Trying to pass two variables in JavaScript popup - javascript

I'm calling the script below, now I need to be able to send two values to test23.php like
Can someone please help?
function myFunction20(url) {'test23.php?id=' + url, "_blank", "toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,top=70,left=50,width=1200,height=500");}</script>
PHP Code
echo "<td>" .'<a href= javascript:myFunction20("'.$row['Account_Number'].'","'.$row['Account_Number'].'")>'.$row['Name'].'</a>' . "</td>";

Just add a second key/value pair to the querystring:
function myFunction20(url) {'test23.php?id=' + url + "&SECOND_KEY=" + "SECOND_KEY_VALUE",
"toolbar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, top=70, left=50, width=1200, height=500");

you should wrap up the PHP variables in quotes and pass it your JS function
$parameter1 = "'" . $row['Account_Number'] . "'";
$parameter2 = "'" . $row['Account_Number'] . "'";
<a href= javascript:myFunction20(' . $ip . ',' . $id . ')>' . $row["Name"] . '</a>
Your JS function
function myFunction20(url, url2) {'test23.php?id=' + url + '&' + url2, "_blank", "toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,top=70,left=50,width=1200,height=500");


Trying to send two values from php to JS

Im retrieving a value from my db, displays on screen as a 0.
echo "<article>" . $gr_display['status'] . "</article>";
Then when im clicking on this DIV i want to send both status and id to my JS function, edit. The ID of this object is 79
echo "<div onclick='edit( " . $gr_display['status'] . "." . $gr_display['id'] . " )' </div>";
Then the start of my script
function edit(status, id) {
console.log(status, id ); some code later }
But im ending up with the result that id and status is combined into one sett of value, leaving the other one "undefined"
From console log: 0.79 undefined
Please make a clarity between PHP and JavaScript. You need to use the right separator and separate.
echo "<div onclick='edit( " . $gr_display['status'] . ", " . $gr_display['id'] . " )'> </div>";
Replace . with ,. Also please use > for the opening <div>. You forgot to close your opening div.
you have at typo change the . into, between the 2 variables
echo "<div onclick='edit( " . $gr_display['status'] . "," . $gr_display['id'] . " )'> </div>";
or better use data-attributes
echo "<div class='edit-element' data-status='" . $gr_display['status'] . "' data-id='" . $gr_display['id'] . "'></div>";
replace div with this:-
echo "<div onclick='edit( " . $gr_display['status'] . "," . $gr_display['id'] . " )' </div>";
The problem is causes by this line:
echo "<div onclick='edit( " . $gr_display['status'] . "." . $gr_display['id'] . " )' </div>";
Notice that between the two arguments you put a '.' instead of a ',' (a comma). That way, the second argument in your JS function does not have a value
Your code has two issues
You haven't close opening div tag
Use , to separate two parameters
echo "<div onclick='edit( " . $gr_display['status'] . ", " . $gr_display['id'] . ")'>ddd </div>";
<script type="text/javascript">
function edit(status, id) {

JS sequential calling of function fails

I need to exicute one JS function after another sequencually. I can exicute these functions individually and they work but when I put them in a sequence I only get the openPatient() and the openMessage() does not exicute. My JS functions
function openPatient() {
myRestoreSession(); = '../patient_file/summary/demographics.php?set_pid=<?php echo attr($ptid); ?>';
function openMessage(messageid) {
document.location.href = 'upload_form.php?messageid=' + messageid;
My function call:
echo " onclick=\"openPatient().then(openRequest(" .
"'" . addslashes($postid) . "'," .
"'" . addslashes($v1[1]['type']) . "'" .
"))\">" . text($v1[1]['datetime']) . "</td>\n";
This function call exists in this process:
// Generate a table row for each pending portal request or message.
// This logic merges requests with messages by date.
$v1 = each($result['list']);
$v2 = each($result['messages']);
while ($v1 || $v2) {
echo " <tr class='detail' bgcolor='#ddddff'>\n";
if (!$v2 || $v1 && $v1[1]['datetime'] < $v2[1]['datetime']) {
$postid = $v1[1]['postid'];
$ptname = patientNameFromLogin($v1[1]['user']);
// Get the portal request data.
if (!$postid) die(xlt('Request ID is missing!'));
$result2 = cms_portal_call(array('action' => 'getpost', 'postid' => $postid));
if ($result2['errmsg']) {
// Look up the patient in OpenEMR.
$ptid = lookup_openemr_patient($result2['post']['user']);
echo " <td>" . text($v1[1]['user']) . "</td>\n";
echo " <td style='cursor:pointer;color:blue;' onclick=\"openPatient()\">" .text($ptname ) . "</td>\n";
echo " <td style='cursor:pointer;color:blue;'";
echo " onclick=\"openPatient().then(openRequest(" .
"'" . addslashes($postid) . "'," .
"'" . addslashes($v1[1]['type']) . "'" .
"))\">" . text($v1[1]['datetime']) . "</td>\n";
echo " <td>" . text($v1[1]['type' ]) . "</td>\n";
echo " <td align='center'><input type='checkbox' name='form_req_cb[" .
attr($postid) . "]' value='" . attr($postid) . "' /></td>\n";
$v1 = each($result['list']);
else {
$messageid = $v2[1]['messageid'];
$ptname = patientNameFromLogin($v2[1]['user']);
echo " <td>" . text($v2[1]['user']) . "</td>\n";
echo " <td>" . text($ptname ) . "</td>\n";
echo " <td style='cursor:pointer;color:blue;'";
echo " onclick=\"openMessage(" .
"'" . addslashes($messageid) . "'" .
")\">" . text($v2[1]['datetime']) . "</td>\n";
echo " <td>" . text($v2[1]['user'] == $v2[1]['fromuser'] ?
xl('Message from patient') : xl('Message to patient')) . "</td>\n";
echo " <td align='center'><input type='checkbox' name='form_msg_cb[" .
attr($messageid) . "]' value='" . attr($messageid) . "' /></td>\n";
$v2 = each($result['messages']);
echo " </tr>\n";
I am thinking part of the problem may be that openPatient() opens in another window. Perhaps it is loosing focus. Any tips to fix this would be appreciated.
What I have tried and helps is adding return this; to openPatient():
function openPatient() {
myRestoreSession(); = '../patient_file/summary/demographics.php?set_pid=<?php echo attr($ptid); ?>';
return this;
This then executes the next function but the next function executes too soon. it needs to wait for openPatient() to fully load before executing openMessage(). I have tried adding setTimeout( wait, 1000 ); but then openMessage() does not execute at all.
The solution:
The call:
echo " <td style='cursor:pointer;color:blue;'";
echo " onclick=\"openPatient();setTimeout(function(){openRequest(" .
"'" . addslashes($postid) . "'," .
"'" . addslashes($v1[1]['type']) . "'" .
")}, 2500);\">" . text($v1[1]['datetime']) . "</td>\n";
The functions:
function openPatient() {
myRestoreSession(); = '../patient_file/summary/demographics.php?set_pid=<?php echo attr($ptid); ?>';
return this;
function openMessage(messageid) {
document.location.href = 'upload_form.php?messageid=' + messageid;
Keys to success: return this; and the use of the anonymous function with setTimeout in the call.
Posts that helped:
What does "return this" do within a javascript function?
setTimeout delay not working

How to pass a MySQL data from PHP to Javascript through a function

I'm making a program that shows several descriptions taken from a database (MySQL):
echo "<input type=\"submit\" id=\"Boton" . $i . "\" value=\"Mostrar Descripcion\""
. " onclick=cambiarBoton(" . $i . ", \"" . $row["descripcion"] . "\") />";
echo "<div class=\"entrada-descripcion\" id=\"Descripcion" . $i . "\"> </div>";
where $row["descripcion"] is the access to the description and $i is an identifier because i'm using loops. That code generates a button that i must press to show the description. The javascript function "cambiarBoton" is the one that do that changes:
function cambiarBoton(i, d){
if (document.getElementById("Boton"+i).value == "Mostrar Descripcion"){
document.getElementById("Boton"+i).value = "Ocultar Descripcion";
document.getElementById("Descripcion"+i).innerHTML = d;
}else if(document.getElementById("Boton"+i).value == "Ocultar Descripcion"){
document.getElementById("Boton"+i).value = "Mostrar Descripcion";
document.getElementById("Descripcion"+i).innerHTML = "";
Ok, but there is a problem in the program and this is that i can't pass the description to the function in javascript and this doesn't works. How can i do this?
(I must do this without using AJAX)
I answer to the question I think you're asking is:
<?php echo "<script>var data = ".$row["description"].";</script>"; ?>
The problem was in the call of the function "cambiarBoton" in the code PHP,
it should have been this:
echo "<input type=\"submit\" id=\"Boton" . $i . "\" value=\"Mostrar Descripcion\""
. " onclick=\"cambiarBoton(" . $i . ", '" . $row["descripcion"] . "')\" />";
And then it works.

Change src of element loaded with AJAX

I'm trying to alter the src of imgs loaded via. AJAX, wherein the <select> and <option> elements used to control the function are also loaded by AJAX.
I'm trying to do this in order to change the size of Flickr images on the page.
I've tried loading the element, and calling an existing function to update it, but of course the <select> option doesn't exist on document.ready() and thus returns null when I try to get it.
I've also tried loading a new <script type='text/javascript'></script> in the PHP file I'm using for my XML response, but although this shows on the page it obviously isn't picked up as a source.
How can I tell the Document to 're-ready' itself, or acknowledge new sources?
Here's my code as it stands:
Making the request
function makeRequest (url, userID, searchString, selectedLicense) {
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("userID", userID);
formData.append("searchString", searchString);
formData.append("selectedLicense", selectedLicense);
var xmlRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", url, true);
if (xmlRequest.readyState===4 && xmlRequest.status===200) {
document.getElementById("working...").innerHTML="<p style='background-color:#BCED91; width:200px; text-align:center;'>Done!</p>";
} else {
document.getElementById("results").innerHTML="<p>Ready State: " + xmlRequest.readyState + "</p> <p>Status Code: " + xmlRequest.status + "</p>";
//more code before
$resultString = $resultString . "<script type='text/javascript'>"
. "function sizeChanged(i, select) {
var sel = getSelectedOptionValue(select);
var imgURL = document.getElementById(i.toString());
. "</script>";
//main loop
foreach ($XML->photos->photo as $photo):
$resultString = $resultString . '<div class="photoBox"' . photoBox($photoCounter) . "> <p>" . $photoCounter . ". " . $photo['title'] . "" . "</p>"
. " <p>" . "<img id='" . $photoCounter . "' src=\"http://farm" . $photo['farm'] . $imgURL . "/" . $photo['server'] . "/" . $photo['id'] . "_" . $photo['secret'] . "_" . $size . "\" alt=\"" . $photo['title'] . "\">" . "</p>"
. "<select form='addInformationForm' id='selectSize" . $photoCounter . "' onChange='return sizeChanged(" . $photoCounter . ", selectSize" . $photoCounter . ");'>"
. "<option value='n'>Small (320)</option>"
. "<option value='z' selected='selected'>Medium (640)</option>"
. "<option value='h'>Large (1600)</option>"
. "</select>"
. "</div>";
//more code here
echo $resultString;
The HTML Output (Example)
<div class="photoBox" style="background-color:#FFFFFF">
<p>1. Killip's Adirondack Travelog, page 20</p>
<p><img id="1" src="" alt="Killip's Adirondack Travelog, page 20"></p>
<select form="addInformationForm" id="selectSize1" onChange="return sizeChanged(1, selectSize1);">
<option value="n">Small (320)</option>
<option value="z" selected="selected">Medium (640)</option>
<option value="h">Large (1600)</option></select>
Any advice much appreciated!
NOTE: This code is for an internal tool, not a client-facing website.
The <select> doesn't exists at onload, but it does when you create it:
var res = document.getElementById("results");
xmlRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlRequest.readyState===4 && xmlRequest.status===200) {
document.getElementById("working...").innerHTML="<p style='background-color:#BCED91; width:200px; text-align:center;'>Done!</p>";
res.innerHTML = xmlRequest.responseText;
var select = res.getElementsByTagName('select')[0];
/* Use select here */
} else {
res.innerHTML="<p>Ready State: " + xmlRequest.readyState + "</p> <p>Status Code: " + xmlRequest.status + "</p>";
Note that the <img> element should be available too, but you won't know its dimensions because it won't be downloaded. If you want to wait until it's loaded, you can add a load event listener.

Pass Multiple arguments onMouseover event handler in HTML

I would like to know how to pass multiple arguments to the the function with onmouseover event handler in HTML.
Here is the following code in PHP ,
<a href='Page2.php?user=" . $userid . "' target='_blank' onMouseOver=\"writetxt('" . $info "')\" onMouseOut=\"writetxt(0)\">"
I would like to pass 2 arguments to writetxt() function something like this :
writetxt($arg1, $arg2)
<a href='Page2.php?user=" . $userid . "' target='_blank' onMouseOver=\"writetxt('" . $info . "," . $img . "')\" onMouseOut=\"writetxt(0)\">"
It should be like...
writetxt('" . $info . "', '" . $img . "');
^ ^
use like this
echo "<a href=\"Page2.php?user=" . $userid ."\" target=\"_blank\" onMouseOver=\"writetxt('" . $info . "','" . $img . "')\" onMouseOut=\"writetxt(0)\">" ;
