I am building a react-redux library for data filtering. The way it basically works is by decorating your filter component so that it has access to the data to filter. The decorated component uses the library's Filter component. Here's roughly how it looks like:
const MyComponent = (props) => {
prop="propA" // What prop to filter in the data
operator="AND" // Use the AND operator between keywords
component={FilterList} // The component used to render the filter. It sets the keywords to filter with a callback passed to it's props
export default filterDecorator({name: 'myFilter', getData: (state) => state.data })(MyComponent);
I want the end-user to be able to set filtering options via Filter's props. For example, when filtering with keywords, I'd like to be able to set the logical operator to use (AND or OR) via a prop operator. The library also exports a function to retrieve the filtered data. Since this function needs to know about the options of the filter but it does not have access to props, I use redux state (the Filter component dispatches an action when the operator prop is updated).
I feel awkward about this. It doesn't feel right two have the information in 2 different places: redux's state and the props.
Are there any known patterns for this kind of situations?
My question is "Is there a way to avoid sending callbacks deep in the tree when I want to access/react upon child components data".
I have a component Application that contains a child component Person which in turn contains a child component TraitCollection which in turn contains a child component Trait.
When Trait is changed I want to send data back to Application to be forwarded to another child in Application named PersonList.
My current solution is to send callbacks as props to each child. Each callback function constructs and appends the data which finally reaches Application where I pass it down as a prop to PersonList.
I can imagine that "adding more levels", or splitting components up in more smaller parts will further complicate this callback chain.
Is there any other way to do this or is this the best way to handle passing data from children to parents in React?
The way you are handling it is the recommended way and the most React-like. There is nothing wrong with that approach by itself other than the problem you have found. It looks like Redux could help you solve that problem. Redux lets you unify the state of your React application with the usage of a common store and a good design pattern based on action creators, actions and reducers.
You can use React Context directly https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/context.html, but better option will to use React-Redux, it will allow you to avoid passing callbacks and you will be able to change state of any component from any component (connected to the store) with dispatch function.
The docs answer this directly:
In large component trees, an alternative we recommend is to pass down a dispatch function from useReducer via context
From: https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-faq.html#how-to-avoid-passing-callbacks-down
To avoid Deep Callbacks, according to React documentation, useReducer via context as below:
How to avoid passing callbacks down?
We’ve found that most people don’t enjoy manually passing callbacks through every level of a component tree. Even though it is more explicit, it can feel like a lot of “plumbing”.
In large component trees, an alternative we recommend is to pass down a dispatch function from useReducer via context:
const TodosDispatch = React.createContext(null);
function TodosApp() {
// Note: `dispatch` won't change between re-renders
const [todos, dispatch] = useReducer(todosReducer);
return (
<TodosDispatch.Provider value={dispatch}>
<DeepTree todos={todos} />
Any child in the tree inside TodosApp can use the dispatch function to pass actions up to TodosApp:
function DeepChild(props) {
// If we want to perform an action, we can get dispatch from context.
const dispatch = useContext(TodosDispatch);
function handleClick() {
dispatch({ type: 'add', text: 'hello' });
return (
<button onClick={handleClick}>Add todo</button>
This is both more convenient from the maintenance perspective (no need to keep forwarding callbacks), and avoids the callback problem altogether. Passing dispatch down like this is the recommended pattern for deep updates.
I'm trying to build some modular SAP so many teams can work separatelly.
Basically, I want my containers to be independent in terms of container, store, reducers, sagas.
The actual question is (example code):
I render a basic template:
<a onClick={emitLoadUserListAction}>Load user list</a>
At this point, I make use of 1 reducer for UserList to keep the array of users (empty at the beginning).
Let's assume I have a saga, waiting for this data to come as a user list in a json.
UserList: []
Once the saga fetches the data, publishes an action modifiying the current store:
UserList: [{name:"john",counter:0},{name:"pepe",counter:0}]
Now my UserList component can list this as we have the mapStateToProps pointing to this part of the store.
this.props.userList.map ( (userData,i) => { return <User data={userData}> } ))
So now everything is working like a charm if User component is just a normal component.
But what if User is actually a container, which is expecting to work on its own, with its own state I didn't connected yet via its own reducer. I don't want his parent to manage it. I want user to be independent as I could pass its location in the store with reselect selector or similar, or I could just pass the index in the array as a prop, so I could be the selector. This way I would have store injected in props, but I won't have reducer.
I'm pretty sure many of you already pass through this but I couldn't find a proper answer.
As you can see the idea is to have a component, which is loading on demand, not in the initial combineReducers, not handled by its parents, just render, and reducer injected to work on its own.
If I could have just a way to load its reducer on demand then, I would not store the data in the UserList but it will be a composition of reducers.
Thanks a lot in advance.
I'm continuing on from my comment and the question that followed so I can expand on it without the restrictions of the comments section.
Yes, my library calls replaceReducer on the store to in order to, well, replace the reducer with the new one included. In order to do so, I provide a Higher-Order Component (HOC) which bundles the component with it's associated reducer and performs the replacement when it is mounted.
The interface looks something like this:
export const MyBundledComponent = bundle(MyComponent, myReducer)
The only requirement for it to work is that the component is mounted within a Provider from react-redux. This gives the HOC access to the store on React's context the same way the connect HOC does. This isn't really a very prohibitive restriction though, as most redux apps have a Provider at the top of the tree already.
Hope this helps.
So far I found resources like this:
which allow you to inject reducers on demand by replacing the main reducer by using the Redux store API store.replaceReducer(nextReducer)
The problem with this solution is the need to have access to the main store object from the child component that should be encapsulated.
For the moment working not ideal solution that I found is to deliver the encapsulated component with a "multiple components reducers" meaning that the reducer assumes there could be more than one component under the same parent where each one has different ids.
So each action should check the payload ID, in order to get the state from the store object.
This would mean a small change in the hierarchy as the component would not be child but sibling.
Following the previous example, imagine that we list a shallow version of the user list and then you show more data once u click on any user:
Store: {
UserList: [], // basic info, id plus minimal data
users: {} --> userReducer // listing each user by key
This way the user component will expose multiUserReducer instead of logic for just one.
This obviously means the reducer is loaded in advance, even if you never load any user componet.
I came across an example, where the mapStateToProps function is using memoization. I was just wondering how the "state" parameter is passed onto memoized selectors. After looking at the docs for reselect as well as redux, it seems that the mapStateToProps can return a function which accepts state as its argument, and the connect decorator might be the one passing the state to it but am not sure. Can someone please shed some light?
const mapStateToProps = createSelector(
(media, isPlaying, playerTrackId, tracklist, tracks) => ({
displayLoadingIndicator: tracklist.isPending || tracklist.hasNextPage,
isMediaLarge: !!media.large,
pause: audio.pause,
pauseInfiniteScroll: tracklist.isPending || !tracklist.hasNextPage,
play: audio.play,
selectedTrackId: playerTrackId,
tracklistId: tracklist.id,
export default connect(
export function getCurrentTracklist(state) {
// console.log(state);
let tracklists = getTracklists(state);
return tracklists.get(tracklists.get('currentTracklistId'));
export const getTracksForCurrentTracklist = createSelector(
(currentPage, trackIds, tracks) => {
return trackIds
.slice(0, currentPage * TRACKS_PER_PAGE)
.map(id => tracks.get(id));
Overview of how state is passed down to a selector when we use the Connect component from react-redux
What is a selector?
A selector extracts a subset of data from a source.
Let us think of the Redux store as our 'front end database'. For the purposeIn a database if you want to extract a subset of the total data you execute a query. In a similar fashion selectors are our queries to the Redux store.
In the simplest case, a selector could just return the state of the entire store.
The reselect docs give us three great reasons to use selectors
Selectors can compute derived data, allowing Redux to store the
minimal possible state.
Selectors are efficient. A selector is not
recomputed unless one of its arguments change.
Selectors are
composable. They can be used as input to other selectors.
What is a higher order component?
A higher-order component is a function that takes an existing component and returns a new component.
Connect is a higher order component that be given a selector
Taken from this brilliant gist which gives a good explanation of connect.
connect() is a function that injects Redux-related props into your
Connect is a higher order component that makes our React component know about the Redux store. When we call connect we can pass mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps. These functions define the way in which our new component will be connected to the redux store.
We can give it access to state by passing a mapStateToProps function as an argument.
We can also bind action creators to store.dispatch through mapDispatchToProps. The advantage of this is that we don't need to pass down the entire store in order for a component to have access to store.dispatch so that the component can dispatch its own Redux actions.
The mapStateToProps function we pass to Connect is a selector
From the react-redux docs
The mapStateToProps function takes a single argument of the entire
Redux store’s state and returns an object to be passed as props. It is
often called a selector.
Think of the object that is returned by mapStateToProps as the result of our query to the Redux store. The resulting
The mapStateToProps function should normally return a plain object.
The result of calling mapStateToProps will normally be a plain object representing the data we extracted from the redux store.
The higher order Connect component allows us to extend the functionality of an existing component by merging in the data from this new object with the component's existing props.
Since selectors are just functions we can connect them to the Redux store using the connect component as well.
However in some cases we can return a function. Why would we do this?
By returing a function in mapStateToProps we can hijack the rendering cycle of components and optimise performance
In advanced scenarios where you need more control over the rendering
performance, mapStateToProps() can also return a function. In this
case, that function will be used as mapStateToProps() for a particular
component instance. This allows you to do per-instance memoization.
By passing the mapStateToProps function as an argument to our higher order component our connected component will be updated anytime the some state has changed in the Redux store.
If these updates happen very frequently or the state tree is large then the reselect library is useful as it allows us to use memoized selectors.
This fancy word means that results of selector calls are stored in case they need to be retrieved again.
So if mapStatesToProps returned a plain object instead of a function then whenever our store state changed then we would have new props for our component.???
Connecting selectors to the store
If you are using React Redux, you can call selectors as regular functions inside mapStateToProps():
import { getVisibleTodos } from '../selectors'
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
todos: getVisibleTodos(state)
Sharing Selectors Across Multiple Components
We can give reselect selectors props just like components when using the reselect library. This allows us to share selectors across multiple components.
Say we have multiple toDo lists each with their own Id. We would still use the same getVisibleTodos selector for each toDo list instance but just pass a different id as a prop.
However the issue with this is that createSelector only returns the cached value when its set of arguments is the same as its previous set of arguments.
The reselect docs point out that we can overcome this limitation by returning a function inside mapStateToProps:
In order to share a selector across multiple components and retain
memoization, each instance of the component
needs its own private copy of the selector.
If the mapStateToProps argument supplied to connect returns a function
instead of an object, it will be used to create an individual
mapStateToProps function for each instance of the container.
By returning a function inside mapStateToProps we can overcome this limitation and memoization will work correctly.
For a more detailed explanation see this
Is so simple: let's give you an example, I have a mapStateToProps like this:
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
categoryHistory: getCategoryHistory(state,'extended')
then I've create a selector like this:
export const getCategoryHistory = (state, type) => createSelector([getTaxonomy, selectedCategoryID], (categories, categoryID) => categories.getIn([type, categoryID]) || [])(state)
The solution is to call createSelector() passing the state as parameters:
inside the selector you can use all the parameter you want to pass through.
In the cases you mentioned, mapStateToProps is a function which takes in state and returning object. When you passed mapStateToProps to connect, you passed a function which accepts state provided by connect as its argument.
createSelector creates a function which can take in state and returning object as well. Therefore you can assign it to mapStateToProps and pass it into connect.
In documentation, you'll normally find the following:
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
whatever code
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Component)
where mapStateToProps takes in state argument which is provided by connect.
However, one can let mapStateToProps to be a selector as followed:
const mapStateToProps = createSelector(
whatever code
This is because createSelector can take in a state as followed:
createSelector(whatever code)(state)
and return an object, just like what you find a mapStateToProps does in documentation.
I've used higher order component to share a function between my components.With this implementation,the function comes as a prop in my component.The app supports multi languages so in each component a key is passed and the hash value is obtained to display. Hash values are passed to all the components using the context. Now getSkinHash access the context and returns the hash value.
const {getSkinHash} = this.props; //shared function,accesses the context
const value = getSkinHash(SOME_VALUE);
No problem with this implementation but getting the function out of prop every time leads to writing lot's of boilerplate code in all the components.
Is there a better/alternate ways to achieve this?
React works with properties, so you can't just say you don't want to work with properties. That is when sharing data between components.
As far as you can do to shorten
const {getSkinHash} = this.props;
const value = getSkinHash(SOME_VALUE);
is to:
If that is a generic function, not component dependent, you can choose to import it into your component just like you import other stuff.
import { myFunction } from './functions'
Then you would simple call it with myFunction.
If you need your function to synchronize data between your components, use a Redux action and connect your components to the global state. Your other components will get to know value hash changes too.
I am studying the principles of react.
According to some reviews, some people says is better to keep your component stateless, what does it mean?
But other people says, that if you need to update your component, then you should learn how to set your state to the proper state.
I saw this.props / this.setProps and this.state / this.setState and I am confuse with that.
Something I am trying to figure is, how can I update a component by itself and not from a parent component? should I use props or state in this case?
I already read some docs about props and state, what I don't have clear, is: when to use one or another ?
Props vs. state comes down to "who owns this data?"
If data is managed by one component, but another component needs access to that data, you'd pass the data from the one component to the other component via props.
If a component manages the data itself, it should use state and setState to manage it.
So the answer to
how can I update a component by itself and not from a parent component? should I use props or state in this case?
is to use state.
Props should be considered immutable and should never be changed via mutation. setProps is only useful on a top-level component and generally should not be used at all. If a component passes another component a property, and the first component wants the second to be able to change it, it should also pass it a function property that the second component can call to ask the first component to update its state. For example:
var ComponentA = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return { count: 0 };
render: function() {
return <Clicker count={this.state.count} incrementCount={this.increment} />;
increment: function() {
this.setState({count: this.state.count + 1});
// Notice that Clicker is stateless! It's only job is to
// (1) render its `count` prop, and (2) call its
// `incrementCount` prop when the button is clicked.
var Clicker = React.createClass({
render: function() {
// clicker knows nothing about *how* to update the count
// only that it got passed a function that will do it for it
return (
Count: {this.props.count}
<button onClick={this.props.incrementCount}>+1</button>
(Working example: https://jsbin.com/rakate/edit?html,js,output)
For and object-oriented programming analogy, think of a class/object: state would be the properties you put on the class; the class is free to update those as it sees fit. Props would be like arguments to methods; you should never mutate arguments passed to you.
Keeping a component "stateless" means that it doesn't have any state, and all its rendering is based on its props. Of course, there has to be state somewhere or else your app won't do anything! So this guideline is basically saying to keep as many components as possible stateless, and only manage the state in as few top-level components as possible.
Keeping components stateless makes them easier to understand, reuse, and test.
See A brief interlude: props vs state in the React docs for more information.
Use state when you know the variable value is going to affect the view. This is particularly critical in react, because whenever the state variable changes there is a rerender(though this is optimized with the virtual DOM, you should minimize it if you can), but not when a prop is changed (You can force this, but not really needed).
You can use props for holding all other variables, which you think can be passed into the component during the component creation.
If you have want to make a multi-select dropdown called MyDropdown for example
state = {
show: true,
return this.state.suggestions.indexOf(i)<0;
prefix : 'm_',
As you can see, the objects in the state variable are going to affect the view some way or the other.
The objects in the props are mostly objects which should remain the same throughout the component life cycle. So these objects can be callback functions, strings used to namespace events or other holders.
So if you do want to update the component by itself, you need to have to look into how componentWillRecieveProps ,componentWillUpdate, componentDidUpdate and componentShouldUpdate works. More or less, this depends on the requirement and you can use these lifecycle methods to ensure that the rendering is within the component and not in the parent.