MultiValueDictKeyError when using DropzoneJS with Django - javascript

I'm currently making a profile picture feature for a website, I started using DropzoneJS but I'm having an issue submitting the file. The picture will drop into the zone fine, but it appears with an "X" over it, and when I hover over the picture I can see the MultiValueDictKeyError error. Which is the same error I get when I click the submit button without selecting a file. So I assume the issue is that the file isn't being submitted by the button? How do I do that?
<script type='text/javascript'>
Dropzone.options.myDropzone = {
init : function() {
var submitButton = document.querySelector("#submitBtn")
myDropzone = this;
submitButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
this.on("addedfile", function() {
document.getElementById('submitBtn').style.visibility = "visible";
this.on('addedfile', function(){
if (this.files[1]!=null){
Dropzone.options.myAwesomeDropzone = {
accept: function(file, done) {
init: function() {
this.on("addedfile", function() {
if (this.files[1]!=null){
//document.getElementById('submitBtn').style.visibility = "visible";
<!-- Modal -->
<div id="picModal" class="modal">
<!-- Modal content -->
<div class="modal-content">
<span class="close"></span>
<form action="{% url 'profile_test' %}" method='POST' enctype="multipart/form-data" class="dropzone" id="my-dropzone">{% csrf_token %}
<button id='submitBtn' type='submit' style='visibility: hidden;'> Submit </button>
<input id='submit-all' type='file' name='uploaded_image'/>
I added autoProcessQueue: false, to myDropzone. I'm not getting the issue when I hover over the picture anymore. Instead now when I press submit it just takes me to the MultiValueDictKeyError error page
*EDIT 2**
def profile_test(request):
#going to use this view to display the profile page, and test alterations to it
form = ImageUploadForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
user = User.objects.get(
if request.method == "POST":
print 'valid'
user.userprofile.img = request.POST.get('uploaded_image', False)
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("profile_test"))
print 'invalid'
form = ImageUploadForm()
return render(request, 'profile_test.html', {form:'form', user: 'user'})
I used to have user.userprofile.img = request.FILES["uploaded_image"] but changed it, it seemed to maek things better. Now the image will drop into the zone, and when I hover over it I won't see that error. But now when I submit it the dropzone disappears and the profile pic doesnt change.

I expect that img attribute is FileField. right?
user.userprofile.img = request.POST.get('uploaded_image', False)
please try this.
user.userprofile.img = request.FILES.get('uploaded_image')
# if you have multiple files to upload
user.userprofile.img = request.FILES.getlist('uploaded_image')


JS is working in console but doesn't work in code

I have this button which calls modal window with simple form.
<a style="float: left" onclick="ITD.robomarket.activateKeyModalWindowFunction(
'${activateKeyURL}', '<%=LanguageUtil.get(pageContext, "key-activating")%>', '400', '334')" class="btn btn-green"> </a>
I want to close this modal window after submitting. I have already done this:
function closeModal () {
var id = 'robomarket-activate-key-modal-window'
var dialog = Liferay.Util.Window.getById(id);
And this function I call in .jsp:
$(document).ready(function() {
The problem is this doesn't work BUT that modal window closes when I write this lines in console! What's the problem?
You have to call closeModal from the JSP where the modal was opened.
For exemple A.jsp has a link that open B.jsp in a modal dialog, then you want to close B.jsp when form is submitted
Here is a possible implementation :
In A.jsp :
<portlet:renderURL var="popupUrl" windowState="<%=LiferayWindowState.POP_UP.toString()%>">
<portlet:param name="mvcPath" value="/B.jsp"/>
<aui:button href="${popupUrl}" useDialog="true" value="Open in popup" />
and at the bottom of A.jsp :
Liferay.provide(window, 'closePopup', function(dialogId) {
var A = AUI();
var dialogId ='div.dialog-iframe-modal').get("id");
var dialog = Liferay.Util.Window.getById(dialogId);
Then in B.jsp
You have to say to the opener to close the dialog, here is a possible implementation :
<portlet:actionURL name="/submitForm" var="submitFormURL">
<portlet:param name="action" value="submitForm" />
<aui:form action="<%= submitFormURL %>" method="post" name="fm" onSubmit='<%= "event.preventDefault(); " + renderResponse.getNamespace() + "submitForm();" %>'>
...the form
<aui:button name="submitForm" type="submit"/>
And at the bottom of the B.jsp page :
function <portlet:namespace/>submitForm(){
AUI().use('aui-io-request', function(A) {
var url = '<%=submitFormURL.toString()%>';
method: 'POST',
form: {id: '<portlet:namespace/>fm'},
on: {
success: function() {
Hope it helps
You are calling closeModal () method just after de DOM is ready. Wich mean you are asking to close even before the popUp is opened.
It is not clear what you do in your popUp. If is a partial submit, say an ajax call or similar, you need to call closeModal after you have got a response and treated the returned data.
Otherwise, if you are submiting a full submit, (a full reaload, navigation to a new page, you go through a whole new render phase) the modal window will dissapear with everi thing else in the currently renderes page.

How can I make dynamic Ajax requests with Laravel

I'm creating a social network site using Laravel. I have a page that load all the posts created by users the currentUser follows. I have a comment section on each post. I want a user to be able to comment on any post without the page reloading so the user doesn't have to re-scroll through the page.
I have everything working fine without ajax (minus the reloading page). I'm able to post comments, the page reloads and the new comment is displayed. However, when I try to use Ajax I've been running into problems.
Here is my code.
Here is the view of the comment-box. It contains a section where I loop through each comment and display them. At the end is the type field so a user can post a new comment:
<div class="comment-box-container ajax-refresh">
<div class="comment-box">
#if ($type->comments)
#foreach ($type->comments as $comment)
<div class="user-comment-box">
<div class="user-comment">
<p class="comment">
<!-- starts off with users name in blue followed by their comment-->
<span class="tag-user">{{ $comment->owner->first_name }} {{ $comment->owner->last_name }} </span>{{ $comment->body }}
<!-- Show when the user posted comments-->
<div class="com-details">
<div class="com-time-container">
{{ $comment->created_at->diffForHumans() }} ยท
</div><!--user-comment end-->
</div><!--user-comment-box end-->
<!--type box-->
<div class="type-comment">
<div class="type-box">
{{ Form::open(['data-remote', 'route' => ['commentPost', $id], 'class' => 'comments_create-form']) }}
{{ Form::hidden('user_id', $currentUser->id) }}
{{ Form::hidden($idType, $id) }}
{{--{{ Form::hidden('user_id', $currentUser->id) }}--}}
{{ Form::textarea('body', null, ['class' =>'type-box d-light-solid-bg', 'placeholder' => 'Write a comment...', 'rows' => '1']) }}
{{ Form::close() }}
</div><!--type-box end-->
</div><!--comment-box end-->
The user submit the form for the comment type box by pressing the "enter/return" key. Here is the JS for that
$('.comments_create-form').on('keydown', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
Here is my Ajax
$('form[data-remote]').on('submit', function(e){
var form = $(this);
var method = form.find('input[name="_method"]').val() || 'POST';
var url = form.prop('action');
type: method,
url: url,
data: form.serialize(),
success: function(data) {
var tmp = $('<div>');
I'm running into a few problems with this code. The comment gets displayed on ever single post until I manually refresh the page then it only shows on the correct post. I feel like every post's comment-box will need it's own unique ID to solve this, but I do not know how to do this with Laravel and make the JavaScript work.
After I submit one comment I can no longer submit a second one because my "submit on enter/return key" functionally is no longer working. My cursor just moves to a new line, and I'm not able to post another comment.
Does anyone know a way to fix these problems?
Here is my ajax so far
$(document).on('submit', 'form[data-remote]', function(e){
var form = $(this)
var target = form.closest('div.ajax-refresh');
var method = form.find('input[name="_method"]').val() || 'POST';
var url = form.prop('action');
type: method,
url: url,
data: form.serialize(),
success: function(data) {
var tmp = $('<div>');
target.html( tmp.find('.ajax-refresh').html() );
target.find('.type-box').html( tmp.find('.type-box').html() );
Please use the following to fix the issue:
$(document).on('submit', 'form[data-remote]', function(e){
var form = $(this),
var target = form.closest('div.ajax-refresh');
var method = form.find('in......
target.html( tmp.find('.ajax-refresh').html() );
target.find('.type-box').html( tmp.find('.type-box').html() );
The variable target will help you target just the right div to add the ajax response to.
Further, you would have to just reset the relevant form rather than replace the form markup. Otherwise each form will work only once.
The above code has been updated to use a delegated submit event -- $(document).on('submit', '.selector', ...) instead of $('.selector').on('submit', .....) since the form content is being replaced after each comment.
The following delegated keydown event should enable you to submit by pressing the enter key:
$(document).on('keydown', '.comments_create-form', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {

How to upload multiple images in Django using Dropzone for multiple image fields

I am working on a project where the functionality is the user can upload his multiple images with a drag-n-drop feature. I am developing using the Django-python. I have implemented the functionality of drag-n-drop in django template, but I am getting error for images while submitting the form data.
My Html template code is :
<form id="newUserForm" name="newUserForm" data-abide action="{% url 'saveNewUserInfo'%}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
{% csrf_token %}
<div class="section"></div>
some input fields
<!-- The div for uploading the images -->
<div class="dropzone" style="border: 1px solid red;"></div>
<input type="submit" value="save">
I am using a dropzone.js for implementing the drag-drop-and sortable
The error is coming as MultiValueDictKeyError at /saveNewUserInfo/, Exception Value: "'file'"
My Model is :
class CustomerProfile(models.Model):
customer_id = models.CharField(db_column='customer_id', primary_key=True, max_length=20)
first_name = models.CharField(db_column='first_name', max_length=30, blank=True, null=True)
last_name = models.CharField(db_column='last_name', max_length=30,blank=True,null=True)
user_name = models.CharField(db_column='user_name', max_length=50,unique=True)
phone_number = models.CharField(db_column='phone_number', max_length=15,blank=True,null=True)
email_id = models.EmailField(db_column='email_id', max_length=50,blank=True, null=True)
user_image1 = models.ImageField(upload_to=IMAGES_PATH, db_column='user_image1', max_length=100)
user_image2 = models.ImageField(upload_to=IMAGES_PATH, db_column='user_image2', max_length=100)
user_image3 = models.ImageField(upload_to=IMAGES_PATH, db_column='user_image3', max_length=100)
user_image4 = models.ImageField(upload_to=IMAGES_PATH, db_column='user_image4', max_length=100)
user_image5 = models.ImageField(upload_to=IMAGES_PATH, db_column='user_image5', max_length=100)
class CustomerInfoForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = CustomerProfile
Please suggest how to store the dropzone multiple images into these image fields. Appreciate for suggestions..
I am glad that you have solved it. I have spent a few hours on this this is how I solved it:
The main issue with using dropzone is that as soon as files being droped in it, it will start to upload. So the images will not upload along with the rest of the form data.
To deal with this, I had to create the dropzone object programmatically with the following settings:
var list_of_files = new Array();
Dropzone.autoDiscover = false; //prevent dropzone to automatically discover the dropzone object in your html
uploadMultiple: true, // allow multiple upload
autoProcessQueue: false, // prevent dropzone from uploading automatically
url: "/", //dropzone needs a url attribute or it complains, what value you put here does not really matter. It is only purpose is to prevent a javascript error message from chrome console
maxFiles: 5, //set max uploads to 5 since you only have 5 image files in your model
init: function(){
//everytime a file is uploaded, save the file object
//for later use
this.on("addedfile", function(file)
if (list_of_files.length < 5)
console.log("file added");
// the following function override the "submit" button in the form
$(document).on("click", "button", function(e){
e.preventDefault() //prevent the form from submitting
console.log('num of files: ' + list_of_files.length);
var formData = new FormData(); // construct our own upload data
var inputs = $("#newUserForm input");
//get all of the data from textboxes
$.each(inputs, function(obj, v){
var name = $(v).attr("name")
var val = $(v).val();
console.log('name: ' + name + ' value: ' + val);
formData.append(name, val);
//get the file object from dropzone and put it into our formdata
formData.append('user_image'+(i+1), list_of_files[i]);
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "/"); //config your post url here
request.send(formData); //send the post request to server
Here is the template file:
<form id="newUserForm" name="newUserForm" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
{% csrf_token %}
{% if form %}
{% for field in form %}
<p>{{ field.label_tag }} {{ field }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<!-- The div for uploading the images -->
<div id="dropzone" class="dropzone"></div>
<button id='save'> save </button>
I also added exclude to (so that these fields will not show up in our template, we have dropzone to replace them):
class CustomerInfoForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = CustomerProfile
All of the code above does is to submit the data from each text box with the images to your together in one step
Here is the
def index(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = CustomerInfoForm(request.POST)
if (form.is_valid()):
instance =
#request.FILES contains all of the uploaded images
#key is 'user_image1', 'user_image2', value is the image file in memory
for key, value in request.FILES.iteritems():
a_path = '/a/b'
save_uploadfile_to_disk(a_path, file)
setattr(instance, key, a_path) //I made up the path here //save the form for real
#do not forget to return a response
print form.errors #for debugging only
form = CustomerInfoForm()
context = {'form': form}
return render(request, 'test_dropzone/index.html', context)
def save_uploadfile_to_disk(full_path, file):
with open(full_path, 'w+') as destination:
for chunk in file.chunks():
I tested this solution using Django 1.8 and it works. I checked the database and the path has been written to the record correctly.
Now, to reflect upon this solution, it kind of defeated the purpose of using dropzone. Because users cannot upload the photos as soon as a file has been selected.
Since you have also solved this problem. Please post your solution and I am looking forward to learn something new from yours :)
Small upgrade on previous post overriding submit, I would like to add options:selected looping.
var name = $(this).parent().attr('name')
if ($(this).val()) {
var val = $(this).val()
console.log('name: ' + name + ' value: ' + val);
formData.append(name, val);
else {
var val = ""
console.log('name: ' + name + ' value: ' + val);
formData.append(name, val);

Form not submitting, jquery load, submit

I am very confused as to how to write the code in javascript/jquery to allow for the proper submission of my form. I currently have a function to handle an on-click event, which loads the proper form. However, the form fails to submit successfully. I am using the .submit() function, but I think I am missing something here. I believe the URL I would have to place in that function would be the one being dynamically loaded in the onclick function. Is there a reasonable way to transfer this information? Or am I mistaken?
I have already confirmed that the correct URL is loaded and that the form behaves as intended if the URL is accessed manually. This issue seems to be unique to loading the URL
from select_my_book.html (the url to be loaded)
<form action="" method="POST" id="submitForm">
{% csrf_token %}
<!-- Code to render form elements -->
<input type="submit" value = "Buy" id="submit">
from get_my_book.html (the current url with the tabs/jumbotron)
{% for course in}
<div class="minicoursenav">
<a class='course_link' data='{{ }}' href='#' type="submit">
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
from activate.js
function selectConditionURL(criterion, condition){
var url = "/books/select_my_book/"
return(url+ condition + "/" + criterion + "/")
function selectCourseURL(criterion){
var url = "/books/select_my_book/best_price/";
return (url + criterion + "/");
$('.course_link').click(function(e) {
var course_pk = $(this).attr('data');
/*alert( course_pk );*/
var url = selectCourseURL(course_pk);
/*alert( url );*/
$("#very_good").load(selectConditionURL(course_pk, "very_good_condition"));
$("#good").load(selectConditionURL(course_pk, "good_condition"));
$("#fine").load(selectConditionURL(course_pk, "fine_condition"));
return false;
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#submitForm").submit(function(e) {
type: "POST",
success: function(response) {
return false;

How do I change the default text in dropzone.js?

I am using dropzone.js to upload files. However, I'm having difficulty changing the default text.
I've tried instantiating the dropzone class:
$(".foo").dropzone({ dictDefaultMessage: "hello" });
With this markup:
<div class="span4">
<form action="http://localhost/post" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8" id="drop3" class="foo" enctype="multipart/form-data"> </form>
<div class="span4">
<form action="http://localhost/post" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8" id="drop4" class="foo" enctype="multipart/form-data"> </form>
This certainly gives me the ability to upload files but the default text is blank.
I tested the following:
and I appear to get the same result - no default text. So.. how do I change the default text?
Add an element within your dropzone form as follows:
<div class="dz-message" data-dz-message><span>Your Custom Message</span></div>
You can change all default messages with this:
Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictDefaultMessage = "Drop files here to upload";
Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictFallbackMessage = "Your browser does not support drag'n'drop file uploads.";
Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictFallbackText = "Please use the fallback form below to upload your files like in the olden days.";
Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictFileTooBig = "File is too big ({{filesize}}MiB). Max filesize: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.";
Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictInvalidFileType = "You can't upload files of this type.";
Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictResponseError = "Server responded with {{statusCode}} code.";
Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictCancelUpload = "Cancel upload";
Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictCancelUploadConfirmation = "Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?";
Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictRemoveFile = "Remove file";
Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictMaxFilesExceeded = "You can not upload any more files.";
When creating the dropzone you can set the default message like this.
var dropzone = new Dropzone("form.dropzone", {
dictDefaultMessage: "Put your custom message here"
$(' > span').show(); // Show message span
$('').css({'opacity':1, 'background-image': 'none'});
First add an id to your form, say mydz, then add this js:
Dropzone.options.mydz = {
dictDefaultMessage: "your custom message"
The whole page (index.php in this case):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="dropzone.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./dropzone.css">
<form action="upload.php" class="dropzone" id="mydz"></form>
<script type="text/javascript">
Dropzone.options.mydz = {
dictDefaultMessage: "Put your custom message here"
this text is in dropzone's default config, You can overwrite like this:
Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictDefaultMessage = "Your text";
myDropzonePhotos = new Dropzone('#dropzone-test',
url : 'upload_usuario.php?id_usuario=' + id_usuario,
maxFiles : 1,
thumbnailWidth : 1200,
thumbnailHeight : 300,
dictDefaultMessage : 'Change the text here!',
init: function()
I fiddled with this for hours.
For some reason, these 3 things needed to be done:
My dropzone tags could not be on the same page I was using dropzone on. I had to reference them on the template page
The element you are turning into a dropzone has to have a class of 'dropzone'
You have to add the following to the top of the js file for the page i was working on.
Dropzone.autoDiscover = false;
To Initialize:
var myDropzone = new Dropzone("#id-upload-dropzone", {
url: "/home/Upload",
dictDefaultMessage: 'Drop image here (or click) to capture/upload'
Once I had all 3 in order, the dictDefaultMessage option worked.
For localizing Dropzone in Asp.Net Razor Pages I use the below method to avoid decoded chars :
Create HTML element for all messages
<!-- localization elements -->
<div class="modal" aria-hidden="true">
<span id="dictDefaultMessage">#_localizer["Drop files here or click to upload."]</span>
<span id="dictFallbackMessage">#_localizer["Your browser does not support drag'n'drop file uploads."]</span>
<span id="dictFallbackText">#_localizer["Please use the fallback form below to upload your files like in the olden days."]</span>
<span id="dictFileTooBig">#_localizer["File is too big ({{filesize}}MiB). Max filesize: {{maxFilesize}}MiB."]</span>
<span id="dictInvalidFileType">#_localizer["You can't upload files of this type."]</span>
<span id="dictResponseError">#_localizer["Server responded with {{statusCode}} code."]</span>
<span id="dictCancelUpload">#_localizer["Cancel upload"]</span>
<span id="dictCancelUploadConfirmation">#_localizer["Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?"]</span>
<span id="dictUploadCanceled">#_localizer["Upload canceled."]</span>
<span id="dictRemoveFile">#_localizer["Delete"]</span>
<span id="dictRemoveFileConfirmation">#_localizer["Are you sure you want to delete this file?"]</span>
<span id="dictMaxFilesExceeded">#_localizer["You can not upload any more files."]</span>
<span id="dictFileSizeUnits_TB">#_localizer["TB"]</span>
<span id="dictFileSizeUnits_GB">#_localizer["GB"]</span>
<span id="dictFileSizeUnits_MB">#_localizer["MB"]</span>
<span id="dictFileSizeUnits_KB">#_localizer["KB"]</span>
<span id="dictFileSizeUnits_b">#_localizer["b"]</span>
Then bind messages to Dropzone element:
// get elements for localization
with (Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions) {
dictDefaultMessage = document.getElementById("dictDefaultMessage").innerText;
dictFallbackMessage = document.getElementById("dictFallbackMessage").innerText;
dictFallbackText = document.getElementById("dictFallbackText").innerText;
dictFileTooBig = document.getElementById("dictFileTooBig").innerText;
dictInvalidFileType = document.getElementById("dictInvalidFileType").innerText;
dictResponseError = document.getElementById("dictResponseError").innerText;
dictCancelUpload = document.getElementById("dictCancelUpload").innerText;
dictCancelUploadConfirmation = document.getElementById("dictCancelUploadConfirmation").innerText;
dictUploadCanceled = document.getElementById("dictUploadCanceled").innerText;
dictRemoveFile = document.getElementById("dictRemoveFile").innerText;
dictRemoveFileConfirmation = document.getElementById("dictRemoveFileConfirmation").innerText; // if this is null, the user will not be prompted when deleting file.
dictMaxFilesExceeded = document.getElementById("dictMaxFilesExceeded").innerText;
dictFileSizeUnits = {
tb: document.getElementById("dictFileSizeUnits_TB").innerText,
gb: document.getElementById("dictFileSizeUnits_GB").innerText,
mb: document.getElementById("dictFileSizeUnits_MB").innerText,
kb: document.getElementById("dictFileSizeUnits_KB").innerText,
b: document.getElementById("dictFileSizeUnits_b").innerText
for a complete drag-drop file upload sample using Dropzone see this GitHub repository :
If you aren't adverse to JQuery, this will hide the default image:
and, this will show the default span which you can change to be whatever you want:
$('form.dropzone').find('div.default.message').find('span').append('Drop files here or click here to upload an image.');
in the css of dropzone look for
in this class delete
background-image: url("../images/spritemap.png");
the next thing to do is search this class
.dropzone span {
display: none;
and change it to display:block
If you are creating Dropzones Programmatically then you have to set your options like below:
Dropzone.autoDiscover = false;
profilePicture = new Dropzone('#profile-picture', {
url: "/uploadPicture.php",
// if you are using laravel ..., you dont need to put csrf in meta tag
headers: {
'X-CSRF-TOKEN': "{{ csrf_token() }}"
dictDefaultMessage: "Your default message Will work 100%",
/other options
paramName: "profile_picture",
addRemoveLinks: true,
maxFilesize: 1,
maxFiles: 10,
dictRemoveFile: "Remove",
If you are using it like this, It wont work ...
let myDropzone = new Dropzone("#profile-picture", {
url: "/uploadPicture.php",
// if you are using laravel ..., you dont need to put csrf in meta tag
headers: {
'X-CSRF-TOKEN': "{{ csrf_token() }}"
myDropzone.options.profilePicture = {
dictDefaultMessage: "This message not gonna work",
paramName: "profile_picture",
