Accessing the Node ReadStream - javascript

I have a piece of code which is wrapped in a promise. That piece of code reads an image form http, does various things, and at the end sends it to aws.s3.putObject. It looks like this (simplified):
Please note form is multiparty object.
form.on('part', (part) => {//form is multiparty
let tmpFile = path.join(os.tmpDir(), `${userId}_${timePrefix}_${path.basename(part.filename)}`);
part.on('end', () => {
part.once('error', (error) => {
form.once('error', (error) => {
}).then((imageStream) => {
//here is a call to AWS S3.putObject. Which return a promise
}).then(() => {
return new Ok();
In essence a stream is made on a created image and sent to AWS. I wanted to do some manipulation on binary level (read file signature, to check if it is an image). I got it to work like this:
form.on('part', (part) => {
let tmpFile = path.join(os.tmpDir(), `${userId}_${timePrefix}_${path.basename(part.filename)}`);
part.on('end', () => {
let chunk = [];
let file = fs.createReadStream(tmpFile);
let isFirstChunkSet = false;
file.on('data', function(chunks) {
if (!isFirstChunkSet){
chunk = chunks;
isFirstChunkSet = true;
file.on('close', function() {
let magicNumber = chunk.toString('hex', 0, 2);
if (imageProperties.allowed_file_types.includes(magicNumber)) {
} else {
error.message = 'wrong file type';
part.once('error', (error) => {
form.once('error', (error) => {
}).then((imageStream) => {
//here is a call to AWS S3.putObject. Which return a promise
}).then(() => {
return new Ok();
Basically I attached two event listeners to the existing stream to access the data, and so some checking on the header file.
What bothers me is the feeling that I am overdoing things here. I would like to avoid those two listeners (data and close) and read a stream if possible.
To be more precise, this section of code receives the stream, and inside it I would like to access the data before sending it to AWS. This stream is ready, and simply put how do I read it, without using events?
}).then((imageStream) => {
//How can I access the imageStream here, without event listeners.
//Assumption is the stream is ready to be accessed.
//here is a call to AWS S3.putObject. Which return a promise
}).then(() => {
return new Ok();


Get Promise resolve from separate callback

I am sending data to a Bluetooth device, and the responses are handled by a listener that's set up during the connection process:
device.connect().then(device => {
device.registerResponseListener((data) => {
// handle response
I have a separate function that sends data to the device:
const sendData = (device, data) => {
My question is, how can I Promisify this code? I'd like to be able to do
const sendData = (device, data) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// resolve...?
But how do I get the resolve into the Bluetooth response listener?
I don't know what API you're using but you can try BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic API. It has writeValueWithResponse method which return Promise.
If I understood you correctly then you can do it like this
const sendData = async (device, data) => {
const response = await device.write(data);
await Promise.all( => listener(response)))
The best possible solution in this case, while still not ideal, was to store the resolve function in variable at a higher scope:
var sendDataResolve;
device.connect().then(device => {
device.registerResponseListener((data) => {
const sendData = (device, data) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
sendDataResolve = resolve;
sendData(device, "data")
.then(result => {
console.log("Got result",result);
The caveat is that Promise resolutions are NOT guaranteed to be tied correctly to the original request. This ONLY works with one request at a time.

Upgrade .then .catch to async await and try catch

I'm tryng to upgrade this code for a better maintenance, this code uploads two images to a server, i know it's possible to get rid of those .catch, by applying async await functions, and try catch blocks, but it's pretty confusing for me, any help will be apreciated.
this._uploadService.makeFileRequest(Global.url + "/upload-image1/" + response.product._id, [], this.filesToUpload1, 'image')
.then((result: Product) => {
this.filesToUpload1 = null;
this._uploadService.makeFileRequest(Global.url + "/upload-image/" + response.product._id, [], this.filesToUpload, 'image')
.then((result: Product) => {
this.filesToUpload = null;
setTimeout( () => this._router.navigate(['/detail', this.saveProduct._id]), 800 );
.catch(err => {
this._router.navigate(['/detail', this.saveProduct._id]);
.catch(err => {
this._router.navigate(['/detail', this.saveProduct._id]);
I suggest using a pen and paper to draw a block diagram for the logic involved, i.e. which api gets called first, with what kind of data, then which api comes afterwards; also include any logical conditionals through branching.
After that, you should attempt to write something like
const aggregateFunction = async() => {
try {
const someResponse = await callFirstApi(); // return response
await callSecondApi(someResponse); // use the response of the first api for the second api
if (someConditional) {
await callThirdApi(); // response not returned (i.e. when not required)
} catch (error) { // catch all errors from all await if they're not within another try-catch
This pattern should eliminate all then and catch blocks. If you need more specific error handling for calling say a specific api, wrap function call inside another try-catch block, but everything should still be within the outer try-catch so that all errors will be caught regardless.
this._uploadService.makeFileRequest = function(){
return new Promise(resolve => {
// do logic of file request
var waitForTime = function() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout( () => {
this._router.navigate(['/detail', this.saveProduct._id]),
}, 800 );
var f = async function(){
try {
await this._uploadService.makeFileRequest(Global.url + "/upload-image1/" + response.product._id, [], this.filesToUpload1, 'image');
await this.fileToUpload1 = null;
await this._uploadService.makeFileRequest(Global.url + "/upload-image/" + response.product._id, [], this.filesToUpload, 'image')
await this.fileToUpload = null;
await waitForTime();
catch(e) {
// error logic
if (this.filesToUpload1 && this.filesToUpload) {
this might be another cleaner approach with async,await and promise

AWS S3 CreateReadStream in a loop only reads and writes 1 file

I am trying to retrieve multiple files from S3 using a readstream, and insert them into a single file locally.
Below, the 'output' variable is the single writestream I wish to append to using the downloaded S3 file data.
I am looping through days where the nextDay variable is used for the S3 key. The fileservice.s3Handler.getS3Obj returns an S3 object which allows a readstream for a single file and appending to the output file.
However, no other files are being read and are not showing the console either using the on('data', ()) method.
I tried to wrap the readstream in a promise to try to wait until the read was finished but it is running the same error.
More recently I keep get this error: "ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END"
Not sure what is going wrong here.
async fetchCSV(req, res) {
const output = fs.createWriteStream(outputPathWithFile, {
'flags': 'a'});
let nextDay = startDate;
while (nextDay !== endDate) {
const s3path = path.join(`${req.params.stationId}`, `${nextDay}.csv`);
const file = await this.fileService.s3Handler.getS3Obj(s3path);
await this.completePipe(file, output);
nextDay = await getTomorrow(nextDay);
completePipe(file, output) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
file.createReadStream().on('finish', () => {
}).on('error', (err) => {
}).on('data', (data) => {
getS3Obj(file) {
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
const getParams = {
Bucket: this.bucket,
Key: file
resolve(this.s3.getObject(getParams, (err) => {
if (err) {
console.log('Error in getS3 object')
Please help me?
Solved it.
Did a couple things:
Added a tag to the pipe method.
stream.pipe(output, {end: false})
Instead of creating a new function for the promise I just put this code in instead:
await new Promise((resolve) => {
stream.once('finish', () => {
But the tag was what made it work, the promise was just a tidy up.

ssh2-sftp-client get multiple files - error "write after end"

I am trying to load multiple files from ftp but I am getting error: "write after end". I am not able to find the issue.
async function getFtpFileContent(_path) {
const ftpConfig = {
host: config.FTPhost.replace('https://', ''),
username: config.FTPusername,
password: config.FTPpassword
let ftpFileContent;
let sftp = new StfpClient();
try {
await sftp.connect(ftpConfig);
const stream = await sftp.get(_path);
ftpFileContent = await readStream(sftp, stream);
await sftp.end();
} catch (error) {
console.log('FTP Error: \n', error);
return ftpFileContent;
function readStream(sftp, stream) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let body;
stream.on('data', chunk => {
body += chunk;
stream.on('end', () => {
stream.on('error', err => reject(err));
calling in the next method:
async function getFiles(req, res) {
// first file
let fileContent = await conn.getFtpFileContent(filePath);
// second file
let fileContent2 = await conn.getFtpFileContent(filePath2);
When I call the method getFtpFileContent second time I got the mentioned error ("write after end").
Could you please help me? Where I doing the mistake?
I'm not sure where your problem is but should you be calling stream.close() in the getFtpFileContent function? I don't see anything about a close method for a stream, only a close event.
I found the issue. The issue was in CSV converter which I used later. The converter used writable stream which was not close after convert.

Run callback function after forEach is done

In the project, I have a loop going through a list of urls. It downloads file from every url and do some post process over the downloaded file.
After the all the process done (both download process and post process), I want to execute a callback function. Because post process includes some streaming task, it has close event. If the last item can be identified, I can pass the callback function to the close event. However, since the loop is async, I can't track which item is done at last.
For now, I use a 5 second timeout to make sure the callback is executed after the whole process. Obviously, this is not sustainable. What's a good way to handle this?
loop code:
exports.processArray = (items, process, callback) => {
var todo = items.concat();
setTimeout(function() {
if(todo.length > 0) {
// execute download and post process each second
// however it doesn't guarantee one start after previous one done
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1000);
} else {
setTimeout(() => {callback();}, 5000);
}, 1000);
// First param, the array
// Second param, download and post process
(url) => {
if(url.startsWith('http')) {
getDataReg(url, uid);
else if(url.startsWith('ftp')) {
getDataFtp(url, uid);
else {
console.log('not a valid resource');
// Third param, callback to be executed after all done
() => {
Request.get(`${config.demouri}bound=${request.query.boundary};uid=${uid}`, {
method: 'GET',
auth: auth
.on('response', (response) => {
console.log('response event emmits');
.then((path) => {
reply.file(path, { confine: false, filename: uid + '.zip', mode: 'inline'}).header('Content-Disposition');
Download and post process:
exports.getDataFtp = (url, uid) => {
console.log('get into ftp');
var usefulUrl = url.split('//')[1];
var spliter = usefulUrl.indexOf('/');
var host = usefulUrl.substring(0, spliter);
var dir = usefulUrl.substring(spliter+1, usefulUrl.length);
var client = new ftp();
var connection = {
host: host
var fileNameStart = dir.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
var fileNameEnd = dir.length;
var fileName = dir.substring(fileNameStart, fileNameEnd);
console.log('filename: ', fileName);
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log('get into ftp ready');
client.get(dir, (err, stream) => {
if (err) {
console.log('get file err:', err);
} else{
console.log('get into ftp get');
stream.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(datadir + `download/${uid}/${fileName}`));
stream.on('end', () => {
console.log('get into ftp close');
unzipData(datadir + `download/${uid}/`, fileName, uid);
exports.getDataReg = (url, uid) => {
console.log('get into http');
var fileNameStart = url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
var fileNameEnd = url.length;
var fileName = url.substring(fileNameStart, fileNameEnd);
var file = fs.createWriteStream(datadir + `download/${uid}/${fileName}`);
if (url.startsWith('https')) {
https.get(url, (response) => {
console.log('start piping file');
file.on('finish', () => {
console.log('get into http finish');
unzipData(datadir + `download/${uid}/`, fileName, uid);
}).on('error', (err) => { // Handle errors
fs.unlink(datadir + `download/${uid}/${fileName}`);
console.log('download file err: ', err);
} else {
http.get(url, (response) => {
console.log('start piping file');
file.on('finish', () => {
unzipData(datadir + `download/${uid}/`, fileName, uid);
}).on('error', (err) => {
fs.unlink(datadir + `download/${uid}/${fileName}`);
console.log('download file err: ', err);
function unzipData(path, fileName, uid) {
console.log('get into unzip');
console.log('creating: ', path + fileName);
fs.createReadStream(path + fileName)
.pipe(unzip.Extract({path: path}))
.on('close', () => {
console.log('get into unzip close');
var filelist = listFile(path);
filelist.forEach((filePath) => {
if (!filePath.endsWith('.zip')) {
var components = filePath.split('/');
var component = components[components.length-1];
mv(filePath, datadir + `processing/${uid}/${component}`, (err) => {
if(err) {
console.log('move file err: ');
} else {
console.log('move file done');
fs.unlink(path + fileName, (err) => {});
After the all the process done (both download process and post process), I want to execute a callback function.
The interesting thing about a series of asynchronous processes is that you can never know when exactly all processes will complete. So setting a timeout for the callback is quick&dirty way to do it, but it's not reliable for sure.
You can instead use a counter to solve this problem.
Let's say you have 10 operations to perform. At the beginning you set your counter to ten counter = 10 And after each process is completed, regardless how (it can either succeed or fail), you can decrement the counter by 1 like counter -= 1 and right after it you can check if the counter is 0, if so that means all processes are completed and we reached the end. You can now safely run your callback function, like if(counter === 0) callback();
If I were you, I would do something like this:
*Notice that the called process should return a promise, so that I can know when it finishes (again regardless how)
*If you need help about promises, this useful article might help you:
*Oh and one more thing, you should avoid using arguments.callee, because it's deprecated. Here is why Why was the arguments.callee.caller property deprecated in JavaScript?
exports.processArray = (items, process, callback) => {
var todo = [].concat(items);
var counter = todo.length;
function runProcess() {
// Check if the counter already reached 0
if(checkCounter() === false) {
// Nope. Counter is still > 0, which means we got work to do.
var processPromise = process(todo.shift());
.then(function() {
// success
.catch(function() {
// failure
.finally(function() {
// The previous process is done.
// Now we can go with the next one.
function checkCounter() {
if(counter === 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
What you want to do is to make all your asynchronous processes converge into a single promise that you can use to execute the callback at the correct moment.
Lets start at the point each process is complete, which I assume is in the callback passed to the mv() function in unzipData(). You want to wrap each of these asynchronous actions in a Promise that resolves in the callback and you also want to use these promises later and for that you use the .map() method to collect the promises in an array (instead of .forEach()).
Here's the code:
var promises = => {
if (!filePath.endsWith('.zip')) {
var components = filePath.split('/');
var component = components[components.length-1];
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
mv(filePath, datadir + `processing/${uid}/${component}`, (err) => {
if(err) {
console.log('move file err: ');
reject(); // Or resolve() if you want to ignore the error and not cause it to prevent the callback from executing later
} else {
console.log('move file done');
return Promise.resolve();
(if the asynchronous action is not to be executed, a Promise that resolves immediately is returned instead)
Now, we can turn this list of Promises into a single Promise that resolves when all of the promises in the list has resolved:
var allPromise = Promise.all(promises);
Next, we need to look further up in the code. We can see that the code we've just been looking at is itself part of an event handler of an asynchronous action, i.e. fs.createReadStream(). You need to wrap that in a promise that gets resolved when the inner promises resolve and this is the promise that the unzipData() function shall return:
function unzipData(path, fileName, uid) {
console.log('get into unzip');
console.log('creating: ', path + fileName);
return new Promise((outerResolve) =>
fs.createReadStream(path + fileName)
.pipe(unzip.Extract({path: path}))
.on('close', () => {
console.log('get into unzip close');
var filelist = listFile(path);
// Code from previous examples
Next, we look at the functions that use unzipData(): getDataReg() and getDataFtp(). They only perform one asynchronous action so all you need to do is to make them return a promise that resolves when the promise returned by unzipData() resolves.
Simplified example:
exports.getDataReg = (url, uid) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// ...
https.get(url, (response) => {
file.on('finish', () => {
unzipData(datadir + `download/${uid}/`, fileName, uid)
}).on('error', (err) => { // Handle errors
fs.unlink(datadir + `download/${uid}/${fileName}`);
reject(); // Or resolve() if you want to ignore the error and not cause it to prevent the callback from executing later
// ...
Finally, we get to the processArray() function and here you need to do the same thing we did to begin with: map the processes into a list of promises. First, the process function passed needs to return the promises returned by getDataReg() and getDataFtp():
// Second param, download and post process
(url) => {
if(url.startsWith('http')) {
return getDataReg(url, uid);
else if(url.startsWith('ftp')) {
return getDataFtp(url, uid);
else {
console.log('not a valid resource');
return Promise.reject(); // or Promise.resolve() if you want invalid resources to be ignored and not prevent the callback from executing later
Now, your processArray() function can look like this:
exports.processArray = (items, process, callback) =>
.catch(() => console.log('Something went wrong somewhere'));
Your callback will get invoked when all asynchronous actions have completed, regardless of in which order they do. If any one of the promises rejects, the callback will never be executed so manage your promise rejections accordingly.
Here's a JSFiddle with the complete code:
In general, since nodejs does not appear to have implemented Streams Standard to be Promise based, at least from what can gather; but rather, uses an event based or callback mechanism, you can use Promise constructor within function call, to return a fulfilled Promise object when a specific event has been dispatched
const doStuff = (...args) => new Promise((resolve, reject)) => {
/* define and do stream stuff */
doStreamStuff.on(/* "close", "end" */, => {
// do stuff
resolve(/* value */)
doStuff(/* args */)
.then(data => {})
.catch(err => {})
