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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a sentence example: I am just one man I', trying to capture am just on with the following regex, but it also captures I which is not what I need.
(?=I).*(?= man)
The result is: I am just one
I don't want extra capturing groups, only the full match which should be am just one.
change the first positive lookahead to a negative (?!I). This won't capture I
(?!I).*(?= one)
By saying look and match anything except I
(?=[^I ]).*(?= man)
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Closed 2 years ago.
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This is my regex for address validation right now
^[a-z-A-Z\ \d\#\-\.\`\\\/\'\(\)]+$
Now I need to make sure the address has mandatory house number
I changed to:
^[\d*a-z-A-Z\ \d\#\-\.\`\\\/\'\(\)]+$
but it's not working.
I need to check against this address:
8952 West Auburn St
If you want a number, followed by any of these [a-z-A-Z\ \d#-.\/'()], this is what you are looking for
^\d{1}[a-z-A-Z\ \d#-.\/'()]+$
It mean, it starts with a digit, with a length of at least 1, then matches anything in the square brackets, as many characters if you want
You can see it in action (and test alternatives) here:
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Closed 2 years ago.
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So i want to make a regular expression to validate times between 12:00 and 22:00 but i cant get my head around making expressions and cant find any examples online that i can just swap out examples of. Can anybody help me?
You can use the following regular expression:
This is how it works:
^ and $ match start and end of string, and they are there to prevent matching also 112:009 for example (which contains 12:00).
[2-9] matches numbers between 2 and 9, and (a|b) would match either a or b.
Debuggex Demo
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I tried this : [fl]ady?[ing] ?[rb]ug!?
I know [fl]ad[y]?(ing)? ?[br]ug!? is an answer
Can this be solved using character sets only? Must match both.
fading rug!
I believe this should work for you
Check out
Using character sets only? So, it doesn't matter what other letter combinations it matches as well? Mmm. Then
would do. See:
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I need to check string if contains >< /!a-zA-Z or some of them (Also contains space). The only thing I know is a-zA-Z i need an example in C# or Javascript.
Use a "character class".
/[>< \/!a-zA-Z]/
Note that I've escaped the forward slash, since we're using forward slashes as delimiters.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to write regexp to find a string who start and ends with the same number like so :
2aldkc2 <----
4alou4 <----
edit , i forget to motion what i have tried so far :
but this doesn't work
Use capturing group.
The regex captures the first digit and match that particular line only if the last character is also the same as the one captured.