Loggly: Unable to receive logs from NodeJs with Winston - javascript

I configured everything regarding the documentation's page.
I get no error from my Node app, however I don't receive any log on loggy from my app.
I can't figure out where does the problem come from.
My code in config.js:
var winston = require('winston');
winston.add(winston.transports.Loggly, {
inputToken: "aToken",
subdomain: "aSubDomain",
tags: ["Winston-NodeJS"],
winston.log('info',"Hello World from Node.js!");

Your config looks fine. Did you check you are using the right token from https://YourSubdomain.loggly.com/tokens not from https://YourSubdomain.loggly.com/account/users/api/tokens? The use of both the tokens are different so this could be a reason that you are not seeing any log in your account.


FS readFileSync causing problems in windows service

I have a small express script that was making an api. I then used node services to make it a service and set it up to run after mongoDb kicked off. Worked like a charm however I had to add HTTPS support which requires me to read the keys using fs.readFileSync. Now the process just ends after starting. If I run the file it works fine so I think it has to do with the window service trying to access a users file. Has anyone run into this before? Below is both the code for the file creating the API and the code used to make the service.
key: fs.readFileSync("certs/server.com.key"),
cert: fs.readFileSync("certs/server.com.crt"),
passphrase: "redacted",
.listen(port, function () {
`Example app listening on port ${port}! Go to https://localhost:${port}/api`
var Service = require("node-windows").Service;
var svc = new Service({
name: "FavoritesAPI1.1",
"This starts the express server for the favorites API and connects to MongoDB.",
script: "C:\\Users\\srv-qlik\\Desktop\\FavoritesAPI\\index.js",
nodeOptions: ["--harmony", "--max_old_space_size=4096"],
svc.on("install", function () {
Changed the fs file paths to the full paths and it seem to be working.

Kibana Not Showing Logs Sent to Elasticsearch From Node.js Winston Logger

I am sending logs directly to Elasticsearch from a Node.js app using the winston and winston-elasticsearch packages. Elasticsearch 7.5.1, Logstash & Kibana 7.5.1 were deployed on a remote server using Docker Compose.
Problem 1: After running the node.js file that sends 2 log messages to Elasticsearch, the program does not automatically exit to return to the terminal. Using Node.js v12.6.0 on Mac OS X Mojave 10.14.6.
Problem 2: After these 2 log messages were sent to Elasticsearch, they can be viewed using a web browser at http://<example.com>:9200/logs-2020.02.01/_search.
{"took":5,"timed_out":false,"_shards":{"total":1,"successful":1,"skipped":0,"failed":0},"hits":{"total":{"value":2,"relation":"eq"},"max_score":1.0,"hits":[{"_index":"logs-2020.02.01","_type":"_doc","_id":"85GgA3ABiaPPk4as1pEc","_score":1.0,"_source":{"#timestamp":"2020-02-02T02:00:35.789Z","message":"a debug message","severity":"debug","fields":{}}},{"_index":"logs-2020.02.01","_type":"_doc","_id":"9JGgA3ABiaPPk4as1pEc","_score":1.0,"_source":{"#timestamp":"2020-02-02T02:00:35.791Z","message":"an info log","severity":"info","fields":{}}}]}}
However, these logs do not show up on Kibana, such as the Logs section at https://<example.com>/app/infra#/logs/stream?_g=().
Any idea how to get the logs to also show up on Kibana? Also, why is the Node.js app not exiting after sending the log messages?
Thank you!
Node.js App
const winston = require('winston');
const ElasticsearchWinston = require('winston-elasticsearch');
const options = {
console: {
level: 'debug',
handleExceptions: true,
json: false,
colorize: true
elasticsearch: {
level: 'debug',
clientOpts: {
node: 'http://user:pass#example.com:9200',
log: 'debug',
maxRetries: 2,
requestTimeout: 10000,
sniffOnStart: false,
var logger = winston.createLogger({
exitOnError: false,
transports: [
new winston.transports.Console(options.console),
new ElasticsearchWinston(options.elasticsearch)
logger.debug('a debug message');
logger.info('an info log');
I'm not a node.js expert so I will only focus on the kibana issue. The Logs app is not meant to be for "custom" logs/indices like yours.
As stated in the documentation (https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/current/xpack-logs.html):
The Logs app in Kibana enables you to explore logs for common servers, containers, and services.
The logs app is for monitoring your infrastructure and ELK-Services, e.g. through certain Beats-modules (e.g. the Elasticsearch-, Kibana- and Logstash-Module of Filebeat).
Also from the docs (https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/current/xpack-logs-configuring.html):
The default source configuration for logs is specified in the Logs app settings in the Kibana configuration file. The default configuration uses the filebeat-* index pattern to query the data.
This explains why you dont see any data in the logs app since your indices use the 'logs-*' index pattern.
Long story short:
To view the documents in your log-* indices, you need to open the Discovery (first icon on the left sidebar in Kibana) and select the index pattern you already have set up. This is the appropriate way of searching your application data in Kibana.
I hope I could help you.

Dashing-JS "Hello World" Demo

I am attempting to work with Dashing-JS, a port of a Sinatra based framework project in Ruby, Dashing.IO, to Javascript/Node. Essentially I have the core packages and dependencies for Dashing-JS configured; however, when attempting to run just the sample, I am unable to display anything other than this 404 error rather than a sample dashboard:
NodeJS CLI output is as follows:
The project is not well maintained; however, I am curious if an expert in Node might be able to shed some light on the situation. Is a path reference incorrect?
1. server.js is referencing sample.jade.
var dashing = require('new-dashing-js').Dashing();
// Set your auth token here
//dashing.auth_token = 'YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN';
dashing.protected = function(req, res, next) {
// Put any authentication code you want in here.
// This method is run before accessing any resource.
// if (true) next();
// Set your default dashboard here
dashing.default_dashboard = 'sample';
"Sample.jade" is located within the "dashboards" directory

Winston only writes to Console, does not successfully log anything to my log file

I am using NodeJS/React/Express/winston in conjunction. Here are the versions:
react & react-router-dom: 15.6.1
express: 4.15.3
node: 8.4.0
npm: 5.3.0
winston: 2.3.1
express-winston: 2.4.0
I instantiate my logger as such:
var logger = new (winston.Logger) ({
transports: [
new(winston.transports.File) ({
filename: 'log.txt',
handleExceptions: true,
prettyPrint: true
], exitOnError: false
I have created log.txt so the directory and file both exist.
At this point, I can go to my server and everything renders successfully as before.
If I add any calls to my logger, such as:
logger.info("Hello World!");
my application no longer renders, however I do not see any errors in the Console.
I have tried this as well with express-winston to log middleware requests which has the same outcome: logging works in the console for express-winson, but not when I want to write to an external file.
I just cannot seem to locate the source of this problem, it has absolutely baffled me. Please let me know if you see any red flags or have suggestions for how to debug this problem. Thank you very much for your time and help!
****** UPDATE ******
I have found that if I use:
try {
catch(e) { alert(e); }
I get this message:
TypeError: fs.stat is not a function
I cannot find anything online that can fix this. Please advise

ReferenceError: config is not defined - Node Login Authentication

I am new to nodejs and I am follow this link for a simple login authentication but however as I am trying to follow up process I have configured a local mongodb database and as per the instructions I have updated the database.js file like -->
module.exports = {
'mongodb': '//localhost/loginApp'
but however when I try to run
node server.js
I am getting error as follows
can Someone help ?! I cant understand what is the issue with it ?!
Looks like that you have this config/database.js in line 1 in your database.js file.
This should be commented out like //config/database.js. So Your code should be like
module.exports = {
'mongodb': '//localhost/loginApp'
