using publications to create a progressbar for subscriptions - javascript

I am calling a Google Analytics API multiple times and load that data into a subscription. Now I want to create a progressbar to inform the user that data is being loaded and give a view on how long it is going to take.
I read that it's best to use publications to pass data from server to client. Is this true?
I created following publication on the server. What is does is following:
set the initial progressValue and the initial publication with id 1
keep looping if the progressValue is less than 100 and tell that the publication of 1 is changing.
Below this code I have an other publication running where progressValue is being set in steps in a loop.
When looking at the client only the last progressValue gets posted. Before this I receive a lot of empty arrays. So it's like:
Progress publication
What I want is that the client receives every change in progressValue instead of only the last one. How can I solve this?
If there are any better suggestions on how to create a subscription progressbar, these answers will also be accepted.
if (Meteor.isServer) {
let progressValue = 0;
Meteor.publish('progress', function() {
const self = this;
let lastProgressValue = 0;
const id = 1;
self.added('progress', id, {
progress: progressValue,
total: 100,
while (progressValue < 100) {
self.changed('progress', id, {
progress: progressValue,
total: 100,

Hmm... so, a couple of things here.
I read that it's best to use publications to pass data from server to
client. Is this true?
This is the whole point of Meteor, using ddp. Means that data is sent to the client automagically from the server. So, the bulk of the work to manipulate data is actually handled client side using minimongo.
Have a look at this article for a good discussion of the 'automagic' part...
How do you do progress?
You don't want to try handle the incrementing on the server side. Instead, you want to get a simple count of the server, perhaps using a reactive aggregate (see my answer here How to reactively aggregate mongodb in meteor) and send that to the client. So, server does a count as a publication and tells the client '57' coming.
Then as your normal data publication, you send the 57 records to the client. ON THE CLIENT, you now basically do the same sum as you did on the server, but as only some of the 57 data records have been received by the client, you effectively get a progress counter by dividing client received by the servers message of total to be sent.
On the SERVER - 2 publications, 1 reactive aggregate for the count of the records to be sent and 1 as the normal data being sent
On the CLIENT - function to count the records in the local minimongo collection - collection.find({}).count() - will do the trick. This will increment as each record is received by the client from the server.
Progress is as simple as count on client divided by server sent count to be delivered.


Express retriggering API endpoint on request timeouts

My Express.js web server is currently serving an API which wraps a SOAP service (some legacy service which I can't change). The SOAP service takes a dynamic number of items to process and takes about 1.5 seconds to process each request. The Nginx server has a timeout of 60 seconds.
For a request to this API which e.g. lets say takes more than 60 seconds to complete, I am observing that the service is getting re-triggered automatically (I am assuming by Express.js). So if in the original request I was expecting to insert lets say 50 records to a table, now due to the re-triggering of the API I am ending up with 100 records inserted (duplication).
Here is a skeleton/sample of log that kind of shows the issue: (sensitive info stripped)
January 10, 2022 15:35:44 [... ee905] - Starting myAwesomeAPI() <-- Original API trigger
January 10, 2022 15:36:44 [... ff870] - Starting myAwesomeAPI() <-- Re-trigger happens
January 10, 2022 15:36:54 [... ee905] - Completed myAwesomeAPI() <-- Original API ends (inserts 50 records in the table)
January 10, 2022 15:37:54 [... ff870] - Completed myAwesomeAPI() <-- Re-triggered API ends (inserting another 50 records in the table resulting in duplication)
What I have tried:
To reproduce the issue and check if the re-triggering can be independent of nginx. With the Nginx timeout set to 60 seconds, I changed my Express server's timeout to 10 seconds and 15 items to process (to force timeout before processing can be complete) using this:
const express = require("express")
const server = express()
server.setTimeout(10000) <-- sets all requests to have a 10 seconds timeout
// myAwesomeAPI code
Testing showed that after 10 seconds, the timeout "did" re-trigger the API and the 15 items were duplicated (I saw 30 records inserted). So this tells me that the API is getting re-triggered by Express.js.
How to stop the re-trigger from happening, is there an express server configuration to enable/disable the auto re-triggering on timeout?
Solutions & Ideas:
Since the max items = 100 (set by team), increasing the Nginx and Express.js timeout to 300 seconds should be a quick but dirty fix. I understand that tying async API calls to some approximation of time is pure foolishness (tell me about trying to explain this to other engineers in my team ;-p), so I would like to avoid this approach.
Create a composite key with some combination of columns and enforce the insert restrictions on the table. Combine this with checking if the composite key is already inserted/present in the table and decide to skip/insert. This approach seems a bit better .
Another approach can be to respond back to the API call immediately on receipt (which will close the request) and then continue with the request processing. Something like this (inspiration):
This will make me independent of platform's timeout settings but will take away the real-time nature of the response being delivered with statuses for different items and add a bit more complexity of tracking the request statuses via other lookups etc.
If you have the ability to alter the front end you can add a transaction ID to it. Store the transaction routine in an object linked to the transaction ID, then if you get an API request for an ongoing transaction you can refer to the ongoing transaction.
Something like this:
let transactions = {};
router.get('/myapi', async (req,res,next) => {
try {
let {transactionID} = req.params;
let transaction = transactions[transactionID];
if(!transaction) {
transaction = (async () => {
let ret = await SOAPCall(req.params);
// hold onto the transaction for some period of time
let to = setTimeout(()=>{
}, 5000);
to.detach(); // don't hold up process exit
return ret;
transactions[transactionID] = transaction;
let ret = await transaction;
catch(err) { next(err) }

Getting number of records from JSON server end point

I'm creating a mock application with JSON server as the backend and I'm wondering if it is possible to get the total number of records contained at an end point without loading all the records themselves? Assuming the db.json file looks like the JSON snippet below, how would I find out that the end point only has one record without fetching the record itself, provided it's possible?
"books": [{
"title": "The Da Vinci Code",
"rating": "0"}]
You can simply retrieve the X-Total-Count header
This is a screen-shot of a response headers returned by JSON Server when enabling pagination i.e using the _page parameter (e.g. localhost:3000/contacts?_page=1)
Whenever you fetch the data, json-server actually returns the total count by default (it has an x-total-count property:
.get("http://localhost:3001/users", {
params: {
_page: 1,
_limit: 10
.then(res => {
console.log(; // access your data which is limited to "10" per page
console.log(res.headers["x-total-count"]); // length of your data without page limit
You've three options. I'd recommend the 3rd one to you:
Return all the records and count them. This could be slow and send a lot of data over the wire but probably is the smallest code change for you. It also opens you up to attacks where people can hammer your server by requesting many records repeatedly.
Add a new endpoint. You could add a new endpoint that simply returns the count. It's simple but slightly annoying having a 2nd endpointime to document and maintain.
Modify the existing endpoint. Return something like
count: 157,
rows: []
The benefit of 3 is its all in one endpoint. It also nears you toward a point where you can add a skip and take parameter in future to allow pagination of the resultant data.
You will write another end point that returns number of records. Usually also you may want end point for limit and offset to be used with pagination.
let response = await fetch("http://localhost:3001/books?_page=1");
let total = response.headers.get('X-Total-Count');

Communicate from server to client side in Google Apps script

I am trying to write a Google Apps script which has a client and server side component. The client side component displays a progress bar. The client calls server side functions (which are called asynchronously), whose progress has to be shown in the client side progress-bar. Now, what I want is to be able to update the client side progress bar based on feedback from the server side functions. Is this possible?
The complexity is created due the the fact that JS makes the server-side calls asynchronously and hence I cannot really have a loop on the client side calling the functions and updating the progress bar.
I could of course split up the execution of the server side function in multiple steps, call one by one from the client side, each time updating the status bar. But I'm wondering if there's a better solution. Is there a way to call a client side function from the server side, and have that update the progress bar based on the argument passed? Or is there a way to access the client side progress-bar object from server side and modify it?
The way I've handled this is to have a middleman (giving a shout out now to Romain Vialard for the idea) handle the progress: Firebase
The HTML/client side can connect to your Firebase account (they're free!) and "watch" for changes.
The client side code can update the database as it progresses through the code - those changes are immediately fed back to the HTML page via Firebase. With that, you can update a progress bar.
Romain has a small example/description here
The code I use:
//Connect to firebase
var fb = new Firebase("");
//Grab the 'child' holding the progress info
var ref = fb.child('Progress');
//When the value changes
ref.on("value", function(data) {
if (data.val()) {
var perc = data.val() * 100;
document.getElementById("load").innerHTML = "<div class='determinate' style='width:" + perc + "%\'></div>";
On the client side, I use the Firebase library to update the progress:
var fb = FirebaseApp.getDatabaseByUrl("");
var data = { "Progress": .25};
Rather than tying the work requests and progress updating together, I recommend you separate those two concerns.
On the server side, functions that are performing work at the request of the client should update a status store; this could be a ScriptProperty, for example. The work functions don't need to respond to the client until they have completed their work. The server should also have a function that can be called by the client to simply report the current progress.
When the client first calls the server to request work, it should also call the progress reporter. (Presumably, the first call will get a result of 0%.) The onSuccess handler for the status call can update whatever visual you're using to express progress, then call the server's progress reporter again, with itself as the success handler. This should be done with a delay, of course.
When progress reaches 100%, or the work is completed, the client's progress checker can be shut down.
Building on Jens' approach, you can use the CacheService as your data proxy, instead of an external service. The way that I've approached this is to have my "server" application generate an interim cache key which it returns to the "client" application's success callback. The client application then polls this cache key at an interval to see if a result has been returned into the cache by the server application.
The server application returns an interim cache key and contains some helper functions to simplify checking this on the client-side:
function someAsynchronousOperation() {
var interimCacheKey = createInterimCacheKey();
doSomethingComplicated(function(result) {
setCacheKey(interimCacheKey, result);
return interimCacheKey;
function createInterimCacheKey() {
return Utilities.getUuid();
function getCacheKey(cacheKey, returnEmpty) {
var cache = CacheService.getUserCache();
var result = cache.get(cacheKey);
if(result !== null || returnEmpty) {
return result;
function setCacheKey(cacheKey, value) {
var cache = CacheService.getUserCache();
return cache.put(cacheKey, value);
Note that by default getCacheKey doesn't return. This is so that's successHandler doesn't get invoked until the cache entry returns non-null.
In the client application (in which I'm using Angular), you call off to the asynchronous operation in the server, and wait for its result: {
var interimCacheCheck = $interval(function() { {
}).getCacheKey(interimCacheKey, false);
}, 1000, 600); // Check result once per second for 10 minutes
Using this approach you could also report progress, and only cancel your check after the progress reaches 100%. You'd want to eliminate the interval expiry in that case.

MeteorJS - No user system, how to filter data at the client end?

The title might sound strange, but I have a website that will query some data in a Mongo collection. However, there is no user system (no logins, etc). Everyone is an anonymouse user.
The issue is that I need to query some data on the Mongo collection based on the input text boxes the user gives. Hence I cannot use this.userId to insert a row of specifications, and the server end reads this specifications, and sends the data to the client.
// Code ran at the server
if (Meteor.isServer)
Meteor.publish("comments", function ()
return comments.find();
// Code ran at the client
if (Meteor.isClient)
comments: function ()
return comments.find()
// Add code to try to parse out the data that we don't want here
It seems possible that at the user end I filter some data based on some user input. However, it seems that if I use return comments.find() the server will be sending a lot of data to the client, then the client would take the job of cleaning the data.
By a lot of data, there shouldn't be much (10,000 rows), but let's assume that there are a million rows, what should I do?
I'm very new to MeteorJS, just completed the tutorial, any advice is appreciated!
My advice is to read the docs, in particular the section on Publish and Subscribe.
By changing the signature of your publish function above to one that takes an argument, you can filter the collection on the server, and limiting the data transferred to what is required.
Meteor.publish("comments", function (postId)
return comments.find({post_id: postId});
Then on the client you will need a subscribe call that passes a value for the argument.
Meteor.subscribe("comments", postId)
Ensure you have removed the autopublish package, or it will ignore this filtering.

Google BigQuery with javascript - how to get query exe time and how much data (in size) processed by query

I am new to BigQuery and need more functions in BiogQuery + Javascript so i can get total execution time and how much GB of data processed by that query.
How can i know total exe time and processed data size in javascript api.
Eg. Query complete (1.6s elapsed, 35.7 GB processed)
the above example result from javascript api.
The total processed bytes i can get from response. But query exeution time from where i will get this. I dont want to run timer (to calculate time) before and after query exe.
Also need a intel on how to see executed query history from JavaScript api.
Thanks in advance.
To determine how long a job took, you can compare statistics.creationTime, statistics.startTime, and statistics.endTime, depending on your needs. These can be accessed from the jobs.list or jobs.get API. These responses will also contain the bytes processed by a query in the statistics.query.totalBytesProcessed field.
To retrieve a history of jobs (including queries, and any other load, copy, or extract jobs you may have run) you can call the jobs.list API.
Specifically in JS, if you have a query response containing a jobReference, you can run something like the following to retrieve the full job details using the jobs.get method and log them to the console. The logged response should contain the fields linked above.
var projectId = response['jobReference']['projectId'];
var jobId = response['jobReference']['jobId'];
var path = '' + projectId + '/jobs/' + jobId;
var request = {'path': path, 'method': 'GET'};
gapi.client.request(request).execute(function(response) { console.log(response) });
