Map zooming with D3 and Datamaps - javascript

I need your help.
I'm using datamaps and I want to implement a zoom on a country. I can find loads of examples how I can achieve this, but the difference is, I want to be able to do this with a external button.
Let's say outside of my <div id="worldmap"></div> where the map is being rendered I have a button: <button data-location="AUS">.
How am I able to zoom using these values? I know the datamaps uses these short names (AUS = australia) to notate the name. I can also provide long lat coordinates if this is the way to do it.
Can somebody help me with this issue? I'm fairly new to D3 and datamaps.

One way could be that you translate and scale to your region of choice using translate scale as shown below.
function gotoAustralia(){
map.svg.selectAll(".datamaps-subunits").transition().duration(750).attr("transform", "scale(1.5)translate(-400,-100)");
function gotoSouthAmerica(){
map.svg.selectAll(".datamaps-subunits").transition().duration(750).attr("transform", "scale(1.5)translate(-50,-300)");
function reset(){
map.svg.selectAll(".datamaps-subunits").transition().duration(750).attr("transform", "");
working code here


DC.js brush to select range not working with scaleTime

This is my first time posting to stackoverflow and i'm a noob with dc.js. Apologies in advance for etiquette transgressions (feedback welcome on this too)
I have defined a barchart and it displays perfectly, but brushOn(true) is not letting me filter the data. In the past, this seemed to work perfectly with a crosshair appearing as soon as i hovered over the bargraph. Now it is not. Any idea why?! or what i can do to fix it? I'm on day 3 of trying to figure out what is happening. The help is MUCH appreciated!
I have defined a barchart as follows:
filterDim = cross.dimension(function(d){return d3.timeWeek(;});
var filterGroup ={
if(d.isTrue){return 1;}
else {return 0;} });
if(width == 0){
width = $(dom_id).parent().innerWidth();
var hitsbarChart = dc.barChart(dom_id);
.valueAccessor(function(d){return d.value;})
.keyAccessor(function(d){return d.key;})
function calc_domain(chart) {
var min = d3.min(, function(kv) { return kv.key; }),
max = d3.max(, function(kv) { return kv.key; });
max = d3.timeMonth.offset(max, 1);
chart.x().domain([min, max]);
hitsbarChart.on('preRender', calc_domain);
hitsbarChart.on('preRedraw', calc_domain);
I found this example which demonstrates something different but outputs a graph with time-series as the x-axis and working brush to select a range of dates.
Also, there this bug with work-around but the work around did not work. I can't imagine that time-series data works more like an ordinal scale than a numerical scale.
It's likely that you have some CSS inadvertently affecting your chart when it was supposed to be control some other part of the page.
This could happen either because you used a generic name which is also used by dc.js or d3.js, or because a style sheet from another library does. All of dc.js's style rules are carefully scoped so that they shouldn't affect anyone else, but many common words are used for class names, so interference the other way is common.
The brushing behavior comes from d3, so I'd try looking at d3's g.brush rect.overlay in the inspector of your developer tools. You should be able to bring it up by right-clicking the background of the chart and selecting Inspect.
If it has something like
pointer-events: none;
display: none;
applied to it, find out what applied that (hopefully CSS you control) and try to make the rules more specific.
Of course it's also possible for JavaScript from another library to cause such troubles, but interference from CSS is much more common.

d3 world map positioning

Hey guys I am completely new to d3 however I feel like what I am trying to do is simple.
I am literally using the src code from this example
BUT I just want to center above the pacific ocean(california would be slightly to right of middle of box)
I came up with this by just trial and error
projection = d3.geo.mercator()
.translate([600, 400])
.center([-100, 5 ])
which looks like
but I cant zoom out to view the whole original map, it just clips it to this area..
and lastly which is unrelated.. how can I color these countries in an efficient manner. I see in the json each country has its own color but I don't want to have to go in and manually change each one.

d3.js - blank object when applying y-axis scale

I'm trying to apply a scale to y-axis in my chart, but when I do it I get a blank svg object.
I did the same thing with the x-axis and it's working fine.
Problem happens when you uncomment this section
// .y(function(d) {
// return yScale(d[1])
// })
Could anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
The area functions are y0() and y1(), not y(). Ref: D3 API documentation
Have a look at the js bin. I've put a bunch of comments in that should help and I've assumed that you wanted a line chart.
If you want to put axis's on your chart you should be looking to use the d3.svg.axis function. It does most of the heavy lifting for you. You also need to make space for the axis try using some padding and margins (you might want to look at this example or the example on the js bin d3 page - use the link at the top of the google groups d3 page). You also probably want to separate out your axis's and your plot by using svg's group ('g').

how to create a padding around the edge of a google map

I have a very busy Google Maps app that I have built and I'm trying to create a "buffer zone" around the outside edge of the map so that the google map commands won't put things there. My solution was to create invisible divs and add them to the map as controls, one for each of the edges. This seems to work great as all of the google commands see them and adjust accordingly, and the map appears normally. For example, fitBounds ensures my bounds is not under the invisible layers. For the top where I have a control bar it's a perfect solution, but for the other edges where there is nothing, it creates a problem - I can't click on the map or info windows under these controls as they take the click event.
So I'm looking for one of 2 solutions:
1) can I make my invisible controls pass clicks through to the map, or;
2) is there a better way to pad the edge of the map; something that doesn't involve a much of math every time I want to call a fitBounds or panTo would be preferred as I automate a lot of map motion
I managed to solve this.
The best way to add padding to your maps is with invisible controls. It creates the padding that all other map functions obey without any additional coding when call them. Here is how to do it for everyone else who needs this.
First.. I create a function to simplify creating the divs.
function createDummyDiv(w, h){
var out = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('dummy-div').css('width', w).css('height', h);
return out[0];
Then I add the controls as needed. In this case I have the normal zoom control in the LEFT_CENTER position, so I had to create 2 for the left side. This creates a 10% padding on the left, right and bottom, and a 55px padding at the top under my own control bar.
map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_CENTER].push(createDummyDiv('100%', '55px'));
map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_TOP].push(createDummyDiv('10%', '45%'));
map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_BOTTOM].push(createDummyDiv('10%', '45%'));
map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_CENTER].push(createDummyDiv('10%', '100%'));
map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.BOTTOM_CENTER].push(createDummyDiv('100%', '10%'));
The.. the final fix to my problem is to put them behind the map layer with css.
.dummy-div{ z-index: -100 !important; }
I hope this helps someone else
Try to give the invisible DIV a negative z-index, e.g. -10
For me, fitBounds api worked itself with second parameter (padding)
Add padding to google map bounds

How to override or remove a control in Google Map API

I was playing with Google maps for last two days and started understanding little bit about its functionality.
I was using Large Map i.e. 700 X 300 resolution map size and i was trying to implement controls used in small maps.
var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"));
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(37.4419, -122.1419), 18);
var customUI = map.getDefaultUI();
customUI.controls.smallzoomcontrol3d=true; //1. trying to override largezoomcontrol3d
customUI.controls.menumaptypecontrol=true; //2. trying to override largezoomcontrol3d
map.enableRotation(); //3. Enabling rotation
Here in 1(a). Small zoom control is not getting visible until i remove the line map.setUIToDefault() and add one more line customUI.controls.largezoomcontrol3d=false. Although I was expecting that by writing above code those control will get overridden.
1(b). I tried to use map.removeControl(Control:GControl) where i was not able to pass the correct parameter. I wanted to remove largezoomcontrol3d from map but i was not able to make out how to refer to this control in the current map.
Same overriding problem is occuring here also. The only difference here is that both the controls are visible here menumaptypecontrol and maptypecontrol, here menumaptypecontrol is overlapping on maptypecontrol
I am trying to enable rotation on map but it is not working for me.
thinking about map.removeControl you were quite closely to solution (if I got what you need). take a look here:
so, you need just use map.addControl function to add exactly what you need instead of what you did.
sorry, forgot about map rotation. I think the following simple example of Google Map can help you (I just never played with rotation, but example looks very simple to learnt from it):
Google Map rotation example
