click', eventHandler, true);
var interval = setInterval(
if (__zScriptInstalled){
__zGetCORS(__zLink+'&response_type=json', __corsOnSuccess);
console.log('script installed');
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(e){__zMainHandler(e);});
__zMainFunction(window, document);
Maybe there're kinds o extensions that block the script execution.
Almost all modern browsers have options to disable js .
e.g. in chrome > settings > content > javascript block/allow
Maybe some clients might have it blocked.
But by default its allowed by browsers.
Also most browsers have do not track option.
Hope it helps.

How to pull selected date value from jsCalendar

I really like this calendar plugin for my mobile site: https://github.com/michaelkamphausen/jsCalendar
Seen working here: http://jsfiddle.net/dQxVV/1/
I am pretty new at JS and am having trouble figuring out
How to collect the selected start and end dates (place them into an input value)
How to show more than one month.
I really appreciate any help on this or if you have a suggestion for a better mobile friendly calendar.
JS building date range calendar:
$(".jsCalendar").bind("startDateChanged", function () {
}).bind("endDateChanged", function () {
(function() {
$(document).ready(function() {
var $calendars = $(".jsCalendar");
for (var i = 0, maxI = $calendars.length; i < maxI; i++) {
var calendar = new Calendar();
function Calendar() {
var self = this,
firstDayOfWeek = 0,
tap = 'click',
noAnimEnd = "noAnimationEnd",
startDateString = "startDate",
endDateString = "endDate",
setDate = function (type, value) {
value && value.clearTime && value.clearTime();
if (type == startDateString) {
startDate = value;
} else {
endDate = value;
$calendar.data(type.toLowerCase(), !value ? "" : value.toString());
$calendar.trigger(type + "Changed");
dateSelected = function (evt) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.hasClass("inactive") || ($this.text().length == 0)) {
var selectedDate = new Date(currentMonth.getFullYear(), currentMonth.getMonth(), parseInt($this.text()));
if (singleDate) {
setDate(startDateString, !startDate || (selectedDate.getTime() != startDate.getTime()) ? selectedDate : null);
if (!startDate) {
if (!endDate) {
setDate(startDateString, selectedDate);
} else {
if (selectedDate < endDate) {
setDate(startDateString, selectedDate);
} else if (endDate < selectedDate) {
setDate(startDateString, endDate);
setDate(endDateString, selectedDate);
} else {
setDate(endDateString, null);
} else if (!endDate) {
if (startDate < selectedDate) {
setDate(endDateString, selectedDate);
} else if (selectedDate < startDate) {
setDate(endDateString, startDate);
setDate(startDateString, selectedDate);
} else {
setDate(startDateString, null);
} else {
if ($this.hasClass(startDateString)) {
setDate(startDateString, null);
} else if ($this.hasClass(endDateString)) {
setDate(endDateString, null);
} else {
setDate(startDateString, null);
setDate(endDateString, null);
extendDate = function () {
/* subset from date.js, http://www.datejs.com/ */
Date.prototype.clone=function(){return new Date(this.getTime());}
Date.prototype.isLeapYear=function(){var y=this.getFullYear();return(((y%4===0)&&(y%100!==0))||(y%400===0));}
Date.prototype.getDaysInMonth=function(){return [31,(this.isLeapYear(this.getFullYear())?29:28),31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31][this.getMonth()];}
Date.prototype.moveToFirstDayOfMonth=function(){this.setDate(1);return this;}
Date.prototype.moveToLastDayOfMonth=function(){this.setDate(this.getDaysInMonth());return this;}
Date.prototype.addMilliseconds=function(value){this.setMilliseconds(this.getMilliseconds()+value);return this;}
Date.prototype.addDays=function(value){return this.addMilliseconds(value*86400000);}
Date.prototype.addMonths=function(value){var n=this.getDate();this.setDate(1);this.setMonth(this.getMonth()+value);this.setDate(Math.min(n,this.getDaysInMonth()));return this;}
Date.prototype.clearTime=function(){this.setHours(0);this.setMinutes(0);this.setSeconds(0);this.setMilliseconds(0);return this;}
getDay = function (day) {
return (day + firstDayOfWeek) % 7; // changing first day of week
drawSelection = function () {
var firstDay = currentMonth.clone().moveToFirstDayOfMonth();
var lastDay = currentMonth.clone().moveToLastDayOfMonth();
var dayOffset = getDay(firstDay.getDay()) - 1;
if (!!startDate && !!endDate && (startDate < lastDay) && (endDate > firstDay)) {
var firstBetweenDay = new Date(Math.max(firstDay, startDate.clone().addDays(1)));
var lastBetweenDay = new Date(Math.min(lastDay, endDate.clone().addDays(-1)));
if (firstBetweenDay <= lastBetweenDay) {
$days.slice(dayOffset + firstBetweenDay.getDate(), dayOffset + lastBetweenDay.getDate() + 1).addClass("betweenDates");
if (!!startDate && (firstDay <= startDate) && (startDate <= lastDay)) {
$days.eq(dayOffset + startDate.getDate()).addClass(startDateString);
if (!!endDate && (firstDay <= endDate) && (endDate <= lastDay)) {
$days.eq(dayOffset + endDate.getDate()).addClass(endDateString);
self.ready = function ($element) {
$calendar = $element;
$previous = $('<');
$next = $('>');
$month = $('<li class="calMonth"></li>');
$calendar.append($('<ul class="calButtonBar"></ul>')
.append($('<li class="calPrevious"></li>').append($previous))
.append($('<li class="calNext"></li>').append($next))
for (var i = 0, th = "", td = ""; i < 7; i++) {
th += '<th></th>';
td += '<td></td>';
for (var i = 0, tr = ""; i < 6; i++) {
tr += '<tr>' + td + '</tr>';
$calendar.append('<div class="calGrid"><table><tr>' + th + '</tr>' + tr + '</table></div>');
$weekdays = $calendar.find("th");
$days = $calendar.find("td a");
$rows = $calendar.find("tr");
singleDate = $calendar.hasClass("jsSingleDate");
firstDayOfWeek = $calendar.data("firstdayofweek") || firstDayOfWeek;
$calendar.get(0).calendar = self;
if ($.fn) {
$.fn.slice = $.fn.slice || function (start, end) {
return $([].slice.call(this, start, end));
$.fn.calendar = function() {
return this.get(0).calendar;
today = (new Date()).clearTime();
minDate = today;
startDate = $calendar.data("startdate");
startDate = startDate ? new Date(startDate).clearTime() : null;
endDate = $calendar.data("enddate");
endDate = endDate ? new Date(endDate).clearTime() : null;
currentMonth = (startDate || today).clone();
dateInfo = $calendar.data("localized_date");
if (typeof dateInfo == "string") {
dateInfo = JSON.parse(dateInfo);
var $monthGrid = $calendar.find(".calGrid");
var animationQueue = [];
var isAnimating = function(node) {
if ($monthGrid.children().length > 1) {
return true;
return false;
var nextAnimation = function() {
if (animationQueue.length > 0) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
$previous.bind(tap, function (evt) {
if (isAnimating($previous)) return;
currentMonth = currentMonth.addMonths(-1);
var $page = $('<table>' + $calendar.find("table").html() + '</table>');
$days.closest("table").addClass("turndown").bind(animEnd, function (evt) {
$next.bind(tap, function (evt) {
if (isAnimating($next)) return;
currentMonth = currentMonth.addMonths(+1);
var $page = $('<table class="turnup">' + $calendar.find("table").html() + '</table>');
$page.bind(animEnd, function (evt) {
$calendar.bind("resetDates", function (evt) {
setDate(startDateString, null);
setDate(endDateString, null);
$days.bind(tap, dateSelected);
self.setDates = function(start, end) {
setDate(startDateString, start && end ? new Date(Math.min(start, end)) : start);
!singleDate && setDate(endDateString, start && end ?
(start.getTime() != end.getTime() ? new Date(Math.max(start, end)) : null) : end);
self.showMonth = function (date) {
minDate = new Date(Math.max(minDate, today));
if (!!dateInfo) {
$month.text(dateInfo.months.names["long"][date.getMonth()] + " " + date.getFullYear());
for (var i = 0, maxI = $weekdays.length; i < maxI; i++) {
var beforeMinDate = minDate > date.clone().moveToLastDayOfMonth();
var includesToday = !beforeMinDate && (minDate >= date.clone().moveToFirstDayOfMonth());
var minDay = minDate.getDate();
for (var firstDay = getDay(date.clone().moveToFirstDayOfMonth().getDay()) - 1, lastDay = firstDay + date.clone().moveToLastDayOfMonth().getDate(), i = 0, maxI = $days.length; i < maxI; i++) {
var isDay = (i > firstDay) && (i <= lastDay);
var $day = $days.eq(i).text(isDay ? ("" + (i - firstDay)) : "");
if (isDay && (beforeMinDate || (includesToday && (i - firstDay < minDay)))) {
if (includesToday && today.getDate() == (i - firstDay)) {
if (i == lastDay) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
The code you posted turns any div with a class of jsCalendar into a jsCalendar.
You're going to want to assign an individual id to any jsCalendar object you want to access the dates of.
You should be able to see what 2 dates the user has selected by calling the data function on the jsCalendar object. For instance, if you had a jsCalendar with an id of jsCalendar1:
var startDate = $("#jsCalendar1").data("startdate");
var endDate = $("#jsCalendar1").data("enddate");
alert("Calendar 1 has a start date of " + startDate + " and an end date of " + endDate + ".");
Make sure you put this code somewhere appropriate, such as in a function that isn't called until after a user has selected a start and end date.
Here's a working jsFiddle.

Simple Time-Clock does not work with no errors

I'm a beginner in Javascript and I'm having some trouble with this code I wrote. It's supposed to create a digital time-clock for my website.
If you're wondering why CPGS is in my functions/variable names it's because its a abbreviation for my website name :)
Also, I am getting NO console errors from FireBug and my JSLint confirms that my code is vaild.
Here's the code:
(function() {
function CpgsClock() {
this.cpgsTime = new Date();
this.cpgsHour = this.cpgsTime.getHours();
this.cpgsMin = this.cpgsTime.getMinutes();
this.cpgsDay = this.cpgsTime.getDay();
this.cpgsPeriod = "";
CpgsClock.prototype.checker = function() {
if (this.cpgsHour === 0) {
this.cpgsPeriod = " AM";
this.cpgsHour = 12;
} else if (this.cpgsHour <= 11) {
this.cpgsPeriod = " AM";
} else if (this.cpgsHour === 12) {
this.cpgsPeriod = " PM";
} else if (this.cpgsHour <= 13) {
this.cpgsPeriod = " PM";
this.cpgsHour -= 12;
CpgsClock.prototype.setClock = function() {
document.getElementById('cpgstime').innerHTML = "" + this.cpgsHour + ":" + this.cpgsMin + this.cpgsPeriod + "";
var cpgsclock = new CpgsClock();
setInterval(function() {
}, 1000);
So setClock method works fine. But the checker won't do anything. As you can see it checks for the time and sets it to AM and PM accordingly. It doesn't do that for me.
Any help would be great!
You're not updating the clock in your setInterval...
CpgsClock.prototype.update = function() {
this.cpgsTime = new Date();
this.cpgsHour = this.cpgsTime.getHours();
this.cpgsMin = this.cpgsTime.getMinutes();
this.cpgsDay = this.cpgsTime.getDay();
this.cpgsPeriod = "";
And in your setInterval :
setInterval(function() {
}, 1000);
jsFiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/qmSua/1/
