Node.JS Async / Await Dealing With Callbacks? [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
How do I convert an existing callback API to promises?
(24 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Is there a way to deal with callback functions inside an async function() other than mixing in bluebird or return new Promise()?
Examples are fun...
async function bindClient () {
client.bind(LDAP_USER, LDAP_PASS, (err) => {
if (err) return log.fatal('LDAP Master Could Not Bind', err);
function bindClient () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
client.bind(LDAP_USER, LDAP_PASS, (err, bindInstance) => {
if (err) {
log.fatal('LDAP Master Could Not Bind', err);
return reject(err);
return resolve(bindInstance);
Is there a more elegant solution?

NodeJS v.8.x.x natively supports promisifying and async-await, so it's time to enjoy the stuff (:
promisify = require('util').promisify,
bindClient = promisify(client.bind);
let clientInstance; // defining variable in global scope
(async () => { // wrapping routine below to tell interpreter that it must pause (wait) for result
try {
clientInstance = await bindClient(LDAP_USER, LDAP_PASS);
catch(error) {
console.log('LDAP Master Could Not Bind. Error:', error);
or just simply use co package and wait for native support of async-await:
const co = require('co');
co(function*() { // wrapping routine below to tell interpreter that it must pause (wait) for result
clientInstance = yield bindClient(LDAP_USER, LDAP_PASS);
if (!clientInstance) {
console.log('LDAP Master Could Not Bind');
P.S. async-await is syntactic sugar for generator-yield language construction.

Use modules! pify for instance
const pify = require('pify');
async function bindClient () {
let err = await pify(client.bind)(LDAP_USER, LDAP_PASS)
if (err) return log.fatal('LDAP Master Could Not Bind', err);
Haven't tested it yet


How to catch error in nested Promise when async/await is used [duplicate]

I'm using the async.eachLimit function to control the maximum number of operations at a time.
const { eachLimit } = require("async");
function myFunction() {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
eachLimit((await getAsyncArray), 500, (item, callback) => {
// do other things that use native promises.
}, (error) => {
if (error) return reject(error);
// resolve here passing the next value.
As you can see, I can't declare the myFunction function as async because I don't have access to the value inside the second callback of the eachLimit function.
You're effectively using promises inside the promise constructor executor function, so this the Promise constructor anti-pattern.
Your code is a good example of the main risk: not propagating all errors safely. Read why there.
In addition, the use of async/await can make the same traps even more surprising. Compare:
let p = new Promise(resolve => {
""(); // TypeError
(async () => {
await p;
})().catch(e => console.log("Caught: " + e)); // Catches it.
with a naive (wrong) async equivalent:
let p = new Promise(async resolve => {
""(); // TypeError
(async () => {
await p;
})().catch(e => console.log("Caught: " + e)); // Doesn't catch it!
Look in your browser's web console for the last one.
The first one works because any immediate exception in a Promise constructor executor function conveniently rejects the newly constructed promise (but inside any .then you're on your own).
The second one doesn't work because any immediate exception in an async function rejects the implicit promise returned by the async function itself.
Since the return value of a promise constructor executor function is unused, that's bad news!
Your code
There's no reason you can't define myFunction as async:
async function myFunction() {
let array = await getAsyncArray();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
eachLimit(array, 500, (item, callback) => {
// do other things that use native promises.
}, error => {
if (error) return reject(error);
// resolve here passing the next value.
Though why use outdated concurrency control libraries when you have await?
I agree with the answers given above and still, sometimes it's neater to have async inside your promise, especially if you want to chain several operations returning promises and avoid the then().then() hell. I would consider using something like this in that situation:
const operation1 = Promise.resolve(5)
const operation2 = Promise.resolve(15)
const publishResult = () => Promise.reject(`Can't publish`)
let p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
(async () => {
try {
const op1 = await operation1;
const op2 = await operation2;
if (op2 == null) {
throw new Error('Validation error');
const res = op1 + op2;
const result = await publishResult(res);
} catch (err) {
(async () => {
await p;
})().catch(e => console.log("Caught: " + e));
The function passed to Promise constructor is not async, so linters don't show errors.
All of the async functions can be called in sequential order using await.
Custom errors can be added to validate the results of async operations
The error is caught nicely eventually.
A drawback though is that you have to remember putting try/catch and attaching it to reject.
Throws within an async promise callback can easily be caught.
(async () => {
try {
await new Promise (async (FULFILL, BREAK) => {
try {
throw null;
catch (BALL) {
catch (BALL) {
console.log ("(A) BALL CAUGHT", BALL);
throw BALL;
}) ().
catch (BALL => {
console.log ("(B) BALL CAUGHT", BALL);
or even more simply,
(async () => {
await new Promise (async (FULFILL, BREAK) => {
try {
throw null;
catch (BALL) {
}) ().
catch (BALL => {
console.log ("(B) BALL CAUGHT", BALL);
I didn't realized it directly by reading the other answers, but what is important is to evaluate your async function to turn it into a Promise.
So if you define your async function using something like:
let f = async () => {
// ... You can use await, try/catch, throw syntax here (see answer of Vladyslav Zavalykhatko) ..
your turn it into a promise using:
let myPromise = f()
You can then manipulate is as a Promise, using for instance Promise.all([myPromise])...
Of course, you can turn it into a one liner using:
(async () => { code with await })()
static getPosts(){
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) =>{
try {
const res = axios.get(url);
const data =;
resolve( => ({,
createdAt: new Date(post.createdAt)
} catch (err) {
remove await and async will solve this issue. because you have applied Promise object, that's enough.

Async/Await is only valid async func while reading a file [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
await is only valid in async function
(14 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I was trying to read a JSON file using Async/Await, I created my example based Native async/await approach, and I got this error.
SyntaxError: await is only valid in async function
Here is my code.
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const xml2js = require('xml2js');
const parser = new xml2js.Parser();
const path = "file.json";
function parseJM() {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
fs.readFile(path, { encoding: 'utf-8'}, (err, data) => {
if (err) { reject(err); }
else {
resolve (parser.parseString(data.replace(/<ent_seq>[0-9]*<\/ent_seq>/g, "")
.replace(/&(?!(?:apos|quot|[gl]t|amp);|#)/g, '')));
const var1 = await parseJM();
What is wrong with my code? My node version is 11.9.0, my npm version is 6.7.0 and i am using Arch Linux.
You need to call await inside an async function.
(async () => {
try {
const var1 = await parseJM();
} catch (e) {
Edit: As suggested by #Nik Kyriakides
The error itself is telling you exactly what the issue is. You can only await inside an async-marked function.
If that's your top-level code you can just use an async IIFE:
;(async () => {
try {
await doSomething()
} catch (err) {
or just then/catch it. async functions return a Promise after all:
.then(result => {
.catch(err => {

async await callback is not a function [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I convert an existing callback API to promises?
(24 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am using couchbase ottaman package:
let transaction = new Transaction({name:'Couch'}); => {
but can I use async/await with this package?
async create(){
let transaction = new Transaction({name:'Couch'});
} catch (err) {
I am getting error:
TypeError: callback is not a function
Basically, you have to check if it returns promise - you can use it out of box. If not - you can promisify function you need.
Something like this in result:
function saveModel(transaction) {
return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => { => {
if (err)
Such function can be used with async/await:
async create(){
let transaction = new Transaction({name:'Couch'});
await saveModel(transaction);
} catch (err) {
Another option is to view source files, but I'm too lazy to do it.

Is it an anti-pattern to use async/await inside of a new Promise() constructor?

I'm using the async.eachLimit function to control the maximum number of operations at a time.
const { eachLimit } = require("async");
function myFunction() {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
eachLimit((await getAsyncArray), 500, (item, callback) => {
// do other things that use native promises.
}, (error) => {
if (error) return reject(error);
// resolve here passing the next value.
As you can see, I can't declare the myFunction function as async because I don't have access to the value inside the second callback of the eachLimit function.
You're effectively using promises inside the promise constructor executor function, so this the Promise constructor anti-pattern.
Your code is a good example of the main risk: not propagating all errors safely. Read why there.
In addition, the use of async/await can make the same traps even more surprising. Compare:
let p = new Promise(resolve => {
""(); // TypeError
(async () => {
await p;
})().catch(e => console.log("Caught: " + e)); // Catches it.
with a naive (wrong) async equivalent:
let p = new Promise(async resolve => {
""(); // TypeError
(async () => {
await p;
})().catch(e => console.log("Caught: " + e)); // Doesn't catch it!
Look in your browser's web console for the last one.
The first one works because any immediate exception in a Promise constructor executor function conveniently rejects the newly constructed promise (but inside any .then you're on your own).
The second one doesn't work because any immediate exception in an async function rejects the implicit promise returned by the async function itself.
Since the return value of a promise constructor executor function is unused, that's bad news!
Your code
There's no reason you can't define myFunction as async:
async function myFunction() {
let array = await getAsyncArray();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
eachLimit(array, 500, (item, callback) => {
// do other things that use native promises.
}, error => {
if (error) return reject(error);
// resolve here passing the next value.
Though why use outdated concurrency control libraries when you have await?
I agree with the answers given above and still, sometimes it's neater to have async inside your promise, especially if you want to chain several operations returning promises and avoid the then().then() hell. I would consider using something like this in that situation:
const operation1 = Promise.resolve(5)
const operation2 = Promise.resolve(15)
const publishResult = () => Promise.reject(`Can't publish`)
let p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
(async () => {
try {
const op1 = await operation1;
const op2 = await operation2;
if (op2 == null) {
throw new Error('Validation error');
const res = op1 + op2;
const result = await publishResult(res);
} catch (err) {
(async () => {
await p;
})().catch(e => console.log("Caught: " + e));
The function passed to Promise constructor is not async, so linters don't show errors.
All of the async functions can be called in sequential order using await.
Custom errors can be added to validate the results of async operations
The error is caught nicely eventually.
A drawback though is that you have to remember putting try/catch and attaching it to reject.
Throws within an async promise callback can easily be caught.
(async () => {
try {
await new Promise (async (FULFILL, BREAK) => {
try {
throw null;
catch (BALL) {
catch (BALL) {
console.log ("(A) BALL CAUGHT", BALL);
throw BALL;
}) ().
catch (BALL => {
console.log ("(B) BALL CAUGHT", BALL);
or even more simply,
(async () => {
await new Promise (async (FULFILL, BREAK) => {
try {
throw null;
catch (BALL) {
}) ().
catch (BALL => {
console.log ("(B) BALL CAUGHT", BALL);
I didn't realized it directly by reading the other answers, but what is important is to evaluate your async function to turn it into a Promise.
So if you define your async function using something like:
let f = async () => {
// ... You can use await, try/catch, throw syntax here (see answer of Vladyslav Zavalykhatko) ..
your turn it into a promise using:
let myPromise = f()
You can then manipulate is as a Promise, using for instance Promise.all([myPromise])...
Of course, you can turn it into a one liner using:
(async () => { code with await })()
static getPosts(){
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) =>{
try {
const res = axios.get(url);
const data =;
resolve( => ({,
createdAt: new Date(post.createdAt)
} catch (err) {
remove await and async will solve this issue. because you have applied Promise object, that's enough.

Node.js assert.throws with async functions (Promises)

I want to check if an async function throws using assert.throws from the native assert module.
I tried with
const test = async () => await aPromise();
assert.throws(test); // AssertionError: Missing expected exception..
It (obviously?) doesn't work because the function exits before the Promise is resolved.
Yet I found this question where the same thing is attained using callbacks.
Any suggestion?
(I'm transpiling to Node.js native generators using Babel.)
node 10 and newer
Since Node.js v10.0, there is assert.rejects which does just that.
Older versions of node
async functions never throw - they return promises that might be rejected.
You cannot use assert.throws with them. You need to write your own asynchronous assertion:
async function assertThrowsAsynchronously(test, error) {
try {
await test();
} catch(e) {
if (!error || e instanceof error)
return "everything is fine";
throw new AssertionError("Missing rejection" + (error ? " with " : ""));
and use it like
return assertThrowsAsynchronously(aPromise);
in an asynchronous test case.
Based on Bergi answer I've suggest more universal solution that utilizes original assert.throws for error messages:
import assert from 'assert';
async function assertThrowsAsync(fn, regExp) {
let f = () => {};
try {
await fn();
} catch(e) {
f = () => {throw e};
} finally {
assert.throws(f, regExp);
it('should throw', async function () {
await assertThrowsAsync(async () => await asyncTask(), /Error/);
The answers given work, but I came across this issue today and came up with another solution, that I think is a little simpler.
// Code being tested
async function thisFunctionThrows() {
throw new Error('Bad response')
// In your test.
try {
await thisFunctionThrows()
assert.equal(1 == 0) // Never gets run. But if it does you know it didn't throw.
} catch (e) {
assert(e.message.includes('Bad response'))
Since the question is still getting attention, I'd like to sum up the two best solutions, especially to highlight the new standard method.
Node v10+
There's a dedicated method in the assert library, assert.rejects.
For older versions of Node
A fill from vitalets answer:
import assert from 'assert';
async function assertThrowsAsync(fn, regExp) {
let f = () => {};
try {
await fn();
} catch(e) {
f = () => {throw e};
} finally {
assert.throws(f, regExp);
You are going to want to use, assert.rejects() which is new in Node.js version 10.
At the high level, instead of assert.throws, we want something like assert.rejects, hopefully you can take this and run with it:
const assertRejects = (fn, options) => {
return Promise.resolve(fn()).catch(e => {
return {
exception: e,
result: 'OK'
.then(v => {
if (!(v && v.result === 'OK')) {
return Promise.reject('Missing exception.');
if (!options) {
if (options.message) {
// check options
console.log('here we check options');
it('should save with error', async () => {
// should be an error because of duplication of unique document (see indexes in the model)
return await assertRejects(async () => {
patientSubscriber = await PatientSubscriber.create({
isSubscribed: true,
patient: patient._id,
subscriber: user._id
}, {
message: /PatientSubscriber validation failed/
