I found this code for a random links on the 3rd party site (I forgot the name) and it looks so helpful to me but my problem is that, I want all those links will open in a new tab when it clicked. Anybody can help me? Im new to web development. Thanks in advance.
Based on the code in the screenshot, do this although using document.write is not recommended:
document.write('' + data[1] + '');
<script>'', '_blank');
As you are new to development, Instead of putting single line solution, I have added Code in your snippet, please check solution below.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript">
var links = ["random/end1.html|Castle 1", "random/end2.html|Castle 2", "random/end3.html|Castle 3"];
function init() {
var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * links.length),
data = links[r].split('|');
var answer = document.getElementById('answer');
//document.write("" + data[1] + "");
answer.innerHTML = "" + data[1] + "";
<body onload="init()">
<div id="answer"></div>
It is my first post and hope it won't be already solved previously.
I'm using a call center software and also using Salesforce lightning.
When a caller calls, I would like to check in my CRM if it is a customer or not.
It was possible easily with the basic version of Salesforce but is not anymore because the link is coded with base64.
Please, read this post for more explanation :
So, I have to create a HTML page for collecting the caller phone number and compose + encrypt the Salesforce link and open the link encrypted.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Waiting a call ...</title>
body {text-align: center;}
<form name="form1" onsubmit="event.preventDefault();return displayResult();">
<label for="name">Phone number:</label>
<input type="text" id="PhoneNumber" name="PhoneNumber" size="10">
<div id="myEncoding"></div>
function b64EncodeUnicode(PhoneNumber) {
// first we use encodeURIComponent to get percent-encoded UTF-8,
// then we convert the percent encodings into raw bytes which
// can be fed into btoa.
var Mytxt = '{"componentDef":"forceSearch:search","attributes":{"term":"'+PhoneNumber+'","scopeMap":{"resultsCmp":"forceSearch:resultsTopResults","label":"Top Results","type":"TOP_RESULTS","cacheable":"Y","id":"TOP_RESULTS","labelPlural":"Top Results"},"context":{"disableSpellCorrection":false,"SEARCH_ACTIVITY":{"term":1234567890}}},"state":{}}';
return btoa(encodeURIComponent(Mytxt).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g,
function toSolidBytes(match, p1) {
var MyResult = String.fromCharCode('0x' + p1);
return MyResult;
function displayResult() {
var result = b64EncodeUnicode(PhoneNumber);
document.getElementById('myEncoding').innerHTML = result;
return false;"" +result,,,true)
Something is wrong and tried different things without result.
I will really appreciate if someone can find what is wrong and explain it to me
Thank you in advance
PLease find the solution I found to remove the input steps ...
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Waiting a call ...</title>
body {text-align: center;}
<body onload=acceptParam()>
Waiting a call ...
function acceptParam(){
var hashParams = window.location.href.substr(1).split('?'); // substr(1) to remove the `#`
hashParams = hashParams[1].split('&');
var p = hashParams[0].split('=');
//document.getElementById('PhoneNumber').value = p[1] // Pour info
var stringToEncode = '{"componentDef":"forceSearch:searchPage","attributes":{"term":"'+p[1]+'","scopeMap":{"type":"TOP_RESULTS"},"context":{"disableSpellCorrection":false,"disableIntentQuery":false,"permsAndPrefs":{"SearchUi.searchUIPilotFeatureEnabled":false,"SearchExperience.LeftNavEnhancementEnabled":true,"Search.crossObjectsAutoSuggestEnabled":true,"SearchResultsLVM.lvmEnabledForSearchResultsOn":true,"MySearch.userCanHaveMySearchBestResult":false,"SearchResultsLVM.lvmEnabledForTopResults":false,"OrgPermissions.UnionAppNavSmartScope":false,"SearchUi.feedbackComponentEnabled":false,"SearchExperience.TopResultsSingleSOSLEnabled":false,"OrgPreferences.ChatterEnabled":true,"Search.maskSearchInfoInLogs":false,"SearchUi.orgHasAccessToSearchTermHistory":false,"SearchUi.searchUIInteractionLoggingEnabled":false,"MySearch.userCanHaveMySearch":false},"searchDialogSessionId":"bdded2dc-91d1-3b3e-11d7-ff339bce1727","searchSource":"INPUT_DESKTOP"},"groupId":"DEFAULT"},"state":{}}'
var encoded = window.btoa(stringToEncode);
//var output = "Encoded String : " + encoded;
//document.getElementById("myEncoding").innerHTML = "Original String: " + p[1] + "<br>" + output;
PLease, can you say me what do you think about it ? Maybe we can be more efficient ?
My task for my Javascript class is to create a script for this page that changes the image every 3 seconds. I think my code is correct, however Firebug tells me "document.getElementByID is not a function." Can someone show me what I am doing incorrectly?
This is my JS script.
<script type="text/javascript">
var i = 0
var lightArray = ["pumpkinOff.gif", "pumpkinOn.gif"]
var currentLight = document.getElementByID('light')
// ChangeLight Method Prototype
function changeLight() {
currentLight.src = lightArray[i++];
if (i == lightArray.length) {
i = 0;
setInterval(changeLight, 3000)
Here is my edited HTML code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>JavaScript for Programmers</title>
<h2>Happy Halloween!</h2>
<img id="pumpkin" src="pumpkinoff.gif" alt="pumpkin">
<script src="../Script/spooky.js"></script>
Incorrect capitalisation on
var currentLight = document.getElementByID('light')
Should be:
var currentLight = document.getElementById('pumpkin')
I have attached a working fiddle:
It's a typo it should be:
var currentLight = document.getElementById('light'); //Not ID
It should be Id not ID:
Also note that you don't have element with id light on your page. It probably should be
I did something like this
<script src="trans.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<title><script>trans("Configuration: Status - Software")</script></title>
However the web title looks like
trans("Configuration: Status - Software")
Why is the js not working here,What should modify to make it work?
Here's what tran.js look like
function trans(key)
function getkey(key)
var text;
text = lang_pack[key];
if (text == undefined || text == "")
text = key;
I'm not sure you can use a script inside of a title tag -- can you move it into a different block?
It's unclear exactly what trans.js is, but you can try:
document.title = trans('Configuration: Status -Software');
You should try setting the title in javascript like
document.title = trans('Configuration: Status - Software');
var temp = document.getElementsByTagName("title").innerHTML;
temp[0].innerHTML = "your new title";
Try including the src in the same script tag as the function call:
<script src="trans.js" type="text/javascript">trans("Configuration: Status - Software")</script></title>
Try this:
<script src="trans.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script>document.title = getkey("Configuration: Status - Software")</script>
You mean this?
<title>This is Test 1st</title>
var field = "This is Test 2nd";
you need is a jquery library.
As an exercise, I'm trying to display a tarot card picture, the name of the card, and the meaning on a remote page using YQL/xpath/javascript. I've set up the script like the example on Yahoo but can't get it to display in the browser. Any suggestions as to how to improve it so it will display?
<script type='text/javascript'>
function tarot(o){
var div = o.query.results.div;
var output = '';
var title = div[0].strong;
var content = div[0].p.content;
var src = div[1].img.src;
output = "<h3>" + title + "</h3></br><p>" + content + "</p><img src='" + src + "' alt="" />";
document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = output;
<div id='results'></div>
<script src="*'cardHolder'%5D%20%7C%20%2F%2Fdiv%5B%40id%3D'cardMeaning'%5D%22&format=json&diagnostics=true&callback=tarot"></script>
Any help is greatly appreciated!
P.S. - I updated the callback=functionName part of the code to reflect the most current code. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to fix the problem. Is there something else I seem to be missing?
You have callback=cbfunc but you haven't defined function cbfunc
The problem I see is that you're never calling your tarot() function.
I think you should change your url end to callback=tarot
Hope this helps. Cheers
I'd like to have a page redirecting to another using Javascript. I've tried with document.location.href but it doesn't work with local pages (stored in my hard drive).
Does someone know something that would do the trick ?
Doesn't it? I've tried the following and it works fine:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<input type="text" value="" id="test"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.location.href = "file:///C:/dev/PICCS/vb/binaries/";
Tested in IE8 and Chrome
Posting this on the xul file of the extension :
function Read(file)
var ioService=Components.classes[";1"]
var scriptableStream=Components
var channel=ioService.newChannel(file,null,null);
return str;
gBrowser.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(e) {
var documentElement = e.originalTarget.defaultView.document;
var div = documentElement.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = Read("chrome://firefox_extension/content/locale.html");
the complete extension :