How to check/uncheck individual checkbox in react-native Table component - javascript

I am working on sample application. In that I used the table component to push the row, col values into an empty array. If the row, col values exist in empty array it has to show the check mark and if user clicks(or) selects the checked one again it has to uncheck. Can anyone please suggest me how to resolve this issue? Any best solutions are appreciated.
_showData = (data,i,j) => {
if(this.state.isSelected == true){
}, index) => {
if(item.i == i && item.j == j){
I used this _showdata function to show clickable action on each cell data

Try to avoid mutating the state. This is how you can add an item to the state without mutating it:
tableCellData: [
{i, j}
Notice that I didn't push the new data directly to the tableCellData array (which would be a state mutation), but instead I created a new tableCellData array. I then updated the state using the new array. There's a good reason for this.
If you mutate the state (like in the code you posted), then oldState.tableCellData === newState.tableCellData (they both point to the same object in memory).


Variable in array undefined when trying to use it in an array, but is defined when console logging

I am trying to add dropdown items and handle the click based on the string value of the dropdown item. When I do console.log(props.storedSections[x]), it logs the correct value for the string. However when I try to use it to store the string in to check in handleSectionClick, it is just left as undefined and I have tried wrapping it in {}, {}, and ${}, but none of it works as I intend it to. Any ideas? Also it is a useState variable that is passed down from a parent component but that shouldn't matter since it displays properly when console logged.
here is the declaration of the sections useState object
const [sections, setSections] = useState([<Dropdown.Item onClick={()=>handleSectionClick("Work")}>Work</Dropdown.Item>])
Here is the useEffect function I am using to take the sections variable and add extra items to it using the strings stored in the storedSections useState variable
useEffect(() =>{
//gets the new list without the Add New object
let newSectionList = [...sections.slice(0, sections.length-1)]
for(var x = 0; x < props.storedSections.length; x++){
if(sections.indexOf(props.storedSections[x]) == -1)
//adds the new object that they want to add
newSectionList.push(<Dropdown.Item onClick={()=>handleSectionClick(props.storedSections[x])}>{props.storedSections[x]}</Dropdown.Item>)
//then adds in the Add new object again
newSectionList.push(<Dropdown.Item onClick={()=>handleSectionClick("Add New")}>Add New</Dropdown.Item>)
}, [])
Here is the code for handleSectionClick. If I console log the values here they are undefined.
function handleSectionClick(item) {
//if they select the Add New section from the dropdown then bring up the option to type a new one
if (item === "Add New") {
//updates the header for the dropdown and keeps track of which section should be saved for the task
In my App.jsx I declare the storedSections like this
const [storedSections, setStoredSections] = useState(['test1', 'test2'])
The main goal of what I am trying to do is to take a dropdown menu with preset items in it, give the user the ability to add their own custom options to the dropdown menu and have the new values persist on a rerender. I plan to move this to a more complicated format including a database that stores each users custom dropdowns, but for now I am just confused why the value is stored properly and is console logged properly but when I try to use it in the declaration of the Dropdown Item, it reads as undefined.
one very obvious problem is var x = 0 in for loop, try changing it to let x = 0; as in below code, and also add dependent props in useEffect dependency array
e.g. useEffect(() => {}, []) here in [] add props.storedSections and sections if it is also coming from props, also handleSectionClick if is hooks returned function
useEffect(() =>{
//gets the new list without the Add New object
let newSectionList = [...sections.slice(0, sections.length-1)]
for(let x = 0; x < props.storedSections.length; x++){
if(sections.indexOf(props.storedSections[x]) == -1)
//adds the new object that they want to add
newSectionList.push(<Dropdown.Item onClick={()=>handleSectionClick(props.storedSections[x])}>{props.storedSections[x]}</Dropdown.Item>)
//then adds in the Add new object again
newSectionList.push(<Dropdown.Item onClick={()=>handleSectionClick("Add New")}>Add New</Dropdown.Item>)
}, [props.storedSections, sections])

How do I delete dynamically rendered component that is part of a list?

I currently dynamically render the same component when clicking a button and the latest component is rendered on the top of the list.
Now, I want to delete the component. Each component has a cancel button to delete the rendered component. So I should be able to delete the component no matter where it is in the list.
Here's what I have so far:
local state:
state = {
formCount: 0
add and cancel:
onAddClicked = () => {
this.setState({formCount: this.state.formCount + 1});
onCancelButtonClicked = (cancelledFormKey: number) => {
const index = [...Array(this.state.formCount).keys()].indexOf(cancelledFormKey);
if (index > -1) {
const array = [...Array(this.state.formCount).keys()].splice(index, 1);
Parent component snippet:
{ [...Array(this.state.formCount).keys()].reverse().map(( i) =>
<Form key={i}
onCancelButtonClicked={() => this.onCancelButtonClicked(i)}
The only thing is I'm not sure how to keep track of which form was cancelled/deleted. I think I would need to create a new object in my local state to keep track but how do I know which index of the array I deleted as part of state? I'm not sure how do that? As I am using the count to make an array above.
Usually, this isn't how you'd generate a list of items. You're not storing the form data in the parent, and you're using index based keys which is a no-no when you're modifying the array. For example, I have an array of size 5 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], when I remove something at position 2, the index of all the items after it changes causing their key to change as well, which will make react re-render them. Since you're not storying the data in the parent component, you will lose them.
Just to humor you, if we want to go with indexed based keys, we may have to maintain a list of removed indexes and filter them out. Something like this should do the trick:
state = {
formCount: 0,
deletedIndex: []
onCancelButtonClick = (cancelledIndex: number) => setState((prevState) => ({
deletedIndex: [...prevState.deletedIndex, cancelledIndex]
And your render would look like:
[...Array(this.state.formCount)].keys()].reverse().map((i) => (
if (deletedIndex.includes(i) {
return null;
} else {
<Form key={i} ... />
As a rule of thumb though, avoid having index based keys even if you don't care about performance. It'll lead to a lot of inconsistent behavior, and may also cause the UI and the state to be inconsistent. And if you absolutely want to for fun, make sure the components that are being rendered using index based keys have their data stored at the parent component level

React display not updating correctly

I'm updating an object within react's state which I use to display a list. The state updates correctly, however the display breaks.
This is the section of the code from inside my render function which produces the list.
this.state.shoppingItems ?, index) => {
return <ItemSummary key={index} onClickHandler={this.selectItem} updateShoppingItem={this.updateCurrentShoppingItem} shoppingItem={item} removeFromCurrentItems={this.removeFromCurrentItems} addToCurrentList={this.addToCurrentList} />
}) : undefined}
Here is the code that produces the previous items list:
this.state.shoppingItems ?, index) => {
return <ItemSummary key={index} onClickHandler={this.selectItem} updateShoppingItem={this.updateCurrentShoppingItem} shoppingItem={item} removeFromCurrentItems={this.removeFromCurrentItems} addToCurrentList={this.addToCurrentList} />
}) : undefined}
This is the method which removes the item from the current list and adds it to the previous list, where the issue occurs.
removeFromCurrentItems(shoppingItem) {
const items = this.state.shoppingItems.currentShoppingItems.filter(item => item._id !== shoppingItem._id);
let shoppingItems = this.state.shoppingItems;
shoppingItems.currentShoppingItems = items;
shoppingItem.number = 0;
shoppingItem.completed = false;
shoppingItems: shoppingItems
// call to API to update in database
Here is the list before I remove the item.
Here is the list after I remove the middle item:
Finally here is the console.log output which shows that the items have updated properly but the display hasn't updated:
I'm entirely new to react coming from angular so I have no idea if this is the correct way to do this or if there is a better way. But could somebody help me figure out why the display isn't updating?
The issue seemed to be the key on the item in the map. I replaced the index with the item's id from the database as below and now it renders properly.
return <ItemSummary key={task._id} updateShoppingItem={this.updateCurrentShoppingItem} shoppingItem={task} removeFromCurrentItems={this.removeFromCurrentItems} addToCurrentList={this.addToCurrentList} />
Similar answer here:
Change to React State doesn't update display in functional component
The issue is the update for shoppingItems. You save a reference to the current state object, mutate it, and store it back in state. Spreading this.state.shoppingItems into a new object first will create a new object reference for react to pick up the change of.
React uses shallow object comparison of previous state and prop values to next state and prop values to compute what needs to be rerendered to the DOM and screen.
removeFromCurrentItems(shoppingItem) {
const items = this.state.shoppingItems.currentShoppingItems.filter(item => item._id !== shoppingItem._id);
const shoppingItems = {...this.state.shoppingItems};
shoppingItems.currentShoppingItems = items;
shoppingItem.number = 0;
shoppingItem.completed = false;
shoppingItems: shoppingItems
// call to API to update in database
I had a similar issue with my application in which I had to delete comments made.
<textarea disabled key={note._id} className="form-control">{note.note}</textarea>
But the issue got resolved when I added the Key attribute to the list item.

Filter an Array of Objects from an Array in TypeScript

I built a custom component that filters an array of objects. The filter uses buttons, sets from active to non-active and allows more than one option on/off at the same time.
StackBlitz of my attempt -
In my demo you will see 3 buttons/options of north, south and east. By clicking on one you make it active and the result should include or exclude a matching "location" either north, south and east.
I have created my methods and structure to do the filtering, I'm struggling with the final piece of logic.
So far I have created a method to create an array of filtered locations depending on what the user clicks from the 3 buttons.
Next this passes to my "filter array" that gets the logic that should compare this filtered array against the original to bring back the array of results that are still remaining.
Its not quite working and not sure why - I originally got this piece of functionality working by using a pipe, but fore reasons do not want to go in that direction.
//the action
toggle(location) {
let indexLocation = this.filteredLocations.indexOf(location);
if (indexLocation >= 0) {
this.filteredLocations = this.filteredLocations.filter(
i => i !== location
} else {
this.filteredLocations.push({ location });
// the filter
filterTimeLine() {
this.filteredTimeline = this.timeLine.filter(x =>
//the logic
private contactMethodFilter(entry) {
const myArrayFiltered = this.timeLine.filter(el => {
return this.filteredLocations.some(f => {
return f.location === el.location;
Sorry for my expression but u have a disaster in your code. jajaja!. maybe u lost that what u need but the logic in your functions in so wrong. comparing string with objects. filter a array that filter the same array inside... soo u need make a few changes.
Your are pushing object. u need push only the string.
filterTimeLine() {
this.filteredTimeline = this.timeLine.filter(x =>
in this function you filter the timeLine array. and inside of contactMethodFilter you call filter method to timeLine again....
See a functional solution:
private contactMethodFilter(entry) {
const myArrayFiltered = this.timeLine.filter(el => {
return this.filteredLocations.some(f => {
return f.location === el.location;
This function is not returning any value and is passed to the .filter
Consider returning a boolean based on your logic. Currently the filter gets undefined(falsy) and everything would be filtered out

How to change the property of an object inside an array propertly in react

this.state = {
myArray = [
item.expand = true;
} =>{
return <div onClick={()=>this.clickItem(item)}>{}</div>
In React, i have a simple array of objects,
when i click on one of theses object, i want to change their prop and update the state, what is the proper way of doing this.
i feel like there could be a better way
You need to copy your state, update the copied state and the set the state.
this.state = {
myArray = [
let items = this.state.myArray;
items[key].expand = true;
}, item) =>{
return <div onClick={()=>this.clickItem(key)}>{}</div>
Okay, a couple of things.
You're mutating the state directly which is going to fail silently and you're also missing the key prop on your <div.
This is easily resolved though by using the data you have available to you. I don't know whether each name is unique but you can use that as your key. This helps React decide which DOM elements to actually update when state changes.
To update your item in state, you need a way to find it within the state originally, so if name is unique, you can use Array.prototype.find to update it.
clickItem(item) {
const targetIndex = this.state.items.find(stateItem => ===
if (targetIndex === -1)
// Handle not finding the element
const target = this.state.items[targetIndex]
target.expand = !target.expand // Toggle instead of setting so double clicking works as expected.
items: this.state.items.splice(targetIndex, 1, target) // This replaces 1 item in the target array with the new one.
This will update state and re-render your app. The code is untested but it should work.
