Website mobile switchers - javascript

Not long ago I got my hands on a website, which I played with a bit. Mostly trying to implement a mobile switcher from mobile view to desktop view and vice versa.
I came accross some really "fancy" javascript switchers, that did the job, but i could say it was buggy.
I coded a rather simply switcher in JS a while ago, which worked fine, but was waaaay too simple from the one that was "fancy".
Not long ago I managed to code a yet simple switcher in PHP.
And i havent stumbled upon a lot of PHP mobile switchers.
Was just wondering whats the difference between a very fancy one and a simple one, and between javasctipt switchers and PHP. Which one is better?( in one way or another)
(Worth mentioning that at the end everything modified viewport tag)
and that I took PHP and JS rather in an amateur way (never had it professionally taught) so I might be missing a lot of things here and there.

Well, since I didnt get much help here, I figured out myself that a php mobile switcher seems more efficient than one written in js.
Basically as far as I checked, it would be better if everything was done on server side, rather than have the visitor do it. This ofc increases the work server has to do, but I believe is too small to be taken into consideration.


Making a countdown clock that resets and changes the page content

I'm slowly learning to implement Javascript into my websites to generate automated changes, actual code is scary for my graphic designer approach but I think I'm getting there.
I followed an exercise some time ago that had me make a countdown clock that resets every time it reaches 0, nothing to crazy but it got me thinking:
Is there any way to make that reset affect the content of the entire page?
The practical case that made me think of it is the website of a restaurant that has a different coupon every day of the week, they upload the coupon code to their social media everyday but if I could develop a site that loops the codes depending on the day and make it change the text content and the stylesheet on it's own the process would be automatic.
I can't figure out how you'd link the clock reset to that change though, tried searching for it and I think this might be solved with some AJAX shenanigans, but it seems to be a bit too specific to find, any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Hi and welcome to stackoverflow. This is a very general question. It is hard to answer without specificity that requires knowledge the community doesn't have. For example:
When you say "I followed an exercise some time ago...", what did the code look like? What was your final product? How is JavaScript used?
When asking a question in stackoverflow, it can be helpful to share a snippet of what the code looks like so that others can help by testing the code themselves and giving feedback. Or at the very least observing the functionality and maybe catching small syntax errors.
To the second point of "Is there any way to make that reset affect the content of the entire page?" Yes. There are MANY MANY MANY ways to affect content of a page, either in pieces or in its entirety. Once again it depends on what you want to do with the code that YOU have specifically. Even with the basic tools of HTML and JavaScript you can do this. You don't need "AJAX shenanigans" LOL.
If you are just starting out, dig deep into the basics of JavaScript(if that is your preferred language). You will find a whole host of versatile functionality through creating objects, methods, manipulating the DOM, building your own event handlers, etc. Also if none of what I just wrote makes any sense, then you now have some terms worth researching on your own.
I hope that this is helpful for you, and I wish you the best of luck on your coding journey.

Rich content front-ends/jQueryUI replacement

I've been going around in circles for days on this. I've got a (conceptually) simple website, which is all Javascript/Ajax at the front end, with a minimal amount of hand-written HTML, and lots of C++ on the server. The user basically needs to see a few menus, and fill in a few forms, and they get back pretty tables.
My problem is the actual UI front-end. This is for a sports club, and is not a commercial site, so it doesn't have to be that good. I've been using jQueryUI (there's some jQuery in the JS). I'm using tabs and dialogs, and it's all a bit clunky. I now want to add a couple of horizontal menus, and jQueryUI doesn't do this (there's menubar, on a code branch, but it's unfinished and development stopped 6 months ago). I also want to integrate dokuwiki if possible, which is php. I don't have to support old browsers.
Question: can anyone recommend a lightweight rich content front-end to replace jQueryUI, that will get me going quickly? I can spend a little on something commercial as long as I can quickly prototype without paying anything. A CMS would be Ok - I have some Joomla experience, but I really don't want to write any modules just to get my own JS and a wiki into the site.
Oh - and please suggest something quickly, before the question is closed as pointless and irrelevant... :)
There are a lot of examples.
Twitter bootstrap or flat ui

How do I post a jsfiddle example of some trouble I'm seeing in Rails?

This may be a very basic question, but is it possible to post a jsfiddle that captures a Rails environment, the js, css, and HTML that is generating a nagging problem? I posted another SO question here: Unable to float a twitter bootstrap navbar item right with either class=pull-right or float:right
... and it was suggested I post something to jsfiddle. Honestly, I'm just completely in the dark as to how I might gather the css, js, and HTML in a way that can be copy-pasted into jsfiddle. Is there some slick way to pull the 4 necessary components together?
I am mostly interested in being being able to share and debug code that pertains to display and layout.
Many thanks in advance.
Sites like jsfiddle and jsbin are useful as testbeds for various issues involving HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. A good workflow for using them might be as follows:
Before going to one of those sites, use a browser debugger (Firebug, the Chrome debugger, or even the debugger in modern versions of IE if you must) to figure out the mechanics of the issue. Are you seeing unexpected JavaScript behavior? Weird layout? Whatever the problem, see if you can narrow the focus as much as possible.
Now, go to one of the workbench sites (make an account for yourself too; it helps to be able to find old experiments) and start trying to reproduce the problem. Start as simply as possible and work up. It can be hard and frustrating, but in my experience even the process of trying to figure out an isolating test case can itself lead to enlightenment :-)
If you do manage to isolate a behavior that you don't understand or can't explain or whatever, you can then save the test case (jsfiddle has "Save" and "Update" buttons; jsbin seems to magically save things automatically) and then post the URL here (or anyplace else). If you do post here, it's a good idea to copy the relevant code from your test case directly into your question.
I use both of those sites (and there may be more of them out there). The jsbin site gives you a little more control over your page, and provides a way to see your page outside of an <iframe>. That's kind-of important if you're testing for mobile applications. Otherwise they're both great resources.
Oh, and both sites let you import various popular libraries via simple configuration tools. That's really handy for tracking bugs that you think may have been introduced by a library version change (rare, but really freaky when it happens).

wysiwyg javascript editor replace images with text

I am currently working on a MVC4 project(my first, before I worked with WPF and winforms, no real website expierience). And I want to make a editor/wysiwyg for comments that people can make on items on the site. Everything is already setup but the comments are just written in a <textarea/>. Now I googled a bit and found a bunch of WYSIWYG editors for javascript, however I can t find a good one, or a good way to solve this issue:
Lets say the site is about poker (it is not but it is for easy example) and when a person makes a comment like "h9 is better then s10" once he posts (or at the time he types, that would even be better). The h9 is replaced by a hearts 9 jpg (or we can create a div of it and it has a backgroundimage css property)(all the jpgs are on the server ofc). (Same for the S10 it should be replaced by the spade 10 card image)
I got no clue how I can fix this, so any help with what wysiwyg editor I should use for this problem and how I could get closer to fixing it, would really be appreciated.

fancybox-like inline popup implementation problem

i'm busy writing my very first jquery plugin and i ran into some problems. I have modified and customized other people's plugins quite succesfully in the past, but i'm more a designer than a programmer and this is my first javascript/jquery experiment build from scratch. with a lot of research and plenty of try and error i managed to realize most of the features i wanted. and besides the code probably being dirty, inconsistent and a pita for every pro, the plugin is working pretty well. the problem i have is, the way i've written it, i apparently cannot use more than one intance of the plugin on one page. if i do, it breaks appart. i tried to wrap the whole thing into a this.each function, but this as well breaks everything appart. right now, i have no clue at all, how to make this work. I'm grateful for any suggestions or hints, as my brain slowly starts to boil.
here's the little sucker: the .js file
you can see it in action here: demo
when you say more then one instance, I'm imagining a clone of your demo, so two of the same thing on one page.
one problem I see is that you are using ID's in your plugin, and you shouldn't be using ID's when you want multiples of the same thing to be able to live on the same page. try and switch to classes.
