Javascript-Using Parsed Data From a Query String as a Heading - javascript

I am wondering how to take the information from a parsed query string and use it to display on the top of my page. Ignore the window.alert part of the code, I was just using that to verify that the function worked.
For example: If the user had choices of Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall, whichever they chose would display a a header on the next page. So if (seasonArray[i]) = Fall, I want to transfer that information into the form and display it as a element. I'm sure this is easily done, but I can't figure it out. Thanks, in advance.
function seasonDisplay() {
var seasonVariable =;
seasonVariable = seasonVariable.substring(1, seasonVariable.length);
while (seasonVariable.indexOf("+") != -1) {
seasonVariable = seasonVariable.replace("+", " ");
seasonVariable = unescape(seasonVariable);
var seasonArray = seasonVariable.split("&");
for (var i = 0; i < seasonArray.length; ++i) {
if (window != top)
top.location.href = location.href

<h1 id="DynamicHeader"></h1>
Replace the alert line with:


How to dynamically change a text from URL input?

I want something like that..
See that URL part q=Raptors+vs+Lakers, If i input any text on this section it will automatically change on website body. I want to know how i can do this. I will input a text in URL and it will display on website body.
Thanks for advance.
You can parse window.location and put that into a div on your page. I can't show you in a code snippet because the snippets use an iframe but if your html has <div id='uText'></div> then you can use javascript (after the page has loaded) to set the value of that div with results of the query param. lets say your url ends in ?, then you want the value for parameter 'q':
function getQueryStringParam(param) {
var url = window.location.toString();
var params = RegExp.$1;
params = params.split("&");
var queryStringList = {};
for(var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
var tmp = params[i].split("=");
queryStringList[tmp[0]] = unescape(tmp[1]);
return decodeURIComponent(queryStringList[param]);
let qParam = getQueryStringParam('q').split('+').join(' ');
const div = document.getElementById('uText');
div.innerHTML = qParam;
Check out the codepen here.

text string output stops after first space, js/html

I apologize in advance, this is the first Stack Overflow question I've posted. I was tasked with creating a new ADA compliant website for my school district's technology helpdesk. I started with minimal knowledge of HTML and have been teaching myself through w3cschools. So here's my ordeal:
I need to create a page for all of our pdf and html guides. I'm trying to create a somewhat interactable menu that is very simple and will populate a link array from an onclick event, but the title="" text attribute drops everything after the first space and I've unsuccessfully tried using a replace() method since it's coming from an array and not static text.
I know I'm probably supposed to use an example, but my work day is coming to a close soon and I wanted to get this posted so I just copied a bit of my actual code.
So here's what's happening, in example 1 of var gmaildocAlt the tooltip will drop everything after Google, but will show the entire string properly with example 2. I was hoping to create a form input for the other helpdesk personnel to add links without knowing how to code, but was unable to resolve the issue of example 1 with a
var fix = gmaildocAlt.replace(/ /g, "&nb sp;")
//minus the space
//this also happens to break the entire function if I set it below the rest of the other variables
I'm sure there are a vast number of things I'm doing wrong, but I would really appreciate the smallest tip to make my tooltip display properly without requiring a replace method.
// GMAIL----------------------------
function gmailArray() {
var gmaildocLink = ['link1', 'link2'];
var gmaildocTitle = ["title1", "title2"];
var gmaildocAlt = ["Google Cheat Sheet For Gmail", "Google 10-Minute Training For Gmail"];
var gmailvidLink = [];
var gmailvidTitle = [];
var gmailvidAlt = [];
if (document.getElementById("gmailList").innerHTML == "") {
for (i = 0; i < gmaildocTitle.length; i++) {
arrayGmail = "" + gmaildocTitle[i] + "" + "<br>";
document.getElementById("gmailList").innerHTML += arrayGmail;
for (i = 0; i < gmailvidTitle.length; i++) {
arrayGmail1 = "";
document.getElementById("").innerHTML += arrayGmail1;
} else {
document.getElementById("gmailList").innerHTML = "";
<div class="fixed1">
<p id="gmail" onclick="gmailArray()" class="gl">Gmail</p>
<ul id="gmailList"></ul>
<p id="calendar" onclick="calendarArray()" class="gl">Calendar</p>
<ul id="calendarList"></ul>
Building HTML manually with strings can cause issues like this. It's better to build them one step at a time, and let the framework handle quoting and special characters - if you're using jQuery, it could be:
var $link = jQuery("<a></a>")
.attr("href", gmaildocLink[i])
.attr("title", gmaildocAlt[i])
Without jQuery, something like:
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.setAttribute("href", gmaildocLink[i]);
link.setAttribute("title", gmaildocAlt[i]);
link.innerHTML = gmaildocTitle[i];
document.getElementById("gmailList").innerHTML += link.outerHTML + "<br>";
If it matters to your audience, setAttribute doesn't work in IE7, and you have to access the attributes as properties of the element: link.href = "something";.
If you add ' to either side of the variable strings then it will ensure that the whole value is read as a single string. Initially, it was assuming that the space was exiting the Title attribute.
Hope the below helps!
UPDATE: If you're worried about using apostrophes in the title strings, you can use " by escaping them using a . This forces JS to read it as a character and not as part of the code structure. See the example below.
Thanks for pointing this one out guys! Sloppy code on my part.
// GMAIL----------------------------
function gmailArray() {
var gmaildocLink = ['link1', 'link2'];
var gmaildocTitle = ["title1", "title2"];
var gmaildocAlt = ["Google's Cheat Sheet For Gmail", "Google 10-Minute Training For Gmail"];
var gmailvidLink = [];
var gmailvidTitle = [];
var gmailvidAlt = [];
if (document.getElementById("gmailList").innerHTML == "") {
for (i = 0; i < gmaildocTitle.length; i++) {
var arrayGmail = "" + gmaildocTitle[i] + "" + "<br>";
document.getElementById("gmailList").innerHTML += arrayGmail;
for (var i = 0; i < gmailvidTitle.length; i++) {
var arrayGmail1 = "";
document.getElementById("").innerHTML += arrayGmail1;
} else {
document.getElementById("gmailList").innerHTML = "";
<div class="fixed1">
<p id="gmail" onclick="gmailArray()" class="gl">Gmail</p>
<ul id="gmailList"></ul>
<p id="calendar" onclick="calendarArray()" class="gl">Calendar</p>
<ul id="calendarList"></ul>

remove first half of string but keep second half in javascript or jquery

I recently created my own personal portal page to replace iGoogle since it's going to be shuttered later this year. Everything is working fine except that one of the RSS feeds that I'm pulling in outputs urls that look like this:
Which when clicked go to a bad url page. How would I remove the first half of that url so that it only has the part starting from the second http://
Strange, but here the link works fine...
Just realized the issue is that somehow the ampersands are being turned into entities which is breaking the links...
Try this. A generic approach.
function queryString(parameter, url) {
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = url;
var loc = decodeURIComponent(,;
var param_value = false;
var params = loc.split("&");
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
param_name = params[i].substring(0, params[i].indexOf('='));
if (param_name == parameter) {
param_value = params[i].substring(params[i].indexOf('=') + 1)
if (param_value) {
return encodeURIComponent(param_value);
else {
return "";
//param not found
var secondHTTP = queryString("url", '');
var str = "";
var url = decodeURIComponent(str.split(/https?:/ig).pop());
will result in
var url = decodeURIComponent(str.match(/^http.+(http.+)/i)[1]);
will result in
Edit: Code updated, jsFiddle added
<input id="schnitzel" type="text" value="" />
<input type="button" onclick="$('#schnitzel').val(window.firstHTTP($('#schnitzel').val()));" value="ยป" />
window.firstHTTP = function (furl = "") {
var chunked = furl.split("http://");
return (chunked && chunked[2]) ? ("http://" + chunked[2]) : furl;

Django - Reverse Engineering the Admin site's "Add Foreign Key" button

TL;DR (Short synopsis):
I have recreated the admin "Add" button in my own project. However, when I hit "save" on the parent form, it is not recognizing the new select element.
Whole Story:
I have that functionality working in my own project... almost. I need help figuring out the last step. As it is now, I have a "+" button, I click it, a popup shows up, I add a new object, hit save, popup closes and that new item is now in my select box and selected - just like the admin page. However, when I hit save on this parent form, I get the error that I've selected an item not in the list. Of course, since the page has reloaded, my new item is part of the list and I just hit save again and it works. Of course, I need it to save on the first time!
The basic setup is my Parent model is called System and the foreign key model is called Zone. The Zone model lists how many zones a system has (1 zone,2 zones,10 zones, etc...)
OK, some code:
The "Add" link in the template of the parent form:
In my New_Zone view, after saving the new zone, I check if the popup GET variable is 1, if so, return a javascript function. Here's the view:
if form.is_valid():
f =
pk_value = f.numOfZones
obj = Zone_Info.objects.get(numOfZones=pk_value)
if isPopup == "1":
return HttpResponse('<script>opener.closeAddPopup(window, "%s", "%s");</script>' % (escape(pk_value), escape(obj)))
And here is my Javascript (largely copied from the admin javascript:
function html_unescape(text) {
// Unescape a string that was escaped using django.utils.html.escape.
text = text.replace(/</g, '<');
text = text.replace(/>/g, '>');
text = text.replace(/"/g, '"');
text = text.replace(/'/g, "'");
text = text.replace(/&/g, '&');
return text;
function windowname_to_id(text) {
text = text.replace(/__dot__/g, '.');
text = text.replace(/__dash__/g, '-');
return text;
function showAddPopup(triggeringLink, pWin) {
var name =^add_/, '');
href = triggeringLink.href;
var win =, name, 'height=500,width=800,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes');
return false;
function closeAddPopup(win, newID, newRepr) {
newID = html_unescape(newID);
newRepr = html_unescape(newRepr);
var name = windowname_to_id(;
var elem = document.getElementById(name);
if (elem) {
if (elem.nodeName == 'SELECT') {
var o = new Option(newRepr, newID);
elem.options[elem.options.length] = o;
o.selected = true;
} else if (elem.nodeName == 'INPUT') {
if (elem.className.indexOf('vManyToManyRawIdAdminField') != -1 && elem.value) {
elem.value += ',' + newID;
} else {
elem.value = newID;
} else {
var toId = name + "_to";
elem = document.getElementById(toId);
var o = new Option(newRepr, newID);
SelectBox.add_to_cache(toId, o);
I took a look at this question and it seems that I am doing precisely the same thing.
Any ideas on how to get that last step of getting the form to recognize the new select element?
I Figured it Out
The problem was what I was passing to my closeAddPopup javascript function. Essentially, I was passing garbage values.
Here's what I originally had in my New_Zone view (which didn't work):
if form.is_valid():
f =
pk_value = f.numOfZones
obj = Zone_Info.objects.get(numOfZones=pk_value)
if isPopup == "1":
return HttpResponse('<script>opener.closeAddPopup(window, "%s", "%s");</script>' % (escape(pk_value), escape(obj)))
It's a pretty stupid mistake on my part (clearly it's late). I was assigning f to the field numOfZones which I thought was the pk and sending that to the script.
Now, the working view looks like this:
if form.is_valid():
obj =
pk_value =
if "_popup" in request.REQUEST:
return HttpResponse('<script>opener.closeAddPopup(window, "%s", "%s");</script>' % (escape(pk_value), escape(obj)))
Anyway... thanks to... well, Stackoverflow. I don't think I would have solved the problem without posting the question and rereading my code on stackoverflow.

Query String for pre-filling html form field

I manage a website for an organization that has separate chapter sites. There is a membership signup form that is on the main website that each chapter links to. On the form there is a dropdown box that allows a person to choose the chapter they want to join. What I would like to do is have each chapter website use a specific link to the form that will preselect their chapter from the dropdown box.
After searching the web, I found that I will probably need to use a Javascript function to utilize a Query String. With all my searching, I still can't figure out the exact code to use. The page is a basic HTML php and it is hosted on a linux server.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you format your url like this:
You could add this script to your html head:
function getparam(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]");
var regexS = "[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)";
var regex = new RegExp(regexS);
var results = regex.exec(window.location.href);
if (results == null)
return "";
return results[1];
function loadform()
var list = document.getElementById("mychapterdropdown");
var chapter = getparam("chapter");
if (chapter>=0 && chapter < list.options.length)
list.selectedIndex = chapter;
The in your html body tag:
<body onload="loadform();" >
Could probably add more validation checks but that's the general idea.
It sounds like what you are looking for are GET or POST requests. For instance, if your user selects "Chapter A" from your form and hits select, you can allow redirects from another site (for instance to allow Chapter A to be preselected. In Javascript this is done by
var chapter="";
var queryString =;
if ( queryString.length > 0 ) {
var getdata = queryString.split("&");
var keyvalues;
for(var i=0; i < getdata.length; i++){
keyvalues = getdata.split("=");
} else {
chapter = "Not Found";
document.getElementById( "ChapterID").value = keyvalues['chapter'];
This is untested, so don't hold me to it :).
maybe something using parse_url
$params = parse_url()
$query = $params['query'];
$query_pairs = explode('&',$query);
$key_val = array();
foreach($query_pairs as $key => $val){
$key_val[$key] = $val;
You would probably have to use an dynamic ajax content. Use the following javascript to read the querystring, then load the html file in that div using this javascript.
