How do you track timestamps with Appscript function and Importrange column - javascript

Currently, I'm trying to find a way to track the changes of various cell changes with individual time stamps. I want to track changes so that every time one of these rows changes it marks a new time stamp in another column. I need to it to track every time that some make a change with a new time stamp in a new column.
Do you think someone could help me?
This is the function I am using and I was just going to set up a trigger to go off every day. I'm not sure this is the best way to track this type of change either so I am open to other suggestions if anyone has any. The only think is that an onEdit function DOESN'T work when you are using importrange for values. I put an example of the work I'm using here:
.js I was trying to use:
function checkCompleted() {
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Sheet1');
.forEach (function (r, i) {
if(r[0] == 'Completed' && !r[1])
s.getRange(i + 2, 8).setValue(new Date())

Change tracking Log
The problem with tracking changes by just changing the time stamp is that you only have knowledge of the last change to a given line. So I would suggest just writing a short message into a log entry that you can come back and read anytime. This will include a time stamp, spreadsheet name, sheet name, range changed, oldvalue and new value. You will need to create a file. I use Drive Notepad to create the file and I put all of these sorts of files in one data folder and you'll need the id of the data folder. You'll also need the id of your spreadsheet and the name of the sheet you wish to log the edits of.
You'll need to create an onEdit trigger for the onEditLog function.
The Code:
function onEditLog(e)
var ss=e.source.openById('SpreadsheetId');
var docnam=ss.getname();
var shtnam=ss.getActiveSheet().getName();
var range=e.range.getA1Notation();
if(docnam=='Your Document Name' && shtnam=='Sheet1')
var msg= 'Spreadsheet: ' + docnam + ' Sheet: ' + shtnam + + 'Range: ' + range + ' has been changed from ' + e.oldvalue + ' to ' + e.value;
function logEntry1(entry,file)//not you cannot run this function like other functions from your script editor. It must be run from an onEdit trigger so that it has access to the event object.
var file = (typeof(file) != 'undefined')?file:'eventlog.txt';
var entry = (typeof(entry) != 'undefined')?entry:'No entry string provided.';
var ts = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT-6", "yyyy-MM-dd' 'hh:mm:ss a");
var s = ts + ' - ' + entry + '\n';
saveFile(s, file, true);
//this function is taken from myUtility library you'll need to add your own DefaultFileName and DataFolderID.
function saveFile(datstr,filename,append)
var append = (typeof(append) !== 'undefined')? append : false;
var filename = (typeof(filename) !== 'undefined')? filename : DefaultFileName;//make change here. It is a string so put quotes around it.
var datstr = (typeof(datstr) !== 'undefined')? datstr : '';
var folderID = (typeof(folderID) !== 'undefined')? folderID : DataFolderID;//make other change here. Again it is a string
var fldr = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderID);
var file = fldr.getFilesByName(filename);
var targetFound = false;
var fi =;
var target = fi.getName();
if(target == filename)
datstr = fi.getBlob().getDataAsString() + datstr;
targetFound = true;
var create = fldr.createFile(filename, datstr);
targetFound = true;
return targetFound;


Email Sparkline graphs as image/blog/png from Google Sheets range

I tried applying this solution to my case:
Emailing SPARKLINE charts sends blank cells instead of data
But when I try to apply it to my situation an error pops up with:
TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null
On the executions there is more information about this error:
My GAS code for my Email solution is able to send just the values, and it's here:
function alertDailyInfo() {
let emailAddress = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("SANDBOX").getRange("F1").getValue();
let treeIconUrl = "";
let treeIconBlob = UrlFetchApp
let treeUpdate = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("SANDBOX").getRange("F6").getValue();
let waterUpdate = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("SANDBOX").getRange("F11").getValue();
if (treeUpdate > 0) {
to: emailAddress,
htmlBody: "<img src='cid:treeIcon'><br>" + '<br>' + '<br>' +
'<b><u>Tree average is:</u></b>'+ '<br>' + treeUpdate + '<br>' + '<br>' +
'<b><u>Water average is:</u></b>'+ '<br>' + waterUpdate + '<br>' + '<br>'
treeIcon: treeIconBlob,
The code from the solution presented on the link above and which I have tried to adapt to my situation (please check my file below) is here:
function drawTable() {
let emailAddress1 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("SANDBOX").getRange("F1").getValue();
var ss_data = getData();
var data = ss_data[0];
var background = ss_data[1];
var fontColor = ss_data[2];
var fontStyles = ss_data[3];
var fontWeight = ss_data[4];
var fontSize = ss_data[5];
var html = "<table border='1'>";
var images = {}; // Added
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
html += "<tr>"
for (var j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) {
if (typeof data[i][j] == "object") { // Added
html += "<td style='height:20px;background:" + background[i][j] + ";color:" + fontColor[i][j] + ";font-style:" + fontStyles[i][j] + ";font-weight:" + fontWeight[i][j] + ";font-size:" + (fontSize[i][j] + 6) + "px;'><img src='cid:img" + i + "'></td>"; // Added
images["img" + i] = data[i][j]; // Added
} else {
html += "<td style='height:20px;background:" + background[i][j] + ";color:" + fontColor[i][j] + ";font-style:" + fontStyles[i][j] + ";font-weight:" + fontWeight[i][j] + ";font-size:" + (fontSize[i][j] + 6) + "px;'>" + data[i][j] + "</td>";
html += "</tr>";
html + "</table>"
to: emailAddress1,
subject: "Spreadsheet Data",
htmlBody: html,
inlineImages: images // Added
function getData(){
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("SANDBOX");
var ss = sheet.getDataRange();
var val = ss.getDisplayValues();
var background = ss.getBackgrounds();
var fontColor = ss.getFontColors();
var fontStyles = ss.getFontStyles();
var fontWeight = ss.getFontWeights();
var fontSize = ss.getFontSizes();
var formulas = ss.getFormulas(); // Added
val =, i){return, j){return f ? f : getSPARKLINE(sheet, formulas[i][j])})}); // Added
return [val,background,fontColor,fontStyles,fontWeight,fontSize];
// Added
function getSPARKLINE(sheet, formula) {
formula = formula.toUpperCase();
if (~formula.indexOf("SPARKLINE")) {
var chart = sheet.newChart()
.setOption("showAxisLines", false)
.setOption("showValueLabels", false)
.setOption("width", 200)
.setOption("height", 100)
.setPosition(1, 1, 0, 0)
var createdChart = sheet.getCharts()[0];
var blob = createdChart.getAs('image/png');
return blob;
The code that is working just for the values, which I pasted above (1st block of code), will send me an email like this:
But I need to receive the email like this, with the Sparklines below the values like so:
The code for the Email solution, just for the values, I pasted above (1st block of code) is working. But for some reason when the code from the solution linked above (2nd block of code) is imported/saved into my Google Sheets file GAS script library and adapted to my case, everything stops working, displaying the errors mentioned above.
So basically, as you might have already understood, I need to send emails with the values from Tree Average and Water Average, and I managed to get that working. But I also need for the Sparkline graphs that you can see below, and by checking my file linked below too, to also be sent as images/blobs, just below the info, like in the screenshot above.
Can anyone provide any pointers on what can be missing in applying the solution above or is there a better alternative to sending a SPARKLINE graph as image/blob by email?
Here is my file:
I made some edits to bring more clarity.
As requested this is the formula applied to the first Sparkline, the 2nd one is pretty much the same:
"select Col2
where Col2 is not null
and Col1 <= "&INT(MAX(SANDBOX!$A$2:$A))&"
and Col1 > "&INT(MAX(SANDBOX!$A$2:$A))-(
SUBSTITUTE($F$4," ",""),
)-1, 0),
EDIT_3: At the advice of Rubén I have removed drawTable(); at the beggining of the code block.
I have also transfered the formula for the Sparkline to another helper sheet and link it to the main sheet.
After trying it seems the error does not appear anymore. Although the email received has 2 problems:
I receive the whole sheet in table form, where I just wanted the Sparklines.
Also the Sparklines do not come as images, they do not show up at all. Also where they should appear it says undefined.
I guess the whole sheet is being set because the function getting the range getDataRange(); is getting the whole sheet range.
Here is a screenshot:
As the question you reference explains:
the chart created by SPARKLINE cannot be directly imported to the email.
Why isn't the script working? Because you have not made any significant modifications to it and because you are using a more complex formula than the one proposed in the other question, it is very difficult (if not impossible) to make it work without any modifications.
What are the options? In my opinion you have 3 different options.
Follow the logic of the solution proposed by Tanaike in the other question and using EmbeddedChartBuilder try to shred the content of the FORMULA to achieve the same as with SPARKLINE.
Use the SpreadsheetApp methods to directly get the values from the sheet and build the chart from there.Here is a small example of how you can do it using Chart Service (You could achieve exactly the same with EmbeddedChartBuilder). As you already have a Blob object, you can insert it inside an email as I do inside the Sheet.
function constCreateChart() {
const sS = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('HELPER')
const chart = Charts.newDataTable()
.addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.NUMBER, '')
.addColumn(Charts.ColumnType.NUMBER, '')
// Modfify with your data
// getRange('A2:A15').getValues()...
const builder = [...Array(100).keys()].forEach(n => {
chart.addRow([n, n * n * Math.random()])
const chartShap = Charts.newColumnChart()
.setOption('hAxis.ticks', [])
.setOption('vAxis.ticks', [])
sS.insertImage(chartShap.getAs('image/png'), 5, 5)
Use this form to request Google to add the possibility to convert charts obtained using SPARKLINES to Blob objects that can be used inside an email.
Avalible Options in Chart Service
Fundamentals of Apps Script with Google Sheets #5:Chart and Present Data in Slides
Remove drawTable(); as this line makes that the drawTable function be executed when any function be called.
Apparently the error occurs on .addRange(sheet.getRange(formula.match(/\w+:\w+/)[0])), more specifically because formula.match(/\w+:\w+/) (this expression is intended to extract a range reference of the form A1:B10) returns null. Unfortunately the question doesn't include the formula. One possible solution might be as simple as replacing sheet.getRange(formula.match(/\w+:\w+/)[0]) by another way to set the source range for the temporary chart, but might be a more complex, i.e. adding a helper sheet to be used as the data source for the temporary chart.
NOTE: On Rev 11 one in-cell sparklines chart formula was added. As the formula is pretty complex, the simplest solution is to add a helper sheet to add the QUERY function
"select Col2
where Col2 is not null
and Col1 <= "&INT(MAX(SANDBOX!$A$2:$A))&"
and Col1 > "&INT(MAX(SANDBOX!$A$2:$A))-(
SUBSTITUTE($F$4," ",""),
)-1, 0)
Then instead of sheet.getRange(formula.match(/\w+:\w+/)[0]) use helperSheet.getDataRange(). You will have to set an appropriate way to declare helperSheet.
Related to Rev. 8
The code on Tanaike's answer reads data from Sheet1 but your sheet is named SANDBOX.

How to get a timestamp based on a user's onclick event?

I'm creating an expense tracker application and wanted to get some insight on how to get and save a user's timestamp based on when they click the submit button.
let timestamp = new Date().getTime();
let todate = new Date(timestamp).getDate();
let tomonth = new Date(timestamp).getMonth() + 1;
let toyear = new Date(timestamp).getFullYear();
let original_date = tomonth + "/" + todate + "/" + toyear;
I understand the following code grabs the current date and formats it. If I were to just populate the DOM with original_date based on a click, then it'd work with today's date, but if I check it tomorrow, then it'll grab tomorrow's date. My current problem is, how would I go about saving the date based on a user's submit event without having it update to the current time.
Idea: Would having an event listener for the button be the way to go? Let's say:
function addTransaction(e) {
let saveDate = original_date;
if (text.value.trim() === "" || amount.value.trim() === "") {
alert("Please add a description and amount of the transaction");
} else {
const transaction = {
id: generateID(),
text: text.value,
amount: +amount.value,
date: saveDate
function addTransactionDOM(transaction) {
const sign = transaction.amount < 0 ? "-" : "+";
//creating new element
const item = document.createElement("li");
//Add class based on value
item.classList.add(transaction.amount < 0 ? "minus" : "plus");
item.innerHTML = `
form.addEventListener("submit", addTransaction);
Would something like this work?
You can save in the browser localStorage the data you need to be retrieved later.
For example:
// Store data
localStorage.setItem('originalDateKey', original_date);
// Get data
var retrievedDate = localStorage.getItem('originalDateKey');
// Remove data
What you need is window.localStorage: localStorage documentation
window.localStorage.setItem(key, value) saves a string value to the user's local storage and can later be accessed with window.localStorage.getItem(key) where key is a unique string identifier.
Here's what I would do to achieve the desired result:
When the page is loaded, check if we have saved a previous date to localStorage
If saved date found, then load it from localStorage into the DOM
Set up a listener for the button which, saves the current date to localStorage (creating a new entry or overwriting the date that was there previously)
Here's some js flavored pseudo code:
// When site fully loaded, check for saved date and load into dom
window.addEventListener("load", function (event) {
const savedTimestamp = window.localStorage.getItem("savedDate");
// If savedTimestamp is null, then we have no previous saved date
if (savedTimestamp !== null) {
// Tip: we can reuse the date object instead of
// creating a new one every time here
const dateObj = new Date(savedTimestamp);
const todate = dateObj.getDate();
const tomonth = dateObj.getMonth() + 1;
const toyear = dateObj.getFullYear();
const savedDate = tomonth + "/" + todate + "/" + toyear;
// Show the saved date, just an example
// Put your code for showing the date here
// ... rest of your code
function addTransaction(e) {
// ... omitting for brevity
let saveDate = original_date;
// ...
// Save the current timestamp to local storage
window.localStorage.setItem("savedDate", saveDate);
// ... and so on
Make sure that saveDate is a string when you're saving it to localStorage, otherwise javascript will convert that to a string on its own and possibly screw things up.

getValue not working on sheets

I'm trying to set up an email alert system based on a project tracking sheet my team uses at work. I need it to send an email when a task's status is changed to "Done" in column K. I got the code to work on a test sheet, but when I copy it to the live sheet the getValue() code stops working? Since the email is sent based on if() statements, the script runs, but doesn't actually work. I'm not sure if it's a permissions issue since I am not the owner of the live sheet?
I hope that is descriptive enough -- I have taught myself javascript in order to get this working and it seems so close, but I am stuck!!
Here is a screenshot of what the project tracking sheet looks like.
function emailUpdate(e) {
var emailInfoRange = sheet.getRange("B:O");
var edit = e.range.getA1Notation(); // Gets edited cell location
var editColumn = edit.substring(0,1) // Gets column of edited cell
var editRow = edit.substring(1,3) // Gets row of edited cell
if(editColumn == "K") { // gets all relevent information needed for email
var taskTypeCell = emailInfoRange.getCell(editRow,1);
var taskType = taskTypeCell.getValue();
var requestedByCell = emailInfoRange.getCell(editRow,3);
var requestedBy = requestedByCell.getValue();
var emailRequestCell = emailInfoRange.getCell(editRow,4);
var emailRequest = emailRequestCell.getValue();
var projectIdCell = emailInfoRange.getCell(editRow,5);
var projectID = projectIdCell.getValue();
var taskDescriptionCell = emailInfoRange.getCell(editRow,6);
var taskDescription = taskDescriptionCell.getValue();
var claimedByCell = emailInfoRange.getCell(editRow,9);
var claimedBy = claimedByCell.getValue();
var taskStatusCell = emailInfoRange.getCell(editRow,10);
var taskStatus = taskStatusCell.getValue();
if(taskStatus == "Done") {
if(emailRequest == "Yes" || emailRequest == "yes") { // Determines if status is "Done", and email notification is "Yes" or "yes"
var emailAddress;
var getEmailAddress = function(personelArray) { // Defines function to search email address arrays for the one that belongs to requestedBy
for (var i = 0; i < personelArray.length; i++) {
if(requestedBy === personelArray[i]) {
emailAddress = personelArray[i+1];
} } }
// Searches through all email arrays to find the one belonging to requester
// Sends email
"AUTOGEN: " + taskType + " for " + projectID + " " + taskDescription + " completed by " + claimedBy + ".", "This email has been automatically generated by an edit to the work available sheet. \n"
} else (Logger.log("No email requested"))
} else (Logger.log("Status not changed to done"))
} else (Logger.log("Update not to status cell"))
I would make the following changes to help prevent issues with string manipulations. Which could be the cause for your issues with getValues().
function emailUpdate(e) {
var emailInfoRange = sheet.getRange("B:O");
var edit = e.range // Gets edited cell location
var editColumn = edit.getColumn() // Gets column of edited cell
var editRow = edit.getRow() // Gets row of edited cell
if(editColumn == 11) // Column K should correspond to column number 11, if i can count correctly.
/// Remainder of the code should be the same as above
So instead of converting the range to A1 notation, you should get column number and row number using getColumn and getRow() on the range object. This will prevent issues with text to number manipulation and could be the cause of your problems.

Removing parameter values of a url in the next page using javascript only

I need to remove the values from the url after the ? in the next page the moment i click from my first page. I tried a lot of coding but could not get to a rite path. Need help.
The strings ex- Name, JobTitle and Date are dynamically generated values for ref.
Below are the links associated with the code:
Required url
Resultant url:
listItem.onclick = function(){
var elementData=listData[];
var stringParameter= "Name=" + +"&JobTitle="+elementData.job_title+"&Date="+ elementData.entered_date;
//window.location.href = window.location.href.replace("ListCandidateNew", "newOne") + "?" + stringParameter;
+ stringParameter;
This should work:
var url = file:///C:/Users/varun.singh/Desktop/www%20updated%2027.8.2015%20Old/www/Candidates/newOne.html?Name=Name%201&JobTitle=Title%201&Date=Entered%20Date%201
var index = url.lastIndexOf("?");
url = url.slice(0, index+1); // index+1 so that "?" is included
Thanks everond for trying and attempting to answer my problem. Well, i have found the solution using window.sessionStorage as i wanted by keeping the string parameter alive to pass the values. Here is the full code:
I have two pages for passing the value from one to another: ListCandidateNew.html and newOne.html
listItem.onclick = function()
var elementData=listData[];
var stringParameter= "Name=" + +"&JobTitle="+elementData.job_title+"&Date="+ elementData.entered_date;
window.sessionStorage['Name'] =;
window.sessionStorage['JobTitle'] = elementData.job_title;
window.sessionStorage['Date'] = elementData.entered_date;
function LoadCandidateDetail()
document.getElementById('Name').innerHTML = window.sessionStorage['Name'];
document.getElementById('JobTitle').innerHTML = window.sessionStorage["JobTitle"];
document.getElementById('Date').innerHTML = window.sessionStorage["Date"];

Updating a ScriptProperty to avoid retrieving duplicate Twitter statuses

I was interested in writing a twitter bot to help out some friends at a local ski resort. I found this tutorial from Amit Agarwal which gave me enough to get started (it did take me more than 5 minutes since I did a lot of modifying). I host the script on google docs.
FIRST I think this is javascript (my understanding is that google apps script uses javascript...) and when I have had problems with the code so far, google searches for javascript-such-and-such have been helpful, but if this is not actually javascript, please let me know so I can update the tag accordingly!
I have no prior experience with javascript, so I am pretty happy that it's actually working. But I want to see if I'm doing this right.
The start function initiates the trigger, which kicks off the fetchTweets() function every interval (30 minutes). In order to avoid duplicates (the first errors I encountered) & potentially being flagged as spam, I needed a way to ensure that I was not posting the same tweets over and over again. Within the start() function, the initial since_id value is assigned:
ScriptProperties.setProperty("SINCE_TWITTER_ID", "404251049889759234");
Within the fetchTweet() function, I think I am updating this property with the statement:
ScriptProperties.setProperty("SINCE_TWITTER_ID", lastID + '\n');
Is this a good way to do this? Or is there a better/more reliable way? And if so, how can I be sure it's updating the property? (I can check the log file and it seems to be doing it, so I probably just need to create a permanent text file for the logger).
Any help is greatly appreciated!!
/** A S I M P L E T W I T T E R B O T **/
/** ======================================= **/
/** Written by Amit Agarwal #labnol on 03/08/2013 **/
/** Modified by David Zemens #agnarchy on 11/21/2013 **/
/** Tutorial link: **/
/** Live demo at **/
/** Last updated on 09/07/2013 - Twitter API Fix **/
function start() {
Logger.log("start!" + '\n')
// Store variables
ScriptProperties.setProperty("TWITTER_HANDLE", TWITTER_HANDLE);
ScriptProperties.setProperty("SEARCH_QUERY", SEARCH_QUERY);
ScriptProperties.setProperty("SINCE_TWITTER_ID", "404251049889759234");
// Delete exiting triggers, if any
var triggers = ScriptApp.getScriptTriggers();
for(var i=0; i < triggers.length; i++) {
// Setup trigger to read Tweets every 2 hours
function oAuth() {
var oauthConfig = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService("twitter");
function fetchTweets() {
// I put this line in to monitor whether the property is getting "stored" so as to avoid
// reading in duplicate tweets.
Logger.log("Getting tweets since " + ScriptProperties.getProperty("SINCE_TWITTER_ID"))
var twitter_handle = ScriptProperties.getProperty("TWITTER_HANDLE");
var search_query = ScriptProperties.getProperty("SEARCH_QUERY")
Logger.log("searching tweets to " + search_query + '\n');
// form the base URL
// restrict to a certain radius ---:
//var search = ",-83.564306,75mi&include_entities=false&result_type=recent&q=";
// unrestricted radius:
var search = "";
search = search + encodeString(search_query) + "&since_id=" + ScriptProperties.getProperty("SINCE_TWITTER_ID");
var options =
"method": "get",
try {
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(search, options);
var lastID = ScriptProperties.getProperty("SINCE_TWITTER_ID");
if (result.getResponseCode() === 200) {
var data = Utilities.jsonParse(result.getContentText());
if (data) {
var tweets = data.statuses;
for (var i=tweets.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
// Make sure this is a NEW tweet
if (tweets[i].id > ScriptProperties.getProperty("SINCE_TWITTER_ID")) {
lastID = (tweets[i].id_str);
var answer = tweets[i].text.replace(new RegExp("\#" + twitter_handle, "ig"), "").replace(twitter_handle, "");
// I find this TRY block may be necessary since a failure to send one of the tweets
// may abort the rest of the loop.
try {
Logger.log("found >> " + tweets[i].text)
Logger.log("converted >> " + answer + '\n');
sendTweet(tweets[i].user.screen_name, tweets[i].id_str, answer.substring(0,140));
// Update the script property to avoid duplicates.
ScriptProperties.setProperty("SINCE_TWITTER_ID", lastID);
Logger.log("sent to #" + tweets[i].user.screen_name + '\n');
} catch (e) {
Logger.log(e.toString() + '\n');
} catch (e) {
Logger.log(e.toString() + '\n');
Logger.log("Last used " + lastID + + "\n")
function sendTweet(user, reply_id, tweet) {
var options =
"method": "POST",
var status = "";
status = status + "?status=" + encodeString("RT #" + user + " " + tweet + " - Thanks\!");
status = status + "&in_reply_to_status_id=" + reply_id;
try {
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(status, options);
Logger.log("JSON result = " + result.getContentText() + '\n');
catch (e) {
Logger.log(e.toString() + '\n');
// Thank you +Martin Hawksey - you are awesome
function encodeString (q) {
// Update: 09/06/2013
// Google Apps Script is having issues storing oAuth tokens with the Twitter API 1.1 due to some encoding issues.
// Henc this workaround to remove all the problematic characters from the status message.
var str = q.replace(/\(/g,'{').replace(/\)/g,'}').replace(/\[/g,'{').replace(/\]/g,'}').replace(/\!/g, '|').replace(/\*/g, 'x').replace(/\'/g, '');
return encodeURIComponent(str);
// var str = encodeURIComponent(q);
// str = str.replace(/!/g,'%21');
// str = str.replace(/\*/g,'%2A');
// str = str.replace(/\(/g,'%28');
// str = str.replace(/\)/g,'%29');
// str = str.replace(/'/g,'%27');
// return str;
When you use ScriptProperties.setProperty("KEY", "VALUE");, internally Script Properties will overwrite a duplicate key (i.e., if an old Property has the same key, your new one will replace it). So in your case, since you are using the same identifier for the key (SINCE_TWITTER_ID), it will replace any previous Script Property that is that key.
Furthermore, you can view Script Properties via File -> Project properties -> Project properties (tab). Imo Google didn't name that very well. User properties as specific to Google users. Script properties as specific to the Script Project you are working under.
Also, it probably isn't a good idea to include \n in your value when you set the property. That will lead to all sorts of bugs down the road, because you'll have to compare with something like the following:
var valToCompare = "My value\n";
instead of:
var valToCompare = "My value";
because the value in SINCE_TWITTER_ID will actually be "some value\n" after you call your fetchTweet() function.
Of course, one seems more logical I think, unless you really need the line breaks (in which case you should be using them somewhere else, for this application).
Its ok like that thou I dont know why you are adding \n at fhe end. Might confuse other code. You can see script properties in the script's file menu+ properties
