tmdb returns nothing and sometimes returns value - javascript

I'm trying to get a random movie title from tmdb, the code is working but there's a frustrating problem, some random numbers return absolutely nothing, how can I loop or do something or try random numbers till i get a result? I guess there are gaps in tmdb movies id numbers!
const tmdb = require('tmdbv3').init('---');
function randomMovie(callback){
var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*1000);, (err ,res) => {
var x = res.title

If you inspect the response headers and look at the status code I bet you're getting a 404 (not found) back since the ID has been deleted. And you won't be getting "nothing back" the TMDB API returns a set of errors with codes for you to troubleshoot what is happening. That is documented here.
Depending on what you're doing, knowing what IDs are available in advance will help you. There are some downloadable files for this that you can read about in the documentation.

I would not recommend to use this API, because even his test are failing. The problem you face is that if theres a number without data, it doesn't even return its callback, so you cannot handle its error (because it doesn't throw any). This is the best i could get from that API:
'use strict';
const tmdb = require('tmdbv3').init('8b39b6f141f42e463b507151122d0971');
function randomMovie(callback) {
const r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);, (err, res) => {
const x = res.title
function tryTenTimes() {
let firstTitle;
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
randomMovie(title => {
if (!firstTitle) {
firstTitle = title;
It's an ugly workaround, that does 10 ask, and takes the first valid one.
EDIT: I was asked to do one with a while loop, and this is how I managed to do it
'use strict';
const tmdb = require('tmdbv3').init('8b39b6f141f42e463b507151122d0971');
function randomMovie(callback) {
const r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);, (err, res) => {
const x = res.title
function tryWhileTimes() {
let firstTitle;
while (!firstTitle) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
randomMovie(title => {
if (!firstTitle) {
firstTitle = title;


Google Apps Script Working on backend but not on sheets

I am trying to create a script that pulls from the coin market cap API and displays the current price. The script is working fine on the back end when I assign the variable a value. However, when I try to run the function on sheets the returned value is null.
function marketview(ticker) {
var url = "" + ticker;
var data = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
const jsondata = JSON.parse(data);
My execution logs show that the scripts are running, but when when I use the function and try and quote ETH for example, the script is running for BTC.
When I do this on the backend and assign ETH the script works fine and returns the right quote. Any ideas on what I'm missing?
I did the same with coingecko API and add an issue having all my requests being rejected with quota exceeded error.
I understood that Google sheets servers IPs address were already spamming coingecko server. (I was obviously not the only one to try this).
This is why I used an external service like to pull the data and re-expose data over their API.
This is my AppScripts
* get latest coingecko market prices dataset
async function GET_COINGECKO_PRICES(key, actor) {
const coinGeckoUrl = `${actor}/runs/last/dataset/items?token=${key}&status=SUCCEEDED`
return ImportJSON(coinGeckoUrl);
You need ImportJSON function, available here:
Then in a cell I write: =GET_COINGECKO_PRICES(APIFY_API_KEY,APIFY_COINGECKO_MARKET_PRICES), you will have to create two field named APIFY_API_KEY and APIFY_COINGECKO_MARKET_PRICES in order for this to work.
Then register on, then you'll have to create an actor by forking apify-webscraper actor.
I set the StartURLs with, this will give me the total number of existing crypto (approx 11000 as of today), and number of page so I can run the request concurrently (rate limit is 10 concurrent requests on coingecko), then I just replace /list with /market and set the proper limit to get all the pages I need.
I use the following for the tasks page function:
async function pageFunction(context) {
let marketPrices = [];
const PRICE_CHANGE_PERCENTAGE = ['1h', '24h', '7d'];
const MAX_PAGE_TO_SCRAP = 10;
const MAX_PER_PAGE = 250;
await context.WaitFor(5000);
const cryptoList = readJson();
const totalPage = Math.ceil(cryptoList.length / MAX_PER_PAGE);`[Coingecko total cryptos count: ${cryptoList.length} (${totalPage} pages)]`)
function readJson() {
try {
const preEl = document.querySelector('body > pre');
return JSON.parse(preEl.innerText);
} catch (error) {
throw Error(`Failed to read JSON: ${error.message}`)
async function loadPage($page) {
try {
const params = {
vs_currency: 'usd',
page: $page,
per_page: MAX_PER_PAGE,
price_change_percentage: PRICE_CHANGE_PERCENTAGE.join(','),
sparkline: true,
let pageUrl = `${context.request.url.replace(/\/list$/, '/markets')}?`;
pageUrl += [
].join('&');`GET page ${} URL: ${pageUrl}`);
const page = await fetch(pageUrl).then((response) => response.json());`Done GET page ${} size ${page.length}`);
marketPrices = [...marketPrices,];
return page
} catch (error) {
throw Error(`Fail to load page ${$page}: ${error.message}`)
try {
const fetchers = Array.from({ length: totalPage }).map((_, i) => {
const pageIndex = i + 1;
if (pageIndex > MAX_PAGE_TO_SCRAP) {
return null;
return () => loadPage(pageIndex);
while (fetchers.length) {
await Promise.all(
fetchers.splice(0, MAX_CONCURRENCY_BATCH_LIMIT).map((f) => f())
} else {
let pageIndex = 1
let page = await loadPage(pageIndex)
while (page.length !== 0 && page <= MAX_PAGE_TO_SCRAP) {
pageIndex += 1
page = await loadPage(pageIndex)
} catch (error) {`Fetchers failed: ${error.message}`);
}`End: Updated ${marketPrices.length} prices for ${cryptoList.length} cryptos`);
const data = marketPrices.sort((a, b) => > ? 1 : -1); => === 'bitcoin')));
function sanitizer(item) {
item.symbol = item.symbol.toUpperCase()
return item;
I presume you are hiting the same issue I had with coinmarketcap, and that you could do the same with it.
You're not return ing anything to the sheet, but just logging it. Return it:

Pushing mongoDB results to an array, but the array remains empty

This is my first question on stack overflow, so bear with me.
So I have a controller function that is rendering my google maps api, and I am trying to loop through the results from mongoDB and push them to an array so that I can pass it to a script tag on the ejs. I am able to console.log(myArr) within the for loop and get results, but not outside of it (just above the res.render). I am assuming my that my problem is my result within res.render is receiving an empty array.
Please help me I have been stuck on this problem for days now. Thank you, Andrew
function showMap(req, res) {
let myArr = [];
db.collection("poppies").find().toArray(function (err, result) {
for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
res.render('map', {
result: JSON.stringify(myArr)
Asynchronous Javascript allows you to execute operations without waiting for the processing thread to become free.
Imagine the data loads from your DB only after 3 seconds - you should "wait" to get the value from your DB before running the next line code.
In your case you use myArr "outside" without await -Or- promises -Or- callbacks) - So the value is an empty array.
IMPORTANT: The idea of Asynchronous Javascript is a topic for a course
(No way to cover this issue by StackOverflow Answer).
Not working
length is: undefined
function helloWorld() {
let items = db.collection("newspapers").find({}).toArray();
return (items);
const result = helloWorld();
console.log("length is: " + result.length); /* length is: undefined */
await for the value from helloWorld() function.
function helloWorld() {
let items = db.collection("newspapers").find({}).toArray();
return (items);
const result = await helloWorld();
console.log("length is: " + result.length); /* length is: 337 */
In practice
Promise chaining for example:
For this database:
"Newspaper": "The New York Times"
"Newspaper": "Washington Post"
const dbName = 'my_database';
await client.connect();
const db = client.db(dbName);
myArr = [];
res => {
for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
console.log(`The length is ${res.length} documents`) /* The length is 2 documents */
console.log(myArr); /* [ 'The New York Times', 'Washington Post' ] */
err => console.error(`Something went wrong: ${err}`),
try/catch Async/await example (Readable code pattern):
const helloWorld = (async () => {
try {
let items = await db.collection("newspapers").find({}).limit(2).toArray();
return (items);
} catch (e) {
`Unable to establish a collection: ${e}`,
const result = await helloWorld();
console.log("length is: " + result.length); /* length is: 2 */
More examples here:

Cannot read property 'length' of undefined...Although the object is defined

First I have the following code section:
export default class Recipe {
constructor(recID) {
this.RecipeID = recID;
async GetRecipe() {
try {
let Result = await Axios(
this.Tilte =;
this.Author =;
this.Image =;
this.Url =;
this.Ingredients =;
this.PublisherUrl =;
this.Rank =;
} catch (error) {
CalculateTime() {
try {
this.Time = Math.ceil(this.Ingredients.length / 3) * 15; // error is here
} catch (error) {
console.log(this.RecipeID + ": Length Error->"+error);
Then I call the above code in a separate file like:
import Recipe from "./Recipe";
const RecipeController = async () => {
const ID = window.location.hash.replace("#", "");
if (ID) {
AppState.Recipe = new Recipe(ID);
try {
await AppState.Recipe.GetRecipe();
} catch (error) {
Now as shown in the following image, that I do get the response of the request & promised is resolved plus there are elements in the 'ingredients' array but sometimes I still get the error "cannot read property 'length' of undefined" when I call the 'CalculateTime()' although the array is now defined and sometimes I don't get any error & it works perfectly fine.Why this random behavior? Even the IDs in the JSON response & the error I logged match i.e. 47746.
This is one reason why having too many try/catches can obscure the causes of errors, making debugging difficult. The problem can be reduced to the following:
class Recipe {
constructor(recID) {
this.RecipeID = recID;
async GetRecipe() {
let Result = await fetch(
).then(res => res.json());
console.log(Result); // <----- look at this log
this.Tilte =;
// on the above line, the error is thrown
// Cannot read property 'recipe' of undefined
const r = new Recipe();
See the log: your Result object does not have a .data property, so referencing throws an error. Try Result.recipe instead:
class Recipe {
constructor(recID) {
this.RecipeID = recID;
async GetRecipe() {
let Result = await fetch(
).then(res => res.json());
const { recipe } = Result;
this.Tilte = recipe.title;
this.Author = recipe.publisher;
this.Image = recipe.image_url;
this.Url = recipe.source_url;
this.Ingredients = recipe.ingredients;
this.PublisherUrl = recipe.publisher_url;
this.Rank = recipe.social_rank;
CalculateTime() {
this.Time = Math.ceil(this.Ingredients.length / 3) * 15; // error is here
console.log('got time', this.Time);
(async () => {
const r = new Recipe();
await r.GetRecipe();
Unless you can actually handle an error at a particular point, it's usually good to allow the error to percolate upwards to the caller, so that the caller can see that there was an error, and handle it if it can. Consider changing your original code so that RecipeController (and only RecipeController) can see errors and deal with them - you can remove the try/catches from the Recipe.
Are you sure some of the responses are not missing ingredients? And calculateTime is always called after getRecipe?
I would add a condition or fallback to prevent errors, as in.
this.Time = Math.ceil((this.Ingredients || []).length / 3) * 15;
I would speculate that this "random" behavior can be related to asynchronous code. You need to ensure that the class has Ingredients in place before you calculate. I have a feeling that you should try changing your syntax to a Promise handling using .then() and .catch(), especially since you already use try/catch in your code. This approach will ensure proper resolution of Promise on axios request, and will eliminate "randomness", because you will have a better control over different stages of Promise processing.
let Result = await Axios(
.then((data) => {
this.Tilte =;
this.Author =;
this.Image =;
this.Url =;
this.Ingredients =;
this.PublisherUrl =;
this.Rank =;
this.Ingerdients =;
.catch((err) => {
return null;

Fetching data in the loop

So I'm trying to connect to external server called Pexels to get some photos. I'm doing that from node.js but it is just a javascript issue. Pexels unfortunately lets user to download object with only 40 pictures per page. // 40 is maximum
But actually I need more then that. I'd like to get 160 results, ie. to combine all first four pages. In order to do that I tried looping the request:
let pexelsData = [];
for(let i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
const randomPage = getRandomFromRange(1, 100); //pages should be randomized
const moreData = await axios.get(`${randomPage}`,
createHeaders('bearer ', keys.pexelsKey));
pexelsData = [, ...pexelsData ];
Now I can use pexelsData but it work very unstable, sometimes it is able to get all combined data, sometimes it crashes. Is there a correct and stable way of looping requests?
You work with 3rd party API, which has rate limits. So you should add rate limits to your code. The simplest solution for you is using p-limit or similar approach form promise-fun
It will looks like that:
const pLimit = require('p-limit');
const limit = pLimit(1);
const input = [
limit(() => fetchSomething('foo')),
limit(() => fetchSomething('bar')),
limit(() => doSomething())
(async () => {
// Only one promise is run at once
const result = await Promise.all(input);
you can break it into functions like..
let images=[];
const getResponse = async i=> {
return await axios.get(`${i}`)
const getImage = (i)=>{
try {
const request = getResponse(i);
images = [...images,...request];
// here you will get all the images in an array
} catch (error) {
console.log("catch error",error)
// getImage(i)
getImage(0); //call initail

React Axios API call with array loop giving wrong order?

I was learning react and doing some axios api call with an array. I did a code on gathering data through coinmarketcap api to learn.
So, my intention was to get the prices from the api with a hardcoded array of cryptocurrency ids and push them into an array of prices. But I ran into a problem with the prices array, as the prices were all jumbled up. I was supposed to get an array in this order
[bitcoinprice, ethereumprice, stellarprice, rippleprice]
but when I ran it in the browser, the prices came randomly and not in this order, sometimes I got my order, sometimes it didn't. I used a button which onClick called the getPrice method. Does anyone know what went wrong with my code? Thanks!
this.state = {
this.getPrice = this.getPrice.bind(this);
const cryptos = this.state.cryptos;
for (var i = 0; i < cryptos.length; i++){
const cryptoUrl = '' + cryptos[i];
.then((response) => {
const data =[0];
.catch((error) => {
If you want to receive the data in the order of the asynchronous calls you make, you can use Promise.all, that waits until all the promises of an array get executed and are resolved, returning the values in the order they were executed.
const cryptos = ['bitcoin', 'ethereum', 'stellar', 'ripple'];
const arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < cryptos.length; i++){
const cryptoUrl = '' + cryptos[i];
Promise.all(arr).then((response) => => console.log([0].name,[0].price_usd))
).catch((err) => console.log(err));
You could use a closure in the for loop to capture the value of i and use it as the index once the data is returned rather than using push:
const cryptos = this.state.cryptos;
for (var i = 0; i < cryptos.length; i++) {
const cryptoUrl = '' + cryptos[i];
(function (x) {
.then((response) => {
const data =[0];
var newPrices = this.state.prices;
newPrices[x] = data.price_usd;
this.setState({prices: newPrices});
.catch((error) => {
