Ember not calling setupController of router - javascript

So, I have two paths in my route. I created the two routes as the doc recommends.
My router is the following:
// router.js
Router.map(function() {
this.route('photo', { path: '/photo/:photo_id' });
If I visit firstly the route /photo/ID and then go to /photos, it will only show one object on the latter. (wrong)
If I visit /photos first it shows all the objects and I can go to /photo/ID later on and it will be fine. (right)
I want to make it work both ways. How to do this? You can see my code for each route down below:
// photo.js
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model(params) {
return this.get('store').findRecord('photo', params.photo_id);
// photos.js
export default Ember.Route.extend({
setupController(controller, model) {
let photos = this.get('store').findAll('photo');
console.log('add all...');
// convert to an array so I can modify it later
photos.then(()=> {
controller.set('photos', photos.toArray());
I can always call the findAll() function regardless where the user goes, but I don't think this is smart.
The way I am dealing with the page transitions:
To go to photos I use:
{{#link-to 'photos'}}All{{/link-to}}
To go to /photo/ID I inject the service '-routing' and I use in one event click like this:
routing: Ember.inject.service('-routing'),
actions() {
selectRow(row) {
this.get("routing").transitionTo('photo', [row.get('id')]);

findAll will get it from a store and return immediately and later on it will request the server and update the store. but in your case, as you are not using route model hook, so this live array will not be updated so it will not reflect it in the template.
If I visit firstly the route /photo/ID and then go to /photos, it will
only show one object on the latter.
In the above case, store will contain only one reocrd, so when you ask for store data using findAll it will return the existing single record.
Another option is,
avoiding this photos.toArray() - It will break live-array update, I am not sure why do you need it here. since photos is DS.RecordArray.
Note: It's important to note that DS.RecordArray is not a JavaScript
array, it's an object that implements Ember.Enumerable. This is
important because, for example, if you want to retrieve records by
index, the [] notation will not work--you'll have to use
objectAt(index) instead.


ember.js, filtering PromiseManyArray in the controller

I am trying to define a computed property that consists of a filtered hasMany relationship. When I loop over the items of the PromiseManyArray, I get undefined when trying to access the attribute I want to filter on. On later calls to this computed property, everything works fine.
This is a simplified version of my controller code:
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
availableModules: function () {
let thisModule = this.get('model')
console.log(thisModule.get('library.modules')) // This logs <DS.PromiseManyArray:ember604>
// loop over siblings
return thisModule.get('library.modules').filter(mod => {
// mod.classification is undefined
return mod.get('classification') !== 'basis'
For the Module model we can assume that it has a classification attribute, and it belongs to a Library object, and the Library model hasMany modules.
I have tried something like this, and it logs properly the attribute classification, but I don't know how to return anything so that the template can render it.
availableModules: function () {
let thisModule = this.get('model')
thisModule.get('library.modules').then(mods => {
mods.forEach(mod => {
So the problem seems to be that inside of the PromiseManyArray.filter method, the attributes of the found objects are not yet resolved... How can I create a promise that will return all filtered objects once those have been resolved? I don't know how to get my head around this. Thanks.
Inspired by Bloomfield's comment, and with help of this thread in the ember forum, I have found an acceptable solution. Basically it consists of resolving all the relationships in the route, so that when the controller is called, you don't have to deal with promises.
In the model hook of the route, return a hash of promises of all the needed information
Define a custom setupController, and inside of it, store the model and the extra data in the controller
The route code looks like this:
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model(params) {
let module = this.store.findRecord('module', params.mod_id)
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
module: module,
siblingModules: module.then(mod => mod.get('library.modules')), // promise based on previous promise
setupController(controller, hash) {
controller.set('model', hash.module)
controller.set('siblingModules', hash.siblingModules)
Note: for the route to still work properly, the {{#link-to 'route' model}} have to explicitly use an attribute, like the id: {{#link-to 'route' model.id}}
Extra info
Bloomfield's approach consisted of using the afterModel hook to load the extra data in an attribute of the Route object, and then in the setupController, set the extra data in the Controller. Something like this:
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model(params) {
return this.store.findRecord('module', params.mod_id)
afterModel(model) {
return model.get('library.modules').then(modules => {
this.set('siblingModules', modules)
siblingModules: null, // provisional store
setupController(controller, model) {
controller.set('model', model)
controller.set('siblingModules', this.get('siblingModules'))
But this feels like a hack. You have to return a promise in afterModel, but you can't access the result. Instead the result has to be accessed via .thenand then stored in theRoute` object... which is not a nice flow of information. This has however the advantage that you don't have to specify any attribute for the links in the template.
There are more options like using PromiseProxyArray, but that's too complicated for a newcomer like me.
For anyone running into PromiseManyArray issues in modern times, make sure you have async: false explicitly set on any hasMany relationships directly serialized by the API. Modern versions of Ember will behave unexpectedly if you don't, such as computed properties not working when you use pushObject.

Ember route or controller expose data model as json

I am trying to work with Ember.js
Can I expose my data model as JSON through a route or controller?
I have an object like this saved in the store:
this.store.createRecord('Person', {
id: 1,
name: this.get('name'),
email: this.get('email')
I want to expose this data from a route or controller as JSON object. I don't want to use any view.
Is it possible to do this?
Thanks for help!
My route is:
App.ResultRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return this.store.find('person', 1);
There is '1' because I want only this record.
In this way It works and I see in the view the {{name}} and the {{email} of the Person object.
I want to see only the JSON, I tried to do how you suggest me :
App.ResultRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
afterModel: function (model) {
model.get('content').forEach(function (item) {
But I receive this error:
Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: Error: More context objects were passed than there are dynamic segments for the route: error
What is my error?
The way I would do this would be, I would have an api in my model which would return a plain json object to whoever asked it. So the Person model would have a getPersonDetails method which will hide all the internal details, including the attributes and associations and whatever else, and return the state of the person object it is invoked upon.
So, for example, if you wanted to display a table of persons or something, you would do a createRecord, and just ask the newly created person object for it's details.
Start from the beginning of this guide. http://emberjs.com/guides/routing/specifying-a-routes-model/ It will show you how to specify a model for a route.
Then, read this entire guide on controllers: http://emberjs.com/guides/controllers/
In general, you would access that data from the route's model hook with:
this.store.find('person') // All records
If you wanted to access that first object as JSON, you could do:
var person_JSON = this.store.find('person').then(function (persons) {
//The persons records are now available so you can do whatever you want with them
You could also iterate over all records and strip out the content to produce raw json without the Ember wrapping... Just depends on what you need to really do.
Really the best place to put this would be the route's afterModel hook, though. You wouldn't be working with a promise, as Ember would have dealt with that for you:
afterModel: function (model) {
model.get('content').forEach(function (item) {
Hope that helps.
Edit: Since you have one record try this:
afterModel: function (model) {

EmberJS: retrieving model from route when multiple models are retrieved

I have a route that has two models associated with it as shown below:
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
sites: this.store.find('site'),
songs: this.store.find('song')
Now later on, I need to be able to retrieve the first object in the sites model in order to do a transition I'll show below. I figured I can set the models using setupController, but when dealing with multiple models as depicated above, I'm not sure how to fill this part in:
setupController: function(controller, ???) {
controller.set('model1', ???);
controller.set('model2', ???);
And finally, I'd like to be able to retrieve the first object in model1 (it's multiple instances of site as described above)
afterModel: function() {
firstRecord = this.('sites').objectAt(0);
this.transitionTo('site', firstRecord.id);
It's also possible that I'm not designing my application properly. sites in this case is a component I built that displays different sites within a few different controllers. The controllers are dependent on this component in that they need to know which site is selected in order to do their own thing. So in controllers that need access to the component, I do something like:
{{site-nav sites=sites}}
Where site-nav is my component. It needs its own model, as does the controller itself.
First, you're going to need to modify your model hook slightly, to make sure you stay in the right scope:
var self = this;
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
sites: self.store.find('site'),
songs: self.store.find('song')
To get the different models in setupController, you just access it from the second parameters, like this:
setupController:function(controller,models) {
afterModel provides two parameters, this first being the resolved model for your route, so you'd do it something like this:
var site = models.sites.get('firstObject');

setupController not being called when using {{linkTo}} or transtionTo("path", model);

Is there any reason why setupController would not get called when using {{linkTo}}? I have two instances in my app where linkTo is being used, and in the second case. It doesn't work. The only difference that I can see is that in the first case linkTo is being used in a loop, and in the second it's not. Below is relevant code for the non-working one:
App.Router.map(function() {
this.resource("search", { path: "/search/:args" });
App.SearchCriteria = Ember.Object.extend({ });
App.SearchRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
serialize: function(model, params) {
// .. some code that converts model to a string called args
return {'args': args}
model: function(params) {
// convert args, which is query string-formatted, to an object
// and then make a App.SearchCriteria object out of it.
return App.SearchCriteria.create($.deparam(params.args));
setupController: function(controller, model) {
controller.set("searchCriteria", model);
In the search template:
{{view Ember.Checkbox checkedBinding="searchCriteria.music"}} Music
{{#linkTo search searchCriteria}}Search{{/linkTo}}
The last thing I see in the logs is:
Transitioned into 'search'
Normally, I'd see the setupController being called at some point, but it's not happening or some reason. I even tried using the {{action}} method to call a handler and then use transtionTo, but that had the same results.
UPDATE 1: Adding more details
The only difference between the working and non-working cases is that in the working case, the {{linkTo}} is being called from the same template as that of the controller and router (i.e., the linkTo is in the search template and it's invoking the SearchRoute). In the working case, the linkTo is being called on the SearchRoute but from a different template belonging to a different router).
After some Chrome debugging of Ember code, I found out that the router isn't being called is because partitioned.entered is empty. In the working case, it is non-empty.
var aborted = false;
eachHandler(partition.entered, function(handler, context) {
if (aborted) { return; }
if (handler.enter) { handler.enter(); }
setContext(handler, context);
if (handler.setup) {
if (false === handler.setup(context)) {
aborted = true;
UPDATE 2: Root issue found - bug?
I think I understand the root cause of why the handler isn't being triggered, and I think it's because the partitionHandlers(oldHandlers, newHandlers) method doesn't think that the model has changed, thus doesn't fire the handler.
To be specific, this is the relevant part of the view:
{{view Ember.Checkbox checkedBinding="searchCriteria.music"}} Music
{{#linkTo search searchCriteria}}Search{{/linkTo}}
Although the user checks off the checkbox (thus changing the state of searchCriteria), Ember doesn't think that searchCriteria is any different, thus doesn't do anything.
Is this a bug?
I'm not sure what your problem is, but this may help.
setupController is called every time the route is entered. But model hook may not be called every time.
See Ember guide: http://emberjs.com/guides/routing/specifying-a-routes-model/
Note: A route with a dynamic segment will only have its model hook called when it is entered via the URL. If the route is entered through a transition (e.g. when using the link-to Handlebars helper), then a model context is already provided and the hook is not executed. Routes without dynamic segments will always execute the model hook.
Genrally speaking, if you click the link generated by link-to to enter the route, Ember will not call model hook for that route. Instead it passes the model (link-to parameter) to that route.
The philosophy here is since the client already has the model context, Ember think there is no need to get it again from server (that's model hook's job).

Ember - Automatically redirect to firstObject

I'd like an Ember path /clinic/1 to automatically redirect to show the first doctor: /clinic/1/doctor/1.
Each clinic has many doctors.
Unfortunately if I use this code:
var doctor = clinicController.get('content.doctors.firstObject');
router.transitionTo('clinic.doctor.index', doctor);
... it does not work, as content.doctors.length is still 0 when this code runs in app_router.js.
Any ideas?
You should be able to do this:
App.DoctorsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return App.Doctor.find();
redirect: function() {
var doctor = this.modelFor('doctors').get('firstObject');
this.transitionToRoute('doctor', doctor);
This will work because:
If the model hook returns an object that hasn't loaded yet, the rest of the hooks won't run until the model is fully loaded.
If the redirect hook transitions to another route, the rest of the hooks won't run.
Note that as of 2426cb9, you can leave off the implicit .index when transitioning.
Redirecting on the Route doesn't work for me in my ember-data based app as the data isn't loaded at the point of redirection, but this does work for me...
In the roles controller I transition to the role route for the firstObject loaded.
Application.RolesController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
selectFirstObject: function () {
if (this.get('content').get('isLoaded')) {
var role = this.get('firstObject');
this.transitionToRoute('role', role);
HTH, gerry
As an update, if you don't want to redirect because you have a nested route, you'll want to use conditional redirect based on the intended route.
redirect has two arguments passed to it, the model and the transition object. The transition has the property targetName where you can conditionally redirect based on its value.
redirect: function(model, transition){
if(transition.targetName ==='doctors.index'){
this.transitionTo('doctor', model.get('firstObject'));
For EmberCLI users, you'd achieve the same by doing the following:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
redirect: function(model) {
var firstDoctor = model.get('doctors.firstObject');
this.transitionTo('doctor', firstDoctor);
