Zooming in D3 v4 on a globe - javascript

I'm looking for a way to zoom from place to place on a globe in D3 v4 (v4 is important). What I'm looking for is basically exactly this: https://www.jasondavies.com/maps/zoom/ My problem is that Jason Davies obfuscated his code, so I can't read it, and I can't find a bl.ock containing that project or anything similar to it. I'll provide a link to what I've got here: http://plnkr.co/edit/0mjyR3ovTfkDXB8FTG0j?p=preview
The relevant is probably inside the .tween():
.tween("rotate", function () {
var p = d3.geoCentroid(points[i]),
r = d3.geoInterpolate(projection.rotate(), [-p[0], -p[1]]);
return function (t) {
convertedLongLats = [projection(points[0].coordinates), projection(points[1].coordinates)]
c.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
c.fillStyle = colorGlobe, c.beginPath(), path(sphere), c.fill();
c.fillStyle = colorLand, c.beginPath(), path(land), c.fill();
for (var j = 0; j < points.length; j++) {
var textCoords = projection(points[j].coordinates);
c.fillStyle = textColors, c.textAlign = "center", c.font = "18px FontAwesome", c.fillText(points[j].icon, textCoords[0], textCoords[1]);
textCoords[0] += 15;
c.textAlign = "left", c.font = " 12px Roboto", c.fillText(points[j].location, textCoords[0], textCoords[1]);
c.strokeStyle = textColors, c.lineWidth = 4, c.setLineDash([10, 10]), c.beginPath(), c.moveTo(convertedLongLats[0][0], convertedLongLats[0][1]), c.lineTo(convertedLongLats[1][0], convertedLongLats[1][1]), c.stroke();
Basically, I want what I've got now but I want it to zoom in, pretty much exactly like it is in the Animated World Zoom example I provided above. I'm not really looking for code, I'd rather someone point me in the right direction with an example or something (it's worth noting that I'm fairly new to d3 and that this project is heavily based on World Tour by mbostock, so it uses canvas). Thank you all in advance!

Based on your plunker and comment, a challenge in zooming out between two points in a transition is that the interpolator will only interpolate between two values. The solution in your plunker relies on two interpolators, one for zooming in and zooming out. This method has added un-needed complexity and somewhere along the line, as you note, it jumps to an incorrect scale. You could simplify this:
Take an interpolator that interpolates between -1 and 1, and weight each scale according to the absolute value of the interpolator. At zero, the zoom should be out all the way, while at -1,1, you should be zoomed in:
var s = d3.interpolate(-1,1);
// get the appropriate scale:
scale = Math.abs(0-s(t))*startEndScale + (1-Mat.abs(0-s(t)))*middleScale
This is a little clunky as it goes from zooming out to zooming in rather abruptly, so you could ease it with a sine type easing:
var s = d3.interpolate(0.0000001,Math.PI);
// get the appropriate scale:
scale = (1-Math.abs(Math.sin(s(t))))*startEndScale + Math.abs(Math.sin(s(t)))*middleScale
I've applied this to your plunker here.
For a simple and minimal example using the example that I suggested and your two points and path (and using your plunkr as a base), stripping out the animated line and icons, I would probably put together something like (plunker, snippet below best viewed on full screen):
var width = 600,
height = 600;
var points = [{
type: "Point",
coordinates: [-74.2582011, 40.7058316],
location: "Your Location",
icon: "\uF015"
}, {
type: "Point",
coordinates: [34.8887969, 32.4406351],
location: "Caribe Royale Orlando",
icon: "\uF236"
var canvas = d3.select("body").append("canvas")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var c = canvas.node().getContext("2d");
var point = points[0].coordinates;
var projection = d3.geoOrthographic()
.translate([width / 2, height / 2])
.scale(width / 2)
.rotate([-point[0], -point[1]]);
var path = d3.geoPath()
var colorLand = "#4d4f51",
colorGlobe = "#2e3133",
textColors = "#fff";
d3.json("https://unpkg.com/world-atlas#1/world/110m.json", function (error, world) {
if (error) throw error;
var sphere = { type: "Sphere" };
var land = topojson.feature(world, world.objects.land);
var i = 0;
var scaleMiddle = width/2;
var scaleStartEnd = width * 2;
function loop() {
.tween("rotate",function() {
var flightPath = {
type: 'Feature',
geometry: {
type: "LineString",
coordinates: [points[i++%2].coordinates, points[i%2].coordinates]
// next point:
var p = points[i%2].coordinates;
// current rotation:
var currentRotation = projection.rotate();
// next rotation:
var nextRotation = projection.rotate([-p[0],-p[1]]).rotate();
// Interpolaters:
var r = d3.geoInterpolate(currentRotation,nextRotation);
var s = d3.interpolate(0.0000001,Math.PI);
return function(t) {
// apply interpolated values
.scale( (1-Math.abs(Math.sin(s(t))))*scaleStartEnd + Math.abs(Math.sin(s(t)))*scaleMiddle ) ;
c.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
c.fillStyle = colorGlobe, c.beginPath(), path(sphere), c.fill();
c.fillStyle = colorLand, c.beginPath(), path(land), c.fill();
c.beginPath(), path(flightPath), c.globalAlpha = 0.5, c.shadowColor = "#fff", c.shadowBlur = 5, c.lineWidth = 0.5, c.strokeStyle = "#fff", c.stroke(), c.shadowBlur = 0, c.globalAlpha = 1;
.on("end", function() { loop(); })
<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://d3js.org/topojson.v1.min.js"></script>


Limit dragged line to an arc / radius of a given length

I'm currently using Phaser 3, although my question isn't technically restricted to that framework, as it's more of a general JS/canvas/maths question, but:
I have a line drawn with graphics(). It’s anchored at one end, and the other end is draggable. I made a quick demo and so far, so good - you can see what I have already on CodePen.
Dragging the marker around and redrawing the line is no problem, but what I’d like is for that line to have a maximum length of 100, so even if you’re still dragging beyond that point, the line would still follow the mouse, but not get any longer than 100. Dragging inside that maximum radius, the line would shrink as normal.
I’ve put together a visual that hopefully explains it:
The issue is that I suspect this is VERY MATHS and I am very, very weak with maths. Could anyone explain like I’m five what I need to do to my code to achieve this?
Edit: Adding code in a snippet here, as requested:
var config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
width: 800,
height: 400,
backgroundColor: '#2d2d2d',
parent: 'phaser-example',
scene: {
preload: preload,
create: create,
update: update
var path;
var curve;
var graphics;
var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
function preload() {
this.load.spritesheet('dragcircle', 'https://labs.phaser.io/assets/sprites/dragcircle.png', { frameWidth: 16 });
function create() {
graphics = this.add.graphics();
path = { t: 0, vec: new Phaser.Math.Vector2() };
curve = new Phaser.Curves.Line([ 400, 390, 300, 230 ]);
var point0 = this.add.image(curve.p0.x, curve.p0.y, 'dragcircle', 0);
var point1 = this.add.image(curve.p1.x, curve.p1.y, 'dragcircle', 0).setInteractive();
point1.setData('vector', curve.p1);
this.input.on('drag', function (pointer, gameObject, dragX, dragY) {
gameObject.x = dragX;
gameObject.y = dragY;
gameObject.data.get('vector').set(dragX, dragY);
this.input.on('dragend', function (pointer, gameObject) {
let distance = Phaser.Math.Distance.Between(curve.p0.x, curve.p0.y, curve.p1.x, curve.p1.y);
function update() {
graphics.lineStyle(2, 0xffffff, 1);
curve.getPoint(path.t, path.vec);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/phaser/3.55.2/phaser.min.js"></script>
You are right, you would need some math, but phaser has many helper functions, that will do the heavy lifting.
The main idea is, of this solution is
define a maxLength
get the the new point on drag, and create a real Phaser Vector2
here is some math is needed, to create the vector, just calculate destination point minus origin point
new Phaser.Math.Vector2(pointer.x - point0.x, pointer.y - point0.y) (origin point being the starting point of the desired vector, and destination point being the mouse pointer)
calculate the length of the created vector and compare it with the maxLength
if too long adjust the vector, with the handy function setLength (link to the documentation, this is where you would have needed math, but thankfully Phaser does it for us)
set the new coordinates for point1 and the curve endpoint
Here a quick demo (based on your code):
var config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
width: 500,
height: 170,
scene: {
preload: preload,
create: create,
update: update
var curve;
var graphics;
var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
function preload() {
this.load.spritesheet('dragcircle', 'https://labs.phaser.io/assets/sprites/dragcircle.png', { frameWidth: 16 });
function create() {
graphics = this.add.graphics();
curve = new Phaser.Curves.Line([ config.width/2, config.height - 20, config.width/2, 10 ]);
// define a length, could be a global constant
let maxLength = curve.p0.y - curve.p1.y;
var point0 = this.add.image(curve.p0.x, curve.p0.y, 'dragcircle', 0);
var point1 = this.add.image(curve.p1.x, curve.p1.y, 'dragcircle', 0).setInteractive();
// Just add for Debug Info
this.add.circle(curve.p0.x, curve.p0.y, maxLength)
.setStrokeStyle(1, 0xffffff, .5)
this.input.on('drag', function (pointer) {
let vector = new Phaser.Math.Vector2(pointer.x - point0.x, pointer.y - point0.y);
let distance = Phaser.Math.Distance.Between( point0.x, point0.y, pointer.x, pointer.y);
if(distance > maxLength){
point1.x = point0.x + vector.x;
point1.y = point0.y + vector.y;
curve.p1.x = point1.x;
curve.p1.y = point1.y;
/*this.input.on('dragend', function (pointer, gameObject) {
let distance = Phaser.Math.Distance.Between(curve.p0.x, curve.p0.y, curve.p1.x, curve.p1.y);
function update() {
graphics.lineStyle(2, 0xffffff, 1);
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/phaser#3.55.2/dist/phaser.js"></script>
Optional - Code Version using Phaser.GameObjects.Line:
This uses less code, and thanks to the Line GameObject (link to Documentation), you can directly use the vector to update the line, and also don't need the update function, graphics and so.
const config = {
type: Phaser.CANVAS,
width: 500,
height: 160,
scene: {
const game = new Phaser.Game(config);
const MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 100;
function create() {
let points = [ {x: config.width/2, y: config.height - 20}, {x: config.width/2, y: config.height - 120} ];
let point0 = this.add.circle(points[0].x, points[0].y, 6)
.setStrokeStyle(4, 0xff0000);
let point1 = this.add.circle(points[1].x, points[1].y, 6)
.setStrokeStyle(4, 0xff0000)
// Just add for Debug Info
this.add.circle(point0.x, point0.y, MAX_LINE_LENGTH)
.setStrokeStyle(1, 0xffffff, .5);
let line = this.add.line(points[0].x, points[0].y, 0, 0, 0, -100, 0x00ff00)
this.input.on('drag', function (pointer) {
let vector = new Phaser.Math.Vector2(pointer.x - point0.x, pointer.y - point0.y);
let distance = Phaser.Math.Distance.Between( point0.x, point0.y, pointer.x, pointer.y);
if(distance > MAX_LINE_LENGTH){
point1.x = point0.x + vector.x;
point1.y = point0.y + vector.y;
line.setTo(0, 0, vector.x, vector.y);
<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/phaser#3.55.2/dist/phaser.js"></script>

Create shapes by for loop in canvas

EDIT:i will post all my code the html and js,and excuse me for too many comments
I am trying to create rectangles in canvas by for loop (there is input user)
and I want to access them in another function to do some stuff,
the main problem is how to access the shapes's name after loop I have tried this but when i call them in another function it gives me,
undefined "object name"
var canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
//drawing the base off the towers
var base_twr1 = c.getContext("2d");
base_twr1.moveTo(550, 500);
base_twr1.lineTo(300, 500);
base_twr1.lineWidth = 10;
base_twr1.strokeStyle = '#ff0000';
var base_twr2 = c.getContext("2d");
base_twr2.moveTo(900, 500);
base_twr2.lineTo(650, 500);
var base_twr3 = c.getContext("2d");
base_twr3.moveTo(1250, 500);
base_twr3.lineTo(1000, 500);
//drawing the towers
var twr1 = c.getContext("2d");
twr1.moveTo(430, 300);
twr1.lineTo(430, 500);
var twr2 = c.getContext("2d");
twr2.moveTo(780, 300);
twr2.lineTo(780, 500);
var twr3 = c.getContext("2d");
twr3.moveTo(1130, 300);
twr3.lineTo(1130, 500);
//array to know each tower what contains
//to avoid collisions
var disks_in_twrs = [];
var twr1_holder = [];
var twr2_holder = [];
var twr3_holder = [];
//start function check the user input
//and call another function if everthing
//is fine
function btn_start() {
disks_number = document.getElementById("disk_input").value;
disks_number = parseInt(disks_number);
if (disks_number > 0) {
if (disks_number < 8)
} else
alert('write number');
var width_disks_start = 305;
var height_disks_start = 490;
var disk_width = 220;
function put_disks(disks) {
for (i = 0; i < disks; i++) {
// var r = Math.floor((Math.random() * 256));
// var g = Math.floor((Math.random() * 256));
// var b = Math.floor((Math.random() * 256));
str1 = "disk";
width_disks_start = width_disks_start + 10;
height_disks_start = height_disks_start - 20;
disk_width = disk_width - 30;
// eval("disks_in_twrs.push(str1 + i)" );
// disks_in_twrs[i]=c.getContext("2d");
// disks_in_twrs[i].rect((Math.random)*100,(Math.random)*100,150,100);
// disks_in_twrs[i].stroke();
// alert(disks_in_twrs);
twr1_holder.push(str1 + i);
// ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ', ' + b + ')';
// alert(str1 + i);
//twr1_holder[i] = c.getContext("2d");
eval("var disk"+i+"= c.getContext('2d');");
// twr1_holder[i].rect(width_disks_start, height_disks_start, disk_width, 20);
eval("disk"+i+".rect(width_disks_start, height_disks_start, disk_width, 20);");
// twr1_holder[i].strokeStyle = "black";
eval("disk"+i+".strokeStyle = 'black';");
// twr1_holder[i].stroke();
// alert(disk1.toSource());
function hide_me(){
twr1.fillRect(430, 500, 250, 250);
// disk2.rect(515, 51, 6, 20);
// disk2.strokeStyle = 'red';
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>tower of Hanoi</title>
<style type="text/css">
border : 1px solid black;
<label>how many disk do you want ?</label>
<input type="text" id="disk_input">
<button id="start" onclick="btn_start()">start</button>
<label>note that maximum disk is 8 :P</label>
<button id="make_hidden" onclick="hide_me()" >make me hide</button>
<canvas id="myCanvas" >
<script src="tower.js">
There's a lot going on here! I recommend attacking each issue in your code separately and building up understanding gradually, because this is an application that requires a lot of different components (DOM manipulation/event handlers, JS canvas, objects/arrays/loops, design, etc). If you're uncomfortable with any of these concepts, pick one area (such as DOM manipulation) and spend time working on simple, understandable examples, then apply what you learned to the main application.
Firstly, almost always avoid eval entirely. Mozilla says never to use it! If you're using it, it probably means your design has gone haywire somewhere along the line, which I would contend is the case here.
As for event handlers and document manipulation, I recommend avoiding onclick. Adding event listeners in your script can take care of the job; you'll likely be listening for clicks on the canvas to enable interaction later on.
Next: using canvas. You generally only need to retrieve the context once per application, not before each drawing. Your drawing code looks good other than this, except that it's not very DRY, which is usually a signal to redesign.
The hardest part is designing your code to meet your goals, which I'm not entirely clear on. Are you making an interactive Towers of Hanoi app, or one that simply animates a solver algorithm and requires no user input? Either way, I opted to use object constructors to represent Towers and Disks. Using arrays to hold these objects means you identify towers and disks by their position in an array rather than evaling a string name. Whenever you want to perform an action on your towers, such as drawing them, all you need to do is loop through the towers and call draw on each one. Later, when it comes to handling user input or writing a solver algorithm, it should be fairly easy to manipulate these arrays to suit your needs (e.g., figuring out which disk was clicked on, moving disks between towers, etc).
Keep in mind the below example is just a quick sketch to get you going and may not follow best design principles or ones that meet your needs. For example, I've hard-coded most drawing coordinate values, so it's non-responsive, so many exercises are left for the reader to improve on.
const Disk = function(width, color) {
this.width = width;
this.color = color;
const Tower = function(x, disks) {
this.x = x;
this.disks = [];
this.width = 20;
Tower.prototype.draw = function(c, ctx) {
ctx.lineWidth = this.width;
ctx.strokeStyle = "#000";
ctx.moveTo(this.x, 0);
ctx.lineTo(this.x, c.height);
this.disks.forEach((e, i) => {
ctx.fillStyle = e.color;
this.x - e.width / 2,
c.height - (i + 1) * this.width,
e.width, this.width
const draw = (c, ctx, towers) => {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
towers.forEach(t => t.draw(c, ctx));
const initialize = disks => {
const towers = [
new Tower(c.width / 5),
new Tower(c.width / 2),
new Tower(c.width - c.width / 5)
for (let i = disks; i > 0; i--) {
new Disk(i * 30, `hsl(${Math.random() * 360}, 50%, 50%`)
return towers;
.addEventListener("submit", e => {
towers = initialize(parseInt(e.target.elements[0].value), towers);
draw(c, ctx, towers);
e => document.getElementById("menu").style.display = "none"
const c = document.getElementById("hanoi");
c.width = 600;
c.height = 200;
const ctx = c.getContext("2d");
let towers;
body {
margin: 0;
#hanoi {
padding: 0.5em;
#initialize-form {
display: inline-block;
#menu {
padding: 0.5em;
display: inline-block;
<div id="menu">
<form id="initialize-form">
<label>Enter disks:</label>
<input type="number" min="1" max="8" value="6">
<button type="submit">start</button>
<button id="btn-hide">hide</button>
<canvas id="hanoi"></canvas>
For what you are trying to do you should consider using a canvas library, maybe Konva:
Here is an example:
<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/konvajs/konva/2.1.7/konva.min.js"></script>
<div id="container"></div>
function KonvaRect(x, y, fill, draggable) {
return new Konva.Rect({
x: x, y: y, width: 50, height: 50,
fill: fill, stroke: 'black',
strokeWidth: 4, draggable: draggable
var boxes = [];
boxes.push(KonvaRect(50, 10, '#00D2FF', true));
boxes.push(KonvaRect(200, 10, '#0000FF', true));
boxes.push(KonvaRect(125, 10, '#FF0000', false));
var layer = new Konva.Layer();
boxes.forEach(function(b) { layer.add(b) });
var stage = new Konva.Stage({
container: 'container', width: 600, height: 170
function moveCenter() {
boxes.forEach(function(b) { b.move({ x:0, y: Math.random() * 10 }) });
boxes[0].on('mouseover', function() {
On this example I put 3 boxes in an array and when we detect the mouse over the light blue box all boxes move randomly down, also both blue boxes you can click and drag around the canvas.
And for the record there are many many other libraries out there...

Pixi.js - Draw Rectangle with Gradient Fill

I'm using the Pixi.js v4 graphics library to make a game with JavaScript. I know that I can draw a black + rounded rectangle like so:
const rectangle = new pixi.Graphics();
rectangle.beginFill(0); // Color it black
100, // Make it 100x100
5, // Make the rounded corners have a radius of 5
How do I draw a rounded rectangle with a gradient from white to black?
How do I draw a rounded rectangle that has gradual opacity such that it fades in from left to right?
It looks like it's not possible to implement what you need with pixi.js without additional code, but we can do some magic to make it happen. Here's the result of what I've got: https://jsfiddle.net/exkf3zfo/21/
The bottom color is a pure red with 0.2 alpha.
I would split the whole process to the next steps:
Drawing the gradient
Masking the gradient with the rounded mask
Here is the code itself:
var app = new PIXI.Application(800, 600, {
antialias: true
// Functions
// param color is a number (e.g. 255)
// return value is a string (e.g. ff)
var prepareRGBChannelColor = function(channelColor) {
var colorText = channelColor.toString(16);
if (colorText.length < 2) {
while (colorText.length < 2) {
colorText = "0" + colorText;
return colorText;
// Getting RGB channels from a number color
// param color is a number
// return an RGB channels object {red: number, green: number, blue: number}
var getRGBChannels = function(color) {
var colorText = color.toString(16);
if (colorText.length < 6) {
while (colorText.length < 6) {
colorText = "0" + colorText;
var result = {
red: parseInt(colorText.slice(0, 2), 16),
green: parseInt(colorText.slice(2, 4), 16),
blue: parseInt(colorText.slice(4, 6), 16)
return result;
// Preparaiton of a color data object
// param color is a number [0-255]
// param alpha is a number [0-1]
// return the color data object {color: number, alpha: number, channels: {red: number, green: number, blue: number}}
var prepareColorData = function(color, alpha) {
return {
color: color,
alpha: alpha,
channels: getRGBChannels(color)
// Getting the color of a gradient for a very specific gradient coef
// param from is a color data object
// param to is a color data object
// return value is of the same type
var getColorOfGradient = function(from, to, coef) {
if (!from.alpha && from.alpha !== 0) {
from.alpha = 1;
if (!from.alpha && from.alpha !== 0) {
to.alpha = 1;
var colorRed = Math.floor(from.channels.red + coef * (to.channels.red - from.channels.red));
colorRed = Math.min(colorRed, 255);
var colorGreen = Math.floor(from.channels.green + coef * (to.channels.green - from.channels.green));
colorGreen = Math.min(colorGreen, 255);
var colorBlue = Math.floor(from.channels.blue + coef * (to.channels.blue - from.channels.blue));
colorBlue = Math.min(colorBlue, 255);
var rgb = prepareRGBChannelColor(colorRed) + prepareRGBChannelColor(colorGreen) + prepareRGBChannelColor(colorBlue);
return {
color: parseInt(rgb, 16),
alpha: from.alpha + coef * (to.alpha - from.alpha)
var startTime = Date.now();
console.log("start: " + startTime);
// Drawing the gradient
var gradient = new PIXI.Graphics();
var rect = {
width: 200,
height: 200
var round = 20;
var colorFromData = prepareColorData(0xFF00FF, 1);
var colorToData = prepareColorData(0xFF0000, 0.2);
var stepCoef;
var stepColor;
var stepAlpha;
var stepsCount = 100;
var stepHeight = rect.height / stepsCount;
for (var stepIndex = 0; stepIndex < stepsCount; stepIndex++) {
stepCoef = stepIndex / stepsCount;
stepColor = getColorOfGradient(colorFromData, colorToData, stepCoef);
gradient.beginFill(stepColor.color, stepColor.alpha);
rect.height * stepCoef,
// Applying a mask with round corners to the gradient
var roundMask = new PIXI.Graphics();
roundMask.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, rect.width, rect.height, round);
gradient.mask = roundMask;
var endTime = Date.now();
console.log("end: " + endTime);
console.log("total: " + (endTime - startTime));
The interesting thing is that it takes only about 2-5 ms for the whole process!
If you wan't to change colors of the gradient to white>black (as described in the question), just change the next params:
var colorFromData = prepareColorData(0xFF00FF, 1);
var colorToData = prepareColorData(0xFF0000, 0.2);
var colorFromData = prepareColorData(0xFFFFFF, 1);
var colorToData = prepareColorData(0x000000, 0.2);
Not full answer but some extra information
As far I know, you can't use gradient for PIXI.Graphics even for sprites you need extra canvas
Just draw the gradient you want to a canvas:
Then use that canvas as a texture: Texture.fromCanvas(canvas);
Look at this article.
For gradual opacity, Alpha Mask can help
P.S Maybe phaser.js can do more
Did you ever figure this out? I couldn't find a solution online either, so I implemented it myself using a filter. Have a look: https://codepen.io/Lancer611/pen/KodabK.
Some of the pixi code:
function newGradientPoly(poly, fill, fillSize){
var container = new PIXI.Sprite();
var shape = new PIXI.Graphics();
.lineStyle(1, 0x333333)
var mask = new PIXI.Graphics();
mask.beginFill(0xffffff, 1)
container.mask = mask;
var fshaderCode = document.getElementById("fragShader").innerHTML;
fogShader = new PIXI.Filter(null, fshaderCode);
fogShader.uniforms.resolution = [width, height];
fogShader.uniforms.segments = poly.slice();
fogShader.uniforms.count = poly.length/2;
fogShader.uniforms.gSize = fillSize;
fogShader.uniforms.fill = fill;
I've created a pixi plugin for displaying vector drawings in Pixi. The main limitation is that you need to draw your rectangle in the vector art program Omber first, so you need to know the size of your rectangle beforehand (since everything is vector-based, you could theoretically scale things later, but then the rounded corners would end up being a little uneven). The workflow is similar to using sprites: 1. draw your rectangles in Omber 2. export them to gltf 3. load the gltf files in your Pixi program 4. position the rectangles where you want them.
Another possibility is that you could create the gradient as a separate object, and then you can mask it out with a polygon. Here's an example. In that example, I'm using a vector drawing for the gradient, but since gradients don't become blurry when resized, you could probably use a sprite for that as well. I'm not sure if masks have good performance, but if you just need a few of them, then it's probably fine.

pie chart use line point to percentage text [duplicate]

I am using Chart.js for drawing pie chart in my php page.I found tooltip as showing each slice values.
But I wish to display those values like below image.
I do not know how to do this with chart.js.
Please help me.
My Javascript code:
function drawPie(canvasId,data,legend){
var ctx = $("#pie-canvas-" + canvasId).get(0).getContext("2d");
var piedata = [];
var options =
tooltipTemplate: "<%= Math.round(circumference / 6.283 * 100) %>%",
var pie = new Chart(ctx).Pie(piedata,options);
if(legend)document.getElementById("legend").innerHTML = pie.generateLegend();
php code:
echo '<td style="text-align: right;"><canvas id="pie-canvas-'
. $canvasId
. '" width="256" height="256" ></canvas></td><td style="text-align: left;width:360px;height:auto" id="legend" class="chart-legend"></td></tr></table>';
echo '<script type="text/javascript">drawPie('
. $canvasId
. ', '
. $data3
.', '
. $legend
. ');</script>';
For Chart.js 2.0 and up, the Chart object data has changed. For those who are using Chart.js 2.0+, below is an example of using HTML5 Canvas fillText() method to display data value inside of the pie slice. The code works for doughnut chart, too, with the only difference being type: 'pie' versus type: 'doughnut' when creating the chart.
var data = {
datasets: [{
data: [
backgroundColor: [
label: 'My dataset' // for legend
labels: [
var pieOptions = {
events: false,
animation: {
duration: 500,
easing: "easeOutQuart",
onComplete: function () {
var ctx = this.chart.ctx;
ctx.font = Chart.helpers.fontString(Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontFamily, 'normal', Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontFamily);
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.textBaseline = 'bottom';
this.data.datasets.forEach(function (dataset) {
for (var i = 0; i < dataset.data.length; i++) {
var model = dataset._meta[Object.keys(dataset._meta)[0]].data[i]._model,
total = dataset._meta[Object.keys(dataset._meta)[0]].total,
mid_radius = model.innerRadius + (model.outerRadius - model.innerRadius)/2,
start_angle = model.startAngle,
end_angle = model.endAngle,
mid_angle = start_angle + (end_angle - start_angle)/2;
var x = mid_radius * Math.cos(mid_angle);
var y = mid_radius * Math.sin(mid_angle);
ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
if (i == 3){ // Darker text color for lighter background
ctx.fillStyle = '#444';
var percent = String(Math.round(dataset.data[i]/total*100)) + "%";
//Don't Display If Legend is hide or value is 0
if(dataset.data[i] != 0 && dataset._meta[0].data[i].hidden != true) {
ctx.fillText(dataset.data[i], model.x + x, model.y + y);
// Display percent in another line, line break doesn't work for fillText
ctx.fillText(percent, model.x + x, model.y + y + 15);
var pieChartCanvas = $("#pieChart");
var pieChart = new Chart(pieChartCanvas, {
type: 'pie', // or doughnut
data: data,
options: pieOptions
<canvas id="pieChart" width=200 height=200></canvas>
I found an excellent Chart.js plugin that does exactly what you want:
From what I know I don't believe that Chart.JS has any functionality to help for drawing text on a pie chart. But that doesn't mean you can't do it yourself in native JavaScript. I will give you an example on how to do that, below is the code for drawing text for each segment in the pie chart:
function drawSegmentValues()
for(var i=0; i<myPieChart.segments.length; i++)
// Default properties for text (size is scaled)
var textSize = canvas.width/10;
ctx.font= textSize+"px Verdana";
// Get needed variables
var value = myPieChart.segments[i].value;
var startAngle = myPieChart.segments[i].startAngle;
var endAngle = myPieChart.segments[i].endAngle;
var middleAngle = startAngle + ((endAngle - startAngle)/2);
// Compute text location
var posX = (radius/2) * Math.cos(middleAngle) + midX;
var posY = (radius/2) * Math.sin(middleAngle) + midY;
// Text offside to middle of text
var w_offset = ctx.measureText(value).width/2;
var h_offset = textSize/4;
ctx.fillText(value, posX - w_offset, posY + h_offset);
A Pie Chart has an array of segments stored in PieChart.segments, we can look at the startAngle and endAngle of these segments to determine the angle in between where the text would be middleAngle. Then we would move in that direction by Radius/2 to be in the middle point of the chart in radians.
In the example above some other clean-up operations are done, due to the position of text drawn in fillText() being the top right corner, we need to get some offset values to correct for that. And finally textSize is determined based on the size of the chart itself, the larger the chart the larger the text.
Fiddle Example
With some slight modification you can change the discrete number values for a dataset into the percentile numbers in a graph. To do this get the total value of the items in your dataset, call this totalValue. Then on each segment you can find the percent by doing:
The section here myPieChart.segments[i].value/totalValue is what calculates the percent that the segment takes up in the chart. For example if the current segment had a value of 50 and the totalValue was 200. Then the percent that the segment took up would be: 50/200 => 0.25. The rest is to make this look nice. 0.25*100 => 25, then we add a % at the end. For whole number percent tiles I rounded to the nearest integer, although can can lead to problems with accuracy. If we need more accuracy you can use .toFixed(n) to save decimal places. For example we could do this to save a single decimal place when needed:
var value = myPieChart.segments[i].value/totalValue*100;
if(Math.round(value) !== value)
value = (myPieChart.segments[i].value/totalValue*100).toFixed(1);
value = value + '%';
Fiddle Example of percentile with decimals
Fiddle Example of percentile with integers
You can make use of PieceLabel plugin for Chart.js.
{ pieceLabel: { mode: 'percentage', precision: 2 } }
Demo |
The plugin appears to have a new location (and name): Demo Docs.
#Hung Tran's answer works perfect. As an improvement, I would suggest not showing values that are 0. Say you have 5 elements and 2 of them are 0 and rest of them have values, the solution above will show 0 and 0%. It is better to filter that out with a not equal to 0 check!
var val = dataset.data[i];
var percent = String(Math.round(val/total*100)) + "%";
if(val != 0) {
ctx.fillText(dataset.data[i], model.x + x, model.y + y);
// Display percent in another line, line break doesn't work for fillText
ctx.fillText(percent, model.x + x, model.y + y + 15);
Updated code below:
var data = {
datasets: [{
data: [
backgroundColor: [
label: 'My dataset' // for legend
labels: [
var pieOptions = {
events: false,
animation: {
duration: 500,
easing: "easeOutQuart",
onComplete: function () {
var ctx = this.chart.ctx;
ctx.font = Chart.helpers.fontString(Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontFamily, 'normal', Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontFamily);
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.textBaseline = 'bottom';
this.data.datasets.forEach(function (dataset) {
for (var i = 0; i < dataset.data.length; i++) {
var model = dataset._meta[Object.keys(dataset._meta)[0]].data[i]._model,
total = dataset._meta[Object.keys(dataset._meta)[0]].total,
mid_radius = model.innerRadius + (model.outerRadius - model.innerRadius)/2,
start_angle = model.startAngle,
end_angle = model.endAngle,
mid_angle = start_angle + (end_angle - start_angle)/2;
var x = mid_radius * Math.cos(mid_angle);
var y = mid_radius * Math.sin(mid_angle);
ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
if (i == 3){ // Darker text color for lighter background
ctx.fillStyle = '#444';
var val = dataset.data[i];
var percent = String(Math.round(val/total*100)) + "%";
if(val != 0) {
ctx.fillText(dataset.data[i], model.x + x, model.y + y);
// Display percent in another line, line break doesn't work for fillText
ctx.fillText(percent, model.x + x, model.y + y + 15);
var pieChartCanvas = $("#pieChart");
var pieChart = new Chart(pieChartCanvas, {
type: 'pie', // or doughnut
data: data,
options: pieOptions
For Chart.js 3
I've modified "Hung Tran"'s Code.
animation: {
onProgress: function() {
// console.error('this', this);
const ctx = this.ctx;
// ctx.font = Chart.helpers.fontString(Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontFamily, 'normal', Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontFamily);
ctx.textAlign = 'center';
ctx.textBaseline = 'bottom';
let dataSum = 0;
if(this._sortedMetasets.length > 0 && this._sortedMetasets[0].data.length > 0) {
const dataset = this._sortedMetasets[0].data[0].$context.dataset;
dataSum = dataset.data.reduce((p, c) => p + c, 0);
if(dataSum <= 0) return;
this._sortedMetasets.forEach(meta => {
meta.data.forEach(metaData => {
const dataset = metaData.$context.dataset;
const datasetIndex = metaData.$context.dataIndex;
const value = dataset.data[datasetIndex];
const percent = (Math.round(value / dataSum * 1000) / 10) + '%';
const mid_radius = metaData.innerRadius + (metaData.outerRadius - metaData.innerRadius) * 0.7;
const start_angle = metaData.startAngle;
const end_angle = metaData.endAngle;
if(start_angle === end_angle) return; // hidden
const mid_angle = start_angle + (end_angle - start_angle) / 2;
const x = mid_radius * Math.cos(mid_angle);
const y = mid_radius * Math.sin(mid_angle);
ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
ctx.fillText(percent, metaData.x + x, metaData.y + y + 15);
Give the option for pie chart
onAnimationProgress: drawSegmentValues
var pOptions = {
onAnimationProgress: drawSegmentValues
var pieChart = new Chart(pieChartCanvas, {
type: 'pie', // or doughnut
data: data,
options: pOptions
Easiest way to do this with Chartjs. Just add below line in options:
pieceLabel: {
fontColor: '#000'
Best of luck

Animating multiple items in Paper.js while anchored to a path

I have five rectangles placed at different points along a circle like this - http://imgur.com/uVYkwl7.
Upon clicking any rectangle i want the circle to move to the left of the screen, gradually scaling down it's radius until the circle's center reaches x=0. I'd like the five rectangles to move along with the circle while its being scaled down and also adjust their own positions and scale on the circle so that they are within the view's bounds, like this - http://imgur.com/acDG0Aw
I'd appreciate any help on how to go about doing this. Heres my code for getting to the 1st image and animating the circle:
var radius = 300;
var center = view.center;
var circle = new Path.Circle({
center: view.center,
radius: radius,
strokeColor: 'black',
name: 'circle'
var path = new Path.Rectangle({
size: [230, 100],
fillColor: '#1565C0'
var rectText = ['Text 1',
'Text 2',
'Text 3',
'Text 4',
'Text 5'
var symbol = new Symbol(path);
var corners = [
new Point(center.x, center.y - radius),
new Point(center.x - radius, center.y - radius / 2),
new Point(center.x + radius, center.y - radius / 2),
new Point(center.x - radius, center.y + radius / 2),
new Point(center.x + radius, center.y + radius / 2)
var rectClicked = false;
var clickedRect = null;
var rectClick = function(event) {
rectClicked = true;
clickedRect = this;
function onFrame(event) {
// Your animation code goes in here
if (rectClicked) {
for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
var item = project.activeLayer.children[i];
if (item.name == 'circle') {
if (item.position.x < 0) {
rectClicked = false;
} else {
item.position.x -= 10;
// Place the instances of the symbol:
for (var i = 0; i < corners.length; i++) {
var placedSymbol = symbol.place(corners[i]);
placedSymbol.onMouseDown = rectClick;
var rText = new PointText({
point: placedSymbol.bounds.topLeft + 20,
content: rectText[i],
fontSize: '20',
fillColor: 'white'
Paper.js provides rotations around a pivot out of the box.
var pivotPoint = new Point(10, 5);
Here is the docs reference for this behaviour and here is a very basic Sketch example to illustrate this
The above snippet will rotate a circle(you can change this to rectangle in your case) by 30 degrees around a pivot point at coordinates 10,5 on the x/y axis.
Thus what you describe is certainly doable as long as the path that your elements will follow is always circular.
Bear in mind that in order for the pivot rotation to work the way you want them to you need to update the pivotPoint and reinitiate the rotation again.
Note: In case you want to move along an arbitrary shape instead of circular path, you should search for Paper.js animation-along-a-path which is something that I've seen been done before without much difficulty - e.g this simple Sketch by the creator of Paper.js himself.
The sketch I provided above is a basic example of rotation around a pivot point.
I'm dumping the Sketch code here in case the link goes dead:
//Create a center point
var centerCircle = new Path.Circle(paper.view.center, 100);
centerCircle.strokeColor = 'black';
centerCircle.dashArray = [10, 12];
//Create the circles
var circle1Radius = 30;
var circle1 = new Path.Circle((centerCircle.position-centerCircle.bounds.width/2)+circle1Radius, circle1Radius);
circle1.fillColor = '#2196F3';
var circle2Radius = 40;
var circle2 = new Path.Circle((centerCircle.position-centerCircle.bounds.width/2)+circle2Radius, circle2Radius);
circle2.fillColor = '#E91E63';
var circle3Radius = 40;
var circle3 = new Path.Circle((centerCircle.position-centerCircle.bounds.width/2)+circle2Radius, circle2Radius);
circle3.fillColor = '#009688';
var i=0;
var animationGap = 125; //how long to move before animating the next circle
var rotationSpeed = 2;
function onFrame(event) {
