Place elements in a single div in jQuery - javascript

I am new to jQuery and I am working with an API to do the following.
Get Multiple values from the API like name, place, weather forecast etc.
I have a bootstrap structure with the following code:-
<div id="place_here" class="row">
I want to place the data that I get from the API in this DIV.
Only thing that I want to do is get put all that data into a single div and place that div into above row div to create a beautiful table like structure. Something like this:-
var str = '<div class="col-md-4">' + newoverview + '</div>';
(newoverview is a string from JSON that I get. However that is only a single value that I want to place in my div class = "col-md-4" tag above. I want to insert more values as well.
I cannot(or don't know) how to use global variable in JQuery. Whenever I log a variable value in console it give me a null . I know that's because JSON is asynchronous but I don't know a work around this.
I tried using multiple functions and passing values one by one and adding div by div. However that is not doing what I want to do and gives a messed up structure.
How can I collect all the required values that I get in a JSON and combine them in a single div and place it in a div in my HTML structure.
Edit:- Code
$("#Search_Button").click(function() {
var name;
name = $("#value").val();
console.log("Enter a name");
function search(name){
var url = "url_here";
function displayOverview(id){
var url = "url_here";
var overviewx = data.overview;
var newoverview='';
for(var x=0;x<overviewx.length && x<100 ;x++){
var str = '<div class="col-md-4">' + newoverview +
function displayImage(id){
var url = "url_here";
var str = '<img src="' + url + '"</img>';
I want to place both(and maybe more) tags in a single div from displayOverview and from displayImage and place that div into my main HTML Structure.

This is just an exemple !
to prevent asynchronous processing,we use callbacks
function getItem(){
var dfd = jQuery.Deferred();
var url_to_json = 'json/test.json';
$.getJSON(url_to_json, function(data) {
return $dfd.promise();
when you need a the response you just :


Splitting a JavaScript string from XML and wrapping in HTML element

I'm working on displaying an RSS feed in a website through the use of jQuery and AJAX. One of the strings from the source XML file are wrapped in a <category> tag, and there are multiple of these returned. I'm getting the source data like follows:
var _category = $(this).find('category').text();
Because there are multiple categories returned with this method, say the following:
I'm getting strings returned like so:
My end goal is to see each of these separate strings returned and wrapped in individual HTML elements, such as <div class="new"></div>.
I did end up trying the following:
var _categoryContainer = $(this)
.each(function () {
$(this).wrap( "<div class='new'></div>" );
among quite a few other variations.
This is all being appended to a HTML structure similar to the following.
// Add XML content to the HTML structure
$(".rss .rss-loader")
'<div class="col">'
+ <h5 class="myClass">myTitle</h5>
+ _category
+ "</div>"
Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
if it's a simple html which is mentioned in a question. you can use something like below.
var html="<category>Travel</category><category>Business</category><category>Lifestyle</category>"
var htmlObj=$.parseHTML(html);
var container=$("#container")
container.append("<div class='new'>"+o.innerText+"</div>")
<script src=""></script>
<div id='container'></div>
Same as first answer, but without jquery
let container = document.querySelector('div#container');
document.querySelectorAll('category').forEach(element => {
let div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerText = element.innerText;
<div id="container"></div>

javascript find div id inside string and delete it's content

I have a string with some variable html saved inside, among which a div with static id="time",
myString = "<div class="class">blahblah</div><div id="time">1:44</div>"
How can I create a new identical string cutting off only the time? (1:44 in this case).
I can't look for numbers or the ":" because is not safe in my situation.
What i've tried without success is this:
var content = divContainer.innerHTML;
var jHtmlObject = jQuery(content);
var editor = jQuery("<p>").append(jHtmlObject);
var myDiv = editor.find("#time");
myDiv.html() = '';
content = editor.html();
console.log('content -> '+content);
var myString = '<div class="class">blahblah</div><div id="time">1:44</div>';
//create a dummy span
//put the html in it
//find the time
//remove it's inner html
//execute end() so the jQuery object selected returns to the span
//console log the innerHTML of the span
<script src=""></script>
You can achieve this using a regular expression in plain javascript like so:
myString.replace(/(<div id="time">).*(<\/div>)/, '$1$2')
If you want to extract only the 1:44 portion you can use the following:
myString.match(/(<div id="time">)(.*)(<\/div>)/)[2]

How to get complete data from (html) bootstrap table when pagination is turned on

I am using bootstrap table in my web page and want to get complete textual data from all table cells, when pagination is on. I have tried the following method and it returns all the data:
var data = $('#' + tableID).bootstrapTable('getData')
Now when i traverse data object to get value for every cell it works fine but, for those cells which have some nested html , for example:
<td class="danger">cell 4</td>
Now, in this case, i want to get value for second cell as google but it returns me whole html as
Any idea, how i can get only textual value.
I can't do any server side operation, I have to achieve this using javascript/jquery. I have also tried using jquery:
function getColData(tableID,colIndex) {
var colArray = $('#' + tableID + ' td:nth-child'+'('+colIndex+')').map(function(){
return $(this).text();
return colArray
it returns data correctly but only which is visible on active page and i want all the data.
Based on your file on JSFiddle I have modified the JS part as follows, this will get you the text on every td(i.e. text or text content) and not the values of their attributes. Basically this traverses through the DOM searching for tags embedded in ones - except for those on the table header - then obtains the text value.
var table = $('#table'), button = $('#button'); {
var data = [];
table.find('tr:not(:first)').each(function(i, row) {
var cols = [];
$(this).find('td').each(function(i, col) {
You can see it in action here
This will get you all data regardless of pagination, also it will strip tags and nested tags.
var table = $('#table'), button = $('#button'); {
var messedData = table.bootstrapTable('getData');
var data = [];
$.each(messedData, function(i, row) {
var rowData = {
'name': row['0'],
'star': row['1'],
'forks': row['2'],
'desc': row['3'],
for (prop in rowData) {
var tmp = document.createElement("div");
tmp.innerHTML = rowData[prop];
rowData[prop] = tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText || "";
You can see it here
Since the actual data is coming in as a string, I don't think bootstrap-table can't differentiate it from the other data. The simple solution I can think of is to use substring() to extract the data from the cells that contain custom html.
The alternative is to go through the generated table <td> and use text() to get the text data from the cells.

Use jQuery to serialize DIV attributes and send to AJAX POST

I know serialize works with <FORM> but can it work for DIVs as well?
<div class="row" shortname="1"></div>
<div class="row" shortname="2"></div>
<div class="row" shortname="3"></div>
<div class="row" shortname="4"></div>
How can I grab all the DIV and its shortname attribute and pass everything to an AJAX post?
Like shortname=1&shortname=2&shortname=3
you can create an array and pass it as a JSON,
var data=new Array();
var jsonString=JSON.stringify(data);
No, it cannot work with divs so you'll have to create a solution. If I can assume that these divs are wrapped in a parent div, then this code will work
var queryString = '';
var x = 0;
$('#parentdiv div').each(function(){
if(x) queryString += '&';
else x = 1;
queryString += 'shortname[]=' + $(this).attr("shortname");
If they are not wrapped in a div, and you want to find all the divs that have the shortname attribute, change the loop to this.
// same stuff
note: I'm thinking you want the shortname to be an array. If you constuct without brackets, you may be overwriting the value of "shortname" over and over.
You can build an array with the values and pass that array as part of an object to the $.ajax data option.
var shortnames = $('[shortname]').map(function(){
return $(this).attr('shortname');
You can do something like this...
var serialized = '';
$('#serializeme div').each(function(){
serialized = serialized + 'shortname=' + $(this).attr('shortname') + '&';

How to display images using Javascript and JSON

I have to display images to the browser and I want to get the image from a JSON response and display it to the browser using Javascript. This is what the JSON response looks like:
How do I do this (I am a beginner)?
here is the code what i wrote...
var jsonString = '[{"0":"101","member_id":"101","1":"3k.png","image_nm":"3k.png","2":"\/images\/phones\/","image_path":"\/images\/phones\/"},{"0":"102","member_id":"102","1":"mirchi.png","image_nm":"mirchi.png","2":"images\/phones\/","image_path":"images\/phones\/"},{"0":"103","member_id":"103","1":"masti.png","image_nm":"masti.png","2":"images\/phones\/","image_path":"images\/phones\/"}]';
var obj = JSON.parse(jsonString);
for(var i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; i++){
var img = new Image();
img.setAttribute("src",obj[i][2] + obj[i][1]);
Assuming you parsed your json in a variable called json, this would add all images in a container with id yourcontainer:
var images = '';
for( var i=0, max<json.length; ++i ) {
images += '<img src="' + json[i]['image_path'] + json[i]['image_nm'] + '" />';
document.getElementById( 'yourcontainer' ).innerHTML = images;
Seems pretty straight forward. If this is json_encoded, then we can use json[key] to get the value, if you aren't familiar with the term 'key', json encodes arrays in the key:value, format, so for this, if we used json[member_id], we would get '101', if we used json[image_nm], we would get '3k.png', putting this all together it seems as if it's pretty well separated, you just have to know what goes where. I have an idea, but not 100%,I would expect you to do something like
var myImages = '';
for(var i = 0; i < json.length; i++){
myImages += '<img src="'+json[i]['image_path']+json[i]['img_nm']+'" />';
document.getElementById('myImgHolder').innerHTML = myImages;
Based on your json data, this would evaluate a variable and test it against the length of the json array. The statement also declares that while the variable is less than the total length of the json array, we will iterate to the next object. We would expect output along the format of -
<img src="/images/3k.png" />.
Then it would take the new images and place them in a Div with the id of myImgHolder.
Hope this helps.
If you don't have a container to place these images inside of it, then you will need to create the container and place it somewhere.
var myImgHolder = document.createElement('div');
myImgHolder.setAttribute("id", "myImgHolder");
The above code sets the variable myImgHolder to the creation of a new DIV element. Then, using the variable, we declare the attribute "id" to set as 'myImgHolder'. Now we have the element. But what do we do with it? Well we MUST target an existing element within our page, even if we're just targeting the tag...something. then we use the .appendChild method and use our variable...appendChild(myImgHolder);
You can use jQuery here.
Add following script in the head tag.
<script src=""></script>
$(document).ready(function () {
var url = "entries.json";
$.getJSON(url, function (url){
var img= "";
$.each(url, function () {
img += '<li><img src= "' + this.images+ '"></li>';
